Salt Spring Island Archives

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Naukana Ancestors Elders Reunion

May 2019

Accession Number
Date May 2019
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 68 minutes





    Hawaiian culture and heritage.
  • Unknown speaker discusses starting time, while Speaker 1 mentions being ready to go and adds their name to the conversation.
  • Speaker 1 greets family, sings "Lahainaluna," and explains tag descent.
  • Speaker 1 shares stories about family history and culture, including a Hawaiian gathering with hula performances.
  • Speaker 1 welcomes guests with traditional Hawaiian chant, acknowledging their ancestry and cultural heritage.
    Indigenous language and culture.
  • Dennis Yumna welcomes everyone to share songs and language, emphasizing the importance of vibration and energy.
  • Speaker 3 shares their culture and language, emphasizing the importance of vocal tone and acceptance in their community.
    Hawaiian history and culture.
  • Speakers reminisce about past holiday experiences and express desire to return to them.
  • Speaker 1 discusses a song called "Eat Corner" written about a Kona district on Hawaii's Big Island, where their family has been hunting for years.
  • Speaker 1 checks if the technology is working properly before starting the meeting.
    Family history and genealogy.
  • Unknown speaker discusses family history and genealogy with Speaker 6.
  • Brother James Harris married Annie, but died 8 months later, leaving 3 younger sisters.
  • Group remembers loved ones at a graveyard visit.
  • Unknown speaker discusses family history and a painting with Speaker 8.
    Family history and genealogy.
  • Speaker 10 shares memories of growing up on Saltspring Island with the Hagen and Longley families.
  • Kathy wants to buy properties in Isabella Point, where her father's house was built.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
All right

Unknown Speaker 0:37
have a really nice we're gonna go

Unknown Speaker 0:45
probably wants to maybe I should just sit with the song

Unknown Speaker 1:13
right the microphone we can all

Unknown Speaker 2:07
know Right

Unknown Speaker 3:04
oh no

Unknown Speaker 3:32
big reason

Speaker 1 4:36
We're only about an hour off her time someone asked me when we were going to start and I said well I'm shooting for one but we're all one roll old tool. We're Hawaiian Indian also so I think we're inside that our mark I think we did pretty damn good On

Unknown Speaker 5:04
all fairness the ferry played into that

Speaker 1 5:08
people were waiting on Paris, but we're ready to go now. We're going to add this is this is Annie. Aloha. Any word for Hello her family and we bought and he's gonna sing Lahainaluna and we're gonna sort of back her up vertically we don't screw things up brother David over there Dave rollin Lonnie this this is my sister Ethel's daughter clever girl same music and everybody everybody who has a tag by the way is a descendant of now okay so that's why some people are not carrying the tag it's because they are their family but they are not a descendant Okay, so not having a little se let you do this

Unknown Speaker 5:58
oh what's that in the middle there they go. There they go

Unknown Speaker 6:33

Unknown Speaker 7:07
Right You Me

Speaker 2 7:40
lace for me suede find me

Unknown Speaker 7:52

Unknown Speaker 8:03
sunrise and sunset

Unknown Speaker 8:24

Unknown Speaker 8:34
hallway is the place for me that's where you

Unknown Speaker 8:55

Unknown Speaker 9:41
hey now they sing along Siri are they? Oh no they gotta get happy. Oh that sounds too serious.

Unknown Speaker 10:03
Who wants to hold up first James Joseph

Speaker 1 10:22
This is Tamra Lord this is brilliant Oh Stan Harris our oldest living relative right now this is granddaughter she loves to dance Connelly wound for it and now you guys know the song or use the chorus or whatever jump on in and sing if you like if not just sit back and listen and watch oh can you hear Can you hear all the stuff I can do that

Unknown Speaker 11:00
ah All right

Speaker 1 11:06
I got don't want to go too fast I'm notorious we're just taken off

Unknown Speaker 11:20

Unknown Speaker 11:37
when you see

Unknown Speaker 11:41
holily by booth you will be by the sea and re breathe

Unknown Speaker 12:02
will whisper you

Unknown Speaker 12:27
is lighting

Unknown Speaker 12:48

Unknown Speaker 12:55
when you see by guna

Unknown Speaker 13:04
you will be

Unknown Speaker 13:10
the sea and re breed

Unknown Speaker 13:17
him every wave will whisper you on

Unknown Speaker 13:41
is live

Unknown Speaker 14:02

Unknown Speaker 14:10

Unknown Speaker 14:13

Speaker 1 14:45
What's the Hawaiian gathering about a hula or two thankfully some of our some of our family has taken the time to learn some of that battery gets warmed up I just want to do a bit of the greeting and I think Fred got my wrong glasses on. He's gonna do a little different reading also to welcome you here. This is an oldie Aloha Ollie just means chant Aloha means love and welcome this is pretty traditional so this is why we put it here at the beginning

Unknown Speaker 15:20
oh no no hey no we are not done oh oh and therefore your team might know tall he pulled all the way down oh

Unknown Speaker 15:55
oh oh

Speaker 1 16:05
oh come a code I put oh come on like a Monday Oh my Wait oh oh A M Hello. My chat said now that the welcome mat is out and everything is prepared. This is the site for which I have longed now that you have come love comes with you. Welcome greetings Okoma Kona poo oh now come Akamai means we are the friends and family of Malka come to visit and to see look upon us graciously with love. lo ha No.

Speaker 1 16:51
Now, on the other side on the flip side of our heritage. Now cover was the Hawaiian descent. Here's why. We're all up First Nations descent. So we are very steeped in both cultures. So it's only fair that we do both welcomes and greetings. Do you need the mic? This is Fred Roland Roland Jr. You

Unknown Speaker 17:31
was the last of our Mohicans. He said yes.

Speaker 3 17:36
I am in the sea ice. A cleaver. Dennis yum and not tomorrow. squalane play mono eight Dennis Yumna Thomas retired in squalane book he I'm not it and CMCI Hi Scott newness Yum, then image in ECM squalane. And do with it in this yam squad alone. Label I Dennis yum. It Katana CMCI is in our whole community of language, which again has seven dialects of it. This is only if the more recent ones we use, again welcoming everyone that is here today. We always say that we welcome everyone that comes from all different linear lines. In our language, we refer to that as Squall Mo, you're all indigenous from somewhere. So we come here today again, they can my relations for their songs for sharing, they can each and every one of you, we say it nuts a month and a squalor when to come here in a good heart in the Spirit. So when we share the songs of these lands here, we might start less than I in our language we call our wives are spotless. We were this morning doing chanting and singing for a group. Not the thing that we share much of is again, vibration. our energy, our whole being is vibration. You'll look at our old soul coin, our elders here. That's old vibration. We're just carrying that cell memory on through songs and language. So thank each and every one of you for coming today. So one of the songs we share is just to welcome everybody to be in a good spirit. And, again, we use our language and a lot of our different songs. I shared this morning that when I travel around the world and share our culture, a lot of people say can you sing me a traditional song? No, I say I can't. Because all our songs belong in our homes and our long houses. They all need to get sung in that place. I'll sing you a contemporary song

Unknown Speaker 20:00
Hey Gods

Unknown Speaker 20:08
Garcia mustI whoa Hi god

Unknown Speaker 20:34
oh i

Unknown Speaker 20:50
Whoa whoa oh I

Unknown Speaker 21:12
oh i

Unknown Speaker 21:21
All together now

Speaker 3 21:35
with a lot of our languages and a lot of our cultures, a lot of people when we go to places a lot of people say Do you need a microphone and we all say we sing along waves so we have to tone our voices down when we sing in small places like this because of vibration agree too much. I know a lot of you haven't eaten yet. So Aloha, Nui, Nui. Aloha. thank each and every one of you. A lot of people will say why do you do that in your culture? I always tell people what does that mean? Stop back away. What we're saying is in our culture we say we accept everything we're receiving everything thank you for everything you bring to us. So I never got Thank you. Thank you I was just about to swim here when we missed the ferry. I knew how to get one o'clock I tell you even for you

Speaker 1 22:42
you sounding good you look good too. Okay, what can we do now? Let's do let's do let's do that that real cool tapper

Unknown Speaker 23:05
Oh my bones

Speaker 1 23:12
so nice to see everybody visiting and catching up there are but I've seen a few pictures out there that I really want to get another another look at so please don't put them away share these pictures

Unknown Speaker 23:34
I asked Lee if she wanted to dance system she declined

Unknown Speaker 23:42
no shame

Speaker 1 23:44
actually, she doesn't have her outfit. We did this for Christmas one time it's called my little grass shack. And we did this for Christmas pet one time and we had just the t shirt and perennial I think we had the coconut bra but we just put it around her head didn't tie back to the swan like

Unknown Speaker 24:02
oh it's quite spectacular

Unknown Speaker 24:14
I want to go back to inverted

Speaker 2 24:23
commas and Mahina that I used so long ago I could do the guitars play on the beach and here they are.

Speaker 1 24:40
oh my golly Velika however

Speaker 2 24:46
will you say anything bad? This round Oh please, as always see just a little All right and I want to go back to my vision again

Speaker 2 25:20
want to go back to you I want to be with you so long ago and I can do that again on the beach at all now now that we all

Speaker 1 25:46
know qu e Gohan live Ellika however along who should

Speaker 2 25:53
go Randall Blaze ways to see

Unknown Speaker 26:07
how long do

Speaker 1 26:10
I want to go back branch is good

Unknown Speaker 26:27
to see you

Speaker 1 26:49
yeah sure I'm sorry I think we're running you a little late aren't we? You're okay Oh I hear she got out of something we're gonna do the song the song is called Eat corner and it is written about that area on this is not my my thing. It was written about an area on the Big Island of Hawaii called the Kona district this is where our family and I've been hunting down our family for a lot of years and there's evidence that we came originally from the Big Island area quite high harbor at the north of the big island there's what's called a corner I hope this does not look like my church but let's hope that it works. This is This is insane. Okay it should work now not too fast right

Unknown Speaker 28:19
right yeah

Unknown Speaker 28:29

Unknown Speaker 28:35

Unknown Speaker 28:44

Unknown Speaker 28:51
whoa whoa

Unknown Speaker 29:13

Unknown Speaker 29:18

Unknown Speaker 29:45

Unknown Speaker 29:56
oh hey You

Speaker 1 30:38
big time all right we got Are we prepared for anything else? Let the games begin yeah I think I think we're gonna get back to some of the visit near so maybe we can do some more a little bit later but I don't want to take up time valuable time without seeing some of these folders and things so please please help yourself to whatever you see on the back table their food and there's drinks there's water in the fridge and stuff so let's let's go any cookina

Unknown Speaker 31:36
Your ossify on

Unknown Speaker 31:49

Unknown Speaker 32:07
morning Think of the same things that we don't know

Unknown Speaker 33:19
recorder yeah

Unknown Speaker 33:27
oh look at that one

Unknown Speaker 33:56

Unknown Speaker 34:20
know what we have over here is this is my thing and what I wanted to show

Unknown Speaker 34:28
was still somebody somebody's recorder does your recorder July the first No Can I okay this or should I shut it off

Unknown Speaker 34:53
beginning and I tell everybody twins right up I

Unknown Speaker 35:07
have a novel have another

Unknown Speaker 35:24
he had

Unknown Speaker 35:30
a second life he had only a second wife was a mother

Unknown Speaker 35:49
was it's a father the reason I have a reason I know that this book here came from this guy here in Japan

Unknown Speaker 36:23

Unknown Speaker 36:30
I will tell the story fortunately I got online and hello sender Anderson here and then you're Anderson Somebody's here to pick you up

Unknown Speaker 37:07
out money I'm making

Unknown Speaker 37:27
now that my mom is here

Unknown Speaker 37:51
check it out

Unknown Speaker 38:30
yeah and so on and there you go find that the stuff my mom used

Unknown Speaker 38:55
to do.

Unknown Speaker 39:49
Now In this

Unknown Speaker 40:19
place to

Unknown Speaker 40:36

Unknown Speaker 41:07

Unknown Speaker 41:21
out sorry

Unknown Speaker 42:33
Orange here

Unknown Speaker 43:04
you ever been

Unknown Speaker 43:22

Unknown Speaker 44:31
Right You anyway

Unknown Speaker 47:01
right Good evening

Unknown Speaker 47:21
you're looking for

Unknown Speaker 47:43
Morning right recently and I shot

Unknown Speaker 48:39
yeah hello my name

Unknown Speaker 48:55
is evening Right going to share with you

Unknown Speaker 50:44

Unknown Speaker 50:55
it I'm gonna go plant this recorder and so many

Unknown Speaker 51:19
women Kelly picture that we have

Unknown Speaker 51:35
another book and it's got honestly

Unknown Speaker 51:39
there's a picture like this actual picture

Unknown Speaker 51:45
it's very confused

Unknown Speaker 51:52
she says to me look at this picture they got no Connor on that pen then they got this picture and they look like the same person

Unknown Speaker 51:59
there's a picture of no one without

Unknown Speaker 52:10
picture of a burly man early man this guy looks like he's very well this

Unknown Speaker 52:17
is definitely is a picture for now wanna head and shoulders shot it's just like just because they have the same

Unknown Speaker 52:51
let's see married to Katherine brown

Unknown Speaker 52:56
well he married Matilda

Unknown Speaker 53:02
marriage certificate

Unknown Speaker 53:03
when she gives her mother's name

Unknown Speaker 53:06
I'm not sure if they were married and she really was her mother raised her so that's all we can go on. So she did

Unknown Speaker 53:24
also had a wife named Cecile that I know

Unknown Speaker 53:34
pieces all together to be growing the other side they and

Unknown Speaker 53:50
they were half brothers was born and he was his mother. They shared the same brother James Harris married Annie hooks up with this

Unknown Speaker 54:20
but he died eight months

Unknown Speaker 54:27
so here's this woman

Unknown Speaker 54:33
brother says we're not going to kids rolled up to three younger girls

Unknown Speaker 54:53
Samuel taken over by

Unknown Speaker 55:00
later on later

Unknown Speaker 55:19

Unknown Speaker 55:32
How many years have you been 40

Unknown Speaker 55:38
read the book or something

Unknown Speaker 55:40
just talking to the girl is taking the photos at the museum yesterday and I said I don't understand second and then the grandmas so I told if you're interested in

Unknown Speaker 56:09
stories or anything I've got some papers that actually for his mom wrote about

Unknown Speaker 56:17
some of those and I made some copies

Unknown Speaker 56:25
it's still there. I'm going down the

Unknown Speaker 56:28
beautiful because we were there when we did mumsy ashes we put them in Isabella point where dad's ashes and Uncle lessons ashes are there as well and we've got one adult today on the axis and then we took a stab

Unknown Speaker 57:00
Yeah, so anyway, we took pictures at the house and it's it looks so tiny that picture is always amazed because they always didn't have a lot of money to spend to build what they needed you know? Anyway the house is still standing it's been a big house

Unknown Speaker 57:26
I called him yesterday and I said look at the freezer for lockdown

Unknown Speaker 57:38
in Washington state here now absolutely

Unknown Speaker 57:55
George Do you have any yeah

Unknown Speaker 58:11
he doesn't understand who we're going oh my god I'm the standard I heard somebody's over there who that was Sam somebody maybe Georgia no

Unknown Speaker 58:26
have you seen these or am I just going around this floor

Unknown Speaker 58:34
but I'm gonna take pictures. I'll take a picture of a few years my husband got me this and then actually it was made and they took

Unknown Speaker 58:54
comes to Toronto when

Unknown Speaker 58:55
we're here tomorrow afternoon. I think we're supposed to be very sporty so we definitely you're looking at a few plays

Unknown Speaker 59:09
you just asked me Yeah, yeah. And anytime you want to get gone at like

Unknown Speaker 59:15
830 or nine or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 59:18
Your buddy can go down to down to his house

Unknown Speaker 59:28
and hit the graveyard down there. Yeah. Can we get up to the whole square understanding? Again,

Unknown Speaker 59:35
there's nobody living welcome. Oh. As I said he's very interested. And he always comes he's got all the handling it but he had said that whatever history you remember he shared with you. Talk to his wife and she said just know okay

Unknown Speaker 1:00:05
there was a there was a picture here this is a painting my sister Linda did that she always painted

Unknown Speaker 1:00:16
freehand like she didn't do tracings she's always done in pictures I was gonna show I had a picture here it was a picture that she painted she painted sheets of paper with trees

Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
Oh I saw that

Unknown Speaker 1:00:41
yeah and I did

Unknown Speaker 1:00:52
I did see

Unknown Speaker 1:01:09
girl whatever whatever you like whatever

Unknown Speaker 1:01:23
Washington Association

Unknown Speaker 1:01:31
working on a project with you hear from our family she wants to know if I can have a conversation where are you got it all written down it's all written down so you aren't Kelly hertz right

Unknown Speaker 1:02:24
like to the dentist when he sent me the work or make the change and then he asked if it would be okay to put in the archive. So he said whatever necessary for the site. And then yeah, he came over to the house. Yeah, he's he's great. Yeah. He's from my mom's side of the family. The First Nation side as well. Yeah. He

Unknown Speaker 1:02:49
wrote the book The terror that I know. Yeah. Well, yeah, I have. I hadn't met your your debt. So yeah, I grew up on Saltspring. With the Hagen's in the long leaves. Families are related. Right.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:07
Dad's mother was very lovely Mary. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:03:09
yeah, I know. I know. I've seen a lot of pictures of your mother. Oh, yeah. Very lovely. Yes. Through the through the lonely side I'm I grew up with the Hagen's and the lumley's on Saltspring Yeah, Jackie Hagen Jackie Longley she's Yeah, she's sweet. Yeah, that's right. Yeah. No, the room number Yeah, it was I used to work in that restaurant. My mom and dad had a restaurant right across the road. Jackie works for us and then she ended up with the restaurant they were like in competition for her I worked for later to keep those gotta keep those train people and

Unknown Speaker 1:04:03
why didn't we stayed in her house now I was

Unknown Speaker 1:04:10
there in where that place was? Well now it's mostly just a tourist info boost. Is there the connect the building connected place building is gone which was the building that you guys stayed into that building? I didn't bring the picture

Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
where you

Unknown Speaker 1:04:30
rented and I think it is

Unknown Speaker 1:04:33
there that we can't

Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
remember. Oh, that's sort of studios. I think they have houses right beside each other. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:57
Build this catalog Somebody is a criminal. He was a lawyer so he and his brother Edgar okay

Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
they're gonna seal around so I think Kathy can go buy properties and that's it Isabella point I think

Unknown Speaker 1:05:39
a long time that's really nice respectful the history that was there, right. Yeah. And the townies, and then the lovely house is just down the road from that I think we're gonna go to the lovely house as well. I want to go consults

Unknown Speaker 1:05:57
for me I had brought that book

Unknown Speaker 1:06:08
Thank you, Stan, for sharing this information with us. We really really appreciate it. It's where his house is now my dad built

Unknown Speaker 1:06:19
was built on the side of the hill and there was no

Unknown Speaker 1:06:31
one room we're living in the one room and it was right behind me still check that out. Check that out when you're there tomorrow. That came from that built that house came prior to keeping it in the family? Yeah. You guys remember from the Heritage

Unknown Speaker 1:07:08
Kevin, did you?

Unknown Speaker 1:07:24
Were lucky, lucky you were there to set them straight. Leave that house alone? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:07:30
they did. They wrote a letter and

Unknown Speaker 1:07:33
that's great. I'm really glad you guys are gonna get down there.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:38
I wish my kids my son's away in a golf tournament.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:46
Kathy and she wants to take this because of any story. You know, sometimes when you're on the site of the stories. Your dad doesn't transcribe it later. This is wonderful. I'm sure it's very thorough. Which is sometimes when you're somewhere a little

Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
kid or we hear that sometimes. We should write it down so we don't forget about that.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:18
Thank you for having me here. Oh, I'm

Unknown Speaker 1:08:21
so glad you're here.