Salt Spring Island Archives

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Ann Hennessy

Accession Number
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 52 min.





    A vintage brochure for SUTA Lodge in British Columbia.
  • Speaker 1 describes a brochure for SUTA Lodge from 1933, featuring a photograph of Stanley Sister Margaret walking on a dock with a boat in the background.
  • Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 discuss the photograph, speculating about the identity of the woman in the picture and the time period in which it was taken.
  • Speaker 1 discusses a brochure for a lodge in Vancouver, mentioning its unique design and the role of a carpenter named Sid Gold in its construction.
  • The speaker highlights the British colonial bungalow style of the lodge and its similarity to similar houses in other parts of the former British Empire.
    Old photos of SU Lodge and its history.
  • Speaker 1 mentions a cabin in Georgia Sun Bay Road, built in the late 60s as a workshop for making handmade dulcimers, and later fixed up and lived in while building a house.
  • General's father, Art Rule, took pictures of the cabin in 1977, including an interesting fenced-in area that may have been the tennis court.
  • Speaker 1 reminisces about the past at SU Lodge, mentioning the simple cottages and happy times, while Speaker 2 identifies people in old photos taken by Stanley GA.
    Old photos and people from Monterey, California.
  • Speaker 1 recognizes a long-haired woman named Jane Edwards from their past in Galliano, and they discuss their shared history.
  • Margaret Egan, a photographer and adventurous woman, visited her daughter in Monterey and brought her brother Jack, who fell in love with the area.
  • Stanley's sister Knoll married Don Elliot and took care of him when he was old.
    Galliano history, farming, and World War II.
  • Speaker 1 reminisces about childhood memories of a cabin on a hill, with a photo taken by their father in 1972.
  • Speaker 1 discusses a brochure from 1928 promoting Galliano, British Columbia as a haven for people looking to escape the old country, highlighting its mink farming and other attractions.
  • Speaker 1 also mentions an artist who was a main farmer and head of the main farming Association of British Columbia, and shares stories about people with webbed feet and National Guard boats during World War II.
    Family photos and history.
  • Jackson family members and their dog pose for a photo in Liverpool, England, around 1900.
  • Margaret was an avid gardener and cook at the lodge.
    Old photos of a cabin and its history.
  • Speaker 1 identifies photos taken in the late 1920s or early 1930s, possibly by Stanley or the carpenter.
  • Speaker 1 discusses erosion at the family cabin, sharing insights from past photos.
  • Margaret and Stanley lived in Vancouver, raised chickens, and had a boat.
    Family photos from the 1920s-1930s.
  • Margaret's family and friends are seen in various photos taken around 1927-1930 at their home in Maine.
  • Speaker 1 describes people disembarking from a boat with luggage strapped to the top, suggesting a trip or vacation (0:38-0:40).
  • Speaker 1 mentions a gentleman with a big cat sticking out, indicating excitement or curiosity about the journey (0:40-0:41).
    Old photos from the 1930s-1970s.
  • Margaret and Stanley Taggart host a party on their boat, the Mary Jean, in 1940.
  • Speaker 1 discusses old photographs, including one of Mrs. Jackson from the 1930s.
    Old photos from a summer resort.
  • Stanley is seen with Sister Margaret in a photo from the 1960s.
  • Speaker 1 identifies a photo taken from the lodge, possibly by Stanley, showing a Lockheed Vega boat and a rare plane.
  • Speaker 2 mentions a dangerous situation involving Stanley and a slip, while Speaker 1 talks about a tennis court and an unknown lady.

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Okay, so the first one is, sure.

Unknown Speaker 0:04
So that is a brochure for SUTA lodge in 1933, when the rates were 1250 per week or 225 per night, it's offering all the attractions of the lodge with a beautiful shot of Stanley Sister Margaret walking up the dock and the harbor in the background. There's a boat parked out in the harbor, just about where the Browns dock is now and it looks like there's some kind of little building up on the pointer. Maybe that was something that we weren't aware of before. The brochure talks about,

Unknown Speaker 0:42
okay, I can see that you want to describe it. Okay, I just need so do you I think you don't know. Yeah, I printed it out for me. No,

Unknown Speaker 0:49
I do know that on the back was a bladder. So people wouldn't keep it on your desk to use it to blot you know, their writing. So you know, when they use their fountain pens, and I don't know printed it, but it's interesting because it looks like it's a Vancouver phone number that people would call for information. And interesting typeface called New York for a pseudo Lodge, which is a very thirty's typeface, which we used for pseudo large advertising when we took over in 1987. Because we thought it suited the place.

Unknown Speaker 1:23
Is that what you want to know? So anything I say it isn't really relevant. You'll just

Unknown Speaker 1:28
basically with the photographs, we want to know who is what when okay, we took

Unknown Speaker 1:33
it. That is that is when a Stanley sisters sitting on a tree overlooking the bank above Montague Harbour backlit very artistic and I think a professional photographer took that there were several photos that were mounted all the same way that look like they've been taken by set professional photographer, but it's a very evocative shot. And one of the nice things about that spot is the way that the the waves reflect off the water when the sun is going down. So I think that that's what that picture is trying to capture.

Unknown Speaker 2:10
Do you know when it was, that would have been

Unknown Speaker 2:12
probably back in the early 30s.

Unknown Speaker 2:16
And we're not sure which sister

Unknown Speaker 2:18
maybe I would imagine that that is probably not not Margaret, but one of the older sisters. I'm trying to remember the name of the one who's but that would be something I could ask Winnie.

Unknown Speaker 2:37
Swanee is, that was definitely Margaret. That's Margaret with her dog. wearing what looks like a very stylish outfit for the time. She was a pretty fashion conscious person. Even though she lived on Galliano Island, and you can see the dark in the background that would have also been in the early 30s. Anybody who took it? No.

Unknown Speaker 3:07
This is another brochure. Yeah, I don't know too much about it. Except that I think that I was told that a professional brochure person designed it in Vancouver.

Unknown Speaker 3:24
And the next one was just

Unknown Speaker 3:36
I think the thing that's interesting about the brochure is that it showed that the people were really trying to be businesslike about having the lodge and they were really marketing to the Vancouver market. And there was at the time, because people didn't have cars, they were very attracted to the idea of coming on a boat, to someplace where they could just get off the boat and be at their resort. So that's why there are so many of those little lodges doing what student Lodge was doing in the early 30s, late 20s. And why they didn't succeed after the war for quite a while because people were wanting to go places where they could drive once they had cars. So that is a picture of the lodge while under construction. And it was being built with the help of a gentleman named Sid gold. And he was a carpenter from Liverpool, England. And what people would do is there were magazines that they could look in and they could pick out a house that they liked from the from the book, and then they could then order it. And then the kit would be sent and with it would come the man who was going to build the house. And these people, these gentlemen would travel all over the British Empire, constructing their house, they had their design that they built that was their particular design and they would build it wherever they went. And so as a result there are similar houses to this one in any parts of the former British Empire and people who've lived in places like Kenya and Singapore have told us that their house was identical in every way to this one. It's called the British colonial bungalow style. And it has some features of the arts and crafts style, but in a sort of simplified kit form easier to easier to prefab to a certain extent. And the thing that's interesting in the shot is that the dormer for the upstairs has not been put in. And the workshop which is now about maybe 50 meters to the south is right next to where the houses. So this was moved, and then the dining hall was

Unknown Speaker 5:39
built. And also the trees are really close. Yeah. And that would have

Unknown Speaker 5:43
been in 1927. Do you think Stanley?

Unknown Speaker 5:46

Unknown Speaker 5:49
He was I think he was quite a quite an enthusiastic photographer at the time.

Unknown Speaker 6:00
Is that useful when I'm telling you about?

Unknown Speaker 6:03
Here's a cabinet Stan. Yes.

Unknown Speaker 6:04
Now that would have been taken in the 70s. Probably by Betty fair bank. And that was a little cabin that Ron Norton and Krystal Weiss lived in and actually what it was was three cabins combined, three of the small, you know, 10 foot wide cabins combined into one and they had it fixed up very, very nicely with them with a bedroom area, kitchen area and a living room area. And Ron did all his etching there. And Krista did the printing of the of the beautiful prints. And at the time, Rinaldo called his his Printing and Engraving Business Central press in honor of suto lodge

Unknown Speaker 6:54
there's another cabin, that

Unknown Speaker 6:56
is our cabin, and Georgia Sun Bay Road. And it was on the property of sea pod, which it was constructed in the late 60s, and was originally used as a workshop for making man making dulcimers. And sci fi was very famous for the handmade dulcimers and was known all over North America, and was featured in, for example, the whole earth catalog back in the early 70s. And people came from all over North America to see the making of handmade dulcimers. And people didn't actually live in this little cottage. They use it as a workshop, but we fixed it up and lived in it while we were building our house in our workshop.

Unknown Speaker 7:42
So who took this picture? I think your father

Unknown Speaker 7:47
it would have been probably about 1975 Probably about the all I know who took that picture. General's father art rule took it in about 1977 He took a whole bunch of pictures of the cottage and inside and out. He was an avid photographer and very very, very, very interested in our in our pioneering lifestyle. Yeah, we thought of ourselves more as little pioneers the middle seat.

Unknown Speaker 8:18
Okay, here are some cabins in the snow. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 8:20
now that would have been taken, probably back in the 30s an interesting little fenced in area. I've never seen that in any other picture. But I think that would have been the fence for the tennis court. You know, and the nets would have probably been taken down. I think they use fishnet. See the tall poles probably held up the net. And that was sort of part of the tennis court. But those little cottages were the ones that guests slept in little 10 by 10 or 12 by 12 cottages, no heat, no running water, no luck, no electricity, pretty, pretty basic on the beach. But people I talked to who came to stay at SU Lodge, who we're probably all now passed on. But when we first reopened in 1987 People would come and they would say it was very simple, but I remember it is the happiest time in my life. It was so beautiful. And everybody has such a good time. So do you say what you really think this is probably 30s like 1930 3132 And we think Stanley GA taking these pictures or? Yeah, I would imagine there would have been anybody much around in the winter

Unknown Speaker 9:26
so here's a car by the name.

Unknown Speaker 9:27
Yes, that's Stanley's famous car model T I think which is now totally returning to the earth from which I came in the bushes. And you can see the the maple trees which are still there and you can see the dock and I would imagine that that was probably taken by Stanley in the early 30s. Maybe that one went into the bank. You know if that was the one that one's gone to that was probably right where the cabins are. You know that when you remember when we were walking on the beach, there was a tree. So that's probably it. Read the bank has eroded now when we looked at the original plot for the property the property line is out actually 60 feet in the water so there's actually been as much as 60 feet of erosion or more since 1927 Which means that obviously the sea is coming up and Montego harbor is getting bigger that's a lot of waterfront property lose 60 feet by 750 feet put a lot of buildings on that but

Unknown Speaker 10:32
anyway anyway

Unknown Speaker 10:35
so more demo model

Unknown Speaker 10:36
T this is maybe people that looks like maybe yeah probably

Unknown Speaker 10:39
that looks like Stanley's mother a bet if you could blow that up see that the hat that looks like a squashed pancake is something yes yeah yeah definitely in the backseat that's maybe that's Margaret grip taken by Stanley all dressed up to go to wherever church route to tees. Yeah, really? 30

Unknown Speaker 10:59
Here's cutting cake.

Unknown Speaker 11:00
Okay, now that is that is Stanley, his 90th birthday and the Galeano community hall. And there's Robin in the bathroom. Oh, see, so maybe that's maybe that's in the in the dining hall? Yeah, I think that's Hans bunker and right there. Yeah. And that. Yeah. Yeah, that's Robin. There's Hans Bomberman. I'm pretty sure. And there's Jane Edwards there. She's with the long hair and the white shirt.

Unknown Speaker 11:33
I think that

Unknown Speaker 11:36
I'm trying to remember their name. They actually move back to Galliano. You know who that is? No, no, I know who that is. That is one of the Sealy girls. That's the Sealy girl. And she is now a manicurist and she works at the ginger group and I went there one day for my man manicuring den and we started talking and she said she had lived on Galliano and she couldn't believe that I could tell her the name of her dog and her everybody in her family and I knew her whole life history because she'd never met anyone who had known her family because they gypsy around all over. Anyway, so they live in they live in Victoria now and they want to come out and visit. Remember Her Name? Yes, her let's see there was their name was Seeley Tanya Seeley. And she's, she was very, very, very sweet little girl. And she's a wonderful person. Her dad is a very, an incredible Carver of ivory.

Unknown Speaker 12:29
Do you Oh, and apparently, look, Stanley is wearing one of the ivory pieces around his neck that Larry made. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:36
they think Larry gave it to him for his birthday. No,

Unknown Speaker 12:38
do you know who took that picture?

Unknown Speaker 12:44
Maybe daddy. Okay, well, that was probably a very short lived diving board. But that was probably taken the late 20s early 30s. Just I think the thing about sort of light was it all happened. kind of happened very quickly between 1928 and by 1933. It was kind of ending Yeah, because of the Depression, you know, like people didn't have any money and times are tough. And so it was over you know, they're and they were getting old. So their ability to maintain Margaret was getting stressed. Yeah, so anyway, the diet and the standard. Yeah, and you can see the nice cottages and how it's all eroded. Too two,

Unknown Speaker 13:38
I think we're to the same one.

Unknown Speaker 13:47
As Egan's do right now, the Egan's owned the house, the only other house in the harbor and it was located where the Marina is now. And that shot is over, over near where the Marina is. You know, like I would say that that boat is located just about where the ferry dock is. And that was their little, little baby girl. And the reason that Jacksons came to Monterey you harbor was because Margaret had taught with someone in the Eagan family. And they were both living in Vancouver teaching. And she came out to visit this daughter with the daughter to visit the Eagan family and then brought her brother to see it and he fell in love with it.

Unknown Speaker 14:27
So what do you think that would probably be

Unknown Speaker 14:29
about 1925 26? Probably taken by Margaret currently, she was quite a photographer. She liked to take photos too. She sounds like quite an incredible person. You know, very, very adventurous and resourceful, but just, you know, had some problems. It's efficient. Yeah, I'd like to see that one blown up. Now, that I think is an McTaggart Cowan, who is the founder of Simon Fraser University, and I there's some other pictures of him as well. And I'll bet you Stanley took that that's the classic 1930s You know fishing rod shot but those aren't very big fish. Better ones later and other pictures.

Unknown Speaker 15:11
Okay. And what about in sometime in the early?

Unknown Speaker 15:14
Yeah, the late 20s early 30s Right. Do you know this guy?

Unknown Speaker 15:22
Second from right yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:24
Yeah, it's somehow it rings a bell

Unknown Speaker 15:37
This one says fish close at hand so just the guests. The girl looks a little shy. The the the lady has sort of a. Wallis Simpson hairdo and outfit. Very fashionable.

Unknown Speaker 15:53
What as well as Susan she

Unknown Speaker 15:54
was she was the lady that Edward the seventh abdicated the throne for she used to she worked in the short sleeve cutaway. Anyway, so don't know anything much about that. But I would imagine Stanley would line people up with their fish and take their picture. Their fish are bigger.

Unknown Speaker 16:16
It's too late 20s, early 30s. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:21
Is that all you want me to say is mine and who? When where? Who? You know, editorial, okay. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 16:33
For generations, uh huh. Okay, so the lay there. Stanley's Starting with the upper right hand corner, Stanley. Then Margaret, is the right in front, kneeling in front. And then these are the twins, um, who were the daughters of Winnie and Dawn. And I think that's done. And I'm trying to remember the name of Stanley's other sister, the one who like, who's whose name will come to me. And then in the middle is Mrs. Jackson. And the twin girls. were the daughters of Winnie Elliot, who was formerly Winnie not Jackson. I can't remember what their last name was. But it wasn't Jackson. This sister had to she had Don and she had another another son who was a librarian, head librarian at the University of Alberta. And his name was no does want

Unknown Speaker 17:31
to know all so the sister married married Elliot and

Unknown Speaker 17:34
then Don was their son. No, no, no the sister married someone else. And and then she had two sons Don and Noah all whose names I don't remember but I can find out. Okay names of names is Danny sisters. And so then Knoll was the head librarian at the University of Alberta. Don was married to Winnie and he died when the twins were quite small and then Don met then when he met Don Elliot, and they got married so that's how she became money Elliot, but was still Stanley's nice. She was this nice by marriage, but apparently they just always she just always loved Stanley and loved the place and, and she so she ended up settling on Galliano and taking care of Stanley when he was old. And you know, Ill very, very wonderful person. And about back, yeah, that's in the backyard. And you can see the cabin in the background where Ron and Christie lived. So that would have been in the early 60s. I believe that picture was taken

Unknown Speaker 18:37
a ha Eliana, those are your dear parents and that photo was taken by your father by remote control? Yes. And we post that picture because my grandmother wanted a picture of us. She said she sent me a picture so I can see what you're doing. So we decided we would try to look as as northerly and formerly as we could. But that's in front of the the woodshed at the Collins property, which was the woodshed was originally built by by the good family and that was taken in 1972

Unknown Speaker 19:20
Here's a girl and a house on the Marina site. Yeah, that's

Unknown Speaker 19:23
that. I don't I don't think that is really on the Marina site. I think that is your cabin Kate. Oh, really? Up on the hill. See, doesn't that look like your little cabin? And apparently there was a family that Stanley let build that cabin and they used to live there part of the time like he I think the husband worked on the boat, too. Told you that was the at the number should swiping. Yeah, I think that that is a question mark. And maybe that would be something that you could ask some other people about. I'll ask about that.

Unknown Speaker 20:06
somewhere I have some very nice pictures of that cabin when it was first built. That somebody had given me somebody who had stayed there, rebuilt it or something. Okay, now that's Stanley's. Yeah. And that's a very isn't that a very, you know, worrying 20 shot? Problem. I'm sure Stanley took that picture unless he's in it. No, yes. That looks like the Stanley picture to me. It's actually a really lovely picture.

Unknown Speaker 20:32
So this is late 20s, early 30s. Write me down on the dog. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 20:38
And those people probably were going out for an excursion for the day. And either way you can tell us they didn't have their hats and coats on because when they were going to get back on and Princess Mary, they would have had their their hats and coats on and looked all dressed up. They also wear a lot of white which must have been real fun for whoever did the laundry

Unknown Speaker 21:05
because Harriet's store

Unknown Speaker 21:08
right now that is a galleon or Chamber of Commerce brochure from 1928. And that's the front page. And it was kind of interesting, because you could use it as stationery and you would write your letter on the front page. And there were various ones like some for the farmhouse in Harriet's store the Haven I've seen them for a bunch of different businesses. And then you opened it up inside and there do you have inside pictures, it's beautiful color spread of the I hope they have one at the museum. If not, we should give them one beautiful color spread of all the attractions of Galliano mink farming you know, fruit farming and you know it just make Galliano sound like the absolute haven for the you know, people who want to get away from it all from from the from the old country.

Unknown Speaker 21:50
So there was an ink forming here. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 21:52
there was an artist his name it'll come to me in a minute but he was having I told you all this there was to have to find out unfortunately, I gave it all to Betty Stewart. I should find out what happened to some of that stuff. But she he was a main farmer and he was the head of the main farming Association of British Columbia and and didn't ever tell you about the people with the webbed feet. They Yeah. Anyway, he Yeah, that's so they had make farming here and but apparently that was kind of a deep six by the depression too. But, but there's pictures inside of the main farming operations. And that was considered to be you know, Galliano was touted as a place where you could make a good living doing things like mink farming and someone else who tried snail farming at one time. Interesting. Got here Home Guard boats. Yeah, now that it looks like it was taken from the front yard of Ceuta watch, probably by Stanley. And that would have been when the right after I think Pearl Harbor when they were trying to see like how many boats they could get together in case they had to do something like a Dunkirk style evacuation or whatever, you know, they just wanted to see what they could get together in the way of private boats in case of an emergency. Now someone at one time told me that there were even submarine nets across Montague Harbour, which I and that, that that, you know, boats would be stationed here. And I would love to learn more about that. But definitely, that's a that's a shot connected with National Guard type activity at the beginning of World War Two.

Unknown Speaker 23:34
So What year do you think you took this

Unknown Speaker 23:35
42? Spring 42 or summer 42.

Unknown Speaker 23:47
So here's the Jackson family in

Unknown Speaker 23:48
19. Right now they're sitting in front of their house in Liverpool. In something be held, and obviously they're a pretty, you know, well established middle middle class family now. So there's this old Mr. Jackson. And then there's Margaret. This is starting from the right upper hand corner. Margaret sitting on the right, Mrs. Jackson. And then the two sisters. And this is the husband and one of the two sisters. So I but when he can tell all that so we should find out

Unknown Speaker 24:34
here's a Jackson picnic.

Unknown Speaker 24:36
Yeah, so here again, we have we have Stanley who was looks like he was about 13. So this probably would have been taken about maybe 1900. And then there's Margaret Stanley and Margaret were quite a bit younger. And they were children of Mr. Mrs. Jackson. Oh, elder elder Mr. Mrs. Jackson. There's Mr. Jackson. Mrs. Jackson was married previously, and she had two daughters by her first marriage. And this is one of the two daughters. And they're very beautifully dressed. As you can see. Yeah, looking like he wishes he was somewhere else. So that was probably taken by the other sister

Unknown Speaker 25:30

Unknown Speaker 25:31
right. So that's in dog. The looks like a very sweet little doggie. There's Margaret sitting on the ground that's in the space between the dining hall and the main house. And this was Stanley's little store. He had, he actually had a post office, and he sold film and candy bars, and it was like a little commissary, like you'd have at a summer camp. But there's some Mrs. Jackson and then that other sister whose name I can't remember, but can find

Unknown Speaker 26:01
the little paw on her knee. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 26:05
Yeah, Martha, I think had really good relationship with her animals. Because she always you always saw her in pictures with the dog. They always had a dog.

Unknown Speaker 26:12
So you think Stanley took this? Yeah. And what What year do you think?

Unknown Speaker 26:17
I'd say that was probably 1928 29 When things were still fairly new. Now everything was pretty solid.

Unknown Speaker 26:34
Jackson's Yes. Now this was taken in 1927 When Stanley first came before the house was built. And those I think that that is maybe the friend of Margaret's who's a was an Egon and one of the sisters taken a bet by Margaret. It's not Margaret in the tree. No, that's not Margaret. I don't believe. No. Okay, I think that's yet another sister.

Unknown Speaker 27:11
Your kids on the lodge? Ah.

Unknown Speaker 27:20
I think that might have been another picture that that photographer took the photographer who took the backlit picture. And as you can see, there's not much else in the harbor, there are no other houses to be seen. Must have been quite amazing. I'm sure that would also have been no sort of early, late 20s, early 30s. Probably two little visitors.

Unknown Speaker 27:52
Here's the lodge. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 27:53
Margaret was quite an avid gardener. And she grew a lot of the food that was served at the lodge. And she had, she also grew up beautiful flowers. And she did all the cooking. So she was quite a busy woman. No wonder she got a little stressed out from time to time. So the whole back area around the lodge was a garden. And with a fence and then right next to that was the tennis court. Maybe that's yeah, I would imagine. So. And I would imagine that was taken probably 1930 1929 1930. Probably.

Unknown Speaker 28:42
Here's the launch and 41.

Unknown Speaker 28:43
Yes. Now, in 41.

Unknown Speaker 28:48
That's what it says that might not be right.

Unknown Speaker 28:51
I'd say that was before 41. I would say that was when it was just very newly built. Because you can see there's no bushes or trees in front of it. So I would say that would be closer to 28. And you can see the dining room can see the little you can see the little store. I'd like to have a blown up copy of that to show daddy. Because, you know, I'd like to that might be helpful in renovating Deshawn that picture. Yeah. So I would say that's more like 1928 when it was newly constructed. Otherwise, you know, there would have been bushes grown up

Unknown Speaker 29:27
maybe by Stanley

Unknown Speaker 29:31
or possibly by the carpenter. I mean, that would be the kind of picture he would take. Okay, Kevin's one

Unknown Speaker 29:39
large capital right now

Unknown Speaker 29:42
that shows the bank you know, which was a lot. That would be the ones that are closest to the point probably taken in the late 20s early 30s

Unknown Speaker 29:55
beachside cabins which were very popular to kind of accommodation at the time.

Unknown Speaker 30:04
And most of these were sort of guessing was Stanley document. Yeah, what he has there

Unknown Speaker 30:11
if I have the actual photographs, I can tell better because you know, there are formats, you know, sizes of photos that he has. That not one I think is definitely a Stanley type one taken from out on the dock. You can see there were a lot more cabins than there are now. And it's interesting they're they're not all painted the same color. So it's possible that some of them are being constructed at that time. So I would say that's the 2829 time period

Unknown Speaker 30:45
Kevin's three now that is a more recent photo I believe I think that one would have been taken maybe in the in the early 30s When the tennis court set up was built and there's the garden Yeah, it's interesting the garden comes all the way to the door of this cabin. This garden area very small, very cozy

Unknown Speaker 31:24
here's a large card

Unknown Speaker 31:28
this is a postcard maybe. Yeah, so I think that's similar to the other one shot you know the view from the lodge showing that there's less erosion than there is now 1929 1930 probably taken by Stanley from the dock

Unknown Speaker 31:40
I really don't see the mid much it's

Unknown Speaker 31:43
like no the winds covered over by dirt. And then it's only been as the I think the ferry wash eroded and the ferry used to come in here because the road erosion seems less than it used to be Yeah, it was the ferries turned away at the at the shore now the ferries don't come in. It's not as bad.

Unknown Speaker 32:01
I should build a retaining wall like a stone wall or something. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 32:04
although you're slowly not supposed to do that. But we should find out. I noticed where dad see dad put a thing in like this. And I noticed he thought it would it would deposit behind but it seems to be washing out. Apparently, if you're not if the retaining wall isn't done just right, you'll get washed over. It actually makes the erosion happen faster to be very careful

Unknown Speaker 32:35
here's the lodge in the snow.

Unknown Speaker 32:37
That's that same photo there's a photo of the cabins in the snow and I think this was taken at the same time but it looks like a lot of snow. So that would be probably taken by Stanley in the late 20s early 30s.

Unknown Speaker 33:05
Here's the logic newly painted before the dining hall was built so that would have been taken in 1927 by Stanley and you can also see it just has tar paper on the roof. Not any shingles yet but it looks like that looks like there's curtains. So maybe people were maybe maybe sister that's what Stanley called Margaret she called her sister and his and Mrs. Jackson would come over and stay from Vancouver where they lived having moved there in 1912 she Vancouver and living out around Joyce and Kingsway and when they moved there in 1912 they were logging in the area and there were big I think you know stumps the size of of houses all around still slash fires burning bothered them a lot Margaret had a big chicken growing or Mrs. Jackson had a bit big a raising operation there so he like you know the Fraser Valley is now kind of an outline farming area

Unknown Speaker 34:07
big old growth trees in downtown Vancouver

Unknown Speaker 34:10
well probably what happened was you know when people like Captain Vancouver came or the Indians they pick the most beautiful spot with the most beautiful trees and so like Stanley Park only nicer

Unknown Speaker 34:27
okay here is the lodge with a boat

Unknown Speaker 34:31
yeah don't count the dog that's a 1929 shot I'll bet that was taken no that picture of Margaret in the garden in the garden I think that was taken at the same time a different angle Yeah. Up the hill

Unknown Speaker 34:53
mouse is really smokin picky. Next one over when To view now that's looking out of the window of the dining room. Probably taken by Stanley, not exactly a very effective shot, but it's interesting because it's taken from inside the dining

Unknown Speaker 35:11
room. What does it clean?

Unknown Speaker 35:14
They always look clean. Not now though. Now that it's a hammock factory

Unknown Speaker 35:27
here is Margaret in the skiff. Right?

Unknown Speaker 35:30
Probably taken by Stanley. Now I know what this is. Stanley brought a big this was probably 1927 What he did was he they brought a barge over with all the materials for building the house and this is probably the barge pulled up on the beach. So that's kind of interesting. Margaret's wearing jodhpurs, which is what well brought up young ladies were when they wanted to wear pants, they would wear riding pants. So that would be 1927. Probably taking my family

Unknown Speaker 36:06
either, either. That's right. That's the same of the sister.

Unknown Speaker 36:10
So here's Margaret mother. And

Unknown Speaker 36:11
now maybe if Edith Edith we could call Jane Edwards and ask her what the name either the last name was. Yeah, so there are smartgrid Edith and, and Mrs. Jackson, in front of the lodge looking very everything looks very tidy. The grass looks mode. You can see the tennis court and off to the side, probably taken by Stanley. And that would probably be I would say 1930 123. Mrs. Jackson is looking a little a little less Spry in this one. But you think of taking care of Mrs. Jackson and who was apparently a bit querulous at times and trying to have that huge garden and cooking for all those guests.

Unknown Speaker 36:55
I wonder if this could have been the same day with the picture with the doggy? No,

Unknown Speaker 36:59
I think no, I think that this is a later year. Although maybe, you know there's not a lot grown up around the house

Unknown Speaker 37:14
Mary Jean and barge. Now I don't think that's a barge. I think that's the Mary Jean and they're making the dock. And I think could you make that bigger? I think that's Margaret standing on the dock. Or maybe that's yeah, maybe that's goes with that picture there. Stanley on the Mary Jean. Maybe that is the barge and that's Margaret. And it's a companion picture to the one and Margaret standing. A little rowboat. She was Yeah, yeah. And she's wearing the jodhpurs. So that was probably also 1927 offloading materials,

Unknown Speaker 37:49

Unknown Speaker 37:51
Maybe said maybe Syd took that picture. Maybe maybe sit in Margaret had a fling with the Pope. I hope so. I'll

Unknown Speaker 37:59
save gold. Yeah. He sounds like a Hollywood movie producer.

Unknown Speaker 38:06
It could have been gold. I don't know. You know? Or gold. We could try to find out. Okay, there's the Mary Jean with people in and there's a lady with some jazzy big bottom hands on with high heels and those are obviously people who are just some people are leaving you see they've got their their city clothes on. There's that cute. What is that a fox terrier? I think that's a fox terrier. Puppy. Oh. Let's see the little puppy. Oh, very cute indeed. Anyway, they don't look like they're ready to leave. So some of the people are leaving, some of them are staying. And they look like a very happy bunch on their way to get back on them on the on the bus. You Yeah. So every year there's this the whole book of poetry that the people wrote. Right, which might be interesting to include some of the poems

Unknown Speaker 39:17
Mary Jean and staff. Mary Jane. Yeah, yeah. As you can see, it's a real classic coastal cruiser. Stanley sitting on the on the back. So obviously he didn't take the picture. Let's see if we can see who's in it. Can you blow up some of those people? Could that I don't think those are any buddy we know. Although could that be to that the either here or here. There maybe. Anyway, those are probably guess being taken out by Stanley for an amusing afternoon. Maybe they were going to go out to mushroom rock. He liked to go out to mushroom rock. So is this probably in the late 20s and he had a place over near where Bernard lives that he liked to take people Well, yeah, I would say this is the heyday of Overwatch when he would entertain people who knows?

Unknown Speaker 40:12
Here's the maraging underway.

Unknown Speaker 40:14
Now that is the Mary Jean on its maiden voyage down the Fraser River in 19/27 when he was bringing it to SUTA lodge for the first time how do I know that? I think he told me once.

Unknown Speaker 40:30
So that would have been what year

Unknown Speaker 40:31
1927 Pretty exciting. Stanley had never worked in a job he had. And so to be setting about to build this watch must have been a very big thing and to have his own boat and yeah, so there's this luggage. Yeah, people disembarking are with all their luggage, which has been strapped to the top of the boat.

Unknown Speaker 40:57
Nice suitcases.

Unknown Speaker 40:58
They're very attractive. 1930s. See, and there's a gentleman with a big cat sticking out there. They're like, Oh, here we are. What's it going to be like? Is this really we're going to be staying for a week, because it was suggested completely in the middle of nowhere. There wasn't even a road in. There we're at the mercy of Stanley and Margaret

Unknown Speaker 41:31
Taggart. McTaggart Callen, Tiger count. Yes. Now the here's Mr. McTaggart count again. And his daughter and his wife and obviously sort of large in the background on the deck of the Mary Jean. I'll bet Stanley took that picture again. And you can see the daughter has the little tiny fish, the Mr. McTaggart count as the medium sized fish and his wife has the gigantic 25 pound salmon. So she's looking pretty happy and he's looking kind of rueful and his daughter is teasing him. So here it says 1940 could be they still had guests in 1940 Not as many I think I think you know some people just kept on coming every year but they probably had no less energy to promote and Margaret wasn't well and and Mrs. Jackson was not well and the season was very short and if there was no heat or anything so if the weather wasn't good everybody just had to go home I think the weather was better than more hot sunny weather

Unknown Speaker 42:47
here's multiple sunshine

Unknown Speaker 42:50
see that's another one of the pictures that I think that photographer took right

Unknown Speaker 42:54
on the same day

Unknown Speaker 42:54

Unknown Speaker 42:55

Unknown Speaker 42:58
I don't think that was Margaret that I think it was enough for somebody else that are probably either

Unknown Speaker 43:12
Okay, and a few minutes I'll call and see if James through the people in need you picked up okay there's Mrs. Old Mrs. Jackson the boat I think that's Margaret on the down below. Mrs. Jackson is looking pretty old I would say that's probably 1933 or 34 There's the docking the fox terrier or whatever probably taken by Stanley looking pretty old those to both of them Margaret's looking older too. Not as naturally dressed

Unknown Speaker 43:56
Mrs. Jackson by the maple

Unknown Speaker 44:02
Yeah, I'd say that was taken by Stanley or Margaret probably in the really 30s director's chair. Interesting hairdo. She swept her hair up and then had a little knot right on top of her head, kind of a cone shaped knot. There came

Unknown Speaker 44:32
I hear lots more.

Unknown Speaker 44:33
We're about halfway through some old car. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 44:40
that's Stanley's car that was taken in 1972 by Betty Fairbanks and it was actually a postcard that she tried to market and it said Galliano a nice place to stay. Somehow I think she kind of missed the point but the car is still remnants of the car still in the bush. Okay

Unknown Speaker 45:07
so de Cristo have a lot of the similar comments to mine.

Unknown Speaker 45:10
What most of these well sometimes. Okay. On the maraging Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 45:19
Now, somebody told me that that was a deacon relative maybe that was the the friend of Margaret's who was in Eagan. Stanley with Stanley. Yeah. Okay, Margaret. Margaret probably took that. Yeah. And you can see that's in front of the lodge. Looks like there was a lot more white shell on the beach in Montague at that time. To that, I would say was probably 2728. Stanley looks pretty young at that young and perky at the time.

Unknown Speaker 45:57
I'm not sure. Right.

Unknown Speaker 45:59
Now, that would be one of the places that Stanley would take people on excursions too. And I'll bet he took that picture from the boat is that Stanley up in the right hand corner? Maybe with the sweater see? Oh. Yep. So he can have taken that picture. Maybe a guest took it with Stanley's camera.

Unknown Speaker 46:21
So even been in the day, you know, when the all the people

Unknown Speaker 46:24
are on the boat? Yeah. Because they they look like they have similar outfits and white clothes. Yeah. See? Not that bunch, though. Because those people are leaving. Oh, no. There was another one thing around one. Yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 46:53
Here's Rinaldo unstandard, Krista

Unknown Speaker 46:55
Donnelly, about when he took that, and that would have been taken probably about 1978 to 80. And it would have been probably when Stanley had just got home from the hospital, he had a really, he had an aneurysm that burst and he but a blood clot formed. So he didn't die, which he would have just by, you know, just just accidentally survived and went off to the hospital that stitched up and came back and was pretty frail at first, but everybody kind of tried to take care of him. And he made it for quite a few more years, but it slowed him down a lot. And and that was kind of the beginning of becoming quite frail. But by then he was, you know, around 90 years old. So I think that would have been Yeah, 19 about 1980 Looks like Ronaldo is holding a glass of homemade wine

Unknown Speaker 47:59
stand and Maggie. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 48:01
that's Stanley with a Sister Margaret. That would have been probably taken in the 60s. I don't know by whom other by knew about one of the news took that picture for some reason.

Unknown Speaker 48:32
kept a row. Okay, here we are rowboat. See if we see who that is. I think that might be a little girl. And I don't know who that is. I have no idea who took it or when but maybe if we looked at the background, we could tell when it was taken. If you backed off a little bit. Yep, there's still not much there. So probably pre 1930.

Unknown Speaker 48:56
Maybe a guest Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 49:00
Apparently he had five boats like that, that were painted green little robots. They were called pants. He called them pants. And those were for the use of the guests.

Unknown Speaker 49:09
I think what did that? Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 49:13
Oh, that is my favorite picture that was taken from the lodge, maybe by Stanley. And apparently that boat is called a Lockheed Vega. And it's at the plane, the plane and that's the kind of plane that Margaret was named that woman who disappeared. Amelia Earhart, yeah, that's the same plane that Amelia Earhart had and the pilot actually sat up here. And they're very, very rare planes. Not that many were made. But that must have been a very exciting moment to have that plane taxi up to the work. Then you can see the Mary Jean and then a couple of other boats tied up to

Unknown Speaker 49:52
Donald Lucas the story about once the guy brought a plane and asked me if you wanted to go for a ride and then he said Well Can my sister he said sure. And then they get into a fine and Mrs. Jackson came out said hey what about me? And I said no it's too dangerous you might slip but are you mad and she said that she didn't speak to him for two weeks

Unknown Speaker 50:21
Okay, here's a sea planet Soudal and CPF nice

Unknown Speaker 50:36
here is sitting on the Mary Jean

Unknown Speaker 50:44
Yeah, looking pretty happy out there. Margaret. Yeah, maybe in the late 20s early 30s There's a tennis court Oh yeah. That's not anybody we know. Maybe a guest or who knows? knows who that lady is. She looks she looks kind of happy and Stanley looks a little looks like the shy bachelor

Unknown Speaker 51:19
Okay, in a couple minutes after one more I think of a call and see if they've heard

Unknown Speaker 51:22
if you've heard anything. Okay, here is Sally and Krista.

Unknown Speaker 51:27
Yeah, that was probably taken by Betty fair bank. Or maybe Ron. Oh, no, no, it wasn't the same day. No crystal crystal looks different. That Chris is older in

Unknown Speaker 51:40
the same outfit?

Unknown Speaker 51:41
He always I don't know maybe I don't I think maybe nice picture of Stanley. He has a very very, very kind doesn't he? sweet face. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 51:57
Do you remember him? Because you were about eight when he died. He was pretty old. By the time he met him. So I'm sorry you didn't Christian or anything but that one yeah.