Salt Spring Island Archives

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Ivan Mouat & Sue Toynbee

talking to Ruth Sandwell, 2004

Accession Number
Date 2004
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 25 min.





    Family history and genealogy.
  • In 1909, Lorry died, and in 1913, God died, according to the speakers.
  • Speaker 2 discusses a booklet about Salt Springs shipyard and its history.
  • Hunter's grandmother was oldest in family, and he played chess with dead.
  • Jason's mother is Dorothy, adopted from her mother's mother, and has four children.
    Family history and genealogy.
  • Speaker 2 suggests organizing family archives, with Speaker 1 disagreeing and Speaker 8 sharing an unforgettable character story.
  • Speaker 2 recounts a story about a man who was aggressive and had a dry sense of humor.
    Family history and genealogy.
  • Unknown speaker discusses a family's move to Seattle and a previous prime minister's job offer.
  • Grandfather wrote letters to Margaret during WWII, providing insight into local history and family dynamics.
  • Grandmother's smile in a 1940s photo is remembered and sought after.

Speaker 1 0:01
To me, well no yes you see, baby Grace died in 99 and he died in 1906 Lori died 9009 God died 1913 Today

Unknown Speaker 0:18
sort of resulting from

Speaker 1 0:21
and then she moved to Calgary she moved to Calgary to work because she wanted to get on to higher air. And that was a series of photos that

Speaker 2 0:31
everybody sort of thought about near was better. It was why they always sound torrents in Switzerland, an SEC they want to try and heal. You remember Rosemary Forster was here? Her father Dr. Stalker was charged to Trump to deal with remedies to go up and you get very upset because she always paid her bill every month because she didn't have a widget you know, she was

Unknown Speaker 1:00
and then she found out

Unknown Speaker 1:02
she was there before the police died

Speaker 1 1:05
and he died. And then we've got to use give me the bill. Yes, yes. $93 Yes. And then it was about it was sitting back here in central Illinois

Unknown Speaker 1:28
was wonderful collection.

Unknown Speaker 1:30
Calgary, just one carry just carry that

Unknown Speaker 1:35
lorry died here I guess.

Unknown Speaker 1:38
That would be for dairy.

Speaker 1 1:40
Now. 1909 lorry died. They all died and he was born in 1990. The post title 19 years old at 90 They both died in 1980

Unknown Speaker 1:54
Now the thing is to go to the library archives for a couple of minutes there I've got a thorough look at what I think is wonderful university and I have in the back of Salt Springs shipyard salts been taken all the time on harbor area that is going to be knocked out all the good things tend to be or a booklet about all the wonderful now that really should go to the library or to the contract I think

Unknown Speaker 2:31
absolutely the moment is

Speaker 2 2:35
German Yeah. And it should all stay as the collection and even put restrictions on if you want your family members to see it or whatever.

Unknown Speaker 2:48
I don't know. The other copies I've never ever seen I've seen one I've seen about lots of times I'll say this is the booklet Boyle's lawyer was real paradise to those days. No better service back in 19 oh well this this German chap brought up present to be brought up all the land sort of north of

Speaker 1 3:19
Silas sales of presale

Unknown Speaker 3:24
beyond the invert right back almost to the road sort of thing right the whole payment was dried up to number of blocks off he's not going to store that shows it to the end of small but this is

Unknown Speaker 3:44
right after is pretty wonderful German champion that can talk about with what else

Unknown Speaker 3:50
they have this time. But Albert Einstein on Alvin

Unknown Speaker 3:55
St. Salvo Vollenhoven site Yes, that's right. Well, charity medicine and took charity tennis not Charlie, Charlie Twinbee and I took elbow on album signs Airism and peak is not a good pair of pairs. Alcon coupe prunes down to kick Sydney canary in the old days. Several different trips.

Unknown Speaker 4:33
Hunter on the old hunter who had the under

Unknown Speaker 4:37
30 hat that I was gonna say he was on the wait for you. Oh, yes. Solis snugged up alongside the 100 That's

Unknown Speaker 4:49
it. Remember that that was

Unknown Speaker 4:56
a he had to hold exam Honey in the caribou come pre agree around the fourth slide

Unknown Speaker 5:09
and then was when Dora bought a boat and he bought other things so

Unknown Speaker 5:12
what what on earth was at one time was the normal work for him what was it and then any boat

Unknown Speaker 5:21
and then he bought it at the wrong time

Unknown Speaker 5:26
to come up to the house kicking up there many times to play chess with the dead here

Unknown Speaker 5:39
interested you really get copies of this one

Speaker 1 5:45
yeah well that's index book that's an index the

Unknown Speaker 5:51
bigger one something like that

Unknown Speaker 5:55
no I thought was one of them

Unknown Speaker 5:57
what are you getting when

Speaker 1 6:02
God's grandmother when she was the oldest the family there all right then that's when they're a little bit older.

Unknown Speaker 6:10
So you take these and and get lasers.

Unknown Speaker 6:12
Yeah amazing.

Speaker 1 6:14
And then there's some of us I want to get into Jason was constantly comfortable

Unknown Speaker 6:21
to him because he was but you remember he was going

Speaker 1 6:25
to try and get blown up because I'm pretty sure that's Merryman what that's Gavin's wife from his wife adopted daughter Dorothy their mother's mother so I guess it's given his probably Dickens a little young Dick where his mother by the

Speaker 2 6:45
time he got that one of the four children granddad Mary

Unknown Speaker 6:57
that you've never seen before

Unknown Speaker 7:01
and on this one the children know four children in a row

Unknown Speaker 7:14
is headed over there

Unknown Speaker 7:37
yeah, thanks Yes, yes. Probably died however. I think there is. There is an FTA is there give me sir I think it's probably gotten over it takes place. Not sure

Unknown Speaker 8:07
Well, I'd like to get copies of whatever you get around me. On this one, I'm going to get a copy. To

Unknown Speaker 8:16
break those. That's the same. But this is one person so that other one must be the other daughter. But you think this one like this is all the same girl and that's all the same child so this is daughters. So and so let's see this one and that was what we wrote on because this one daughters Susan and Margaret more Daughters of Dawn was only one girl Here

Unknown Speaker 8:49
are pictures of yours this

Unknown Speaker 8:52
couldn't be an exact picture in the dark

Unknown Speaker 9:02
all right for them.

Unknown Speaker 9:19
Going to take pat on the back. Remember, Hooper figured out who it was that somebody figured out and Ramsey dad as well

Unknown Speaker 9:33
would like somebody else to work with one on one to go through all these things and decide which ones if they or shouldn't grow to individual parts of the family. And see it's about that can go into it.

Unknown Speaker 9:51
But just in case anybody comes along with our country's

Speaker 2 9:59
archives Probably because it would only be in these bigger boxes that are both sides of the dress box and we've been putting stuff in there already

Unknown Speaker 10:14
of course some of the some of these things what's the identity? You

Unknown Speaker 10:21
should go now to New Zealand

Unknown Speaker 10:28
or you would send me for instance I got WhatsApp I'd say Bernie or because you are a set of about a dozen quite nice pictures of pretty bad weather teaching there and I think they should go to the museum Kearney or somewhere

Unknown Speaker 10:53
Jeremy has been writing about them Yes. Seems to me that they should go to the ground floor I think I should go to the gym. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker 11:07
I agree what's going on your time

Speaker 1 11:15
he was the most unforgettable character ever there was some fellows digging a deep ditch somewhere Jim has rolled nails in his pocket the rattles was came out of the boys that's where I got my start rattling this is

Unknown Speaker 11:32
around the salon.

Unknown Speaker 11:32
That's right now he was aggressive take your night around usually I remember when I was looking at watching the the store to watch him you know he'd come in early in the morning and watch some nails you go on the back crew you see and that took me well catch up and if you're even filled up with with bottles of lemon extract so I had to go watch him but he was such a nice chap in many ways but he you know he was the recruit he was the undertaker

Unknown Speaker 12:11
degree from the Catholic Church in corporate and it was in the summertime hot weather and Jim always dressed up to raise property you know he stood there afterwards you know it was awful relation to the one I've had stacked up there right beside the priest you know and he rots away and a great fat and then a little bit on the other drink I was getting as dry as it was certainly didn't even offer you

Unknown Speaker 12:49
relation to the Rockies the evenings No, no, no. No he was somebody

Speaker 1 12:57
was parents at the is it burnt down or something? I don't got it. So

Speaker 2 13:05
sewer certainly when Mabel day but we did a school

Unknown Speaker 13:09
that I went to Vancouver asked me but you know we bought something from this woman that was buying a pair of pants and

Unknown Speaker 13:15
eatin store something and she said I was asking and she was the school's daughter was working in the department

Unknown Speaker 13:27
they will Davis came in I think that they this this came or the towers came up at 97 or something that was the Rogers taverns going now. Store in Bob's name of the fellow clients you know, lately lately lately. They own the thymus gland either the time the second world first world war started, they were running it trying to run this hotel. And then he went overseas.

Unknown Speaker 14:02
That was worth ahead of time. Yeah, where the COVID population I'm in there but certainly would have been a couple of reasons for saying the problem.

Speaker 1 14:14
Maybe it's the first one. Yeah, Dixon was the third in his book. And all at once we were burned down

Unknown Speaker 14:25
a few and it burned out before the

Speaker 1 14:30
Jimmy Jimmy Rogers, the dealer now we put them in every last office

Unknown Speaker 14:50
you want to get someone to go over those. Yeah, I think we should. I mean, we've got a little way today to say the question Let's just which we should keep which should go and who can they go to? Well here we are after getting overbought and this was basically what we're sitting here

Unknown Speaker 15:18
because I'm pretty big restriction willing to actually stick it on

Unknown Speaker 15:29
the original disk

Speaker 1 15:38
at one time just looking at this little wee boy remember one time this was a five acre anyway he was sitting I needed let me right here and I was like to do that boy who's here here

Speaker 1 16:00
is 15 years old I'm going to give you some of those pictures update the bring them to show you the computer stuff for the family this Judy Arnold chapter and she gave me some southern cheat she's got this family something software and Jared is going to get us he's going to get it tonight with her she consent was that I gotta get it updated for instance I'm giving gene is taking yours is no change DNS no changes no changes no

Unknown Speaker 17:00
there's where they live

Unknown Speaker 17:15
into all the stuff she bought the

Unknown Speaker 17:20
computers are decreased a little bit. Because we're looking we're seeing everybody here. So they're in Seattle, the next prime minister is where they're going. He and Wendy are now going live in episode three.

Speaker 1 17:47
Yes. He's you see when he took the job of asking virgins to move up here, but he wanted to do his job. And then now the iniquity there one day or two days a week and they went up and sold and dry light sprinkling that takes from our national remotes to drive up

Unknown Speaker 18:09
to an hour and a half to write

Speaker 1 18:19
back out of the house it's about 60 miles north a little bit east of Nazareth. Jeremy works. That's the other side of this too. I think that was the dividing instead of the Harris's.

Unknown Speaker 18:48
I think that's good. Keeping our young man

Unknown Speaker 18:55
in the east. You're going

Unknown Speaker 19:00
throughout your letters. No, I

Unknown Speaker 19:02
haven't given me.

Speaker 1 19:05
Yeah, that was gonna get them. Actually, I know a job for you. We should get together at a certain date every month, you know certain money, you know and reorder things standard. But what I'd like to do is take a pivot, and sort of published letters from the passage. And there's all kinds of letters for grandfather to be mostly to Margaret. And sometimes the answer who was born was born when probably Jerry was bored or very was born. He letters sent up to Nanaimo from grandfather to

Unknown Speaker 19:43
Yeah, and a couple

Speaker 1 19:44
of times they said you can tell that give you the most. Bang if she could come down. Oh, no.

Speaker 2 19:57
That's a good idea. Yeah, As you can chase the whole thing should be sorted chronologically.

Speaker 1 20:06
You see great uncle Lawrence to was in the army the ones he wrote

Unknown Speaker 20:13
together and there's so many pictures in here that put together the picture of the person that wrote the letter or the army after the white

Unknown Speaker 20:25
person suddenly somebody might come back to the shop and have other pictures so that you can cross identify those someday least to

Unknown Speaker 20:40
others he wrote to her and he always framed and more in

Unknown Speaker 20:47
detail she always wrote me to

Speaker 2 20:54
this one letters was a lot of local history I mean it was just like those letters you and I haven't and I read it the archive of the history of historical meaning what was happening during the war here when we did read the chapter chaps

Unknown Speaker 21:16
to my mother's and when I do them

Unknown Speaker 21:18
no no one family only Yeah,

Speaker 1 21:21
let's put them in a concentration camp and get Captain This is best to look after

Unknown Speaker 21:33
Captain or Mrs. Best look at

Speaker 1 21:36
the mirror they let you remember there was a second year Academy family came and I think they live with Scottie Colston for a long time because he got that property from from veterans land out there and you ever did you have that one?

Unknown Speaker 21:55
That's Rogers What

Unknown Speaker 21:56
do you do with the ones go the well I

Unknown Speaker 21:59
just we just go straight go into the archives archives

Speaker 2 22:05
I don't know whether Ivan's got the my head and the people like I remember the ones

Unknown Speaker 22:09
that you know it all put the right picture yeah copy that

Unknown Speaker 22:19
over tomorrow. You've had extras of this one than you

Speaker 2 22:28
certainly we've got one here if we can get you a copy of that one. Yeah, take care

Unknown Speaker 22:49
we've got a picture of grandmother her picture one of the pictures ours in my mind is my generation

Unknown Speaker 22:58
that's grandmother's yeah I fell in love a picture so why that would be a nice one to have. It's up to you but your Why don't you get

Unknown Speaker 23:10
over that one year because it's the only one in which she's got that lovely smile

Unknown Speaker 23:25
many years we always made our short trousers and everybody was served with blue suit suits we've been trying for years and years maybe

Unknown Speaker 23:46
a year that taps into your there's another one of those

Unknown Speaker 23:52
that be helpful

Unknown Speaker 24:00
Isn't that one of the ones we were trying to figure out who it was it's

Speaker 2 24:07
listen how cool is shown Oh, Betty was no good

Unknown Speaker 24:22
yeah, we thought that was

Unknown Speaker 24:30
sort of the grab hold of

Unknown Speaker 24:40
me was young