Accession Number | |||
Date | 2017 | ||
Media | digital recording | Audio | mp3 √ |
duration | 1:43 min. |
Unknown Speaker 0:Unknown Speaker
Saltspring Island parish and home January 1896. A public meeting was held in the old lascivious schoolhouse on Saturday the 14th of December to consider one. The disadvantage to the farmer of the present game was to a proposal to erect a public hall. Mr. JP booth MP was elected Chairman and Mr. E. Harrison secretary. The general feeling in regard to the first question seemed to be that the present game laws had been framed too much entirely to suit the sporting community and without sufficient regard to the interests of the farmer. It was shown that great damage had in several instances been done to farmer's crops, both by deer and pheasants. The following resolutions were moved and adopted. One moved by Mr. A Walter JP, seconded by Mr. Johnston that in view of the ravages committed both by deer and pheasants this meeting is of opinion that the settlers should be given better protection for their crops. All these resolutions were carried unanimously. In regard to the second question the erection of a public hall, a scheme was presented by Mr. Joel Broadwell. Postmaster, for the formation of a limited liability company, the value of the shares being $5 each have to be paid at time of the signing, and the other half at the completion of the building, the building to be utilized for holding an annual agricultural show, besides other purposes, Mr. Broadwell steam was adopted and a committee consisting of ministers Broadwell, Walter, Barrow, Bullock and Robertson appointed to carry it out. 27 shares have already been taken up