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Kate Roland with Stan Harris

June 2019

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Part Six

Part Seven

Part Eight

Accession Number
Date 2004
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 17, 27, 5, 11, 0.2, 44, 26, 29 minutes

424_Kate-Roland_Stan-Harris_06-2019_190602_0030.mp3 - 0037.mp3 8 clips



Part One

Unknown Speaker 0:00
those jacks placed one time last time you had the loo the last low. Was that over here?

Unknown Speaker 0:10
Yeah, that was quite a few years ago.

Unknown Speaker 0:11
Yeah, long ago.

Unknown Speaker 0:14
Probably 30 years or more now. Doesn't seem that long, but it was. So when was the last time you were down at the lovely place? Oh gosh. It's since you were a kid.

Unknown Speaker 0:31
As a kid, I guess. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
I spent a lot of time there. No, no, no.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
Grades and Guy rolling green field,

Unknown Speaker 0:42
Camera rolling.

Unknown Speaker 0:44
Until dad was really logging and working. You were doing it and then after I started school, I went to school in Victoria borough and I was the only girl turned six. And I started school there when I was five. And then I second grade I started on Salzburg. So I've stayed there until I

Unknown Speaker 1:12
put that is about my

Unknown Speaker 1:19
same time going there.

Unknown Speaker 1:24
Well, now the Isabella points school. I looked that up on the internet. And it looked like it was built about 1905. No, didn't you tell me that your dad, my

Unknown Speaker 1:34
dad, they took him to school because they had to have certain amount of kids to build the school. So that's what I had to move forward on over

Unknown Speaker 1:47
over the Isabella plant is that when they actually moved and bought the property, I think

Unknown Speaker 1:51
that's when they moved that they came from Portland to Wolford there because of the school.

Unknown Speaker 2:01
So I thought I know. It used to be stories that they moved to Salt Spring when Matilda needed to go to school. But I think she continued to go to school at Beaver point.

Unknown Speaker 2:13
They did have a dad that they had to move for while he was a little guy then.

Unknown Speaker 2:20
Yeah, cuz I think we have him born about 1898 or something. The T 98. At the school was built 1905 is all written down. I think I have that. I think you gave me that. And what 9818 98. So if the school was built in 1905, he would have been about seven. But they probably would have started building the school but 19 year two or three?

Unknown Speaker 2:53
Yeah, I think he was I think they said he was five years old when you enroll. So he sat there for a year.

Unknown Speaker 3:03
That's about three feet. Sorry. And like how did the did you say they bought that property? Granny rolls please from peers.

Unknown Speaker 3:15
Though I think it was

Unknown Speaker 3:19

Unknown Speaker 3:22
grab them back. They've bought the place. They got the place from Rome. Or the cameras

Unknown Speaker 3:38
is about a point where they

Unknown Speaker 3:41
were that we were in the pilot used to live down by the rock. That was the original. That's where parachutes lead. And then from there that Tacoma? I think. Again, I'll tell them the carriers have begun and they move from there down to because there probably were maybe it's over enough sites. He shares a towing company because

Unknown Speaker 4:24
he was called this like a cold room.

Unknown Speaker 4:31
Yeah, I could never figure out that whole Isabella point thing because I know granny Rowland moved into that property early 1900s Because that's when she came over with your dad to start school.

Unknown Speaker 4:42
Yeah. Because he was going to school. Yeah. So you think

Unknown Speaker 4:46
she got that property as a Hudson's Bay likes a preemption? I think

Unknown Speaker 4:51
y'all was proud of what they paid for it but I guess because of that, they have a good

Unknown Speaker 4:59
And then Peterson moves down closer to the rock will

Unknown Speaker 5:04
we ever plan

Unknown Speaker 5:08
in place now as the ultimate breaks and someone said that now owned by 100 hundreds of acres along that Isabella point

Unknown Speaker 5:23
there's quite a few acres in there that there were shepherds used to live in that way up the hill there could we go up all that piece boys development school yeah the all lab result all poverty all led wooded areas right down to where the quarter rolling road goes in off road Yeah, well right from that point they kept but all the rest of that on the other side deals part of that. But then they sold it to other departments moved in there the deal and right from that point to that land there all the way up the hill. Pass the schoolhouse everything was a schoolhouse road to the beach was all rolled good and all trees and kept wooden for grandma

Unknown Speaker 6:23
So right from the corner of Isabella point and Roland rode

Unknown Speaker 6:29
it all the way up the hill past the school right that too

Unknown Speaker 6:42
without past school a little crooked that we're watching his own piece Yes, yeah, I don't know how they got there but I know there was all that was pretty old Hawaiian settlement that whole point and I never had the old orchards and the little log cabin Yeah Even the rosters face because last season was divided through some of the old ones because there was no house with the orchard around it and then further down towards this evolved point in around the point and then I put a really in depth video shot his dad built a little cabin there we lived in first one room well it was very before that one tap turn your garden model

Unknown Speaker 7:41
that's what we remembered as is kept shack yeah captain's jacket it was turned up

Unknown Speaker 8:02
that's why he was he can raise deck board and grandma she was the only one to gamble on this deck

Unknown Speaker 8:22
yeah someone tried to tell me once that no come on the property we have the with the churches we have insightful for Starbucks.

Unknown Speaker 8:29
I heard that too that he had the she again probably his church and a good church and built Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:39
I heard that too but

Unknown Speaker 8:44
because this where there's the old grade which is a long road towards was still his property I

Unknown Speaker 8:56
want to look at the land records or something he had

Unknown Speaker 9:00
recorded by that. But I was here was his land, built the church on you

Unknown Speaker 9:16
and we did did the Harris's have a place down there by the lovely place next door I remember a family Harris that lived down there way back when I was a kid so it wasn't that far back. Really. But I don't think it was the same family. No, I don't mean our Harrison

Unknown Speaker 9:43
Harrison except for the girls, with the Harish itself with the names. I don't remember the other. You

Unknown Speaker 9:56
know I was looking at an old census. Thank you It was like way back at 91 or something. But it showed Lewis Peterson on the census, but he was the lonely family. Oh. Like he was a larger there. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 10:19
He was sort of was.

Unknown Speaker 10:23
Yeah. Peterson is all around like, Marianne. Oh, he got

Unknown Speaker 10:29
so free to start with. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 10:33
And he's a Danish guy. And I think I was telling Chris Barnett yesterday, just briefly, I'm sure I looked on the Census one time. And you saw to Louis Peterson's. Oh, yeah. So it was like, I don't know if they were like father and son. I have to look back on that

Unknown Speaker 10:56
check that there'll be some that I've heard of, I guess we shoot you. They called him up.

Unknown Speaker 11:08
I was just, I was talking to my, our friend and cousin in in on the Big Island of Hawaii. And I told her I thought I found a baptism for surely. Oh, yeah. It says he was baptized on Portland Island. His mother was Matilda Williams and be those girls used to take on their fathers William Matilda Williams was the mother and the father was an unknown man last name pamphlet. And the the baptized him as Ernest Fremont pamphlet. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 11:43
yeah. Good.

Unknown Speaker 11:47
Perfect people for wanting it. Yeah. Did. Did I hear you? Are you traveling? You're traveling with Kathy. Oh, here we go with Tony. Oh, you want to go Tony? All right. Okay. And those that would like to travel with you guys now. So I think he's comfortable.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
With Peterson, she sent me a letter that I wrote down in the States, living in Tacoma or whatever. And it said, who He was who He was raised by who he thought his real parents were his grandparents. He had all the information in there. By Marianne Lewis Busey knew that weren't his real parents. He talks about his grandpa William now common.

Unknown Speaker 12:52
Yes, that's the very start. I mother

Unknown Speaker 13:04
says that reading his letter, what he was doing is he had to think he was looking for land on the Indian reserve down. So you have to say, well, this is my name. And this is my parents and stuff so that they know you're, you're eligible, I guess for the land. I'm not sure. So yeah, so he had to write this letter to say who he was. And who was folks her. So it's a very interesting letter. I'll dig it off on my in here. It's been a long time trying to find God because we met nobody ever met him.

Unknown Speaker 13:42
I heard this from ledger. Information. Edgar gathers his relation on Petersons when he was oh, Oscar, I think because the Coast Guard is Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 14:00
People have all kinds of arrangements suggested. They were wondering. I said, Well, you're not coming back here. If you wanted to travel with with that, and let's say Tony in town, and have your car somewhere. Are you comfortable with that or no? Yeah. So that way, that's what Thomas idea. And then then we'll bring to carts and then you know, then we'll work it around. I

Unknown Speaker 14:25
can come back up here. I just love I'm already heading that way and I'm down there. I'll just head to the ferry. But I can come back here after that. So we can leave the car here. Whoever

Unknown Speaker 14:33
go get the other girls.

Unknown Speaker 14:36
You got to stop that.

Unknown Speaker 14:37
They'll probably be in their own vehicle. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 14:41
Oh, yeah. Good. Yeah. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 14:44
So I'm good with whatever arrangements you offer.

Unknown Speaker 14:51
Traveling with

Unknown Speaker 14:53
what feels to be required here and wasn't opposed to Scrivener. But

Unknown Speaker 15:04
yeah, the Petersons I'm finding more and more information about them, but just document stuff. Like, baptisms and, and like I know that I found Ernest Peterson she had the status he was married to a girl named vanetta. Austin. So before we had, he had a son named Albert. And he had a daughter named via

Unknown Speaker 15:34

Unknown Speaker 15:39
I've never found those two kids of his ever had any families of their own. But in this letter, he wrote himself, he says, I have a son and a daughter and it's Albertan violence. So it's all starting to line up

Unknown Speaker 15:58
there's no more news on AM. Yup. Hack Fisher.

Unknown Speaker 16:08
Yeah, no. And yuck. I just, I just don't know, Rory, I was talking to her about and she says, you know, maybe it's just a really poor spelling of Jack. If they were a native family. That's more of a surname for the natives as Jack because the woman's

Unknown Speaker 16:25
breasts are not about that. done all this searching. He's done quite a bit of studies on to Austin. He figures to Austin started off mostly Hawaiian people he thinks, which doesn't surprise me because dad says the Joe's who are Joe's work and then the barons. Through they're out there Joe's right. Oh, yeah. You think that's true? Do you have your walker down

Unknown Speaker 16:57
to the bathroom. Just take the wheelchair. No. We would have been an hour after that.

Unknown Speaker 17:07
Yeah, we and we've got the Tony's got the wheelchair in there already

Unknown Speaker 17:10
packed anyway, we'll take that home okay.

Unknown Speaker 17:19
Okay, are you ready to cut down and we'll go into Okay.

Part Two

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Senior James Harris SENIOR Yeah. I was telling Chris in case, some big revelation, we talked everybody. He married, he married and had James Harris, Jr, Jimmy. And but we can't find out the who the woman was that was married to James Harris senior. And on the Census it says it calls her.

Unknown Speaker 0:30
It's in

Unknown Speaker 0:34
an SSN Fisher. But it also says Ann Harris, but she was already She probably just because she married James Harris. And it also says that she's English. When you look at a picture of their son, she wasn't she wasn't English. No, no, but we can't find out anything about her because the census also says that she was and Harris who's white or any name or English any names that we find aren't.

Unknown Speaker 1:04
We can't trace it back any fisheries.

Unknown Speaker 1:07
Any Fisher. Then we heard an yuck. That's what our growth told us. Yeah. Yeah. I don't know where that came from. Well, that

Unknown Speaker 1:19
sounds like an Indian name. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:21
well, any I've never seen any yuck. But those two boys are on the Census. As grandsons and the family name is young. Yes. Why you see K. And I can't find that name anywhere.

Unknown Speaker 1:39
That's a real stuffer for dad to get his status.

Unknown Speaker 1:44
Yeah, that's a tough one.

Unknown Speaker 1:51
So in money, that'd be the John. That's a literal translation.

Unknown Speaker 1:58
I don't know how they came up with that. They said the family name was not Juana and Awai or new Ana and new AMA. So that's just the spelling variations, a couple of them. And somewhere along the line, it changed to to honey. Now the old fella now wanna live down at Isabella point. He married an Indian woman named Mary Surprise, surprise to Mary. And they had Mary and I don't think she was ever called bawana. She was called to honey. She married Bill Lumley. She had a child with Irving. And that's Alice's. He was just talking about Auntie Alice. That was her father urban. So now Juana and this Indian woman named Mary had children that were always called to honey. So somewhere in there, that's where the name got changed. And how they came up with the townie from marijuana. I don't know. Yeah. Not even close. So all those children that was Mary there was Joseph. I think Pauline. Oh, I think there was a girl named gay. And the Sophia.

Unknown Speaker 3:13
To honey. So these folks that pull it in a big property next to the one we're gonna go visit the grassy area with the old Tony house.

Unknown Speaker 3:22
No, they live down. I think that's how he's lived. I don't. I'm not sure Stan will remember. Yeah, maybe it was that property. Big. Yeah, old house.

Unknown Speaker 3:40
They always called it Tony.

Unknown Speaker 3:43
But like this name here. This is verniece. Love fortune. Oh, yeah. She married Stephen Angus fortune. He is buried in the white church up there in the valley. She was the daughter of EVA Harris. Oh, Eva Harris. Who was your your Papa's sister. Right. She and she had married Joe Downey. So they're these two hands on the Verna was a was a Harris. Eva Harris's daughter. See, this is Eva Harris right here. Here's Joe townie. He was the son of old Jones is Joseph Henry. The old man was Joseph Edward. He married Eva Harris. Eva Josephine Harris. Made Xena Henry. What do they call this Leila? It was actually a baby. Yeah. 1970 No, that was a mistake. They when they had this plaque me. I don't know how they got the mistake. They put all the same dates. Wow. But they one of them died in 1921 and 22. Very, very, very young. And then Verna and verniece. survived can downy survived and Mabel was the last one daughter and she's when Eva died. So Mabel was raised by Levi and Jane Wilson.

Unknown Speaker 5:13
And then this one is that there were some Gilbert Garrison Gilbert

Unknown Speaker 5:16
garrison. towny Gilbert was the son of Verna. Okay. Verna married was art garrison was one that raised Him but that wasn't his father. And I can't remember his name offhand. But that he was her son. So up there, there's

Unknown Speaker 5:37
a William Harris and a

Unknown Speaker 5:41
different, different hairstyle. They lived up in the valley. Oh, are they the like African American? I don't. I've heard the names. I don't know who they are.

Unknown Speaker 5:49

Unknown Speaker 5:51
Yeah, Harrison.

Unknown Speaker 5:58
Close the skies are to the road. Yeah. And I think now that some of the graves, they moved over there were even farther out. So they wanted to change the roads. They moved. I don't think they had permission. I think they were asking, can we move them? And there's nothing I don't know. And I think somewhere and just started getting the dip, and they just moved. So whether they actually moved the grapes or not, I don't know. But they moved the stones. Oh. Yeah. I have a list. I don't know if I have a printed list of

Unknown Speaker 6:30
pepper. Make a map?

Unknown Speaker 6:34
I don't know if she knows. She had the same document. I gave her the document that grandma had written. That says all the names are there. And but I don't think she can map out where they were because they don't know. Exactly. Dr. Reiter? Yeah, she could do. And she was asking at one point for all old photos of the church because maybe in the folder, you can see a cost or something and know that there was a grave, because they were all over here

Unknown Speaker 6:58
or the returns. Like, like I said, that old photo. It's just a field across here. So maybe you told me that Peterson was worthy there, too, all those moved over or is that there was all relocated graves.

Unknown Speaker 7:14
I think they're all relocated. Any new ones are up the hill there.

Unknown Speaker 7:23
And that's the Palouse.

Unknown Speaker 7:24
Oh, Harvey.

Unknown Speaker 7:27
And there's more townies over there. Someone showed me a picture yesterday of a gravestone, and that's that one over there. The little picky one that's married to how she's Hawaiian? Yeah. Or not. Maybe her husband was, yeah. Last one was John cow, but they called him Peavine. Yeah. And he's his homestead still alive out there. Your point? Was

Unknown Speaker 7:58
they have, look how they spell to whom? Oh, yeah. Is that the same family? Or is it just the person that made the

Unknown Speaker 8:07
with their last name? Downey? Downey? Hooni. I've seen a lot. I've seen that spelled as Kahuna. Oh, so you know, you still gotta find these records and these notes and you look at it and you think, oh, Keynesian, try and look and see if any of the names around the match. And you go, Well, that's the same person should be. And it's a totally different name.

Unknown Speaker 8:37
I was probably in my early 20s, when I come up here with that.

Unknown Speaker 8:43
This was all overgrown, like you couldn't

Unknown Speaker 8:46
see. Yeah, I'm surprised Emily Hepburn was was taking care of the grounds here. And she always had it just mowed and everything. And she's been gone a couple of years now. And now it starts to grow. You know about this, but that was like totally grown over. And actually the war? I don't think so. I think they've gotten to the point where they should, but the photo I saw was of this gravestone, and you can see it was growing right over so it was right up to there. So they have beaten it back a bit. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:21
So now um, I wanted to ask, Oh, I wanted to ask dad or uncle Stan. There's a house, a little house back in the shed back in the corner there just as you come. Come around. And I think Oculus used to live in their Ico less and less Wilson.

Unknown Speaker 9:39
Him and a lady I don't know. No, no. Before. Long before during he Oh, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Was he married before during

Unknown Speaker 9:50
that I know that that I knew I was going to ask Uncle Stan because we visited it's just it was just a little one room house. Kathy, did you get the report back from Uncle Stan's DNA ancestry? Because I've got mine, but the girl said they haven't seen his. They're given. So cool. Yeah, maybe you saw it. Did you see it? You just got

Unknown Speaker 10:17
along on the go? Yeah, yeah. What do you need to use? I

Unknown Speaker 10:21
think it was. It was I don't think it was ancestry. Well, I use 23andme. And yeah, I might

Unknown Speaker 10:29
be, again.

Unknown Speaker 10:32
Reliable. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 10:35
Although I will I find that reliable because we ever have. I didn't know about.

Unknown Speaker 10:42
They sent me a message saying you have a 99 point.

Unknown Speaker 10:44
I didn't tell you that. I approached Barbara Jacobs, from the rest because they're Hawaiian. Also that she might have some knowledge. Oh, yes. No. But she did tell me. She said, any records that they got? They got from north of that. So from because there's so many white people there, they have more they have records. Now, are they willing to share a gun? That's a thing? I don't know. But that's something so that's, that's a different avenue than we've tried at least that we've thought of. Right. So she told me. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 11:18
It's funny because you think Well, it's nice look at Northland because our family wasn't there. But yeah,

Unknown Speaker 11:24
if they have records there, they found two Watson records apparently. Sure. Had two awesome records. We'll take a look. What do we got to lose? Whatever Well, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 11:35
The Catholics and keep lots of records they

Unknown Speaker 11:37
do. It's up there. They might have screwed up the spelling of the names but they got some sort of records

Unknown Speaker 11:48
Okay, now now kinda speed is over here

Unknown Speaker 12:06
are we going up here? Yeah, the mountain. Oh, that's great. Yeah, that one over there is heritage that one is the brand new one anybody in the last I guess 10 years or so was very they actually offered a plot up there to market to anyone of Hawaiian descent who was from Salisbury wanted to be interior

Unknown Speaker 12:31
point so I'm sure he's happy there.

Unknown Speaker 12:34
Tony if he wants to you can drive right up there if he wants to take a look at the graves over there

Unknown Speaker 12:50
yeah Tony said

Unknown Speaker 12:57
getting in and out of the car it's not so much around with him on that

Unknown Speaker 13:10
dad and uncle all as if they were screaming or uncomfortable and then they would read on Halloween is Hawaiian like I'm I'm I thought it was cheating. Yeah, but I got a book on the Chinook language and reading theirs as well, Boy Yeah, they slipped in the Hawaiian two

Unknown Speaker 13:49
is where they moved. Oh, cool. Mokona two Oh, no, come on back on like a Monday. Oh, my way a little hung up. When did the movie 63 I'm guessing I'm not sure I'd have to you know, we've been after them for years saying he's falling into the ditch. Although it's fine. And like look at how small it is. This is not a great plot. You

Unknown Speaker 14:26
think and yeah, maybe they just moved.

Unknown Speaker 14:30
And when they when they let me see now. They set this one up. This is yeah, this is this is the Peterson one you're talking about? This is Marianne now come. And she married Louis Peterson. Oh, so this is his daughter. And this one had that these granite posts around it because it was a double clot. And this stone was like leaning like that. So they were scared was going to Fall and kill somebody. So, so we said, well, we'll have it fixed and it's a no, no, no, we'll do it. So they came down, and they wrapped chains around it and correct it and scratched it all up, lifted it up, straightened it, plumbed it and everything and but they cracked it all up. And they had big Luxor glue all squeezing out of here. But then when they did that, they said, Well, we're going to move these these pillars. We're just going to take them out. I said, Oh, no, but it used to have chains. Yeah. So I said, No, no, they've got to stay. So they laugh at them. And like as they said, like they they just sort of crammed them in here. So this is where they ended up. These are originalism. These are all ones. I don't know if they all got moved but I think these are all heritage graves. These are like piping, burgers and kitchens are all in here. But a lot of the stones are are wearing but these are the only two of our direct family or any

Unknown Speaker 16:05
of the lumley's buried here or at a different church.

Unknown Speaker 16:09
This is Johnny Papenburg. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:12
Yeah, Lumley.

Unknown Speaker 16:18
Well, nannies in Victoria, but her sister Harriet member died in her early 20s. And my wonderful brother

Unknown Speaker 16:28
she died. You know, I don't know where they're. I can probably find that out online. Yeah. Often they'll say where? Yeah. Where they.

Unknown Speaker 16:37
I think I got a copy of her

Unknown Speaker 16:41
death registration. Yeah, I think so. Yeah. Often on there. It says where they're buried. But there's quite a few cotton burgers here. And kitchens over there. Well, Patton burger Irene Paton burger was married to Wilford kitchen related

Unknown Speaker 16:56
to the Gillespie's kitchen. DeAngelis. Yeah, she married Mike kitchen. She's. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 17:03
yeah, he's the younger.

Unknown Speaker 17:06
Yeah, he he's Wilson sighs Oh, yeah. I was gonna ask how many are there? I think the orange are they the generation that slept?

Unknown Speaker 17:19
There they are margaritas

Unknown Speaker 17:20
sucks. Marketing sucks. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 17:22
Rick, curl Roger, Phillip, Michael and Brian. And

Unknown Speaker 17:27
what they were kitchen boys were therapy sides.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
Their uncles. And are they a lot of stone, some of them? Wilford was here. The last time I was here talking about the church. He showed up. He lives over Duncan sides and we're okay. Lilian Papenburg are married Wilford kitchen, and they had 1314 children all kitchens, elf, and Laverne. That's, that's Lillian son, elf, Eric. Alec Wilfer Jr. They have lots of girls Dorothy. Beverly Rida.

Unknown Speaker 18:05
They're all kids was the only one. Okay, Margaret. Okay. margreet

Unknown Speaker 18:08
married rod kitchen. Yeah, yeah. Okay. She was a Harris.

Unknown Speaker 18:13
She wasn't gonna Leo's Leo's daughter.

Unknown Speaker 18:16
She married rod kitchen. And her brother Bill. Married Marie kitchen. Brothers Sister Mary brothers sister.

Unknown Speaker 18:24
Oh, for heaven's sake. Yeah. And they tell me you got to

Unknown Speaker 18:27
write this down. How do you write that down?

Unknown Speaker 18:32
Mary, she did Sam Thompson after she had daughter right? She

Unknown Speaker 18:37
has six boys with Rod kitchen wanted a girl Silpat six boys, boo boo boo boo boo. And then she marries Victor. Who's quite a bit older at the time. Yeah, really wanted a son. She had a girl.

Unknown Speaker 18:51
It's funny though, because Elizabeth is the same age as Casaya Oh, It's auntie Marguerite. Well, I don't know. She must be all the time she had a list of older

Unknown Speaker 19:02
wasn't even her 40s Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 19:05
okay. Yeah. Yeah. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 19:08
So this is the Maryanne Matilda sister. Yes, that rave. Earnest

Unknown Speaker 19:13
earnest was Jane no who was

Unknown Speaker 19:18

Unknown Speaker 19:21
rather than Noah next year. Papa was the oldest of Matilda's Harris children. Right. But she had urns before. So her oldest son was Ernest Peterson.

Unknown Speaker 19:34
And no caffeine. I know you've told me this over and over. But the role of that one role is that you think maybe I Harris. A big day yesterday or George?

Unknown Speaker 19:48
Peter George's. My grandfather, he's your great grandfather. He's He's cousin Stan's grandfather. He was born Peter George Harris. Okay, in Nanaimo to any Fisher and Samuel Harris. Okay. Any Fisher before then was married to James Harris. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 20:12
Is that the James? That we see that the baptismal that showed they were married and

Unknown Speaker 20:17
I'm not sure if I've seen that the

Unknown Speaker 20:19
same James Harris that was married to Matilda.

Unknown Speaker 20:23
No, no, that one, James Harris from Cornwall, England. With his brother Samuel from Cornwall, England came here. James marries Annie. Samuel marries, marry another Indian woman and marry the two brothers with these two native wives had Jimmy, Charlie, Martha, Martha, Priscilla and Angelina for Jimmy Harris, James Harris. Elizabeth and Samuel Harris. For Sam Harris. Seven children, two brothers. James Harris senior splits the scene, probably chasing gold or whatever, but he didn't die. He just disappeared. Oh, yes. Now he left Annie with his five children. Here's her brother in law. His wife says he's a widower. So maybe she died or she left anyway. So now here's the brother in law with two kids. The two of them cohabitate. So now, Samuel is raising his brother's kids and his kids Annie Tabitha, together, they have Peter George Roland.

Unknown Speaker 21:28

Unknown Speaker 21:29
so but Samuel Harris died in February of 1884. Peter George wasn't born till November, October of 1880. So he died eight months before the kid was even born. So now here's Annie, her husband's gone. Her second husband's died in a mining accident. She's got all the kids. And she was not doing good. Thomas Crosby mission. They ran a girl's mission up in Port Simpson. Yes. They, they took the girls, Priscilla, Angelina and Martha and somewhere along the line. Angelina sort of slipped through the cracks. The two other girls you can see them at the mission. But Angelina sort of disappears. But she ends up up in that area. And she marries friend, Fred Frank Alexson. Priscilla married Alaric. The other sister. So the girls get taken from Annie and they go up to the mission. The three older ones Elizabeth and Charlie and Jimmy are teenagers. They go they go off to work. But that's where those two boys end up in the next thing at the ox as the grandchildren. Jimmy and Charlie, so they've left their mother. They've left their mother and their wit. Apparently their grandparents and their condominium eight years or their teenagers 15 and 17. So they're probably just ready to go to work. There. Samuels oldest daughter Elizabeth also teenager she's probably gone to work also made or something.

Unknown Speaker 23:08
And that was on main island. Right where they, you

Unknown Speaker 23:10
know, they lived in Nanaimo.

Unknown Speaker 23:13
Oh, somehow we we chatted in this at our house at my house. We talked something about main island we were going to look at.

Unknown Speaker 23:20
Well, this census that shows the yucks and the grandsons with Jimmy and Charlie Harris. I don't know how it was Rory, who told me that's the main island census. I don't know how she knows right? Because like it says couch and district or something that doesn't say this is me. Let me because they mean, I'll look at it again. I have a printout.

Unknown Speaker 23:40
And then we never did check

Unknown Speaker 23:41
me. We were gonna go and check their archives.

Unknown Speaker 23:45
But now that's when Annie is left with the two boys her own Peter George who's like a baby. And Samuels, youngest son, Sam JR. He's about seven. They ended up being they didn't even register Peter George's birth until he was two years old. And the people that registered it were Herman and Mary leaked. Uncle Paul called them late, but it was le ich t. So it's more like lished he was a Danish guy. So Herman and Mary, they adopt Peter George, register his birth, and he disappears. Oh. Herman leet dies a few years later. And here's Mary on another census. She's a new mayor to self is Mary Leach. Peter Leach. There's Peter George, and Samuel Harris. So I know it's her. And the next time I Yeah, the next time I find her, she's remarried to a guy named Charles Roland. Oh, Peter takes on that name and was raised by him for the rest of his life. Young Samuel at that point stays here when they go south. He stays need him as a bricklayer, I believe. They take Peter George across the border. and they raised them down there. And he told us he was raised in Ballard, Washington by his auntie. And I said, Okay, auntie, and then you look at his marriage certificate, and he says his mother's name is Mary de Fisher. Oh, his mother real mother was any Fisher. So that's why she ended up taking this boy because it was her, her nephew. So one of our Yep, come from? Well, that must be Annie Fisher's I'm guessing any Fisher's parents. So when the boys were no longer with their mothers, they went to the grandparents. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:38
Yeah, cuz they do certainly show up on that. Because it has the yucks names. And then there's another name in between and then Jimmy and Charlie and it

Unknown Speaker 25:47
says there lodgers the people in between, yeah, the people in between are lodgers. That's why they're because

Unknown Speaker 25:53
they're out the door doing the census. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 25:57
Yeah. And then mystery that we thought the young doesn't look, maybe they could say not their real visa misspelling because your dad always talk them. You said of the apps. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:14
Well, that was in Hawaii. That was in Iowa. That was buddy and Edward Yap. And the little boy is at Jr. And they had a daughter named Betty Jean. She married Fred Lau and she lives on the Big Island in the homestead land. But that's the apps and that's

Unknown Speaker 26:32
who we should look at when we're actually in Kona. That's what we should look at. When we're in Kona, the girl in the young girl with the green dress at the airport. They're married now and yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:45
She married cool. Red Lau le you. They're still married, but I think she still carries that name. Brother. John was down there, maybe four or five years ago and he looked her up.

Unknown Speaker 26:56
They haven't visited. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:59
Yeah, to tell him what she was trying out. Okay. And then somehow this too.

Part Three

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Oh well that's

Unknown Speaker 0:14
Captain Jackson calm

Unknown Speaker 0:17
well I know we call that area Jackson speech

Unknown Speaker 0:19

Unknown Speaker 0:29
it's right on the corner we dad Bill yeah Jackson and right across the road on the beach and it's the same place for Alaskan came to after you

Unknown Speaker 0:53
read on the corner

Unknown Speaker 0:53
yeah dad lives right on the same field

Unknown Speaker 1:03
for today is on Jackson's field we used to have terrific throwers and racers Park on this side of the road Jackson

Unknown Speaker 1:22
we use the beach yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:30
well we saw some terrific party

Unknown Speaker 1:35
celebration day for those who tell us when they brought the block beer out and every spring you know when they bring back their beer they call it the golden good and that was a big day South Korea

Unknown Speaker 1:56
must bring back these traditions

Unknown Speaker 2:01
Well, are we ready to early on grandma

Unknown Speaker 2:13
used to rope around your grandma from the point here and that's a way to go to church every Saturday Sunday school every Saturday. Every Sunday yeah no yeah, that's that's the only thing he has to change on your papers. Yeah, it was her that made him go to church. Remember that part? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:37
That's right your grandmother, Grandma Roland

Unknown Speaker 2:41
Matilda I was living there then with more

Unknown Speaker 2:53
memory you were telling me that story about how the bay changed after the logging like in the 20s

Unknown Speaker 2:58
Well this used to be all beautiful beaches with all that money sitting there now at all costs but this whole end of the day was poor walk boons and these to haul him down from the top up in the mountain dump the water the bark of Oh come off and settle on the beach years two years during the month

Unknown Speaker 3:20
so this this would look different when you were kid like would it be like

Unknown Speaker 3:26
to me it's changed a lot from now until when I was here last time that small be me when I was a kid

Unknown Speaker 3:36
Where did the bridge go? Right

Unknown Speaker 3:38
with the river come

Unknown Speaker 3:42
right over there. See the foundations? The

Unknown Speaker 3:44
big one that went across? Yeah, not a bridge

Unknown Speaker 3:47
bridge sure in places where the road is now and it came here

Unknown Speaker 3:55
these to run from there same but it's here. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:59
I know they used to have the rock footings down there but I think they got rid of it when they did the road take

Unknown Speaker 4:04
a huge run of sand and one in that little river there at one time. Akos. Everybody had Smokehouse bank I was saying Randy I was there above the other side of that for the over dinner is all grown up. I would just tell him told me that I couldn't believe that rose from Ganges here is not near like the cause was all over foreign. We are open

Unknown Speaker 4:46
like the lambda greenhouses.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
The whole family was your mother orchards apples? Yeah. Everybody had an orchard? Hi, there I'm Jamie Ortiz is all coming down and I have a new one and together with

Unknown Speaker 5:06
gurgling you said tense

Unknown Speaker 5:09

Unknown Speaker 5:14
do you want to stop where the old Isabella point school was that this house is not there anymore but it's the site

Unknown Speaker 5:26
especially school day they all just drive by.

Unknown Speaker 5:34
Do that. Maybe stop for a second so the girls can see where you went to school. All right, sounds good. Isabelle Boyd school. Next up

Part Four

Unknown Speaker 0:00
did not hold it now.

Unknown Speaker 0:01
We'll use this directory. Bobby Ackerman 10 downing every heparin and he said they would go

Unknown Speaker 0:12
to the next thing go to church and go to Sunday. They were up the night before stealing the line. The church planning the Oregon

Unknown Speaker 0:22
So how old would they have been them?

Unknown Speaker 0:25
They were like teenagers from me like next generation the older generation of lifetime like well, they would do like your dad's age. Oh, okay. In that crowd

Unknown Speaker 0:50
when you talk about a bridge was there like something going across that part of the day here? Yeah, there's

Unknown Speaker 0:54
pictures are here where the pillars covered? The bridge starts coming about same way here

Unknown Speaker 1:01
and went all the way up to the church, right? Yeah, it was quite a long bridge. Yeah. There's pictures somewhere that show the harbor here. Because because this wasn't here this road. Go to your left up here. I went up that wait months for cars.

Unknown Speaker 1:25
This is your dad used to live over in

Unknown Speaker 1:28
Midland Kevin. That you can't even see anymore. Oh, there Oh, it's very nobody lives there. Now. Somebody's living in there. Oh, it looks like it's full. Yeah. Only at night.

Unknown Speaker 1:49
To hear oh, man here was with sports. Here all the way down to the hotel.

Unknown Speaker 1:58
And then here in this side of the park here. We used to use that part of the beach before they turned it into this park. And we call The Jacksons beach I have pictures of some of the parties there was easier to get Uncle Paul there okay right down in front of our house. We used to carry the boys and carry him down the bank Yeah, he was like a log right shoulders and find the stuff to put them on and let's leave them there for two three days. We just party and throw blank parties went off to the left here Tony it was it was real do well style. Friday you start going down to get it all set up. People will start arriving Friday night stay down the beach build a fire and just sleep there Yeah. blanket over get up the next morning we'll get some crab class started again. Saturday was the big day and then Sunday it was hafting cleanup toys and pack up the ball back up the hill

Unknown Speaker 3:09
that still lands over there yeah the distance Jackson rock is what it's called on the match today. That's what Chris was just Yeah, what do you call it small islands

Unknown Speaker 3:23
they used to bring their anybody had passed away they used to bring them out lay them out on there but they didn't bury them because there's all rock I guess they just laid them out there there's a lot of skulls

Unknown Speaker 3:35
and that's the only Indian reserve on this island just inside of that they come to me some Charlie somebody

Unknown Speaker 3:43
heaven these ways that American gold hidden somewhere. So eventually somebody killed the boat. Yeah never had never nobody ever went back there

Unknown Speaker 4:03
yeah, there's still remnants of it. Of course it's been unkept for years and years and years but the trees are still there. But every once

Unknown Speaker 4:10
in a while did go through the bush you're in it were on this side. Good. You'd have to know elements to live I guess. The wine cheese plant apples wherever they move on the side. Yeah. You know the clients are there somewhere. Russell Murray and my story starts Oh, yes, I have that book. Oh yeah. Well, that was her there

Unknown Speaker 4:55
because see the whole portal closed

Unknown Speaker 4:59
down there. That was our own

Unknown Speaker 5:03
place this was the Hamilton place right here we're driving by

Unknown Speaker 5:08
the plans here

Unknown Speaker 5:09
yeah it was a good plan beach

Unknown Speaker 5:13
This is why we wrote this joint book for Chris and this is where the clown garden is there but this is where we just do the cut the ball rather than the Oh wash tubs for wires over them they go into bookkeepers go work out go for grease and find a chocolate Fitzgerald started to fire with and that was the lady they had just didn't cleanse at night and you can dig your climb fork in there and pack the single move along so I wrote that story and give that information to dressing the road in both the client village and garden bridge because of changes to tractor oxen Pilot

Unknown Speaker 6:17
Jim Anderson used to live up in here all this in here was a park he had benches and trails and everything.

Unknown Speaker 6:28
Chris to Halle pathway, the low along these bank and he packed gravel gravel off to these big gravel walkways.

Unknown Speaker 6:43
Now we're coming up with the Palouse used to live up here on the left. It's sort of hidden in the back there is the old Palau house Andrew Palau and I think didn't John Palau live up here on the top of the hill? Uncle? I think so. Yeah, up here. John Palau senior lived up here and his son Andrew.

Unknown Speaker 7:04
One time that was all working. Oh, growing up. Are

Unknown Speaker 7:09
the families still in their homes?

Unknown Speaker 7:10
No. This is now I think it's a bird conservancy or something. Do any of the plows live on the islands and we go straight up the hill but this is where Rowland road cuts off here.

Unknown Speaker 7:27
Grandma's land now kind of started right here right here

Unknown Speaker 7:39
so this whole area is where you spend most of your time Yeah, I grew up

Unknown Speaker 7:50
these houses weren't here so just Woods between us and this house that's coming up which is where the shepherds lived but didn't who lived there before the shepherds uncle or did they build the house and that's this house here on the right that's the shepherd place because that's clear and that road you see at the top there we're going to turn right there that's where the school was

Unknown Speaker 8:28
well don't expect so it was raised here in this corner right here so yeah, yeah older there's a driveway in Yeah, I think so. Oh, that's the month I'll bet you that's it all right.

Unknown Speaker 8:50
school this was all clear and growing up now

Unknown Speaker 9:00
well good luck everybody else out

Unknown Speaker 9:03
there so pull into

Unknown Speaker 9:11
UTC all the way down to Kevin's house

Unknown Speaker 9:18
all cleared

Unknown Speaker 9:31
out that my phone Yeah. You want to grab it yeah

Unknown Speaker 9:41
it stopped again this

Unknown Speaker 9:55
did the school sit right over here or in this clearing or pulling back down whether it's Mark they're

Unknown Speaker 10:05
dry they come off like rode into the school

Unknown Speaker 10:19
they're watching singing coverage house was always

Unknown Speaker 10:34
muddy loyalties genius growing up much

Unknown Speaker 10:43
less just seemed endless back then a no. Yeah, just cutting them down and clearing land right.

Unknown Speaker 10:52
Finished all belonged early on when I was a baby when they first came here they had beautiful blackberries. We pick wild blackberries at the end because after the got all burned

Unknown Speaker 11:19
I'm I'm traveling up and down the aisle.

Part Five

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Oh Was she working to over there housekeeping or something yeah yeah you never know what how she was doing house

Part Six

Unknown Speaker 0:00
The roads are the old house so it got too dark with good sleep and lose track

Unknown Speaker 0:04
and where was the little shack

Unknown Speaker 0:06
right on the corner road in the road good into the mountain. Oh they go by that corner Exactly Okay was built right around the corner in the Patterson store and cutting board used to live every once in a while

Unknown Speaker 0:27
Shaq was for the drop off that goes to your 100 pound sacks of flour and stuff like that wait for the men to come home with a packet in

Unknown Speaker 0:42
you would carry 100 Pack

Unknown Speaker 0:45
dad growing rollin boys

Unknown Speaker 1:01
well done sound like anybody granted stinky metals

Unknown Speaker 1:07
have usually what a crazy one time I was playing soccer in the school field here in Canberra was playing golf with a big club we

Unknown Speaker 1:27
came from the school and go to the top of the hill on the sleds and right all the way down it will take you the whole new narrative down to the bottom and then walk back

Unknown Speaker 1:42
that was the hard part is walking back up the hill

Unknown Speaker 1:52
This is mountain road I think this is the one when we come back we come back with

Unknown Speaker 2:03
Tony your seat

Unknown Speaker 2:11
he was just doing all this

Unknown Speaker 2:14
all this along here no no I wish

Unknown Speaker 2:31
that's a lot of property

Unknown Speaker 2:40
how far did it go?

Unknown Speaker 2:41
Well they join us to where last year she used to live and then but that's I guess from the land

Unknown Speaker 3:12
least readable software as you discover patient which frees up in the winter oh

Unknown Speaker 3:26
people own skates

Unknown Speaker 3:31
lots of houses built in here now tucked up the way in the back here

Unknown Speaker 3:37
and nothing there

Unknown Speaker 3:38
mind 61 and 959

Unknown Speaker 4:00
We used to walk up this way a lot is kids walk all the way from our place that was here

Unknown Speaker 4:12
to jump when you it was their road here when you were just a dirt road probably not paved

Unknown Speaker 4:20
gravel yeah

Unknown Speaker 4:26
splits off down there

Unknown Speaker 4:32
that's homes road. Was a it's been there a long time but it's it's newer than our old families.

Unknown Speaker 5:03
Oh wow yeah look at that little shack

Unknown Speaker 5:21
look familiar grandpa

Unknown Speaker 5:51
that's the fence sneaky has been around a long time

Unknown Speaker 5:59
yeah it looks like

Unknown Speaker 6:06
well I think it was after like there was a fence there way back in the day but it was more than the snake fence this is this is built a bit differently so they've replaced it over the years but it's been there a long time

Unknown Speaker 6:29
chicken and eggs

Unknown Speaker 6:32
which one came first yeah

Unknown Speaker 6:42
oh dear

Unknown Speaker 6:50
look at this old fence

Unknown Speaker 6:56
I think we're coming up to the lovely property now there is I think that's the house right over there through the woods. We can we can go right in there.

Unknown Speaker 7:10
Okay turn in here I think so. I can't see ya turned on and you see

Unknown Speaker 7:26
Yeah, this is the gate to go into the property here so yeah, just turn in there. Yep, they know we're there. Yeah, so I told ya because

Unknown Speaker 7:37
there's other people live here now that they know we're coming

Unknown Speaker 7:43
she said there might be some sheep and

Unknown Speaker 7:44
there's no oh nobody lives here right they own it but nobody lives here.

Unknown Speaker 7:48
The new house is built

Unknown Speaker 7:49
behind us okay, okay, that's where they live Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 7:53
she said there might be some sheep and lambs running around and we we have to contend with it

Unknown Speaker 8:03
vegetable garden view

Unknown Speaker 8:20
so this is a house that you used to live in or yep

Unknown Speaker 8:25
well this is granny lovely place so

Unknown Speaker 8:27
you were born I was born there

Unknown Speaker 8:37
it's like

Unknown Speaker 8:44
it's a famous landmark don't want to come in and they don't

Unknown Speaker 8:50
know so you can just

Unknown Speaker 8:54
so I'm here and then did you ever live here or no? Dress when you're a baby?

Unknown Speaker 9:00
That's what I was.

Unknown Speaker 9:03
And you will come visit here with your grandma

Unknown Speaker 9:09
she didn't know how easy it would be. You can turn around here but

Unknown Speaker 9:14
it'll be what it is. That's where I was born. I was born he was born

Unknown Speaker 9:25
probably turned around at some point though. It might be easy.

Unknown Speaker 9:42
orchard here to really Yeah, it's gone now.

Unknown Speaker 9:46
It was it all down in here.

Unknown Speaker 9:49
Mostly on the cyber side. About a year

Unknown Speaker 10:04
Was this part here this this part

Unknown Speaker 10:08
no that what we didn't have the porch on the front so just the porch of the house

Unknown Speaker 10:20
really looks so different to

Unknown Speaker 10:27
nice you though

Unknown Speaker 10:32
didn't have all these cheat here then you're born here probably wasn't yeah he could have been born and we're waiting along camp somewhere to

Unknown Speaker 10:49
be up there she's a grown up in a really

Unknown Speaker 10:53
yeah all open it was all landed big orchard here right here right here yeah there's orchard land

Unknown Speaker 11:13
born in this house he was born in year two because this is when we build lovely brought us from the water side said that all the kids were born here

Unknown Speaker 11:45
yeah this is I think when we came with Bill lovely he brought us when we did that ashes ashes to ride out to their to the little Isabella point there. And so he was showing us all the way along we came on his boat and he said that you guys were born here he told us dad was born here too.

Unknown Speaker 12:08
The kindred warm oh really but oh a kid for boys. Oh come home and have their kids yeah we're

Unknown Speaker 12:24
ready to go again. Oh my gosh. This is where we

Unknown Speaker 12:31
water when we're watching to say hello to

Unknown Speaker 12:37
forgot to show us Yeah, so does somebody did you live in this house that I've never

Unknown Speaker 12:44
actually lived here I just moved from here with mum to Victoria than Oh to Victoria. Where she just came on down to the VA Wow. We were just saying there was an older sister that the dad grandpa he was the one that he used to go with his older sister and she passed away towards after that he started calling his mom I guess getting married time that he used to go into logging camps so everyone saw as she looks hold on when he puts your brain good I'd be limitless qualicum Yes. Bowser robbers above we move on to wow the house up on the

Unknown Speaker 13:45
down there. Oh, I see.

Unknown Speaker 13:47
Edgar came to live with us permanent and I

Unknown Speaker 13:50
think I cuz I think from when we look at this site, there's little there's like another smaller house than this yellow house.

Unknown Speaker 14:00
Many down in the metal house would go down to the creek over there. Okay. On the other side of that was down. He's placed him overboard or is it ever nice?

Unknown Speaker 14:16
Yes. You're

Unknown Speaker 14:17
having fun walking around your living.

Unknown Speaker 14:22
room I said when we came in did the ashes for dad. Bill Lumley brought us on his boat. We did moms and dads right out there. And we were looking up this way. And he said that's where your dad was born? Yeah, that's right. Yeah. We're uncle Stan was born. So we've seen it from this way. I've never seen it from this.

Unknown Speaker 14:39
No. This the fella who owns this place is really accommodating. Oh, yeah. He loves the history. And he knows a lot. Well, he knew a lot of it. He has Alzheimer's now. So he's struggling a bit. But he anytime I brought family or people here he'd say bring them and he'd show up and tell him all the stories that he knew of.

Unknown Speaker 14:59
Oh yeah. I think further that we save a war

Unknown Speaker 15:07

Unknown Speaker 15:10
little bit different to the other nowhere but somewhere in the day here we had a dad work and Uncle Bill this child we both sing beloved builder

Unknown Speaker 15:24
Well it's hard to see right now because it's so grown up you can't really see where the

Unknown Speaker 15:32
origin when I was born and when the grandmother could read big vegetable garden over there the other side of that orchard we cleaned up and there were all the crowds and everything were down. Now as far as hey dad used to all the slaughtering the shearing sheep in that night. And that road that goes up that Lakeshore we call it mix road and went to a big field for that. Grammar use you have horses up there.

Unknown Speaker 16:13
I remember the VIX field that who was Vic MC or MC mix

Unknown Speaker 16:17

Unknown Speaker 16:18
Who were they

Unknown Speaker 16:20
they were, they're gone before my time. They were there was kind of an old Hawaiian roll of garbage in there was like another barn or I could go around this whole shore for the year all into Beaufort. You'd find Hawaiian settlements. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:45
Absolutely. The whole south end of the island and then all of that allowed us to wrestle in Portland and call Allen piers Island

Unknown Speaker 16:51
if you follow that road up to mix feel longer road used to go later and you will come up to alleviate that burden but part of the mountain mountain were dead built. Kept Turner's off beyond that he gave it to the Hague bought it for Dick

Unknown Speaker 17:16

Unknown Speaker 17:22
oh gamelift Row only that to get it

Unknown Speaker 17:28
was kept Turner. Where did he show up?

Unknown Speaker 17:30
We have a picture of him right. Human

Unknown Speaker 17:37
hanging out Yeah. Lovely. Yeah. Okay. And then marry lovely. She was married to Honi or marry no woman right? And she married Bill Lumley. Okay. Right. They lived here and raise their families. Yes. Okay. They had many children. And

Unknown Speaker 17:56
so then when did they give up this property? Like they just sold it or do Downey

Unknown Speaker 18:02
had it? Their son didn't he had an

Unknown Speaker 18:09
uncle? Uncle Bill and Bill only the old old bill Bill took over. He did grandmother move the legs move somebody to wave Robert today yeah, no.

Unknown Speaker 18:28
Where was the stairs? Grandpa? Get up there. I didn't see stairs. It must have been from a door

Unknown Speaker 18:36
I forget to

Unknown Speaker 18:39
take some pictures inside door there's was the fireplace

Unknown Speaker 18:46
in the front door The stairs are kind of right in front.

Unknown Speaker 18:49
Oh maybe behind one of those doors. The bathroom in there in the corner.

Unknown Speaker 18:56
We were having bathroom when I

Unknown Speaker 19:02
was out in Vegas.

Unknown Speaker 19:05
I should have taken a picture of our friends beer everybody that comes in there's a Bear Bear rug rug and everybody comes in it's like warn me about this

Unknown Speaker 19:16
you know when a creek goes down between grandma's house here in London on the other side everywhere ever you Creek banks Yeah, really good solid. Stay in the ground but go down to work to the walk away.

Unknown Speaker 19:38
Yeah, there's a creek right here on the other side of the house.

Unknown Speaker 19:41
Yeah. The water that's run across on the other side of the creek bolted

Unknown Speaker 19:47
down Yeah, I knew there was another house over there have have relatives

Unknown Speaker 19:51
down he says that's her 22 year old born over there. Oh, okay. Yeah. Great. Nice That's really sad to me get the old old who I was on the field below town is placed inside there and with the added rounder with the break in there in the cage so come by Bolton and reaching that flat land where you decide to bring crimes

Unknown Speaker 20:22
down here. Yeah, I'm used to walk down there just around the

Unknown Speaker 20:28
yard if these trees were growing up so much here you could see

Unknown Speaker 20:31
there's no crazier than no

Unknown Speaker 20:35
I think I have a picture of a whole fleet down here

Unknown Speaker 20:41
big great big barn over that way between here and down here. Yeah right burl then Bill

Unknown Speaker 20:49
was saying that they used to have that

Unknown Speaker 20:52
at the garden site over here he showed us the last week our

Unknown Speaker 20:55
vegetable garden

Unknown Speaker 21:00
when we were here last time he was showing us that and there's these big cedars up across the top and of course they're all like the huge big stump with five oh yeah. And he said granny lamb knees did cut back cut the top off the tree all the time so the sun and hit her garden and then years later of course the trees have grown up the devil's pitchforks now

Unknown Speaker 21:26

Unknown Speaker 21:34
bedroom was that oh gosh I don't remember that

Unknown Speaker 21:42
she said we could go up but she said probably pretty messy. Are they are they Riddick and Dickon deadly Dick unless they can laugh. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 22:00
Devil's Dixie here with grandma.

Unknown Speaker 22:03
Oh, did you hear that? Yes, I did. I was just a nanny told me at one point when Declan last were little boys that I don't know how small they lived in a tent thing out here in the front yard. Because there wasn't enough room in there. That's what they were really small. How How old was Uncle last

Unknown Speaker 22:30
couple of years old me

Unknown Speaker 22:33
about two years. Yeah, okay. So Dick was I have

Unknown Speaker 22:37
to two years last year

Unknown Speaker 22:39
okay to Walter would have been

Unknown Speaker 22:41
nannies husband first.

Unknown Speaker 22:45
And then Papa.

Unknown Speaker 22:48
Then add Lewis Lewis for me.

Unknown Speaker 22:51
And then I also found out the only one that she was married to was Bill Hall, legally married.

Unknown Speaker 22:58
I've seen papers I thought with Walter

Unknown Speaker 23:01
Well, she told me when I when when bills passed away, Bill Hall passed away. I was actually working in Victoria at the time and I took nanny to get home her pension, capers and all of that. death certificates and all of that. She had to prove marriage to build because he had a government pension. And then she had to sign a citation. And I said, Well, it's approved for wedding papers are licensed to wear them. She said I never married any of those men.

Unknown Speaker 23:40
Dad was going with Harriet lovely. She passed away. And after that, you've got to be with mum. With your sister at the time

Unknown Speaker 23:59
didn't they come together?

Unknown Speaker 24:04
What did she What did she die up? You know? She said she had appendicitis and

Unknown Speaker 24:09
I really wrote

Unknown Speaker 24:10
down something talking to him once they didn't know if it was appendicitis or something or

Unknown Speaker 24:15
second choice to know that you ever got married?

Unknown Speaker 24:20
Well who was Harriet? Harry?

Unknown Speaker 24:25
Nannies older sister.

Unknown Speaker 24:28
There's that picture of the lump of my parents lumley's in the nanny in them under the tree all of them would that be here? Oh yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 24:35
think so. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:38
I see myself and nanny in that little one

Unknown Speaker 24:44
this is so changed to what used to be Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 24:49
Now Oh

Unknown Speaker 24:51
trees yet though growing up, but I would say this is all orchard apples Probably never went through

Unknown Speaker 25:06
here where the heck did they have? Like even baptizing a child? Where would you go? Well, I mean, of course we're the church we're just out but uh, probably at times wouldn't be a pain to get that sort

Unknown Speaker 25:19
of thing done right a lot of the times they came to you Oh, is that okay? Yeah

Unknown Speaker 25:24
cuz you wouldn't work that's a big track to go get

Unknown Speaker 25:26
they they wanted to save those souls so they would come to you. Oh, and

Unknown Speaker 25:33
the grandmas rolling. In fact we've come to hear from Neil

Unknown Speaker 25:39
when you passed away like we were reading about Harriet and it said that services were performed by sans funeral Lauren was reading it off to something about her death so and that was supposed to be here in Salt Spring but the location of the grave site they didn't know

Unknown Speaker 25:58
I think it's a Vegas church we passed before you get to the forefront in oh yeah that's for sure yeah,

Unknown Speaker 26:08
we can we can we can stop there just

Unknown Speaker 26:12
above the old site. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 26:17
nicely painted and everything

Unknown Speaker 26:19
we can stop there on the way back there very

Unknown Speaker 26:26
very good.

Unknown Speaker 26:30
That was always a big that was always a big story to me the Harriet you know that for me to think that prophecy? Who we who and when they came to get him at the logging place because she was dying. That's so heart wrenching right

Unknown Speaker 26:50
Jonica Lake and

Unknown Speaker 26:55
so Kathy, maybe this is asking too much. But there's a print inside the house of this house painting a painting things. It's just left here. Do you think the person would mind if somebody like that lives on SWAT salesman got copies made of that for us?

Unknown Speaker 27:13
I keep you open to that the last time I was here. He had that painting at his house and he brought it up to show the painting

Unknown Speaker 27:23
that's why I left so it's not just okay. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 27:26
But if you wanted copies of it Yeah, I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem.

Unknown Speaker 27:30
Yeah, that would be

Unknown Speaker 27:31
the good picture but take a picture of the

Unknown Speaker 27:33
larger picture.

Unknown Speaker 27:34
Oh, did you so maybe what we get from that the best photographer so

Unknown Speaker 27:39
well maybe if you just bring it take it off the mantle bring it out in a good light or something get a good picture of it and just put it back up. I can't remember he showed us the picture he painted he was quite happy with it. You told us who painted it and that sort of thing for Dad

Unknown Speaker 27:54
Oh yes we have a picture of the show material

Unknown Speaker 28:06
that's Russell Lau and remotely you can just see the tip of it there

Unknown Speaker 28:14
Oh yeah. It's the pictures on here last

Unknown Speaker 28:20
painting there

Unknown Speaker 28:22
I thought I'd better go take a picture is everybody had a bit of a scream walking? Me about

Unknown Speaker 28:36

Unknown Speaker 28:39
This was the old home Chris was wondering when they built the house. Do you remember when they built it before

Unknown Speaker 28:53
did you guys stay upstairs in the house or downstairs? Or everywhere you didn't spend much here as you went to

Unknown Speaker 29:05
Rome can just picture all the kids running around and in and out. Live really good. Was he 21 really fast

Unknown Speaker 29:25
you were when you're fishing

Unknown Speaker 29:28
was the first year the guy went up. Saturday happened when I was fishing and it goes over natural river and when that happens

Unknown Speaker 29:44
I take it less up. And then I went I was going to come home.

Unknown Speaker 29:51
She got back into the bottle again up there and so I was going to come home on my own because I was working in Victoria. I was going to work victory that sweetie you want me to go to the bathroom? Or do the springs so that's where it happened.

Unknown Speaker 30:14
Did they bring you back so you could go to the funeral

Unknown Speaker 30:21
didn't get to do this because I didn't have any radio right? We got back in again didn't you? Didn't

Unknown Speaker 30:31
you stay some time with mom when dad was away at the war or something? She said that you and Edgar stayed with him when he lived at Fulford Harbor that up on the hill

Unknown Speaker 30:46
dad used to live there with your bumper while during the war. But we were I was we were working to victorious

Unknown Speaker 30:55
okay. Because I remember her telling me that she was working with

Unknown Speaker 31:01
the COVID colpack when he was making records for us to run the colpack company. And he's had a hard time getting somebody kickbox in his rapping. So I was working in the logging camp. Once he gets done with slugging camp Africa was on Saltspring halfway which is in Ganges for mud Conrad was oh, but he fought me wonder if I'd come down and give my hand because you couldn't find couldn't find it. So I went down went to work within droned colpack fr feel like it was Vic Linda Wallach was he was an alderman in Victoria Chan, but he owned his company he could see Google workers only spotted them There we read nothing until they bought it the only time they ever had full calendars ever they said what was

Unknown Speaker 32:02
it called? I'm gonna Google search and see if there's any pictures of the old company

Unknown Speaker 32:08
called kolpak Coal probably come under the cold

Unknown Speaker 32:13
like in coal co al call or

Unknown Speaker 32:21
kale le okay look at the real core loans

Unknown Speaker 32:27
Yeah super cool you guys started

Unknown Speaker 32:32
and what were you making bricks

Unknown Speaker 32:36
you'd put six I think we're six bricks are about Jews have called us mixed with coal slag mixed with cement and then they put it in the hopper and mix it up and big Hopper up confident whether it was the right texture dumped down and Edgar was done with leaking machine was that would wrap it and he would wrap it and put it for out to to hold them together and put it on carts with real into into the kiln dry to dry them what's up water Greg? We're stuck together take them out sell them for real they're just like buying coal but yeah,

Unknown Speaker 33:29
so you burned it compressed How old are you guys

Unknown Speaker 33:39
was around when I was eight years when I joined it was before literally looking at oh

Unknown Speaker 34:00
let's call him

Unknown Speaker 34:06
What are you looking at? Oh can see that? See the roof? Is this thick was shingles. They just kept adding.

Unknown Speaker 34:23
Don't take the old one off. There. You guys you try to get a picture from up there. Where are we going

Unknown Speaker 34:32
by the cabin? Is a cabin on that mountain road? Yes, we pass mountain road.

Unknown Speaker 34:39
We can drive up there and see if you think the road is fine. The cabin is long gone, but you might

Unknown Speaker 34:47
think it is oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker 34:50
I shouldn't say that. Maybe Maybe they just rebuilt around it.

Unknown Speaker 34:53
I got a letter from him and two

Unknown Speaker 34:59
years ago was timing works for you guys that have to be in place

Unknown Speaker 35:02
Oh yeah somebody's catching the ferry at three or something 31

Unknown Speaker 35:07

Unknown Speaker 35:20
just done along the year on that towards the point out there we just have a workout bill on the stage

Unknown Speaker 35:37
grandma's house the old Patty she looked at work building the rocket oh yeah I remember jumping off there when I was a kid so big in the Bay

Unknown Speaker 36:13
Area you guys drove up here

Unknown Speaker 36:31
one with a little bay in it you can see the end the West End yeah both you're going to

Unknown Speaker 36:49
see this the block me who couldn't even back into the driveway It

Unknown Speaker 37:02
wasn't your fault. Bad counsel on that one

Unknown Speaker 37:12
somebody's left some keys here. Okay, go

Unknown Speaker 37:24
on to the next, Dan Harris landmark

Unknown Speaker 37:33
very cool. I didn't know that this would be where you were born.

Unknown Speaker 37:39
Yeah. I think that a grandfather built his house. My Dad Oh really? Builders. Yeah, he's he did both to build it. He was kind of a handy guy. He did all the slaughtering and cheering and building and every time they were really going up somewhere up there. I'm on because he used to be used to work in the sawmill and he saw the lumber

Unknown Speaker 38:09
but you said Manny was born here today.

Unknown Speaker 38:11
Oh no. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 38:15
So your grandfather built it or your dad?

Unknown Speaker 38:19
Great My great grandpa so they moved from a sandwich support loan to here after the kids got old luckily that average school that's where the old school ground was we stopped okay well that was built on because of all these kids up here on the road all hind descends they didn't have enough kids wherever they lived to build a school. They all had to move to Salt Springs. Because education okay

Unknown Speaker 39:04
that's why I thought was about the first year because I'm old enough to go to school, right? He just had a head count.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Okay, so we'll just pull straight out. So then because then Laurie's gonna turn around once we're pulled out

Unknown Speaker 39:23
they're gonna go down. But actually,

Unknown Speaker 39:26
I don't can you get down

Unknown Speaker 39:31
there we're gonna go. Good.

Unknown Speaker 39:37
Where are we going to next mountain road where is the old cabin used to be okay.

Unknown Speaker 39:52

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Maybe there was a stone eggs to be announced. Check them

Unknown Speaker 40:12
out Yeah, the garden used to be over here on this side. Okay. Can you see any of the trees that have low? Yeah, there

Unknown Speaker 40:30
you go see those devils pitchfork trinary Eagle. Wow,

Unknown Speaker 40:34
she used to cut when it was small versus grown huge enough she would cut that off cut that off to the sun would get her garden in the afternoon the trees would shade her garden. So she kept cutting it off and then they stopped

Unknown Speaker 40:54
growing in I mean never any trees

Unknown Speaker 41:02
I think there's a couple of those trees around here. You'll see them

Unknown Speaker 41:06
multiple trunks like for backhoe this way to the right

Unknown Speaker 41:26
that was pretty small. Yeah, that's amazing.

Unknown Speaker 41:38
That side of the hill over there on the other side of the creek.

Unknown Speaker 41:44
Who did? Oh, the townies. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 41:52
This is part of the book right down

Unknown Speaker 42:06
Yeah, I'll bet. I don't know who wants that now.

Unknown Speaker 42:17
Do you know the people? So you just talked to those folks who did you know them at all, or just or just

Unknown Speaker 42:23
I knew them, their sons that went to school with their sons. And so they've been around for a while he was a teacher, professor down at UVic, I think. And they'd come up here and spend some time. And then I knew they still lived on the property. And so I just called them up when the Hawaiian civic people were coming up from Washington State and said that we don't want to come in or intrude or anything. But if we drive by, can we stop and just take off? And they said, Oh, come on in. That's the first time I met him for

Unknown Speaker 42:57
a long time. They'd been on that property wounded a long time or life here. 30 years

Unknown Speaker 43:01
more or more, maybe? Well. So I found him just the other day. I got to her the wife and told her what we were doing. And she said I just can't

Unknown Speaker 43:11
How old would you say they are?

Unknown Speaker 43:15
He's probably in his 70s She's maybe in her 60s.

Unknown Speaker 43:22
That's nice that they because they haven't messed with it too much right now if it came into the wrong hands.

Unknown Speaker 43:28
Shut that door. Door to the house.

Unknown Speaker 43:32
I didn't look Should we go?

Unknown Speaker 43:37
We shouldn't leave it open. We'll see if somebody else shut it Are they behind us? Yeah. Should we? Yeah, because if we can

Unknown Speaker 43:52
just jump out and check. Yeah, see if anybody

Unknown Speaker 43:54
remembers shutting the door. In and out.

Unknown Speaker 43:59
I didn't shut it. So I know. The last one out

Part Seven

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Thanks Karen her best friend so not revenue system for her and her best friend married brothers

Unknown Speaker 0:09
so there was a cabin right in here on the corner I don't

Unknown Speaker 0:14
know me just that little shocked Oh, it

Unknown Speaker 0:16
was a shot it was like a dog host sized little little tiny building would probably be gone. I think so. Your little shack oh my god

Unknown Speaker 0:28
Did you build it

Unknown Speaker 0:35
and you used it as a shelter

Unknown Speaker 0:36
if you couldn't get up here it was too dark. Or too late.

Unknown Speaker 0:41
This is all grown over at nighttime. Oh yeah. Of course on animals used to run general Madison Scarlett Bell is on say you knew what you did? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:02
It's quite a few houses out here now. And this road was very tiny. Barely the width of a vehicle

Unknown Speaker 1:10
sure improved to what it was. Oh, yeah. Well, logging the company the logging company here Johnny Rowling's dead in the money together and logged on zero fortune he worked

Unknown Speaker 1:33
at Morton's I remember that name he

Unknown Speaker 1:36
used to log as he was a great friend welcome

Unknown Speaker 1:53
roads go off

Unknown Speaker 2:37
see what's in front of me

Unknown Speaker 2:42
now is this where the cabin was ready to be in here isn't it? It was quite a ways in which kids when you're walking in the road was all the grass grown in the middle of it on the right on the left I think

Unknown Speaker 3:02
in there he says this up here looks about is it up here on the right here somewhere yeah yeah, there it is. So somewhere Are they behind? We hope not. That's

Unknown Speaker 3:22
it there maybe that's

Unknown Speaker 3:25
the head now this was open and this is all garden

Unknown Speaker 3:29
looks like it was a log cabin Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 3:32
Yeah that's cool. Looks like they

Unknown Speaker 3:37
just people I know we can't go on there but I'm just gonna

Unknown Speaker 3:47
let it

Unknown Speaker 3:53
sing and then can you tell them how it was built? Who built up the history of it? I think during the war and went up for tax sale nobody looked after everyone who was awake I think Bobby Ackerman bought it and attack sale agenda we're gonna tear it down. And then they found out it was built

Unknown Speaker 4:27
over the history of it

Unknown Speaker 4:33
go in and say hi. We want to just take a picture of the place he used to live here on the

Unknown Speaker 4:38
other side of that the old radio log cabin one rumor

Unknown Speaker 4:47
going around, no, no, this is all new. But I remember walking up here his kids went up to cap Jack usually just coming up here berry picking or something you know

Unknown Speaker 4:58
wow. compared to the roller coasters that would walk from here down to the rolling house yeah. And he said on the corner there were just turned off there was like a little dog house sized little shelter that hinted at during the season overnight breaking

Unknown Speaker 5:20

Unknown Speaker 5:23
This is covered there and had bent over and backed up against stolen and Brandon

Unknown Speaker 5:36
this house right yeah he touched on burned everything the same property

Unknown Speaker 5:43

Unknown Speaker 5:44
yeah that's wrong

Unknown Speaker 5:59
baby I guess we've all gone through made me homeless grandma used to be a midwife. We would go to have their kids go away home again. Where you live. And after? Well, I wouldn't my brother Andrew came to live with us when he mom remarried. When Reggie was born, she couldn't look after me. He came to live with us, too. He then just finished building on the other side of this house down below. A bit is a one room log cabin used to be all Hawaiian settlement house all garden a vegetable garden here the one rumor down below there was Dad was building this. And he worked in the sawmill up and foolproof and he saw the lumber and the trees down. That'd be Maxis mill McAfee, McAfee McAfee is that old logcat and still down here? I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 7:29
No fancy here.

Unknown Speaker 7:31
I think it's amazing how much you remember that?

Unknown Speaker 7:33
Exactly. Oh, you're telling us we're so fortunate. Like

Unknown Speaker 7:38
everyone was saying everybody turned their college loose. So every once in a while a coward combined with see the code we go run out knock.

Unknown Speaker 7:51
us some long told you Madison. We'd built a coward and he'd go long after humans come along. Everybody's seen my own car.

Unknown Speaker 8:04
Yeah, it wasn't their cow. Just to get some milk

Unknown Speaker 8:09
whoever walked by.

Unknown Speaker 8:14
So you would walk from school? So you guys, you went to school down where we were first. You'd walk you'd walk all the way there.

Unknown Speaker 8:24
And then you'd walk home walk home again. Wow. That's a long way.

Unknown Speaker 8:27
That's what I was saying. Thinking right? That's what we still gotta go. Everywhere

Unknown Speaker 8:31
you went. Today we walk because you had no cars. Nobody had a car. I think while we were asked him to God one but I never he went and he would pick the old people. All right. Kids would walk.

Unknown Speaker 8:45
So you what time did you have to leave to be at school? Holy smokes. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 8:50
a lot of times I know. You didn't go God would go wherever you walk ahead of us and break trail.

Unknown Speaker 8:59
Rather than just stay home.

Unknown Speaker 9:03
Oh my goodness. Wow.

Unknown Speaker 9:08
When he worked in the lawn camp, he was good up to here. And he'd take his rifle and he walkway up. hours up into the mountains with log camps work. work all day and walk over

Unknown Speaker 9:24
every shot in here in fact zero. In the morning, you hang him up in the tree somewhere and then pick it up

Unknown Speaker 9:36
and you can look out the window here and shoot deer out of our garden right through the window. sliding window, sliding window open. Bang.

Unknown Speaker 9:52
We did that down at our house. Yeah, boys it get up in the morning. Does it deer in here. It would be quiet. so that we didn't have to back it on

Unknown Speaker 10:03
down there no I didn't I didn't see that right before we got to the house

Unknown Speaker 10:13
so nobody answered the door

Unknown Speaker 10:14
no I knocked on the door there's nobody home so I thought we can take a picture of him inside the gate but we will go prowling around their property

Unknown Speaker 10:24
group before this

Unknown Speaker 10:29
little log cabin right beside it here it's got a tin roof on it. Oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 10:42
y'all originally,

Unknown Speaker 10:43
I was at that EI is log also this one here is log

Unknown Speaker 10:47
and then they got to switch

Unknown Speaker 10:57
dad wasn't kept that okay. The Family Band. Long gone through this.

Unknown Speaker 11:03
We could get lots of pictures from it was from Eva Downey from Canada. All logging must be up

Unknown Speaker 11:13
there they were all in this thing together. Saudis role was in on it, wasn't he? It? Was he maybe Bob? I'm not sure.

Unknown Speaker 11:26
For sure that townies the roelens is Harris's yeah

Unknown Speaker 11:33
because they'll work together anything like that. He did most of the building all around where they were building their building and bought one you in there yeah.

Unknown Speaker 11:53
I don't know what happened to all that stuff when he after he passed the children. So

Unknown Speaker 11:58
I was surprised by this. Yeah, growing up.

Unknown Speaker 12:02
I think they probably moved all of the artifacts somewhere. The property's been sold it's

Unknown Speaker 12:07
beautiful. Go shopping. I used to go stay there when we drove out and dry this up. Yeah. And he used to farm Christmas trees off all that night and so yeah, we used to load them up for yourselves that would be there was a bundling tie them off in the bundle and grade them then we'd load them on that truck and take them on boxcars.

Unknown Speaker 12:43
Not forget to shut the gate this time right. Yeah, we'll be coming back this

Unknown Speaker 12:48
roll road continued on after long too long these all long joins up with that next we'll have joined up on the other end and comes up to you this way. We used to walk down that old road to grab an alumni

Unknown Speaker 13:11
I think I don't know how far this road goes now but I think there's still more families living up this way now

Unknown Speaker 13:15
so it's a beautiful big field out in mixed field their original cabin was

Unknown Speaker 13:23
yeah well the original one right there on the right got the tin roof on it now yeah

Unknown Speaker 13:30
it's been that was a one rumor was prayed driven was he had his own bunk on the other side and he built the meantime

Unknown Speaker 13:46
they go trees right there all along the street they have some logging camp here from the school it was all family logged and found these terraces and somebody died yeah that's it Tony wherever the gate he's got the gate already.

Unknown Speaker 14:21
So where was at Acre Rock the boys used to come up to hunting rock somewhere up in here

Unknown Speaker 14:32
don't know what to call that. names we

Unknown Speaker 14:45
got a picture lined up from the pictures.

Unknown Speaker 14:53
As a baby as your

Unknown Speaker 14:55
grew up to and again back to Studio One. Do you

Unknown Speaker 15:00
have a drawing or a painting of it at your house? Don't you this whole cabinet? Or is it an actual photo? Well, now you could have to compare the shots. Yeah. Because you might feel recognized where the trees are and the angle All right. Are we done Tucker? Hey Lance driving

Unknown Speaker 15:26
this is great Kathy

Unknown Speaker 15:29
I think we'll go down to Randy rose okay

Unknown Speaker 15:32
to turn around and head back around we're heading back

Unknown Speaker 15:35

Unknown Speaker 15:40
yeah there's a place up here

Unknown Speaker 15:52
good supply around here

Unknown Speaker 15:56
some water in

Unknown Speaker 15:58
that there's a bit I can get you some art

Unknown Speaker 16:07
this is this is the the thing here so grounds

Unknown Speaker 16:11
around the Spock do just turning around

Unknown Speaker 16:16
the other drive there

Unknown Speaker 16:21
no road drive down down to where we were down there just now. Lovely. Oh really joins up well if we kept going down there you can go right out

Unknown Speaker 16:35
what are you gonna do better because this seems to be a separate they call this which one you live studio

Unknown Speaker 16:47
does that the one you lived in there?

Unknown Speaker 16:51
That looks like a newer building that well the bottom part of it so they've built on top

Unknown Speaker 16:58
all the top of the head part was only a tiny one room

Unknown Speaker 17:12
build together in the meantime we lived in there for that that's happened that is all new.

Unknown Speaker 17:18
Yeah you can see the difference in construction there that was all our garden

Unknown Speaker 17:21
vegetable garden in Sweden the windows open it should fear first meat and vegetables all in one place

Unknown Speaker 17:36
and milk from the cows running by But dad

Unknown Speaker 17:39
would take his gun every day went to work because he'd walk up or up the mountain

Unknown Speaker 17:49
bike on the way home yeah so

Unknown Speaker 17:59
they built it as their studio whatever

Unknown Speaker 18:04
no cap nuts not that will

Unknown Speaker 18:08
see the bottom of it maybe just just the bottom and see the bottom log Park there's not much of it left. But you can see how that was

Unknown Speaker 18:19
that was just something you lived in temporarily while they built the other one

Unknown Speaker 18:23
yeah yeah, yeah. Yeah this is

Unknown Speaker 18:26
long haul up the back here

Unknown Speaker 18:31
I bought it and then put it off

Unknown Speaker 18:48
ALL RIGHTY let's see ya

Unknown Speaker 18:56
the long length the size of the cabin

Unknown Speaker 18:58
yeah tiny little square

Unknown Speaker 19:03
building is there still well This to me was back our thinking with packet Did you see the poster?

Unknown Speaker 19:22
No. It's just doing that

Unknown Speaker 19:30
effect that's where I was giving him her bathroom guy and then Oh in here beside the fireplace or not a fireplace, the kitchen stove and he is getting the bath because it was warm there. And then he's bent over one time a brand new stuff on the stove.

Unknown Speaker 19:51
Oh no.

Unknown Speaker 19:55
No, pretty bad virtually.

Unknown Speaker 19:59
You I'm having a burning sit down

Unknown Speaker 20:11
with some butter

Unknown Speaker 20:27
another year then

Unknown Speaker 20:30
you didn't have any

Unknown Speaker 20:34
new or getting footstone yeah this was always we could wait to get this hill to go oh we're home yeah this was our landmark this dip here that big rock all the way from here down gets so dark the light pole

Unknown Speaker 21:06
still nice and quiet yeah

Unknown Speaker 21:14
there a lot of if somebody was trying to build here it gets tough right and to go through all these you can only build certain places on the island I guess

Unknown Speaker 21:34
get pretty strict on the building rules later on

Unknown Speaker 22:02
a second build temporary resolve log off from the guys love them

Unknown Speaker 22:15
but they didn't clear cut like they do today

Unknown Speaker 22:17

Unknown Speaker 22:19
wonder they just tick tick a few here and there pick them

Unknown Speaker 22:22
carefully good forward

Unknown Speaker 22:29
well they're basically just taking the Douglas fir

Unknown Speaker 22:31

Unknown Speaker 22:42
big huge you ever felt guilty you know if you found one that was good and they would leave it to somebody with a canoe or with fresh

Unknown Speaker 23:04
okay got everybody think

Unknown Speaker 23:07
so. Off to the left then Yes Where are we headed next

Unknown Speaker 23:14
to the old Roland grandma Rollins place where my brother Dave still lives

Unknown Speaker 23:19

Unknown Speaker 23:22
he sounded great last night yeah. I was talking to him when he said that tree house he said the guy because I was amazed at the sound some standing outside the sound was just all the levels were perfect and I was wondering how they get that so good and he said that the guy who set that up as was a sound engineer or something and he was quite put quite a bit of detail into making it sound good

Unknown Speaker 23:49
the shepherds lived up here

Unknown Speaker 23:55

Unknown Speaker 24:00
yeah it was a road right down to the middle left to Grandma's house from shepherds grandmas who go to school

Unknown Speaker 24:17
in right here on your right coming up is rolling road. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 24:21
right there right

Unknown Speaker 24:22
down there

Unknown Speaker 24:31
so when did it become Rowland road? Well, they

Unknown Speaker 24:34
were the only ones that live down here

Unknown Speaker 24:36
yeah yeah,

Unknown Speaker 24:42
that corner was there started the property. Okay. Wow

Unknown Speaker 24:59
it's nice

Unknown Speaker 25:07
Come on up here not this drive with the next drive if you want to back in or drive in easily take care yeah

Unknown Speaker 25:16
yeah what I'll do maybe I'll I'll turn this back in okay good

Unknown Speaker 25:26
he can't see if my back yeah I should pull him forward I

Unknown Speaker 25:28
can always I don't think you can see much of the ocean anyway okay that was in the house

Unknown Speaker 25:43
as my thinking of rabbit doesn't want to go out want to see the house now otherwise they'll be facing you won't be able to street deal from going forward forward this you

Unknown Speaker 26:02
know pulling forward

Unknown Speaker 26:08
a stack of wood

Unknown Speaker 26:13
that's gonna pull it here oh yeah another stack of wood

Unknown Speaker 26:31
This is the bass players house was this

Unknown Speaker 26:40
apple Jacqueline

Unknown Speaker 26:43
where we were born yeah

Part Eight

Unknown Speaker 0:00
RIP stumbled backwards Brian South

Unknown Speaker 0:10

Unknown Speaker 0:21

Unknown Speaker 0:30
trip over that all we lost all black to off that step

Unknown Speaker 0:37
back vecow Grappas graph would give us his gender and we rode them across the kids we wrote him a proxy scholar he wanted to see the skulls Mrs back to stay with grandma look at old grandma's needlework and she was intrigued with grandma's knitting and all the stuff she lived by hand in to she'd rather than go cross your leg to school she decided to stay in the basket the work of Gramatik

Unknown Speaker 1:14
that is that the stuff that she learned that stuff from this guy was story I heard was like she came across from Portland go to school beaver point. But you know, I should probably warn her that the record went on.

Unknown Speaker 1:34
And then she used to make my clothes

Unknown Speaker 1:43
and yeah yeah. And then when when Dave back wanted to see food. He asked you guys how to get down.

Unknown Speaker 1:55
We took him along there. We've spear fish oil long from bull Bay, as they call it, and we're from there Oh to the islands on that beaches and that kind of along with a spear and a bucket into clear water. We saw demo fishers grant the hat rock Crowder, three

Unknown Speaker 2:15
pointed. Yeah, fishing gear down in the boathouse and the herring rake and all sorts of holes. Yeah, and then the bank caved in and buried the hole Oh

Unknown Speaker 2:23
yeah. Make our own rakes and spirits find him long tall chopping out in the bush and putting down drive nails and sharpen

Unknown Speaker 2:35
them in the crap net. clean clean Yeah, exactly.

Unknown Speaker 2:42
Is that this we're gonna take you to the harbor house or something that went they weren't gonna

Unknown Speaker 2:46
came back after didn't need to take you. They

Unknown Speaker 2:49
took us out to go to the harbor house for dinner but do it and I was sitting there. I was allergic to kayak I used to be at all the time was

Unknown Speaker 3:05
not a lot easier. Well, they are now. Well, who was back? He was the head of North America.

Unknown Speaker 3:15
And how did you get hung up with him?

Unknown Speaker 3:18
Well, guys, we're all working at the city level at that time, and we were there happened. Cleaning old Ville shepherds. Bill Shepherd moved from here to Sydney then to an account of Neil. But he'd been fishing out in his his boat when he were cleaning his bow down. He used to give us a dime or a nickel to clean his motor. And we were cleaning out when Dave Beck and his wife can down the road. I think he was read something to do with the mill and organizing probably.

Unknown Speaker 3:49
I think I read somewhere that the Western Conference of Teamsters it was only on the side of the Rockies. And they were organizing that I think in the early 30s. Late 20s I'm not sure what however well you were you were born 1923 I read that one of those books that most Teamster books there's a bell give me about a half a dozen books on the Teamster history. And that's what I was wondering if he was up here as part of the Western. He used to come up here as part of the of the Western Conference of Teamsters.

Unknown Speaker 4:21
Well, he was yeah, he just took time off and Victoria to come over here. He wanted to know what kind of stuff that was we had in the bottom of the body never seen like the eggs. You sleep asleep. Alright guys, so he told him how I used to go and do it. Where'd you do that? And I said over my grandma's spice. So can you take me there was three of us boys right? I'll pick you up in the morning. I told him you have to go but very well. Well pick up in the morning, and then come but then we've done the quarterly set and sure enough, he came in with car. His wife and him and drove us on the ferry and we come out to grandma's place. There was a little pathway grandpa gave us let us have these boats. We went across skulls and she stayed with grandmas and watched you. Do you remember the skulls on yeah. Oh yeah, really? Well, yeah, we used to go there quite often. Get apples in the orchard. And then the Fisher kids used to come from Russell Russell island. They drove over when they saw Scotland. We all need to pick apples 24 by 24 and I don't know why because they own Orchard. Orchard here juice. Go anyway.

Unknown Speaker 5:54
Well, back then used to be able to see Skull Island. trees growing up now. covered it. Okay. Why did they call that bull Bay? This property

Unknown Speaker 6:05
was a cat loves to be in there. These hogs down in it when they log that's right there. You main doctor. And then would you

Unknown Speaker 6:17
want it? Was it Bowlby? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 6:20
there was a family. Big Family of cold bull. Oh, probably.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
Maybe they own that.

Unknown Speaker 6:27
You know where that name came from? The other people call today?

Unknown Speaker 6:30
This one? Yeah. Oh, no. China beach?

Unknown Speaker 6:35
No, I never

Unknown Speaker 6:43
go back. No, I don't either. But there was a big bowl family now there was Celia now kind of younger, only son surviving son level went down to top and East Washington was raised by a woman named Catherine Eldridge. Oh, yeah. Her sister was Mary Hayhoe it. And she married John Bull how to play. And after she married him, she married John Kahana. And she's the mother of Chernick Ahana. The blind fiddler.

Unknown Speaker 7:14
Oh. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:19
So the whole family was around here

Unknown Speaker 7:21
moving that piece over there. Yeah. It's got a nice little piece of land. And they're like, Well, I was pretty good for the Rocky Mountain.

Unknown Speaker 7:28
Reserve goes from just inside skull islands only only over shortwave. small, tiny.

Unknown Speaker 7:36
Usually good hunting in their guesses on a counter that I guess because they're good ground in there. Yeah, it's all flat. had to quit because of the government. Reynolds started running sheep on and they started killing us. So they closed about that.

Unknown Speaker 7:53
Oh, yeah. Then people live. They can get the best clams off the Skoll islands. Big White shells. You didn't even have to dig you just scrape, scrape whale. And those big butter clams the size of your fist come rolling out of there. And right in the corner, there's a little tiny and the cloud who's talking about the clam garden glammed up here, maybe half a mile, quarter mile down the beach, and you walk that way with a lady and I don't it's very, very cool, but it's just a big pile of rocks

Unknown Speaker 8:33
to pick up the rocks, and eventually over the centuries, the the reek there will be no

Unknown Speaker 8:39
back here when we leave, read off the front door. There's this big pile of rocks and we call it the jack rolling Memorial rock is every rock we had to pick off this property. But the rock founder they're rebuilding that thing now. Yeah, they're attending to it. University students or something

Unknown Speaker 8:58
I know. I know, some of the people working on it. They've been doing some underwater archaeology. It's quite old actually. Yeah, we

Unknown Speaker 9:04
started when we were kids. I know. There was already sort of there. Yeah, it was part of it. They're already previous native people who just come off the couch in North Atlantic tickets. Big grant in the old days and they will wind everybody piled the rocks. There was another one up here down by one over by Tim Tebow. And we've done we've planned that out there. They did the same thing. When the land, big reclaimed part of the rocks, pick up the clams and then take the rocks and

Unknown Speaker 9:43
the wind come and it wasn't the one down here that was wrecked by the logging.

Unknown Speaker 9:47
I think so. There was one

Unknown Speaker 9:52
there was one there was one there too. Yeah, that was a great prime there too. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:58
We used to do that. Do you remember a lot of folks camp over here?

Unknown Speaker 10:04
We used to we went over every year and then and then sort of popular we'd see other people but then it got to the point where people would go down to camp for like the summer yeah young guys with their drums it'd be

Unknown Speaker 10:17
frustrating guys built that little shelter there. Yeah, they talk to the couch and guy who came over kick them off. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 10:23
well the people started living they built all the way close to the mouth right up to the edge of the reserve. And those people started complaining because it's not wasn't really policed by Buddy recovery. So then we got after they found out who was sort of in charge went to surplus I think it could have been Saanich there. So they came over and said, okay, no big Imperial brother I've been camping there all my life. I told him I said I'll paint up your face and go put a roadblock at the bridge there

Unknown Speaker 10:59
so I would have been Yeah, we spend a lot of time over that Saturday. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 11:05
Oh, that was a good day trip. You got caught off in the rocks. Yeah. Black I remember one time I went over there. Got in the boat. rode my whale over there Jake got a little tiny rock cramp and I rode home and I scrape all the scales off and I feel it as a too tiny so I took it up the hill to NT verniece rocket and she'd look at Oh hardened up again now. How much do you want for your period maybe five cents. Five cents does she go off and start digging in her purse the whole diamond is a hell of a phrase. A crab was 10 cents get her crab cook it a gravel lien it scrub the shell with a toothbrush It was nice and red no no green gunk on it. Take it up to 25 cents

Unknown Speaker 12:13
dad is this for you used to take grammar pass me here. From here it says go out.

Unknown Speaker 12:22
Oh yeah. Here Yeah, they will help steer a rowboat we've seen along the shore here as well point in the middle and got into the waves and the wind sail with that company sticker sheets roll back along the shore then you get in trouble give it a picnic

Unknown Speaker 12:52
Granny's house we take the house we have so we would take the couches off the cushion to use for high jumpers right she'd come back from the boat

Unknown Speaker 13:04
like used to buy flowers oh boy after all the work that we've taken for all my work because that happened so long we did that for so long.

Unknown Speaker 13:39
Gather and that's why she gets

Unknown Speaker 13:51
lots of good

Unknown Speaker 13:58
shopping down the road, grandma.

Unknown Speaker 14:02
How long would that take you to roll that road stuff

Unknown Speaker 14:04
on the way she would not like going through there. Millie's in the springtime. Sometimes you have a 10

Unknown Speaker 14:19
year old living

Unknown Speaker 14:29
here most of our days in the water down the beach here throw you off the rock throw us off the raft. Went down to the bottom and walked back. We're talking to

Unknown Speaker 14:58
dad met mum instead. anything oh yeah Saturday they would roll down there with their cell clams there was a fish market out there then they would stay in they always had every Saturday night they had a social a dance party or something

Unknown Speaker 15:29
very close

Unknown Speaker 15:30

Unknown Speaker 15:38
yeah exactly the same islands that granny Wilson what has to roll her sister over to Dad Lena Do you know that will be

Unknown Speaker 15:45
that was further over main island between Maine and Pender

Unknown Speaker 15:53
County didn't want to go to take me

Unknown Speaker 16:02
over there someplace coming in all the time you will not be swayed I think he knows we're not fast enough to catch yeah Morris

Unknown Speaker 16:19
Okay, I like to go what to the

Unknown Speaker 16:25
where was little house where did it stand and then because grandpa's cabin ended up just down here yeah not quite over in the field

Unknown Speaker 16:41
garden and the garden is all in front of it

Unknown Speaker 16:45
yeah right over close to where the fence is down

Unknown Speaker 16:59
missing here

Unknown Speaker 17:08
yeah yeah cute all used to be one property

Unknown Speaker 17:18
well we turned it down about another mile

Unknown Speaker 17:25

Unknown Speaker 17:28
and then he gave this piece of property that basically takes care of

Unknown Speaker 17:40
his brother and then raised

Unknown Speaker 17:43
him Michael Michael started

Unknown Speaker 17:52
on this side of the road last year

Unknown Speaker 17:57
yes afternoon Oh

Unknown Speaker 18:18

Unknown Speaker 18:25
this year yeah oh yeah. Oh yeah, we had pig down upon built on the creek production on this side, where the chickens were the chicken coop,

Unknown Speaker 18:46
they had a big 10 never nice and they used to raise pigs up by the barn next to the great big smoke really big roots

Unknown Speaker 19:10
before my time remember, I'm here because Dad Don't remember grandpa's little shack because well after the house burned down. Yeah, they do that. Well. It

Unknown Speaker 19:21
used to be a woodshed there remember we build the woodshed?

Unknown Speaker 19:39
Recall that lumber came back and milled lumber. Another church is there. Like a glass of water

Unknown Speaker 20:00
yeah yeah we later yeah so you guys gonna be for lunch somewhere then I'll drop her off and

Unknown Speaker 20:07
then we Lauren and I we don't have any

Unknown Speaker 20:16
there any other places

Unknown Speaker 20:25
okay good

Unknown Speaker 20:34

Unknown Speaker 20:37
we have to be there I think

Unknown Speaker 20:40
to an hour before grandma used to go walk down

Unknown Speaker 20:57
on Monday tomorrow

Unknown Speaker 21:09
oh yeah yeah we're go nice

Unknown Speaker 21:22
Jamar my most water in

Unknown Speaker 21:27
Florida at

Unknown Speaker 21:40
least and lastly is getting a beautiful little sitting area in Norfolk little

Unknown Speaker 22:00
Did you eat this morning dad might next in line

Unknown Speaker 22:04
so yeah we're no no

Unknown Speaker 22:11
some rules that sometimes insurance guys are gonna run sugar and water and afternoon to your wedding I don't feel hungry that kind of beer though

Unknown Speaker 22:43
yeah they're looking at 200

Unknown Speaker 22:45
Oh really? So where does everybody stay there so people have

Unknown Speaker 22:48
rented cabins and seeing friends cabins their hotels okay you've got a shuttle Driver Oh I guess not because we're driving down here

Unknown Speaker 23:20
Doug's old home is still there and they're still

Unknown Speaker 23:30
they went up a week or so we rented a motorhome they took all kids all

Unknown Speaker 23:39
drive via Yeah, we all arrived able to drive by on the wheel

Unknown Speaker 23:47
and they hung them on so they had it all set up so it was kind of fun. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 23:55
well I think that's what we'll be doing is making motorhomes or whoever's coming in and we've got a couple of wall tents that the guys

Unknown Speaker 24:09
or the motorhome might be there

Unknown Speaker 24:15
so much bigger

Unknown Speaker 24:20
better making outdoor

Unknown Speaker 24:24
well it's

Unknown Speaker 24:26
yeah and it's like the heavy duty canvas

Unknown Speaker 24:32
lot of growing up smaller we've all grown bigger

Unknown Speaker 24:41
places when you speak we'll see across the Bay you can

Unknown Speaker 24:46
fish camp. Yeah

Unknown Speaker 24:51
long time.

Unknown Speaker 24:59
Ago All

Unknown Speaker 25:15
right back to the record remember they'll be in there because your kids Kathy wants to lay in

Unknown Speaker 25:34
there by laces.

Unknown Speaker 25:37
Garments shoppers hear.

Unknown Speaker 25:38
Oh yeah, yeah, I know. I know. She's over here. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Jelly. Yeah. That's pretty cute.

Unknown Speaker 25:53
Maybe I hadn't believed that I was going to make uncle Boyd I love because it makes you run past I always hated it when I go to a track meet tacos for me.

Unknown Speaker 26:14
I love Koco last time I got right down here. bucketful of Congo. And I didn't know what to do with them. There's too many of them. I didn't want to freeze them. So I ground ground and then fritters out of chowder.

Unknown Speaker 26:35
I'm gonna say goodbye. Are you going? Yeah, Lori's gonna take me down to meet and then we're going down to catch a ferry. Okay, you folks.

Unknown Speaker 26:43
Oh yeah, again. Down there.

Unknown Speaker 26:46
Oh, yes. Look, I'll come over to Ladner and the girls get all their notes together we Yeah trade stories

Unknown Speaker 27:09
okay then take care of the

Unknown Speaker 27:22
Casio dad

Unknown Speaker 27:33
you ever gone Kathy probably knows what

Unknown Speaker 27:41
that sounds good

Unknown Speaker 27:48
man named Joel Siegel been there? For five years.

Unknown Speaker 27:55
Yeah. We're going to drop off for lunch

Unknown Speaker 28:05
the bought it off. Sophie ended up with the property after they bought it sell it to a guy named plant. Richard plant. I think he was a school teacher. He had for years. They lived in grandpa's cabin but

Unknown Speaker 28:22
it's been a month or two here and then the longtime leader he sold it Clemont he was a jazz musician from California. He lived there for had to go back to California to see his grandchildren because they were growing up and he's a bagel man. Seagulls bagels third birthday water can sit outside

Unknown Speaker 28:57
of the water. Great.

Unknown Speaker 29:01
Maybe Yeah, okay. Good breakfast food.