Accession Number | |||
Date | October 2020 | ||
Media | digital recording | Audio | mp3 √ |
duration | 88 & 14 min. |
442A_Ken-Sampson_First-Nations_Fernwood-Area_Oct-2020.mp3, 442B_Ken-Sampson_First-Nations_Fernwood-Area_Oct-2020.mp3
Part One
Part Two
Part One
Unknown Speaker 0:03
It's October 2 2020. I'm going to be going for a walk with Ken Sampson in the Fernwood area at his old farm
Unknown Speaker 0:25
he's just gonna pick me up in his truck
Unknown Speaker 0:41
boy this is a pretty slick looking truck can very nice. I've got my recorder going. Oh yeah, we can catch all your words of wisdom morning. Oh, see what you can do. It's a beautiful morning. It is.
Unknown Speaker 1:02
We'll go down to that farm road that ends up in there. Okay, and then I'm not walking through the wet grass. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:11
so all this long here from the dock all the way down. Going to the right of the dock was all the Samson property
Unknown Speaker 1:17
years and years ago. That was first settlement. How
Unknown Speaker 1:23
far did the frontage go down the road here?
Unknown Speaker 1:25
Right to where the grass ends. You'll be able to see when we get down. Okay. All right.
Unknown Speaker 1:38
Was it this big when you were a kid? Had it already been divided up that it
Unknown Speaker 1:42
was divided? All that ends their road here
Unknown Speaker 1:54
that road right there. We're gonna see that fire hydrant that was there. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:59
okay. That's a good marker for me. All right. I'll make a note of that. That little turnover on the right hand side. Okay, good to know. So Can Can I have your permission now that we started Can I have your permission to record our talk today? Okay, thank
Unknown Speaker 2:25
you so we're just gonna head up this little side road off of Fernwood road. So is this an official driveway at some time?
Unknown Speaker 2:39
While people have bought it, they punch this in. Okay. And that runs right up through to Sampson road.
Unknown Speaker 2:46
Oh, that's nice. Right. So how big is the acreage that's left now here? Used to be
Unknown Speaker 2:56
660 61 Harold sold it and then it was divided. Cut down again.
Unknown Speaker 3:03
And was Harold your brother? Right. Okay. So, just for the sake of the history, let's start at the beginning. So your grandfather you can explain?
Unknown Speaker 3:15
Yeah. Grandfather settled here in 1859. And what was his name? Henry. Henry Sampson. He came up from Kent on the Norman Morrison. Okay. And when they got here, when he came here, I think they stopped. Walkers hook and then they had to walk the beach along to here. And
Unknown Speaker 3:42
had they already predetermined that this was going to be where they would settle. Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 3:48
I kind of think he was over a little bit earlier not to check it out. Get set up for where he wants to settle.
Unknown Speaker 4:01
Do you have the impression when he came? You said they got off at Walker hook. So would there have been a few of them? Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 4:07
I'm not sure what the names the other ones were but look it up I guess. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 4:17
And was he married at that time? Or
Unknown Speaker 4:19
did he later married out here?
Unknown Speaker 4:23
Do you have any idea how he met Lucy? Is that that was your god
Unknown Speaker 4:26
trait? Yeah, well, he was working up and down the coast. I guess somewhere along roadie matter
Unknown Speaker 4:35
she was practically neighbor because where was it? Was it Lucy pizza? Yeah. Now
Unknown Speaker 4:45
so and they had 11 Children 1313 or missing
Unknown Speaker 4:51
14. One. We're going to see the 14th up here was a grave site right
Unknown Speaker 4:59
and And now we get this state was this the 13th So there was this was the family that was mostly girls
Unknown Speaker 5:07
great loving girls. The rest of the boys
Unknown Speaker 5:12
and then in your generation it flipped, right? Not amazing.
Unknown Speaker 5:16
Boys. Two girls
Unknown Speaker 5:24
No wonder your family reunions are so
Unknown Speaker 5:25
huge right
Unknown Speaker 5:28
so all this must be really familiar territory to you right?
Unknown Speaker 5:32
So all around through here
Unknown Speaker 5:35
so Henry had the property any idea how big the property was when Henry and Lucy had it went right from
Unknown Speaker 5:43
the war right through to the top road. Right then cut across to the lake. Oh, in the neighborhood of 300 acres.
Unknown Speaker 5:53
And how much did they clear in their time? Just this field here on our right
Unknown Speaker 5:58
right then the next one up top here
Unknown Speaker 6:05
would it taken a number of years here all that space
Unknown Speaker 6:11
what do you think this would have been heavily treed with for a long time?
Unknown Speaker 6:16
Could you tell by the old stumps used to be around here
Unknown Speaker 6:26
does it feel familiar when you walk here now?
Unknown Speaker 6:28
It's a little heavier bush here that used to be the undergrowth right here. This was all through here. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 6:38
let me just get a picture that was that first okay so this thing think this would have been the first field that was clear
Unknown Speaker 6:51
I think one we're heading up to would be I believe because that's where the house was
Unknown Speaker 7:09
get some good photos of you today. Oh good luck. I give it a shot or two
Unknown Speaker 7:22
so this is the second field that was cleared here that we see that's closer to the water
Unknown Speaker 7:26
Yeah, yeah, that's where the the gate is down over there where the sawdust pile is right.
Unknown Speaker 7:34
So they've been doing a bit of logging Do you think
Unknown Speaker 7:36
no, they they hold some logs in Oh Milgrom up
Unknown Speaker 7:42
now what about this water this way here?
Unknown Speaker 7:45
This is new. Because this is always wet in through here. I guess you're taking advantage of the water.
Unknown Speaker 7:53
So they've dug a bit of a pond or something
Unknown Speaker 8:01
so Henry and Lucy had it and then did it did the property pass directly from them to your father Chester's
Unknown Speaker 8:12
except for this 60 acre spot Harold had done because he was the only boy born or the only one born when my grandfather passed away. Oh, I see. Then Dad had the rest.
Unknown Speaker 8:26
So your your father was born after I got the look that up. Chester. Okay. Oh, I see.
Unknown Speaker 8:33
Yeah, he was the youngest right of Henry's boys. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 8:38
So the two boys ended up with the property. Nope.
Unknown Speaker 8:41
The other one was killed up in Port Alberni in an accident logging so just Chester
Unknown Speaker 8:52
sad for the family to lose that boy right of course I've got a bit of an incline here about words right.
Unknown Speaker 9:02
But they've done a lot of curry here since they put the road in
Unknown Speaker 9:14
anywhere there lots of trails and things back through here when you were kid. Yeah, it
Unknown Speaker 9:17
was sort of like this. But this was all cleared at one time. Oh, was that yep to about here. So
Unknown Speaker 9:24
we're half about halfway up this road right back road was all cleared in here.
Unknown Speaker 9:31
Now why would you have cleared in among the bushes but it wasn't clear for like to
Unknown Speaker 9:35
join in with the field. Okay. And then just grew up again like this.
Unknown Speaker 9:40
But there was always trees but it was the underbrush was cleared out away
Unknown Speaker 9:44
from it. The whole ground, please, no.
Unknown Speaker 9:48
Oh my gosh. So this is all easily second growth, right.
Unknown Speaker 9:54
So these trees would be 100 years old. No. 18 Add oh
Unknown Speaker 10:00
yeah the ones over here the big cedars up here would be this second group here yes
Unknown Speaker 10:08
that's what I meant the second growth Oh of course second
Unknown Speaker 10:26
big leaf maples in here to
Unknown Speaker 10:27
right mix and some maple cedar
Unknown Speaker 10:32
is this older older Beautiful
Unknown Speaker 10:48
isn't it nice so that it exists as it is is it an ALR piece Do you know
Unknown Speaker 10:51
yes I believe
Unknown Speaker 11:09
you're gonna need that after school and after this hike
Unknown Speaker 11:12
snack a little bit of it already was a good good
Unknown Speaker 11:18
second breakfast oh my gosh that is a huge cedar right get a picture that can you just stay there Kim no Cougar snow
Unknown Speaker 11:33
with this very phone through your hair. Recently Oh no. When a long time ago when this road was first put in. And look all over the face of that phone. The deer run behind the tree covered over. Oh, I guess a cougar nailed them here. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 11:53
I see. I remember you telling us that story. And then why would they? Why would they just cover up the Cougar so nothing will find it? Oh, so they come back later. Right? Oh, interesting. Can you state maybe step back a little bit at the Cougar tree it's dark in here. Hang on a second
Unknown Speaker 12:19
that's better. Get in a bit closer you could pull my camera and get you
Unknown Speaker 12:32
well could have we could have a camera face on. Thanks can put that around my neck
Unknown Speaker 12:45
so you think that tree is at least 100 years old.
Unknown Speaker 12:51
Single feature but it died a few years back when a lot of the trees are dying.
Unknown Speaker 12:59
Well, they still aren't they Yeah, drought. Yes. And this one looks pretty healthy though. Must have sucked everything that we've had to give. One of the lucky ones. Yeah. And
Unknown Speaker 13:09
it's three, three or four prongs to it
Unknown Speaker 13:17
and then in behind the scenes the dead one.
Unknown Speaker 13:19
Yes. Yeah, it's very sad all over the island. You see a lot of dead cedar.
Unknown Speaker 13:26
Now would you remember this tree is a boy? Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because it was kind of a trail through here.
Unknown Speaker 13:32
Can see actually a little bit? Would that be a bit of a deer trail? Yeah, maybe? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:40
Who used it last, I guess are still using it.
Unknown Speaker 13:42
So just so I get it straight again. So originally, it was 600 acres about no. Oh, 300 300. Sorry, see already don't have it straight. 300 acres and when you were a child, it was how big?
Unknown Speaker 13:55
It was just up as far as North North End Road.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
Okay, so that bid had been carved off. Right. Okay. So how many acres do you think
Unknown Speaker 14:05
would been 100 left? Okay, because Harold about 60. And then 40 was divided the rest of the kids
Unknown Speaker 14:16
so you still had a good you know? 100 acres for how many kids?
Unknown Speaker 14:22
There you'd have an acre each field of the grave. Well,
Unknown Speaker 14:29
let's go see the grave. Okay. You're here
Unknown Speaker 14:33
to explain to me just again. So because we started from this part whose grave This is and what that was about
Unknown Speaker 14:38
one of them Henry Luce, these boys. The middle boy. Oh, really? The three boys. Henry was the little guy. I'll let you go first. Okay, It's
Unknown Speaker 15:06
clear that you
Unknown Speaker 15:08
know bit overgrown here to the to the current owners know about the grave
Unknown Speaker 15:12
oh yeah yeah well that's good when they were looking at the place they took I walked all the way around with them and took them over here and show them Oh,
Unknown Speaker 15:21
that's good I'm glad I must feel good for you to know that your ancestors are being taken care of
Unknown Speaker 15:28
old Greek windfall
Unknown Speaker 15:32
Oh are we gonna have to leap over logs
Unknown Speaker 15:36
no this deer trail here's yeah
Unknown Speaker 15:52
spider webs That's why I told you to go first
Unknown Speaker 16:27
there's a fence line up there so
Unknown Speaker 16:31
one back of Malizia
Unknown Speaker 16:33
oh I see okay we're that far over right
Unknown Speaker 16:52
wow that's a big theaters come down there right
Unknown Speaker 17:03
talk about dead dry cedars. Hey,
Unknown Speaker 17:06
that was an old one.
Unknown Speaker 17:07
Oh, yeah, it was hollow in the middle. Oh, I
Unknown Speaker 17:12
see. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 17:16
so there's two twin cedars left
Unknown Speaker 17:23
and then this big big guy that would have made a sudden the night came pretty close Yeah, I bet it did. Oh, I see. I didn't realize we're right at the grave let me help you I'll put this stuff down
Unknown Speaker 17:47
just clean up this grave site
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Albert Henry may 1874 to February 1875 He wouldn't very old canal
Unknown Speaker 18:24
with a loss to the family. Oh yeah.
Unknown Speaker 18:34
Now how far would this graveside have been from the hope? The time
Unknown Speaker 18:39
when we leave here will go that way and I can show you where the house was.
Unknown Speaker 18:43
Okay. So not too far away. No.
Unknown Speaker 18:48
That's nice. So the family would have come
Unknown Speaker 18:50
here. Right. regularly to visit their brother
Unknown Speaker 18:53
and son. Hello Elbert handling
Unknown Speaker 19:01
did they go did it go? Did he go by Albert or? We call them Henry.
Unknown Speaker 19:04
I think it might have been They probably went by Henry or Albert and okay because that was his dad's name Henry. He would have been either the first boy or the second boy or my dad was born after that. The US Henry in his name.
Unknown Speaker 19:27
Oh, did they write oh they put it back Can
Unknown Speaker 19:31
we William Henry?
Unknown Speaker 19:34
A namesake and then another namesake? Right.
Unknown Speaker 19:43
Well, there wasn't much here when I started looking for it. Is that right? Just a few of the rocks. They have changed underneath here. But from here to here. Then I started adding more rocks just to I keep it
Unknown Speaker 20:02
so these rocks to the to the right of the stone are from you right yeah but this more mound of the grave is original Do you mind if I take a photo of it go ahead Thank you get my stuff out of the way move your camera over to
Unknown Speaker 20:35
just get a shot to just put a couple of rocks in place again I'll get a shot of you with it
Unknown Speaker 21:24
so this would be your great uncle
Unknown Speaker 21:27
great so right I got that right right
Unknown Speaker 21:42
oh great yeah uncle
Unknown Speaker 21:45
let me step back just a little bit closer
Unknown Speaker 21:50
yeah that's good they're just look up at me here that's good thank you let's get a shot of the gravesite
Unknown Speaker 22:15
so when did you do the stone
Unknown Speaker 22:17
this painting
Unknown Speaker 22:19
Unknown Speaker 22:19
oh quite a few years ago now my lesson for it I found the stone that I wanted to paint on
Unknown Speaker 22:35
from here so
Unknown Speaker 22:39
oh it was right here this stone yeah
Unknown Speaker 22:47
you were the one to do this
Unknown Speaker 23:00
this big stone growing in between the trees
Unknown Speaker 23:07
no sort of other members of the family come out here had they had come out here in the past?
Unknown Speaker 24:46
Been a wild
Unknown Speaker 24:58
good says feel comfortable
Unknown Speaker 25:09
with the Hall of Fame member it Oh, yes. Good. So was it like tall and hollow? You could walk right into it
Unknown Speaker 25:16
or No, we're just the whole I think raccoons. Oh, okay. Wow.
Unknown Speaker 25:22
So how long ago do you think that came down? That's new to you. Is
Unknown Speaker 25:25
it? Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 25:31
Yeah, yeah. That makes sense.
Unknown Speaker 25:35
It was good. There used to be a deer trail
Unknown Speaker 25:45
you can take a picture of this rock. Okay. I've got your camera in my arm
Unknown Speaker 26:22
Do you have any idea of who would have had the property next door at the time? It doesn't look it up. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 26:29
Because Wescott was the last one. I remember. Wescott. Yeah. They had the farm house and they sold that part. And they had a house here.
Unknown Speaker 26:40
Frank there's a Westcott road down there. Right. So, actually, just from here, maybe you could tell me did. Did this have any inspiration for you in terms of putting markers underneath the dock at all? Or?
Unknown Speaker 27:02
Yeah, I started. When my first brother passed away. Then his daughter did the firt put his name on Albert.
Unknown Speaker 27:11
Under the dock. Right. And whose idea was it to do that underneath the dock? I
Unknown Speaker 27:16
guess they had it. Because he came down to spread his ashes or whatever we were doing right
Unknown Speaker 27:23
and sorry, which brother? Was it?
Unknown Speaker 27:27
third oldest, okay.
Unknown Speaker 27:29
Yeah. And his daughter had the idea. So his is the first was the first marker under there. Right.
Unknown Speaker 27:35
Then after that, I started I carried on
Unknown Speaker 27:42
and how many markers are there down there now? Do you think
Unknown Speaker 27:49
and did you have your proper plates made for them or something? Did you I mean, you
Unknown Speaker 27:53
know, just painted on the wall. They are just
Unknown Speaker 27:55
painted on the rock. Right? Somebody at one point it asked about maybe having? Yeah, plates? Is that something you'd like to have done?
Unknown Speaker 28:02
Probably. Yeah. Well, I go down every twice a year and clean it.
Unknown Speaker 28:08
Yeah. Do you twice a year.
Unknown Speaker 28:14
Pretty over done earlier on in the year. Looks pretty good. Next time I go down as just before Remembrance Day. cleaned it up?
Unknown Speaker 28:29
I wonder we will have to talk maybe but whether you'd like to see that that done if we could you know name? plaques? Yeah, that wouldn't be a good idea. We could raise some funds or something and have them. I don't know. How do you? Can you drill into the rock then? Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:43
Can I have the material?
Unknown Speaker 28:47
And cement it? And
Unknown Speaker 28:49
or they haven't studied the names under under the dock. Are they all direct relatives of your family? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 28:56
they're all my brothers and sisters. Two sisters and the rest of brothers. Okay. There's only two boys left. Myself and Charlie Charlie.
Unknown Speaker 29:09
was Charlie doing good. He's way right now, because he had some health issues, but he's feeling a bit better. Yeah, he's
Unknown Speaker 29:15
keen to do that. Okay. Good. I'm glad I'm pretty good. Good. Boy went up to the Oman. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 29:26
Get that up again. That's an interesting shape rock.
Unknown Speaker 29:33
There we go. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 29:35
so it looks very tidy. I get a shot right on top. You hold on to that again. I can send you some of these if you like.
Unknown Speaker 29:55
You want your camera? Yeah, I'll take a picture but I have one picture of it. All right. Let me get out of the way with your recorder yep
Unknown Speaker 30:12
change too much
Unknown Speaker 30:41
me get a picture of you just standing there Kim
Unknown Speaker 31:00
no less than a year Hey right
Unknown Speaker 31:07
yeah and in boy children were really important oh yeah Weren't they too right so
Unknown Speaker 31:14
just my dead company knew we're breaking this ground they were using oxen to pull stumps and everything plowing and all that and when he was younger they decide you're going to run away and just take off dogs Yeah, he's dead take the plow Oh to stop the
Unknown Speaker 31:40
Yeah, you needed the powerful beasts and powerful Manta
Unknown Speaker 31:46
for people but imagine trees have been like this all over the place
Unknown Speaker 31:55
hard to imagine how they engineered that sort of feat to bring down something like that and then to get the roots out
Unknown Speaker 32:01
right there's next one coming down
Unknown Speaker 32:05
which one here yeah crack
Unknown Speaker 32:14
breaking off in here
Unknown Speaker 32:15
Unknown Speaker 32:23
quite the grove of cedars in here though. There must be there must be or have been a fair water source here with
Unknown Speaker 32:32
greening down the hill from up above. Okay, you just missed the open field here now there's a lot of water coming down that road we walked up and got washed partly washed out there one time
Unknown Speaker 32:44
and before with so many more trees and undergrowth and stuff you wouldn't have seen it quite as you do now know
Unknown Speaker 32:54
so we're gonna head back up towards the field to see where the house was
Unknown Speaker 33:28
was it did you mention something too about a witness tree remember talking about that or somebody else mentioning that up here or somewhere on the around the north end here
Unknown Speaker 33:47
I don't know.
Unknown Speaker 33:49
It's a bit clearer here can to go around.
Unknown Speaker 34:44
A lot of it's growing in here and over
Unknown Speaker 34:49
here, right along this line, right.
Unknown Speaker 34:54
You just point to that again, so I can see where the field would have been. Yeah, All right near the maple tree okay
Unknown Speaker 35:12
all those animals that goats and pigs oh yeah
Unknown Speaker 35:19
kids out there are these those their children that has the farm,
Unknown Speaker 35:25
I guess oh maybe it could be Claire and they said they were coming out at 10 Okay, walk over in all right say hi. Yeah where we are what we're doing all right
Unknown Speaker 35:44
I've got good shoes on for wet feet How about you again so this is the original field though that would have been
Unknown Speaker 35:53
this is the only degrees my grandfather planted the
Unknown Speaker 35:59
ones around the edges here they're crossed that way
Unknown Speaker 36:13
can you just I can get a shot to your right there can just gonna go across so hang on a sec. Yeah, no, that's to stay right there. Just gonna get to shoot as across the whole thing
Unknown Speaker 36:32
Okay, that's good
Unknown Speaker 36:38
news trees here. I think that's all a lie. Like, my grandmother would have planted them right in behind. That's your log hope.
Unknown Speaker 36:49
So about where the truck is, for instance, up the hill a little bit up the hill from the truck. Okay. Is there anything left at marks where it was? Or
Unknown Speaker 36:59
there was a bunch of stones from the fireplace that no they're not that route in here was one of the green gesture yellow plum trees coming up again, but it just got choked out
Unknown Speaker 37:19
by the blackberries. Yeah, but looks like they've cleared out these blackberries, haven't they? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 37:25
Gonna have a look at
Unknown Speaker 37:49
tree here
Unknown Speaker 37:51
from trees here. See they're all disappearing. So I'm going to try and get take a walk around windy and get a map of them marked one so they know. Right? That's a good idea. Because then eventually they'd be gone and nobody know what they were. No. A lot of them I don't know that. Apple trees here. That's pear tree. There used to be big cherry tree right at the top end of those nettles there.
Unknown Speaker 38:24
Okay, just to the left of the truck, right? Yeah. Would you mind standing over there on the road and I'll get a tree with these trees Yeah, I was looking for a little starter tree but I don't see anything just go over about 10 feet that way and
Unknown Speaker 38:54
did you like when you lived here or later on? You were making juice out of the apples. Right
Unknown Speaker 39:08
well, it's still producing isn't it? Oh, yeah. Whatever their 60 year old aptitude what kind of apples do you think those are? Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 39:17
apples to apples. Yeah, there's not too many. I know the names of the apples but it's one to two apples. Three apple trees. I know that bottom pairs that vicar pair and then when this site is a big pair. Wonder pair.
Unknown Speaker 39:44
So this little grove I'm looking at of at least what are there maybe eight trees out there
Unknown Speaker 39:52
seven anyway. So
Unknown Speaker 39:54
several pear trees at the very least Yeah, that sounds like a woman's voice up they're
Unknown Speaker 40:12
gonna run us down. Go home for radar a lot of people up here are having their own choice. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 40:27
I think we want to build up here for some reason. Well it's beautiful spot
Unknown Speaker 40:38
on your black friends John every year that truck Yeah, whose was it? Bridget, one of the owners bought off Harold. Okay. Are you doing Hi?
Unknown Speaker 40:51
Yeah, it looks like it would have seen a few BlackBerry brambles
Unknown Speaker 40:55
when it would have been getting off road tracks. Now I see this is flattened, but some of these rocks here probably from
Unknown Speaker 41:13
and then after that, I just thought was fun. There was a great big barn here. And storage shed there. Then another one here. Sorry, shed.
Unknown Speaker 41:28
Do we have that on a map somewhere?
Unknown Speaker 41:30
No. I probably want to do is I'd like to mark all the trees and name the ones that I know. Yeah, I want to do that one page. Next page. I want to add the buildings so they can remember. Nice. So if it's okay, and then I'll give you the copy. Would you find another one?
Unknown Speaker 41:57
Hi, I'm Chris. I assume you all know Ken. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 42:02
I think last time I
Unknown Speaker 42:06
went down the hill.
Unknown Speaker 42:08
And watch out for read
Unknown Speaker 42:11
some of the teachers from Fernwood Elementary and we are walking them through because they're going to be bringing their classrooms here. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 42:17
did you call it I'm Chris Marshall from the archives of Historical Society. Somebody did contact us to ask about to ask it what Charlie hadn't talked to you about that yet. But, but I I was gonna pitch you as backup.
Unknown Speaker 42:33
I'm Megan. Hi, Megan Bridget, we teach the Beauteous classroom at
Unknown Speaker 42:39
Fernwood. Okay, what does it mean? Sure
Unknown Speaker 42:41
classrooms, right. And then there are two other teachers in the program. Alison Bain, who teaches the older class and Claire Yakubu ski and she teaches the soundings which is the key one.
Unknown Speaker 42:52
Okay. I don't know why they named Claire's. It's so familiar. But I have the
Unknown Speaker 42:55
email so to meet with Allison can a couple of years ago in her classroom,
Unknown Speaker 43:01
it Fernwood. Right, when we think we did some drumming for the your class. And
Unknown Speaker 43:07
so that was the cedars class. That's the eldest of the nature based classes. Right. And she said that it was it was a really amazing experience having you in and it's such a strange time. I don't know if you're at all interested in in having involvement under the present circumstances. I wonder if there's any way we could meet safely at this. Okay, I have exactly outside here. Would you feel safe with children? Oh, yeah. Outside.
Unknown Speaker 43:39
Math. Yeah. But next two weeks, I'm going to be busy. And doing double time on everything. And then I'm gone for a couple of weeks or till the end of October,
Unknown Speaker 43:56
I will pass your number on to them. And then you guys can just chat. All right.
Unknown Speaker 44:00
That's no problem. Because I was supposed to do that walk down with the kids to Fernwood. And I waited and I never heard any more
Unknown Speaker 44:14
force base up there and and maybe you can show them
Unknown Speaker 44:17
three things that you know, around here in the
Unknown Speaker 44:20
land. I think they would just be so interested to know that and it would, it would make it that much more. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Interesting.
Unknown Speaker 44:32
One more time. Well, we, we it doesn't need to be right away. Yeah. No, but yeah, Stan, you're really one of the nice things like
Unknown Speaker 44:40
you'll want whether
Unknown Speaker 44:42
that's the only thing Yeah, no, nobody wants sure the kids are used to around muck
Unknown Speaker 44:47
around can
Unknown Speaker 44:48
might. You might be more comfortable if it's
Unknown Speaker 44:51
time for you, but two kids are thinking of
Unknown Speaker 44:55
we have the kids because their parents haven't enrolled them. In a nature program, right you have rain pants and a raincoat. Oh, yeah. Megan has no such thing as bad weather. No.
Unknown Speaker 45:07
Just west coast clothing. West Coast weather
Unknown Speaker 45:10
and me. Are you able you could drive right up here? Maybe can?
Unknown Speaker 45:15
Yeah, yeah. Probably they'd want to start up by the school come down through. That would be perfect. We were going to come down to Furman on a good day and check out the dock and things like that. That could be
Unknown Speaker 45:31
a part of that. We watched the weather forecast.
Unknown Speaker 45:36
November December. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 45:38
right. Yeah. Sometimes you do see a window of likely. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 45:45
Yeah, I'll see what like when I get back from my holiday. Then redoing I gotta rewire for a camper and one coming in one going out. Where are you going up to lack the hash.
Unknown Speaker 46:00
Oh, nice. It's so lovely out there. Oh, yeah. My mother lives up in Cornell. Oh, yeah. But she's my birth mother. And I haven't known her all my life. So I'm only only been up a couple of times. But
Unknown Speaker 46:12
it's lovely territory. A day like this would be perfect up there. Yeah. Changing scores country, right. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 46:19
Have you got relatives up there canner? Hunting or what do you do?
Unknown Speaker 46:24
A nephew and a niece? No. Okay, because my brother lived 104 He worked here for years is the hydro.
Unknown Speaker 46:33
Hydro or? No? Oh, another. So many brothers. Brothers.
Unknown Speaker 46:40
I had 11 Brothers. 10. brothers, two sisters, two sisters
Unknown Speaker 46:45
and 11. Brother
Unknown Speaker 46:48
10. Brother. Sorry, 10. Brother. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 46:51
Yeah, before you come with Ken, if you're interested, you might want to get you know, we can give you some back history to Ken's family, the family tree. So helpful. And some photos you probably have some stuff about
Unknown Speaker 47:02
Charles Kahn's book. And I know that the Samson family are definitely in the book, but not too.
Unknown Speaker 47:08
If you go to the Archives website, you'll be able to see there's a write up on the Samsung family and we do have other information as well. But it's very and the First Nations elements of course, too. So it's a nice tie in for the kids when
Unknown Speaker 47:22
you're standing right where the old house used to be. The original Henry Sampson was somebody who's rock here. I think you're from the fireplace.
Unknown Speaker 47:37
I'm Chris, by the way, sorry. Ellis Ellis. Hi. Nice to meet you. Also, thank you very much for for having us. Or let us record this history of cam we have it a jury snatches, but it's always different when you're on the land. You know, those place based kind of memories are so important and
Unknown Speaker 47:53
yeah, we just cleaned up the site.
Unknown Speaker 47:57
The grave? Oh, yeah. Oh, okay. Yeah, we visited for a long have. You found lots of treasures. Yeah. I found that your old grain mill. Oh, yeah. Right.
Unknown Speaker 48:05
I wouldn't doubt it. Because these be after the house when there was that kind of a storage shed here. But for the horses. Everything fit in there
Unknown Speaker 48:21
are a couple of couple test polls for phones. Oh, yeah. They're the spring a little bit the one that we looked at, right? Yeah. Okay. Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker 48:31
bet you still wet this person. But this is a good, good spot, because that's where all the water drains. Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 48:44
Whose car did you say this?
Unknown Speaker 48:45
Was our endurance. He owned it. I guess you bought off him, didn't you? Oh, really? Yeah. Yeah, he had all this, like 60 acres here. And then he had nominations over the mountain area. donated for reserve. He's he's passed away a few years back. I haven't heard or seen him his wife lately. Maybe I'll speak to her. I think she's still overweight rock.
Unknown Speaker 49:17
Who's that? Ingrid Sinisa
Unknown Speaker 49:18
in Bridson? Yeah. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 49:20
Tell me okay. Well, we better keep walking but looking forward to a couple of apple varieties and yeah,
Unknown Speaker 49:27
I'm gonna, I'm gonna have marked and named the ones that I know.
Unknown Speaker 49:38
You get some of those little copper tags, you know that you can hang on at stake. And we'll map it
Unknown Speaker 49:43
to Yeah, it's been a bit of a journey just clearing this area. Yeah. Different metal
Unknown Speaker 49:49
sort of thing. Right. And you said you found a grinding stone
Unknown Speaker 49:53
Yeah, I was actually playing to screen this for Oh, yes. And stuff. So I'll probably find everything. Yeah, down. One day we were taking a test bone and I must have been where they dumped the batteries because I imagined back in the old days, there was no garbage dump. But I found all like, where they dumped the batteries. I was like, wow, yeah, I should show you them actually.
Unknown Speaker 50:16
Yeah. I don't remember seeing anything around there. Because it was always wet there hardly went through there. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 50:25
Right in the wet spot
Unknown Speaker 50:27
the truck dogs out there for a while because it was what they
Unknown Speaker 50:34
what other sorts of treasures have you found in here? Ellis grinding stone and miscellaneous X heavy
Unknown Speaker 50:44
metal equipment.
Unknown Speaker 50:46
We did a lot of metals.
Unknown Speaker 50:49
A little bit but mostly she
Unknown Speaker 50:51
was getting get rid of these rocks because it's really hard to mow and bow. Yeah. Yeah, probably. Right.
Unknown Speaker 50:58
It's a nice idea. What you might find. She may be a house rock. The old chimney that might be kind of nice. Building.
Unknown Speaker 51:06
I can remember just a pile of rock there from the chimney. My dad pulled it down. hooks are starting to get pretty weak and the kids playing. Okay. Didn't like the kids run. They're gone with horses.
Unknown Speaker 51:23
Just leaving the chimney? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 51:26
All right. Well, we should probably
Unknown Speaker 51:28
keep going. So thanks. out there. Yeah, I think one. Good day to walk through and try and get Harold planted that walnut tree there.
Unknown Speaker 51:41
Unknown Speaker 51:42
My brother. Just was his place at one time.
Unknown Speaker 51:55
Think we're right when you take the old cherry tree down? No, no, I guess it came down by itself. It was a great big one. And it slowly died. Stayed there for years. I think that's probably a seedling from it.
Unknown Speaker 52:16
Well, sounds like they're lucky that you're on the property. Yeah. Pretty.
Unknown Speaker 52:23
Making good. Taking good stewardship of
Unknown Speaker 52:25
goats are helping to keep walking.
Unknown Speaker 52:31
What was your name again? I'm Bridget Bridget.
Unknown Speaker 52:33
Hi Bridget. Chris. Okay. And so in your with the nature program?
Unknown Speaker 52:36
Yeah. Megan and I share. She's just coming back from that leave. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 52:44
Megan bridge. Okay. I'll just, I don't know the name that name did ring a bell with me. But I'm sure. Okay. I'm sorry. It start was spelt with a K. Yes. That's why it's not ringing a bell with me. Okay, you're right there with
Unknown Speaker 52:56
a K. And I'm trying to get the pieces together to make a grant application through Saltzman foundation for the can't remember the name of it, but it's the youth. The youth grant? Yes. Right. And at first, our interest was all in indigenous sites and working with Chris are now and doing kind of a mapping project not not dissimilar to one that was done at Saltspring. Elementary with Catherine Byers ELS class. Yeah. But but just everything has just been walking through the land and hearing about the Samson's connection to this land. And we've just become really interested in looking at maybe a broader scope more of, you know, early, like, yes, indigenous settlers, because that's indigenous people on the land here. It's not disconnected from it all. But we were thinking we'd like it to be a broader lens, more of a multicultural lens. But I also in our discussions I'm it's sort of, it's getting too wide. And I'm wondering how we're going to narrow it in a way that we can accomplish what we want to do. And also trying to write a good grant working with Shannon Callen who's advising us of what's already in the works and how sometimes if you're able to work in concert with other projects that are already going you can make a more favorable application. So yeah, we've just got a lot on our minds right now.
Unknown Speaker 54:32
But um, well, you might just keep in mind that we are in phase two of a indigenous interpretation panels grant that we're going to be putting a large piece of signage down here we're working directly with Panella cat nation, as well as we're working in Ganges with several other nations because Ganges is overlapping territory. So there may be ways that you could involve the kids in Here with Panella cut, and I would just my own maybe opinion would be to this is, you know, unceded territory, Connecticut nation, this was their area and to really honor that and what and to pass it on to the kids. It's a really important message. I
Unknown Speaker 55:18
did mention to them because it was on Shirt Day on Wednesday. Yeah. That the residential school that the indigenous people from the South Island went to was on. Yeah. So they, they sort of have a reference
Unknown Speaker 55:35
point. Yeah. And you know, so when we do the unveiling, that we have Connecticut come here we go there. I don't know, just a visual for kids that really cements that, you know, is that going to happen, or the signage probably won't go into at least the spring. We're heading over to Connecticut, next week for some other meetings. And it's all about as you probably know about building relationships first, and you don't just launch in and put at the end, the words are to come from them. So it's it's all directed by my first nations, but it's just a real good basis in Canada courses is inelegant heritage, so you can tie it in that way to the assumption
Unknown Speaker 56:14
that it was counted. And Ellis who just corrected me, so
Unknown Speaker 56:18
that's yeah, it is part of the historic couch and tribes, but nations rather so. But they are the pinnacle tribe. Yeah, anyway, it was really nice to meet you. And yeah, if you can all
Unknown Speaker 56:31
Chris, what's your last name? Marshall, Chris Marshall.
Unknown Speaker 56:34
Yeah, you can find me Chris at Saltspring archives, where you can find me probably through Claire, because then her Kerry's been answering her I have worked co-managers to the archives. Okay. So um, but yeah, we're happy to keep in touch. And I hope we're hoping to have a formal kind of unveiling and it'd be nice if at least some kids were present. You'd really
Unknown Speaker 56:54
love to be Oh, my goodness.
Unknown Speaker 56:57
I sort of picture that corner and think how do we manage that? People but the visitors face? Yeah, with the trout, you know, not with this traffic. But you know, it's a three way kind of thing. So anyway, that's just maybe we'll maybe we'll collaborate with the Fernwood cafe or something.
Unknown Speaker 57:12
Can I make a connection here and correct me if my connections wrong? The work that you do is sometimes shared at the theater on Tuesdays. Is that you? Is that your organization? No. Okay, well, that's
Unknown Speaker 57:23
theater on to
Unknown Speaker 57:24
the there's, it must be a historical Oh,
Unknown Speaker 57:28
I'm sorry. Yeah, that's us. You mean? I mean, that once a month? The talks?
Unknown Speaker 57:32
Yeah. Yeah. So I mean, it hasn't happened
Unknown Speaker 57:34
for a while. Well, we just had one at Rucker Park. This week, on Wednesday.
Unknown Speaker 57:39
Okay, so that is the same, yes. Okay. So that's awesome.
Unknown Speaker 57:44
We would love to have the kids come to something, one of those that seemed appropriate ever, like we had Ken there a couple of years ago, talking about the family, etc. And I, you know, I don't know, it depends on the age of the kids, etc. But you know, it'd be nice to have this good, but there's always a problem with transport, etc. Particularly different. Yeah, I can understand the barriers.
Unknown Speaker 58:04
We can talk about public school buses transport. Yeah. At the moment.
Unknown Speaker 58:09
But even then, if there was some really keen, I don't know what what age the group goes up to the year with, but yeah, and you know, we need to talk to the high school to some keen kids that their parents could bring them to one or two talks that
Unknown Speaker 58:22
you know, my husband just had to take the kids that actually a social studies teacher at the high school. Oh, I see ship program. Oh, really interested in our
Unknown Speaker 58:31
in the local. Okay, here as well. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 58:34
I'd love to connect. Be happy to
Unknown Speaker 58:37
have. Yeah, he may not be teaching. He doesn't always teach social studies and the online shift stuff this year,
Unknown Speaker 58:44
so it's like individually? Yeah. This year is a program. It's a weird year. But he I'm sure. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 58:50
this year, so different for everyone. But what about Could I maybe just text one of you guys just because that's easier way to connect? And then you can email me maybe after? So can I put somebody's name?
Unknown Speaker 59:04
Or for sure.
Unknown Speaker 59:06
Where were you looking for?
Unknown Speaker 59:07
roelens? No, no. Well,
Unknown Speaker 59:09
I can connect with one of you. And then. So what's the number? It's
Unknown Speaker 59:13
250-221-1591. And my name is Megan Kerr. Megan, okay. I'm just gonna say Hi, Megan. Yeah, send me a text and I will connect you with all of our email.
Unknown Speaker 59:31
That's good. And that any you know, that's worth saying when you write your grant. That's always worth we've just written a grant for ours. Fingers crossed. That that there is that collaboration that you know, you might have an opportunity to have the kids, you know, connect with some of the Panella could elders here and
Unknown Speaker 59:49
that is that's just adding another layer to how we're going to mean it's gotten more and more exciting. But I know perhaps it's gotten less realistic about the scope is maybe less realistic for what we're actually going to be able to do. And I, the sense we get is having a finished product, something that might actually be usable. Yeah. You know, in the case of the owl class, they published a map that actually is usable with the stories and names, the names and stuff. So we would like to, I think if when we're making this proposal, we're able to have in our site, a finished, tangible product that is going to be regarded with more favor. So it's a new, it's a new jury. Is that the term that they use? They use? It's
Unknown Speaker 1:00:57
Oh, it's yes. Yeah, definitely. It's a whole new grant opportunity for sure.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:02
But the kids on the jury Oh, yes, that's true. Yeah. Great turnaround. Oh, that's good. Wow. So at least they wouldn't be the ones that took the application from the old class a few years ago.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:14
Wouldn't it be nice if a group of kids from here were invited by Connecticut to go to their school and a group of Connecticut kids could come love that? No, I don't. I mean, we can't talk anything in terms of that. I'm just thinking, you know, what, you know, the residential steps are still busy. I've
Unknown Speaker 1:01:31
had that in my heart for so many years. I used to teach but not with Panella kid I used to teach at Clay Womack tribal school on North Saanich. West nice road, not to Brentwood. Yeah, I know. And when I left, it's been over 10 years. Since I've taught there. I guess, 14 years ago. I really had that in my mind's eye that somehow I'd like to make that cultural connection when I was teaching there. Jan. Slay cough was teaching music at Fernwood. Okay. And the cultural teacher, and Jan got in communication. And we did a cultural exchange, but it was so ridiculously token, you know, it was late, and it was made worse by us missing the ferry and the busing situation. And it was just like, basically, we touched down, sang a song, sang a song said goodbye, you know, it was so disappointing,
Unknown Speaker 1:02:34
but your hearts were in the right place. And that's what counts, you know, also
Unknown Speaker 1:02:38
to do it in a way that is super respectful and not making an exhibit out of their culture. Exactly. Yeah. So that is what has been in in my thoughts, you know, how do you do it in a way that it's just creating interest on both sides? And nobody is like, an exhibit? Yeah, no, well,
Unknown Speaker 1:03:00
I think that day will come. It's just, you know, very small steps in terms of building those kinds of relationships and honoring them. So what you're doing is, is very admirable. I think that's really great. Hopefully, we'll connect over this one way or another. But I'm sorry, I've interrupted your or we've interrupted your visit here on a day like this. No, I know. I'm going to take photos of some of these rocks. So you can say these are probably some of the original rocks from the fireplace. All the kids
Unknown Speaker 1:03:34
can loves the kids too. So it'd be great. It was really,
Unknown Speaker 1:03:40
it was a couple of years ago. It really makes sense. Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:03:45
I don't and for you guys, your job.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:48
A lot of hand washing, treading water, just trying to, you know, finish anything because you've got to get, you know, 20 minutes, you know, 10 on either side of whatever you
Unknown Speaker 1:03:59
do. Yeah, I guess it really eats into the day to day, isn't it?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:04
She does Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Wednesday, I just had the worst day and she said, Oh, maybe it's the kids and the transition between teachers and like, no resolve. Me, I just never felt that I know to accomplish anything of any worth. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:20
that's gotta be it's just such a hard vocation to be in right now. I would think just juggling juggling everything ships,
Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
we have to really invest in the relationships and safety of course, and just and everything after that is kind of gravy. You know, it's really with numeracy and literacy. And our other our goal is to spend every afternoon outside integrating our science and our social studies, right and get our, our reading, writing. You know, word work spelling type stuff in numeracy all done in the morning and then Good afternoon is outside with integrated studies as much as we can right? I did hear that it's Alinea year
Unknown Speaker 1:05:07
oh gosh yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
That lens another factor oh here comes you're probably looking for you these guys. Okay nice to chat with you. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:17
Meghan can get back to me
Unknown Speaker 1:05:30
yeah you to take care of sort of held you up Alison Claire so you think these stones right here might have been part of the old fireplace? Oh yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:43
What about this piece of machinery? Is that just leftover
Unknown Speaker 1:05:45
from leftover it was gonna be a hay wagon but it never got that far.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:49
No but it would that be from Harold's time not from Henry's time. Yeah, Harold. Okay. Well still what age would that be that piece of equipment could be
Unknown Speaker 1:06:02
the wheels very old
Unknown Speaker 1:06:15
Unknown Speaker 1:06:27
Yeah, I think it would be neat for you to have one of those stones for me your family's fireplace so with that so the fireplace would have been around here right house
Unknown Speaker 1:06:40
right but we're just getting
Unknown Speaker 1:06:42
where the where maybe where the heat is there a little bit more hey yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:07:11
Unknown Speaker 1:07:18
have an old lamp Thank
Unknown Speaker 1:07:23
you hold that for me
Unknown Speaker 1:07:39
not working anymore no
Unknown Speaker 1:07:42
you're holding up like a light like you're holding a light fixture they're looking at me that's great that's an e o TC or a
Unknown Speaker 1:07:55
kerosene Yeah Wait Wait
Unknown Speaker 1:08:03
let's be copper or something though. Do you think to be charged like
Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
that? It's beautiful
Unknown Speaker 1:08:23
Unknown Speaker 1:08:28
lucky horseshoes Oh, that would be nice.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:37
Can that's a big horse you think? Yeah. Wow
Unknown Speaker 1:08:50
these aren't what are these old springs or something? Yeah, look at the old axe head. We'll take a picture of these couple things and then
Unknown Speaker 1:09:01
I've been there for a few days.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:02
Yeah, I'll say been some time what would that spring be off to Kenya Thank you
Unknown Speaker 1:09:24
cedar in the forest. Oh, yeah. That's been there for a long time.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:41
Down All right. So what do you guys do like a seven year or what? How did it work? We didn't follow that folks. But every so often, you know, one year you'd be there another year and be down there
Unknown Speaker 1:09:58
for the animals right?
Unknown Speaker 1:09:59
Unknown Speaker 1:10:02
Was it two main fields then?
Unknown Speaker 1:10:03
Yeah, this one and that one down below. Okay, so
Unknown Speaker 1:10:06
Oh, it's up here and then what would be in the other one? Like when you had the okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:13
Yeah, it's in pretty rough shape. I was gonna try and get it set up and paint it. Oh yeah, it was to champion. Yeah, fragile. Where's it just over there? There
Unknown Speaker 1:10:29
we can have a look at it before we leave. Okay. And there's also a car whose car that was mangled what is that? I oh wow, it looks like a spring I know Okay, let's bring on the old bottle over there. That's a beauty
Unknown Speaker 1:11:10
Yeah, I'm looking forward to seeing this place.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:12
Oh, I bet imagine what you're gonna find. Yeah. Yeah, we're gonna give that to Ken I think that's from his grant. Maybe granddad. Time knows. Five. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:28
Five cross somewhere of my big medium media.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:37
You will that for me for a minute
Unknown Speaker 1:11:49
at the big horse, yeah. Thank you very much for your help. I know. You'll put I can put it in my pocket. Yeah it's just a recording same group so I can catch bender. Oh, yeah. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 1:12:12
Unknown Speaker 1:12:22
What were you used to sift it? Oh, so you're just like
Unknown Speaker 1:12:25
a screener? Yeah. A ring. Yeah, so these rocks are from the field you guys rock? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:33
Actually, I didn't know that was that many rocks in here the only time
Unknown Speaker 1:12:45
like this just right in here the mountains with like blackberry and stuff growing over it and then they turn it all up. They're like all garbage extract
Unknown Speaker 1:13:00
good for ya. Better them than you right.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:04
The only thing is then takes a while
Unknown Speaker 1:13:06
for all of their pick. That one
Unknown Speaker 1:13:12
bottom field Yeah. Another rock pile. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
Yeah, we found you your old teapot right? We still have that car.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:20
I kind of think I got rid of that. I
Unknown Speaker 1:13:22
got a big teapot this big. Big Brown Betty kinda Oh
Unknown Speaker 1:13:25
yeah. I guess they needed in those days Okay, we're gonna
Unknown Speaker 1:13:35
follow you can see to
Unknown Speaker 1:13:38
see if it's still working any plans
Unknown Speaker 1:13:42
Yeah, I don't know if it's I don't think over work.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:45
Thank you for this for can
Unknown Speaker 1:13:54
you guys see you later hi
Unknown Speaker 1:14:10
Unknown Speaker 1:14:30
good that tree wrapping itself around the apple tree
Unknown Speaker 1:14:32
there. Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:14:33
I don't know if it's a seedling or
Unknown Speaker 1:14:34
a good eating apples. there early. Yeah. Yeah. Here's the only palm trees that came up just by themselves. They weren't planted. Okay, there we used to be a hedge along here like that. Right? They disappeared and then quite a few years later Oh, yeah. appeared here. Oh, good on
Unknown Speaker 1:14:57
nature. Yeah. Ah
Unknown Speaker 1:15:05
this is the old road into the property
Unknown Speaker 1:15:07
bottom field Okay another rock pile there
Unknown Speaker 1:15:20
wonder if they're producing you think you'd see some sign of plums on them don't see much yeah maybe these the yellow plums Purple Purple okay tell you and let you go first oh yeah no way you're catching those grabs yeah all right let's
Unknown Speaker 1:15:53
get past my place just felt like somebody threw a big veil in my face I was really into yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:16:00
this time of year they look at that and ask him oh yeah wow that is a prolific and asked us to be a bigger one and we have that like really? Oh yeah smokes Wow go really kicking. Yeah yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:16:22
I think I'll take the spider webs thank you wow
Unknown Speaker 1:16:37
well that's where ants belong in the woods
Unknown Speaker 1:16:46
so this is we're walking down the old trail to this other field, right? Yeah, we used to haul hay
Unknown Speaker 1:16:52
before the limbs renewing Oh yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:16:55
there's more big theater here.
Unknown Speaker 1:16:57
Yeah that's pretty good.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:03
guy right there. Right good.
Unknown Speaker 1:17:05
Unknown Speaker 1:17:15
okay so this is from your dad's time this cedar. Oh yeah. Now would he have built something like this or you buy it right Oh, I
Unknown Speaker 1:17:27
see it's about the metal I'm just getting closer now
Unknown Speaker 1:17:35
oh my gosh. Crazy
Unknown Speaker 1:17:43
to balance so far gone
Unknown Speaker 1:17:49
to get some more light in here
Unknown Speaker 1:18:04
that was in better shape and it could have been salvaged from patients in the mirror Yeah, the museum would appreciate that
Unknown Speaker 1:18:13
maybe even some pieces from it do you think interesting intricate bits on it oh
Unknown Speaker 1:18:20
yeah it's a rough did now. She really came down here okay into there and in that we'll had the groove maintenance Wall fell in there. Oh, can you just point to that again? Just get ready. Thank you. Oops, was in the box up here trickle down to they're down to here and then fell into the groove made by Jess. And there was changed drags long behind its cover. And is this the whole running gear up here? You should have adjusted the fee to get a shot of that.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:09
Your hand on there again?
Unknown Speaker 1:19:13
More or less? lifted up? Right? lifted off the ground
Unknown Speaker 1:19:32
she had it I don't know if you weren't even just uncovering it. Yeah, see all the bits and pieces of it.
Unknown Speaker 1:19:38
uncovered and put up on block? Yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:19:48
better shape, and you're gonna jam the end of my driveway inside the fence who painted up?
Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
Oh, even unpainted. It's beautiful. It has its own relic beauty, doesn't it? Right
Unknown Speaker 1:20:02
I love old relic things like that
Unknown Speaker 1:20:14
Well, should we continue on back that way to go back are this way do you think?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:19
Well the way we came up okay, he'll be full of West grass. Okay, so this is
Unknown Speaker 1:20:23
the field this is the road
Unknown Speaker 1:20:26
down to the lower field that would have been cleared secondly as
Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
well oh okay nobody wants him. Okay. takes any machinery
Unknown Speaker 1:20:42
now would Henry have put that well in?
Unknown Speaker 1:20:45
Oh yeah. I'd love to well Dugan was placed hard to find good and water
Unknown Speaker 1:20:51
would they have which dwells in those days? Find it Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:20:55
My dad could whip Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:01
What about in your generation? Are there any good witches? Which
Unknown Speaker 1:21:04
once in a while yeah. Because when we were up there I showed him where it was some water and he said the still wet up
Unknown Speaker 1:21:13
so it sounds as though the new owners are looking for new water sources as well. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:17
Yeah. But I don't it wouldn't go up there and you'd have to cure some trees. They didn't like concrete. No.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:28
So how big do you know how big is this piece of property now? This piece we're on? Yeah, the piece that they have all this 40 acres
Unknown Speaker 1:21:39
20 acres was cut off the top Yeah. Where that clearing is up there
Unknown Speaker 1:21:49
what do we do is your horse shoe? I thought you had it.
Unknown Speaker 1:21:52
I did too. Let me go back to where we were taking photos you hold on to that okay
Unknown Speaker 1:22:00
that's your horse you know you have it
Unknown Speaker 1:22:38
find it
Unknown Speaker 1:23:17
Oh Good
Unknown Speaker 1:23:35
to meet ya very old ancient the top probably all horse medicine or something
Unknown Speaker 1:23:47
you get one more picture of you with this horse you up was that your first year
Unknown Speaker 1:24:08
by the way
Unknown Speaker 1:24:14
I went horse cart
Unknown Speaker 1:24:30
No way. I might lose it again. You're gonna come in. Is
Unknown Speaker 1:24:34
it close enough? Just Just hold it up. Kevin just Yeah, a little bit closer to you. Okay, thinking that that would be your granddad's horse shoe. Your dad's horse shoe.
Unknown Speaker 1:24:45
Unknown Speaker 1:24:48
Probably rode on that
Unknown Speaker 1:24:51
you would have written on that horse. Yeah. That must be cost. Pretty neat.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:02
Give me some other before we get stuck if you'd let me give it to you. I'd be so honored. I'd like give me the horse.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:13
I don't think you'd be in such good shape as the horseshoe.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
I will hang it right side up in my house. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:24
bring you good luck.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:25
Oh, well, I know it. Well.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:27
Yeah, I found a few around here. And I took some of the work and sandblasting containers.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:31
Okay. Oh, they're beautiful.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:40
Little tool the old guy was holding on to Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:25:49
Well, that was a lucky meeting with the teachers in a way. Right, because they had been trying to get in touch with us about Charlie, which I was going to talk to you about?
Unknown Speaker 1:25:57
Oh, yeah. Yeah, the years ago, they talked about that. And I never heard from him.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:02
I guess maybe administration change over? Well, maybe. Yeah. One thing leads to another. I'm just going to have a look. Carrie couldn't make it today because she's working at the foundation. But she had a couple of questions. She wanted me to ask you so. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 1:26:22
funny. Number for that big old cedar tree. Big and bushy. Little dead talk. And holy, you just died. use drugs.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:38
Yeah, it's a real sign. Isn't it? The secret even some of the first data for Balsam there? Okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:45
Yeah, a lot of them died. Yeah, we
Unknown Speaker 1:26:47
had a couple of die to. What are these apples here? Let's look like nice maybe winter apples. Yeah. Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
That's one piece to picking me. Apple juice. A little shade on the dark side, but okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:05
Those are nice looking apples.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:11
Yeah, well, maybe they got wood. They have some closer to their house. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, those are great. You can
Unknown Speaker 1:27:19
feel them. They're waxy. Yeah. Winter. Right.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:23
So would that be a king or something? Do you think? No, no.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:26
There's oops, you should have that one.
Unknown Speaker 1:27:29
says why now? That fell out of my hand.
Part Two
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Recording again. Okay it's a duck second recording with Ken because I stopped the other one by accident that's okay we're just heading back down the road from the from the original Sampson farm homestead
Unknown Speaker 0:20
Are you a fossil Hunter?
Unknown Speaker 0:21
Oh, when I see him
Unknown Speaker 0:22
you know when you see him right. Okay Carrie wanted to know about the names under the dark and we talked about that, but oh yeah. What do you know that you did your grandfather died before you were born? Your yeah Harold was the
Unknown Speaker 0:40
only one born when my grandfather.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
Okay. Did any did any of the stories about his time as the police constable come down? Are they curious wondering about the jail. Do you know any stories about that? We know of course that you've your family had the handcuff
Unknown Speaker 0:58
didn't hear too many stories about FTP? Monkey?
Unknown Speaker 1:07
I guess. Yeah. Because he was I think it was referred to as a constable right? Yeah. I always loved the story you told about your mother's throwing the with the handcuffs or your grandmother?
Unknown Speaker 1:22
Mother? Oh, yes. Yeah. Well, that would have been under that. Sherry, she used to be there. Okay. So storage shed beside so that you might find your key up there.
Unknown Speaker 1:36
That'd be something. Does he know the story tell the story. So we have on the tape here. What happened? You got kids roll out playing
Unknown Speaker 1:45
terrible bill Albert. My four oldest brothers. When they were smaller. He slept around under the cherry tree and all over the place. And my grandfather's cups house. They started be fun to play policemen and lock them on one of my brother's youngest brother. At that time, on his ankle. process of playing around there. They lost the key. They they looked and looked like for hours, they finally went down and got mom. She came up and they were looking and she just happened to see part of the key sticking out from under one of the cherry leafs. Oh, unmarked Ernie, close the cuffs and throw the key away.
Unknown Speaker 2:34
That's pretty clever. Right off the bat. So yeah, if you're Have you told the new owners of the property about that key? Well, that story?
Unknown Speaker 2:42
I think they were at the central hall that day. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 2:46
they came to the top. Nice. I'd forgotten maybe that they were there? Yeah. Well, it must have been quite quite the place to grow up with all your sisters and
Unknown Speaker 2:59
you couldn't beat it. And
Unknown Speaker 3:01
we talked a little bit before. You know, when we were at your house talking to you about any, any visits and stuff by your Panella cut relatives, and or just the comings and goings of First Nations up the coast. And so you had just limited interaction that sounds like
Unknown Speaker 3:19
oh yeah, these two combined, Dad had cheap and stopping by Wolof and so he got Duncan, you got one of the knitters over there. And he made or she made a sweater for mum and a sweater for dad out of their own cheap. So they had to always have something.
Unknown Speaker 3:45
What happened to the sweater is Do you know?
Unknown Speaker 3:48
I got mums, but it's slowly deteriorating. I don't know why that most of it's good. But where are the green? Was it just sort of crumpled?
Unknown Speaker 3:59
Maybe what maybe what it was died with? I think so. Yeah, we should maybe get a photo of that sometime. Oh, yeah. Should be nice to have in your collection. Just a photo of it. Right. Okay, and what when? And when you were a kid? Do you remember? Did you did you know about your first nation heritage? Was it talked about or? Oh, yeah. Was it South about in a celebrated way?
Unknown Speaker 4:26
No, but just you know, mentioned and we knew we're our grandmother came from
Unknown Speaker 4:34
and when these people came and when First Nations inelegant, I guess came in to buy wool and stuff. Was it? Was it known that these were relatives of yours coming?
Unknown Speaker 4:45
I'm not sure.
Unknown Speaker 4:46
Are you not sure if they were relatives, maybe even right.
Unknown Speaker 4:51
These two would come up here and pick it up for them and they'd leave us some fish and by the Mulan way they go
Unknown Speaker 5:00
And you wouldn't know they were coming. They would just know.
Unknown Speaker 5:02
Yeah. appear at the door. You didn't have
Unknown Speaker 5:06
your cell phone then? No, you're not so you know communicative as you are now. Right?
Unknown Speaker 5:13
It is probably in that truck.
Unknown Speaker 5:16
Well, you had it on you today. And that was good. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 5:18
Well, I was ringing. Did you phone me?
Unknown Speaker 5:22
I did phone you and then I was up at Channel ridge. And then I lost my lost connection with you. Yeah. Just seeing what else
Unknown Speaker 5:39
did you feel in those days that there was? Did you feel any sense of racism going on then?
Unknown Speaker 5:45
No. No. We went to school and played with all kids. It was another day.
Unknown Speaker 5:54
And there was a fair array of different cultures at that time at the school. If you're in there have been the Japanese would have been here. Some of the Starks the whims maybe
Unknown Speaker 6:10
would run through the woods, kids. Which ones
Unknown Speaker 6:15
with a B, Bob. No
Unknown Speaker 6:16
younger than him. Okay, Teddy, who's no longer with us? Yeah. And he had two sisters, Betty and another one, an older one. But they would ride on the bus. They've hop on and off when they got home.
Unknown Speaker 6:39
I guess there wasn't so much visiting around after you know, weekends and stuff. You wouldn't go over to other kids places as much as you do now. Too far away. Yeah. Too far away. And you had your own built in. Right. And it's here in your family, right? Different times, right. What do you miss most about those days? Do you think?
Unknown Speaker 7:01
Oh boy. Just the fun that we had, you know, you can do things and have fun. In trouble.
Unknown Speaker 7:10
That sort of sense of freedom,
Unknown Speaker 7:11
right? Invented your own entertainment. You want to spend the day on the beach or the hiking over the mountain or whatever it happens to be.
Unknown Speaker 7:26
Did you pretty much always do that with your siblings or did you ever go off by yourself?
Unknown Speaker 7:30
No. Mostly with some friends down. North B Trojans. One fellow is in migration and the other one was Charlie Z. Four was used to hang around. do different things trouble.
Unknown Speaker 7:44
Do you remember their names? Doug and George?
Unknown Speaker 7:47
What was their last name
Unknown Speaker 7:48
green. Green off
Unknown Speaker 7:52
the green off family that still bandless around? Oh, yeah. Okay. Ben for you enough. They had the they were in the grocery store down at mullets at one point, right. That's great, right. Ben's? What's it called? Ben's lucky doll. Right.
Unknown Speaker 8:05
And that was their brother. Doug and George's brother. Okay, so that one that's here. No, Ben, He's the nephew. Oh, I
Unknown Speaker 8:16
see. I didn't realize the greenhouse went back that long.
Unknown Speaker 8:20
Oh, yeah. He started in Doug's start. He read one with the chem one from Galliano. And he lived on North Beach. So they walked a friend wouldn't catch a bus because every school
Unknown Speaker 8:31
were you all in that consolidated school at that point. So in grade one you were that's where you were?
Unknown Speaker 8:40
Grade One through 12.
Unknown Speaker 8:43
Your siblings, so would they have gone to the Fernwood school?
Unknown Speaker 8:46
Oh, yeah. Yeah. Because they would be that much older. Right.
Unknown Speaker 8:52
And then the school looked up there. No, I think Paul went to it. Before he went down again. Geez. Right. Paul's your son right.
Unknown Speaker 9:03
Now, just remind me of Paul and Christie. Do you have any other children?
Unknown Speaker 9:06
Kim? Kim? I don't know. Well, she's one that has the house over there. No. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 9:14
So what road is she on?
Unknown Speaker 9:16
On Fernwood? But she lives in Michigan. In Michigan, okay. But she kept her house here. Oh, yeah. Well, they bought it off.
Unknown Speaker 9:25
Right. Right. Well, that's nice that that's still in the family. Right. That's
Unknown Speaker 9:32
the only reason it went.
Unknown Speaker 9:35
Yeah. Yeah. But at least it's saved that way. And it's so nice that these people that are on this
Unknown Speaker 9:41
current property Oh, yeah. There are so many fighting, right. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 9:45
That's lovely. And they they really seem to care about the history and write. Do you find this as a new thing, everybody being like, Oh, tell us your story and does it or does it or is that been sort of a thing all along? Are
Unknown Speaker 9:59
you Yeah at times that comes up you know people get interested and they want to find out more history of the island what we're doing here we are at
Unknown Speaker 10:14
another playground the ocean yeah
Unknown Speaker 10:21
call me like that
Unknown Speaker 10:23
you find some good treasures Well Charlie found those anchors but I guess that was later in his life right yeah those well I can walk back from here is that all right okay yeah we have all those beautiful pictures of all the Samsung kids out on their logs out on the beach right
Unknown Speaker 10:44
yeah it was their their playground
Unknown Speaker 10:47
yeah pretty nice great childhood you had
Unknown Speaker 10:57
you had to you'd love it again
Unknown Speaker 11:21
grass I don't need grass
Unknown Speaker 11:27
Yeah, I don't know what I brought with me. Too bad for that stuck to me
Unknown Speaker 11:38
well that was really great. Ken thank you so much for taking the time to talk to us.
Unknown Speaker 11:43
I'm glad you enjoyed it. I hope you got something out of it. Super
Unknown Speaker 11:47
special I mean, you know just to be there with us amazing
Unknown Speaker 11:53
to see the grave
Unknown Speaker 11:56
and to know that those people will take care of it. I think that's a special and honoring. That'll happen
Unknown Speaker 12:09
missed this part of the island.
Unknown Speaker 12:11
I couldn't be here quite once in a while. Check it out. Try doing if any Treasury float in it hasn't happened.
Unknown Speaker 12:24
So you go down to the beach and have a little look around
Unknown Speaker 12:44
went down on Hudson point one time after a big storm and there was hope. Then there was half full of gravel. So I emptied it out and dragged it way up on shore. Up high. And then walking on my phone the Moto four took the motor up to the house and iPhone. RCMP nation won't looked at it. Took all the details and said Well, you got a place to store it necessarily. I can store it. And about a year later I got a letter D O T saying I owned a boat. Really? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 13:24
How'd you get all the gravel on that boat? I had to tip it up. Well that was a fortune. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 13:34
I used it for years on the lake fishing.
Unknown Speaker 13:36
Okay on St. Mary's story. How long ago was that?
Unknown Speaker 13:46
20 years or more because I was retired.
Unknown Speaker 13:51
So beachcombing pays off then
Unknown Speaker 13:56
I used that both free and when I retired they gave me a gift certificate to a sports shop so I went and got to pick up an electric motor. Okay for my retirement perfect and it worked out but
Unknown Speaker 14:10
so you got yourself the boat fish
Unknown Speaker 14:13
lots of your motor
Unknown Speaker 14:28
Thank you can really appreciate it so much. We'll get all these transcribed someday and you'll be able to read your words. Oh, great. You go. I didn't mean to say that. But thank you very, very much.