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Sampson & McFadden Families

Sampson & McFadden Families

Henry Sampson was born in Orbington, Kent, England in 1830. He came to Canada in 1859 to work with the Hudson Bay company in Fort Rupert, it is thought that he came to Salt Spring Island in that same year. He became the first policeman on the island. It was rumoured that he spoke various Native languages. He married Lucy Peatson, a woman from Kuper Island. They had 14 children, and married in 1905 after they were all born.

Lucy Peatson is the daughter of Pierre Hulkalakstun and Polly Capilano from the Penelakut nation (Kuper Island).

One of Lucy Peatson and Henry Sampson daughters Emily married their neighbour, the son of William and Elizabeth Whims. They had nine children and resided in Fulford Harbour before they sold their land to John Sparrow.

Audio Files

Sampson Family Reunion - 3 September 1989
Sampson Family Reunion - 3 September 1989

Sampson Family - Sept. 3, 1989

Accession number: 9890140012005007002

Edward Rossman, son of Edward Rosman and Mary Rosman (née Johnson) of Metchosin


Accession number: 9890140042005007002

Accession number: 9890140052005007002

(right) Laura Georgina (McFadden) Silvey


Accession number: 9890140062005007002

John L Silvey and Laura Georgina (McFadden)

Accession number: 9890140072005007002

Laura Georgina (McFadden) Silvey on Burril Road, Galiano Island


Accession number: 9890140082005007002

Laura Georgina (McFadden) Silvey

Accession number: 9890140092005007002

Accession number: 9890140102005007002

Caroline (McFadden) Mrs. James Ryan


Accession number: 9890140112005007002

(left) Agnes (McFadden) Hedger

Accession number: 9890140122005007002

McFadden Family

Accession number: 9890140132005007002

William McFadden Jr.

Accession number: 9890140142005007002

Accession number: 9890140152005007002

Downtown Ganges

Accession number: 9890140162005007002

Sampson Farm

Salt Spring Island

Accession number: 9890140172005007002

Accession number: 9890140182005007002

Amy - Matha - John Jr.
Children of Ellen Geogina Mahaffey née Rosman

Accession number: 9890140192005007002

Accession number: 9890140202005007002

William and Martha Mary McFadden (née Rosman) -
centre: William Edwin McFadden

Dennice Goudie

Accession number: 9890140212005007002

Accession number: 9890140222005007002

North Vesuvius School 1929

Accession number: 9890140232005007002

North Vesuvius School 1940

Accession number: 9890140242005007002

Sampson Family 1959

Accession number: 9890140252005007002

Chester and Elizabeth Sampson Family

Accession number: 9890140262005007002

Accession number: 9890140272005007002

Henry Sampson

Accession number: 9890140282005007002

Standing is my Grandfather “Donald Neil Beaton”
sitting on the far right is my grandmother “Mary-Ann Beaton née Caffery”
to her left is a child, my uncle Ed.
on the far left is my infamous Great Grandmother “Mary-Ann Caffery née McFadden” (Granny Caffery) (Her husband Thomas Caffery was drowned one Christmas day as he paddled to a neighbouring island to get Christmas presents for his 7 children.)

Doug Beaton

Accession number: 9890140292005007002

Henry Sampson

Henry Sampson, born on Christmas Day in 1830, son of James Sampson and Lydia Richards. Henry was born and lived between Orpington and St. Mary Cray, Kent, England. Henry Sampson arrived in BC on board the Norman Morison (a Hudson Bay Company Barkentine). He made his home in BC and settled on Salt Spring Island from 1859 to his death in 1919.

Accession number: 9890140302005007002

Laura and John Silvey

Accession number: 9890140312005007002

Irene McFadden - Laura and John Silvey - Joseph Silvey

Accession number: 9890140322005007002

Accession number: 9890140332005007002

seated centre: Martha

“A family gathering for Martha, who is seated in the middle behind Edwin. She came back to Canada for first visit since a young child from USA.”

Photo taken in Ladysmith

Accession number: 9890140342005007002

James McFadden (HBC employee, farmer... involved with a minimum of 2 “country wives” -- on maternal side I am descended from two of the liasions -- Susan Hughes .. then BROWN née McFadden and William McFadden
(Mary Moody -- Heilsuik F.N.)

[Dennice Goudie]

Accession number: 9890140362005007002

Lucy Peatson and Henry Sampson while at Kuper island, B.C. 1904.

February 24, 1904, Kuper Island, British Columbia, Canada.
Left to right, front: Groom, Edward Rosman, Bride; May F. Sampson, Bridesmaid; Caroline McFadden (Groom’s niece, later Mrs Jim Ryan)

Left to right, back: Lucy Peatson (brides mother), Henry Sampson (Bride’s father), Martha (Rosman) McFadden (Groom’s sister), unknown man (could possibly be Jim Ryan ?), William McFadden (Groom’s brother-in-law), unknown man (could possibly be William T. Cotsford ?).

Photograph taken at the Church of England, Lamalchi Bay, Kuper Island, B.C.

Accession number: edwardrosman2005007002

Lady Minto Hospital

Accession number: 9890140402005007002