Unknown Speaker 0:00
We had a wonderful time, you were so generous to let us
Unknown Speaker 0:05
enter the diary. And we certainly enjoyed
Unknown Speaker 0:09
Unknown Speaker 0:13
wonderful time here.
Unknown Speaker 0:16
I'm gonna give that to you, because you know how that all works, right? So I'm returning to you now.
Unknown Speaker 0:33
So what we can,
Unknown Speaker 0:35
very carefully Chico, these diaries,
Unknown Speaker 0:39
this is the album that I bought from you in this summer.
Unknown Speaker 0:43
And I can't believe it's taken this long, but it
Unknown Speaker 0:47
doesn't matter
Unknown Speaker 0:49
at all in order.
Unknown Speaker 0:52
And what we did Susan and Barbara and I also
Unknown Speaker 0:57
saw the diary, a dreadful time.
Unknown Speaker 1:04
It was so interesting, we really appreciate it, because you shared a bit of
Unknown Speaker 1:09
what you were up to. And it was great. So we sat down, and we thought, well,
Unknown Speaker 1:17
what would be a good question to ask you. And so we wrote up some, so I'm going to do the actual questioning unless someone else wants to jump in.
Unknown Speaker 1:28
And tell you my memory is poor. That's okay.
Unknown Speaker 1:33
Whenever you can remember, you know, there's no pressure on this, you know, it doesn't matter.
Unknown Speaker 1:39
What we'll hope to do.
Unknown Speaker 1:46
But what we will do after we're done with this, whatever we put together, if I told you, you would get a copy of that mp3 And Frank was.
Unknown Speaker 2:03
Returning these now, because I originally gave you a receipt for the books that I took away, right. And so I'm not sure what will happen from this point, whether we'll have to talk to you about that after the interview, what you want to did we are
Unknown Speaker 2:22
Unknown Speaker 2:30
I think maybe I have another quick look.
Unknown Speaker 2:35
I think so.
Unknown Speaker 2:37
I don't think
Unknown Speaker 2:39
that would be great. I mean, sometimes
Unknown Speaker 2:43
it's a good did.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
They could go to the archives and access them if they wanted them. Yes. I think the archives is for it. All right.
Unknown Speaker 2:53
There are documents in here, like your service record, and so on and so forth.
Unknown Speaker 2:59
Yep. So
Unknown Speaker 3:02
we can certainly I think that's, that's wonderfully generous.
Unknown Speaker 3:05
Okay. All right. So we're gonna start now.
Unknown Speaker 3:13
That's everybody's email address, so that I made sure we were all in the right place at the right.
Unknown Speaker 3:19
Unknown Speaker 3:23
Jean, thank you for agreeing to talk with us today. We really appreciate the opportunity to go through the books, and some of your diaries and so on. And because they are such recent diaries, we got very curious. They wondered whether you could tell us a little bit about your childhood in your family, where you grew up, what your community was like when you were growing up.
Unknown Speaker 3:50
I grew up in Manitoba, little village call center.
Unknown Speaker 3:56
And my mother was when
Unknown Speaker 3:59
I had a brother who was older.
Unknown Speaker 4:03
And mother started up a correspondence with Mr. Alec P, who came from Ontario and he was visiting his relatives.
Unknown Speaker 4:11
And he and mother
Unknown Speaker 4:14
eventually decided to get married. So we took the train up to Edmonton first visit my hand and then down to Perth,
Unknown Speaker 4:23
and mother, Mary, Mr. Alexander McKay,
Unknown Speaker 4:28
who was older
Unknown Speaker 4:31
and widower
Unknown Speaker 4:33
and he had three children of my mother's age.
Unknown Speaker 4:40
After mother told me she was marrying
Unknown Speaker 4:43
me so
Unknown Speaker 4:45
you're going into first American I said, You're marrying an old man.
Unknown Speaker 4:51
However, he and I became very good friends.
Unknown Speaker 4:54
He was wonderful. He lived until he was in his 90s
Unknown Speaker 5:00
Unknown Speaker 5:01
I went to school,
Unknown Speaker 5:05
there was no high school. So I went three years and ladder contar Island, two years in person.
Unknown Speaker 5:12
Then I went to Ottawa Civic Hospital and 37.
Unknown Speaker 5:18
Unknown Speaker 5:20
graduate nurse
Unknown Speaker 5:28
not quite.
Unknown Speaker 5:31
So that was 1940. And of course, you were in the service.
Unknown Speaker 5:39
At first, they weren't accepting nurses at that young age, they would prefer them to be 25. So we had to wait around a few years and I worked hither and thither and
Unknown Speaker 5:52
places like that. And then I went overseas. I joined the service in February of 44.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
And went overseas shortly after
Unknown Speaker 6:04
I came back and 46
Unknown Speaker 6:07
And where were you stationed overseas? I was at Colchester, England.
Unknown Speaker 6:13
And hooray England
Unknown Speaker 6:16
already. And then I went to Oldenburg, Germany for occupation.
Unknown Speaker 6:25
Hospital they're saying hospital.
Unknown Speaker 6:30
That's very interesting.
Unknown Speaker 6:32
And so you came back to Canada in 46. When How and where did you meet your husband Marcus? Well, Marcus was a widower. And I rejoined the service. I was over a little while and I rejoined and had posting still photo tours. Kingston,
Unknown Speaker 6:52
Calgary, and Churchill. And Mark was windward with his two boys 16 and 18.
Unknown Speaker 7:03
So after I left, we were going around together. I was posted to Petawawa. I was the matron of federal
Unknown Speaker 7:13
and he says we got married because the telephone bills got too big.
Unknown Speaker 7:20
So we felt
Unknown Speaker 7:22
that we were married and moved to Edmonton. That was his last posting and he was artillery.
Unknown Speaker 7:34
Very the older the boys was on his own.
Unknown Speaker 7:38
Don came and looked us in Edmonton and went to university there.
Unknown Speaker 7:43
And the two boys do they Well, I guess they're not boys anymore. Their grandfather's
Unknown Speaker 7:52
Unknown Speaker 7:54
on lakes road on this side of Duncan.
Unknown Speaker 7:58
And then the other ones in Ontario. Uh huh. So they I see them all. I'm wearing his wife out for for three weeks this summer, and they're coming out again in March.
Unknown Speaker 8:12
And I see Baron Dawn over there.
Unknown Speaker 8:15
That's really
Unknown Speaker 8:18
good and estimated.
Unknown Speaker 8:20
So can you tell us about your nursing career?
Unknown Speaker 8:25
You've told us a bit about before you before you married mark. Did you continue to nurse after you married mark? No, no, I
Unknown Speaker 8:38
I got too busy on Saltspring. But no, I didn't renew her stepdaughter. So what? Public Health? Are she actually in the army camp? Pedal?
Unknown Speaker 8:51
Pedal what Churchill? Medical? No, no, I wasn't married. And everything. No, I didn't do any nursing. Okay. All right. And what year was that when you married Mark 1959.
Unknown Speaker 9:04
That's very interesting, because we've moved to Salt 62 Right. Actually, we know that you first because of the wonderful albums. We know you first saw your property on Isabella Point Road in March of 1962. You probably know more about it than
Unknown Speaker 9:24
that, you know, knock on it two days later. So what drew you to Salt Spring? Well, I was from the East
Unknown Speaker 9:33
African homes. Get homes was a friend of Mark. So
Unknown Speaker 9:38
he always had thought he'd liked to live in Vancouver Island when he retired. So we had
Unknown Speaker 9:46
we after we left everything we came to Vancouver and stayed with his mother who was not well realistic, bring her out of hospital.
Unknown Speaker 9:55
And then we went over and had an interview with him.
Unknown Speaker 10:00
stuck for us back.
Unknown Speaker 10:03
And he said to mark, have you ever showed Gina salt the Gulf Islands? And I said we're harbor Gulf Islands and divergence. So he had this property it was hands a bunch of state.
Unknown Speaker 10:18
And so we looked at Ober caravan and back made an offer.
Unknown Speaker 10:27
When you first came in, how did you spend your
Unknown Speaker 10:33
property to you? And what did you do?
Unknown Speaker 10:38
Remember, I think we were back and forth to Vancouver a bit because Mark's mother was just so so
Unknown Speaker 10:45
we lost our house on the property. Yeah, we we put it Oh, last week we did we got a paddle boat crash. Oh.
Unknown Speaker 10:54
Unknown Speaker 10:56
one of the time the Chinese said was not, but Dick Toynbee and Mark Windover and collected the panel garage I think
Unknown Speaker 11:09
in Vancouver or Victoria, I can't remember where and then
Unknown Speaker 11:14
then a builder put it up. And he's now dead, mister.
Unknown Speaker 11:19
And you well.
Unknown Speaker 11:22
Anyway, he put up the patent board and that was our first home for three years.
Unknown Speaker 11:27
And now it's being used by the fraidy foreigner property. And their son is in the garage which no longer looks like a grown up tremendously. And he has turned our orchard into an organic apple orchard. Oh, so he he has a peach trees are finished their limited needs 20 years. Took all the peach trees everything
Unknown Speaker 11:55
has all the apples that we had
Unknown Speaker 11:58
peach trees already on the property. They're gone.
Unknown Speaker 12:03
When you took over the property, or whenever we put them all and you put them all? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 12:09
Oh, yeah. You kind of found 100 fruit tree? Yeah. 200. On your fruit? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 12:16
So we had a lot of peaches. But if you wanted to sell them more on the farmers market,
Unknown Speaker 12:23
right on the island or at home, after the game, a lot of people came to the house for oil. We at first thought that we might have to go off Saltspring to sell teachers.
Unknown Speaker 12:37
We didn't have to.
Unknown Speaker 12:39
They came to us or we went to the market.
Unknown Speaker 12:43
One of the beginners of the farmers
Unknown Speaker 12:48
what to use?
Unknown Speaker 12:52
I guess early 6060.
Unknown Speaker 12:55
We had the Saturdays anyway.
Unknown Speaker 12:58
How long would it take for a peach tree to bear the fruit? Do you remember that? Within five or six years, those trees live? I would say
Unknown Speaker 13:09
they're all started artificial, you know not?
Unknown Speaker 13:14
itself. If by any chance at top of the tree dies, you and you have a goal from the bottom it wouldn't be a good piece. Right? Because it's on different stocks. Right? It's all grafted. Right.
Unknown Speaker 13:28
And where there's particular
Unknown Speaker 13:31
did you select the type of peach tree to suit our climate? Were there specific earrings that you were in close contact with the Agricultural Department?
Unknown Speaker 13:42
You know, Jack
Unknown Speaker 13:44
and his vet James, when they were here. He was into agriculture. And his wife
Unknown Speaker 13:53
was her name she lovely person 30 Dorothy, Mark Felt so dorky, no new more than Jack. But they used to come down a lot and advise us and Agriculture Department kid.
Unknown Speaker 14:06
We had a lot of good friends and
Unknown Speaker 14:09
for strangers for strangers, but they didn't seem to make the eye know at that time. There was no library on Saltspring. So this year the that you could have had a list of books and you could
Unknown Speaker 14:24
have them from Victoria free.
Unknown Speaker 14:29
So we were getting books on how to do it.
Unknown Speaker 14:33
Sorry, glad to get the books from Victoria. That was a wonderful program. Was it people in rural areas? That was no other way? No, we couldn't have gone along with. That's right now that's wonderful. Yeah. And so when you were in the south end, and
Unknown Speaker 14:50
what was the community like?
Unknown Speaker 14:57
Well, our neighbors were all very quick, close.
Unknown Speaker 15:00
They weren't close to us, but we were all in the summertime. We're Americans that had the place that they starburns Oh, yes.
Unknown Speaker 15:10
They were good neighbors, but they're only there for the summer months.
Unknown Speaker 15:15
Mr. Mr. At the end of roll on the road, Mr. And Mrs.
Unknown Speaker 15:22
Token I forget to name it was at their face relaxer car when we first went over to look at the property.
Unknown Speaker 15:30
And we were good neighbors. They
Unknown Speaker 15:33
lasted us. Maybe not the last years. No, but we used the last few years.
Unknown Speaker 15:39
Used to get online. Holly Christmas and Senator all my friends.
Unknown Speaker 15:45
Mrs. S.
Unknown Speaker 15:48
Yeah, what was the name of the people and they were quite an elderly couple.
Unknown Speaker 15:54
For requesters read through some more of your diary. Figure out those names, because I'm sure they're in there. Yeah. But you did. We noticed in the albums that there were lots of dinners that you would have dinner with friends and a lot of friends. And we also noticed that you were very instrumental in starting the nature the trail in nature cloud as we both were because you were very interested in
Unknown Speaker 16:22
first meetings
Unknown Speaker 16:27
that would be in the 70s 70 to
Unknown Speaker 16:32
Unknown Speaker 16:39
Unknown Speaker 16:42
also the person who lived so she was 100. Married.
Unknown Speaker 16:47
Unknown Speaker 16:55
Yes, it was quite an overt there. And so they were trails. Did you take that River Trails already on the south end? Or did you help develop some or where is it that you took your? Well, of course she knew very well.
Unknown Speaker 17:10
She was very instrumental in
Unknown Speaker 17:13
thinking of trails. Also. Doris Anderson who lives on
Unknown Speaker 17:19
over that.
Unknown Speaker 17:22
Doors. No, I didn't know he was a British nursing sister.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
And she knew pretty well and lastly dogs was good. Right if she could leave her sheep
Unknown Speaker 17:38
Unknown Speaker 17:41
she had been balanced
Unknown Speaker 17:44
and she said if there any father just kill one
Unknown Speaker 17:51
Unknown Speaker 17:53
young woman I would hope so.
Unknown Speaker 17:58
When you first seen there were a couple of things that we picked up and one was that in 1962, you came in March in October hurricane freedom.
Unknown Speaker 18:11
Do you remember
Unknown Speaker 18:14
the cottage and Windows couple of glasses coming in?
Unknown Speaker 18:19
And marking that onto me how severe it was? Because I said Well, we have these very often.
Unknown Speaker 18:29
Pretty good candidates. We did six the car and different things up on the road and nothing but
Unknown Speaker 18:37
a lot of trees a lot of damage on Saltspring as well as in other places. At that point mark has just gotten his chainsaw. I wasn't too sure what he could use it both bands are not
Unknown Speaker 18:52
at the Harris's English people.
Unknown Speaker 18:55
Americans people were in starburns property.
Unknown Speaker 18:59
They weren't helped them get out because they were going out with a certain
Unknown Speaker 19:04
kind of an atmosphere on the saw.
Unknown Speaker 19:08
You have to learn some.
Unknown Speaker 19:10
So this was really a new life style proposal. What did Marcus do? Can you tell us a little about his professional life before you came to Salt Springs.
Unknown Speaker 19:20
He was educated in Vancouver, in Vancouver
Unknown Speaker 19:30
he got into newspaper work
Unknown Speaker 19:34
trying to remember
Unknown Speaker 19:36
now I think newspaper work right from the start.
Unknown Speaker 19:41
He married fairly young
Unknown Speaker 19:45
and they had the boys about 14 years apart
Unknown Speaker 19:50
14 months apart
Unknown Speaker 20:00
They think he was in the newspaper business until, until he was called up.
Unknown Speaker 20:08
Unknown Speaker 20:10
entered the army.
Unknown Speaker 20:14
What do you call when you weren't the army?
Unknown Speaker 20:18
enlisted in the service?
Unknown Speaker 20:25
Oops, sorry.
Unknown Speaker 20:28
I noticed that when
Unknown Speaker 20:33
you were here on the island, he got quite and perhaps you did too. And that's what we're interested in, in political life as a truss islands trustee, and he or he, yeah, he was
Unknown Speaker 20:47
Unknown Speaker 20:49
when they were trying to form a community planets when they got involved,
Unknown Speaker 20:54
I can't remember what's your that would be in
Unknown Speaker 20:58
this 37.
Unknown Speaker 21:01
And they asked him to run in and read some districts.
Unknown Speaker 21:06
And he was in that for four years.
Unknown Speaker 21:10
And then for two years as the vice chairman of Dallas Fest in two years as the Chairman.
Unknown Speaker 21:18
And I think that ended the realm
Unknown Speaker 21:27
right, we actually saw some cancel materials are in your Wisconsin campaign materials. And that's how we knew.
Unknown Speaker 21:36
And did you enjoy that? Were you sad as well? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 21:42
I was pretty involved back here, too. So I was spending half my time on the Victorian marketing department there. And I wanted to clean it up once in a while.
Unknown Speaker 21:55
And we,
Unknown Speaker 21:59
of course, had animals we had a cat and a dog.
Unknown Speaker 22:04
It could take the cat leaves the cat at home with a dog we put in the camera.
Unknown Speaker 22:12
So it was kind of a
Unknown Speaker 22:14
vagabond a little bit here and there during those years.
Unknown Speaker 22:19
Oh, he's
Unknown Speaker 22:24
Unknown Speaker 22:27
We could tell from your albums that your travel, you traveled extensively, and that included a number of international trips, or we were wondering with your special
Unknown Speaker 22:44
course Don and his wife and the two children were in the ran.
Unknown Speaker 22:50
I could tell you the years and this to them. And while we were there Donald rainforests to grow up freight train to the southern part of Russia.
Unknown Speaker 23:01
That very much came back.
Unknown Speaker 23:05
Unknown Speaker 23:08
another trip we we took a
Unknown Speaker 23:11
one way ticket to Hong Kong
Unknown Speaker 23:15
there and back.
Unknown Speaker 23:17
And while we were there
Unknown Speaker 23:31
while we were in Hong Kong, and we arranged a trip, very fortunately, to China in the early days. Oh, that would be I could give it the years you can eat.
Unknown Speaker 23:44
They're all English and every nationality is the pink on this trip. And we went to China and
Unknown Speaker 23:53
Shanghai and Tokyo.
Unknown Speaker 23:57
Anyway, the three main cities, Shanghai, Beijing.
Unknown Speaker 24:02
I don't know why they were called
Unknown Speaker 24:07
West Westlake Westlake ruins
Unknown Speaker 24:12
I have booklets on the trips but I could tell you the dates if you need to know them. I don't leave for right now. We will take your time
Unknown Speaker 24:22
right there
Unknown Speaker 24:36
friend brought me some cheesy
Unknown Speaker 24:40
Unknown Speaker 25:00
One thing I was really interested in agricultural
Unknown Speaker 25:10
the one that Gibson said I had given her the recipe but she keeps me supplied
Unknown Speaker 25:37
This is 1977 A trip to the Middle East
Unknown Speaker 25:48
went to Long Island
Unknown Speaker 25:51
that was
Unknown Speaker 25:53
7777 London
Unknown Speaker 26:02
to a man
Unknown Speaker 26:08
she ran
Unknown Speaker 26:13
yerba ban
Unknown Speaker 26:17
Unknown Speaker 26:21
and then back to
Unknown Speaker 26:24
true true
Unknown Speaker 26:26
that would have been before the revolution Yeah, was there a cosmopolitan
Unknown Speaker 26:34
city ran into Iran especially
Unknown Speaker 26:37
then on our way back picked up the hill that was their dog and boots is purring, mightily.
Unknown Speaker 26:42
Happy to see you on
Unknown Speaker 26:49
your travel sounds like it was really fascinating. Yeah. And of course, you always came back to Salt Springs.
Unknown Speaker 26:55
And I was thinking about the agriculture and I was wondering, in terms of your peach trees and so on, are your gardening books are wonderful by the way they're inspirational.
Unknown Speaker 27:08
An annual cycle of events. Can you describe what the kinds of things that you would do? Related to the peach trees? Was there a certain time of year eat pruned and do you remember all of that
Unknown Speaker 27:26
didn't long blast
Unknown Speaker 27:28
marking artillery even had some
Unknown Speaker 27:34
holes for all of these trees?
Unknown Speaker 27:37
Because it was a fair it's a fair amount of stones
Unknown Speaker 27:41
and made it easier.
Unknown Speaker 27:43
Unknown Speaker 27:45
we also had a lot of stumps those out. So we blasted those and burn them out.
Unknown Speaker 27:54
What do you think? Yeah, these are all friends. It's alright. Yes. And
Unknown Speaker 28:01
it was quite preparation, getting the bed ready for anything.
Unknown Speaker 28:06
The beds, all fruit trees.
Unknown Speaker 28:10
I remember Mark was coming back with a load of fruit trees. And he had to go into mirror Khamis or something. And yes, Mrs. Mirror Academy, she would like one. And she said yes. So every time we saw her after that we had going look at the Beach Street. She really looked after you.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
Unknown Speaker 28:34
it's funny. I can't just read all the work. Yeah, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 28:40
We also got to know a lot of people.
Unknown Speaker 28:44
It had open houses on New Year's Day.
Unknown Speaker 28:49
And I saw the list. Not so terrible. Uncle people we'd have 12 to two and
Unknown Speaker 28:56
three to five. And always have clam chowder, of course. And we'd have to give those, you know, as the tides are low in the wintertime, at midnight, you have to pick them and I think Rubio and I had a pretty good supply. So we used to go down there and Ruby would help me.
Unknown Speaker 29:16
We always had clam chowder. We had a cold salmon cooked and
Unknown Speaker 29:23
it was a pair of preparation. That was good ways to entertain.
Unknown Speaker 29:27
But when I saw that list of people who came
Unknown Speaker 29:33
to that was a way back. Some of them I couldn't remember who they were named familiar.
Unknown Speaker 29:40
I didn't really know. Did you have any irrigation system for the trees?
Unknown Speaker 29:47
We had
Unknown Speaker 29:49
a good spring
Unknown Speaker 29:51
shared it with most Dale who was next door and he was
Unknown Speaker 29:56
lived in Victoria and very, very nice people.
Unknown Speaker 30:00
And they didn't use very much and then we discovered another spring. And then when we
Unknown Speaker 30:09
put in a couple of rules,
Unknown Speaker 30:12
Fred, the fella had the cat. I can't remember Fred's last name you probably know
Unknown Speaker 30:20
he's an old timer. I think he's now gone.
Unknown Speaker 30:24
He was able to do a lot of stuff. So he had a great big hole. And we've got water there too.
Unknown Speaker 30:32
Pretty well looked after
Unknown Speaker 30:37
we have a resort for your property probably wasn't a southern exposure. Yes, it's
Unknown Speaker 30:44
just something we left
Unknown Speaker 30:47
a few trees between the orchard and the sea. We never advise to do that. So we didn't get the wind Yeah, cuz that Windows Yeah, that's right.
Unknown Speaker 30:59
Not very far. But just nothing we also I thought Mark was crazy. We didn't have a bathroom but we put it in a saltwater pool down on the beach at the cement truck come put Samantha Ron
Unknown Speaker 31:16
that was a great pool is still going strong
Unknown Speaker 31:22
that was right in front of the cottage. And then we heard the house build up on the hill a little bit
Unknown Speaker 31:30
it took a little planning for the
Unknown Speaker 31:35
first our first the first panels that arrived from dicastery was her
Unknown Speaker 31:42
architect had steps
Unknown Speaker 31:46
and so we sent medicine we want no steps at all.
Unknown Speaker 31:51
We intend to stay there till we die and I guess so he he start over again.
Unknown Speaker 31:58
But the people who bought it America her in them for any? Yes and it still did you mean that Isabella farm that was that was there and I walked down
Unknown Speaker 32:13
so they
Unknown Speaker 32:15
they had
Unknown Speaker 32:18
an Schuberth design and they increase the size of the house and I'd been in
Unknown Speaker 32:25
what was our living room is now their family room is much bigger
Unknown Speaker 32:31
for two people
Unknown Speaker 32:34
and the son uses a cottage
Unknown Speaker 32:37
and that was the parable that you forget right didn't dawn that's right
Unknown Speaker 32:45
you when you came on the island gene we were wondering it was hydro beer already was there electricity on the south end? Oh yes it was there was right to the end of rolling road. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 32:57
We it took us a couple of years to get
Unknown Speaker 33:01
Mark supplied the telephone poles.
Unknown Speaker 33:06
When we brought it in from Roland
Unknown Speaker 33:09
it was better to do that instead of coming away around on Isabel's point
Unknown Speaker 33:16
home throat
Unknown Speaker 33:21
so do you remember
Unknown Speaker 33:24
I don't know if the power went out as often worn as it does now. But did you have a routine down when the electricity went out? Yeah, I guess so.
Unknown Speaker 33:36
I don't remember I think I
Unknown Speaker 33:39
don't remember being out that much but didn't bother us very much. You're well prepared. I think so. Did you meet with worth them? Yes, we have a we have so we had fireplace or woodstove wood stove in the kitchen. Pretty well. He did a whole ocean on
Unknown Speaker 33:57
forgotten I mean, it was a good one.
Unknown Speaker 34:00
And did you cook on the wood stove?
Unknown Speaker 34:03
cook stove as well. Had they had the electric oven? Oven as well as other he was Paul's
Unknown Speaker 34:12
Unknown Speaker 34:19
Yeah, very comfortable. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 34:24
barcode is first vote of cancer.
Unknown Speaker 34:29
That's when we decided that we'd have to sell a face we couldn't keep it.
Unknown Speaker 34:34
And he had his esophagus removed and part of the stomach.
Unknown Speaker 34:39
And they told him after that didn't expect them to live. He had no notion of
Unknown Speaker 34:45
I think that's part of it isn't.
Unknown Speaker 34:49
That would be
Unknown Speaker 34:57
Cayman 62 It was an ad
Unknown Speaker 35:00
Unknown Speaker 35:01
move to Mountain View Drive
Unknown Speaker 35:10
we were there for 20 years.
Unknown Speaker 35:14
Mark had
Unknown Speaker 35:16
two more operation for prostate cancer. And then his very last operation was there was a tumor on the wall this bladder
Unknown Speaker 35:28
orbita Saanich hospital
Unknown Speaker 35:32
and he was swinging on a Wednesday so we went in on a Wednesday now prayed that day and sent home Friday
Unknown Speaker 35:39
and he never recovered. He could have should have gone to the local hospital
Unknown Speaker 35:46
if he had to if it needed to.
Unknown Speaker 35:49
However he was in Greenwich after he was in a
Unknown Speaker 35:54
regular part of the hospital's Greenwood's
Unknown Speaker 35:58
he died 93
Unknown Speaker 36:03
And this memory statements rights of various how fortunate I think when people live to an elderly age if they can retain their memory
Unknown Speaker 36:14
there's not much point staying around if you have no memory understand
Unknown Speaker 36:20
what do you think oh well I don't really know
Unknown Speaker 36:24
without a memory or
Unknown Speaker 36:28
just one
Unknown Speaker 36:31
little pool
Unknown Speaker 36:38
that was full of water it was actually yes it would have
Unknown Speaker 36:45
contraption at the end which would open close like a sluice kind of thing or well
Unknown Speaker 36:52
around thing that you open and close I can remember what's called elders
Unknown Speaker 37:39
the farmers market
Unknown Speaker 37:58
you go ahead and talk
Unknown Speaker 38:01
to me.
Unknown Speaker 38:04
Unknown Speaker 38:07
time did you hear winters castle? Windsor out the
Unknown Speaker 38:13
new castle. John. John De Castro. Yeah, it's right after he did, it was being built same time as the SRP.
Unknown Speaker 38:24
Builder what's his name? Oh, I don't know the builder Ernie. And
Unknown Speaker 38:29
anyway, they were very good friends of ours. He was going to our host but he's to evolve with the castle
Unknown Speaker 38:39
get the castle. I know that because one of my closest friends was his second wife. Always.
Unknown Speaker 38:47
He just died two years ago. Well
Unknown Speaker 38:52
we're very good friends who are
Unknown Speaker 38:55
old we had a Halloween last grade there. I thought this was nice to test
Unknown Speaker 39:04
your friends
Unknown Speaker 39:15
one of the pool
Unknown Speaker 39:19
Oh, there it is. Right. Perfect.
Unknown Speaker 39:26
Oh my goodness.
Unknown Speaker 39:34
Often did you use the pool where you
Unknown Speaker 39:38
had no bathroom?
Unknown Speaker 39:40
Stupid having a pool or no bathroom isn't.
Unknown Speaker 39:45
Yet we ran a lot.
Unknown Speaker 39:48
So the water infested harbor was quite clean at that time. And you're able to clam there with confidence and go crabbing and so on.
Unknown Speaker 40:08
I understand you were in
Unknown Speaker 40:11
nursing centers.
Unknown Speaker 40:13
Oh, yes, yes, we are
Unknown Speaker 40:19
I guess about
Unknown Speaker 40:22
20 years we've been getting to get every every
Unknown Speaker 40:26
before are
Unknown Speaker 40:29
we always good to go to Hastings house for lunch because their husbands ever took us so
Unknown Speaker 40:38
we went on.
Unknown Speaker 40:40
I take a picture
Unknown Speaker 40:43
every year
Unknown Speaker 40:52
we had some English girls, it reverses in the English army. And we had some dietician Betty ball. Here in the islands. She was a dietitian with the Air Force, post war. Some ringers is now nursing history.
Unknown Speaker 41:11
And you were with the Army. I was the army at Andrews Air Force and Navy.
Unknown Speaker 41:17
It's quite a different group.
Unknown Speaker 41:20
And we go up there and then during the festivities at lunch and we decide who is going to go on but the reason
Unknown Speaker 41:30
we do that that's great. Put a bit of money in for three
Unknown Speaker 41:36
that's wonderful. I'm kept going for
Unknown Speaker 41:40
an awful lot has left us
Unknown Speaker 41:43
so you had you had lunch together? Did you do other things? Yes we
Unknown Speaker 41:51
were all while we friends but that was one particular thing. We have one of the nursing Sisters is in hospital has been for two years.
Unknown Speaker 42:02
Unknown Speaker 42:08
anyway, what we did last year this year, we took a bottle of sherry had her moved into some room at the hospital had a drink with her
Unknown Speaker 42:18
what a great
Unknown Speaker 42:22
thought that she really
Unknown Speaker 42:24
Unknown Speaker 42:26
what is so many nurses ended up consults. Yes. Combination you know, dieticians I don't think we have any home sisters here but anything that was in the service
Unknown Speaker 42:42
minded people
Unknown Speaker 42:45
are you part of the Legion
Unknown Speaker 42:49
Unknown Speaker 42:51
and and since I came here, you know by chance
Unknown Speaker 42:58
the jury's Madelyn and
Unknown Speaker 43:03
she died here and it's still here and we go over he and another girl and I say cribbage every every Tuesday night
Unknown Speaker 43:13
Unknown Speaker 43:16
so and I played quite a bit bridge fell in here and there keeps you busy
Unknown Speaker 43:24
what was the social life that did you go to many dances at full football?
Unknown Speaker 43:33
No, we didn't seem to do that. We were more involved I think with the North end in Bridge groups
Unknown Speaker 43:44
and then we moved up this way.
Unknown Speaker 43:47
Couldn't find anything so fan
Unknown Speaker 43:53
guessing at five we moved up here
Unknown Speaker 43:59
and Mark went into agreements I come in here and we did put a down payment on one that was being built for a two bedroom
Unknown Speaker 44:09
but unfortunately Mark died before that happened.
Unknown Speaker 44:15
A picture of him appear with his father
Unknown Speaker 44:24
that's when he is a kid. That was their sister
Unknown Speaker 44:32
What a good looking man. His father does look
Unknown Speaker 44:38
wonderful photograph
Unknown Speaker 44:41
it you see that one over there?
Unknown Speaker 44:45
Two years ago, I believe jack at the beach and
Unknown Speaker 44:57
you're actually on the south there for about 10
Unknown Speaker 45:00
Three years before you came here
Unknown Speaker 45:03
at the firm, that 23 years and then your anger another 20 and
Unknown Speaker 45:10
over 40 years on the island is when Mark crow Mark was in Greenwich. I had a scribbler that kept all are
Unknown Speaker 45:20
all fruit vegetables we had sold and how much it was as all this will cheer markups I took it over and read and it disappeared.
Unknown Speaker 45:31
Everybody's looking for it but it's wrong they probably thought being a scribbler could just cost
Unknown Speaker 45:38
I had one question about the farmers market because well being relative newcomer I don't know exactly where it would have been when it was held. Was it on a Saturday or Yeah, it was always on a Saturday no where was it located? It was at the at before let's say now that the harbor Hills Hotel
Unknown Speaker 46:06
was over
Unknown Speaker 46:09
before you get to more it's somewhere along or you know where you go down the stairs here
Unknown Speaker 46:17
Yeah, that's a place and what would you call that? When the Fisher's is
Unknown Speaker 46:24
here for the fish store was here and it was for a while and then we went over to the park
Unknown Speaker 46:35
I guess the girl was getting to
Unknown Speaker 46:40
be there for years
Unknown Speaker 46:44
Unknown Speaker 46:45
bother going down it's so hard to get a parking spot
Unknown Speaker 46:49
for unfortunately, it's tricky.
Unknown Speaker 46:52
It was here
Unknown Speaker 46:54
very badly. We'll see them often the markets.
Unknown Speaker 46:59
Hairy that
Unknown Speaker 47:02
names familiar. Yes, it is.
Unknown Speaker 47:07
sounds very familiar.
Unknown Speaker 47:10
To us was starting
Unknown Speaker 47:13
to get he was selling his produce.
Unknown Speaker 47:16
There was a farmer then
Unknown Speaker 47:20
it was
Unknown Speaker 47:23
a lot of people will use in
Unknown Speaker 47:26
forgotten their names.
Unknown Speaker 47:29
This is written down
Unknown Speaker 47:33
that you've kept touch with a number of people.
Unknown Speaker 47:36
Even now I know. We were at lunch with sumo at the other day and she mentioned she'd been speaking with you.
Unknown Speaker 47:44
So Joan Harmon who died
Unknown Speaker 47:47
she she used to live here then she wanted a kitchen so she moved to break Haven is that what they call it?
Unknown Speaker 47:56
at all you know it's all built
Unknown Speaker 48:03
Sue was really really upset oh
Unknown Speaker 48:07
it was so unexpected
Unknown Speaker 48:14
I was at in woods Bureau Did you know Ian Woods who died
Unknown Speaker 48:22
Barbara was very I don't think journals nice but it was a nice funeral
Unknown Speaker 48:29
so I sent that information when I wrote to Australia
Unknown Speaker 48:38
you know
Unknown Speaker 48:41
I'll think of this thing isn't that awesome
Unknown Speaker 48:44
HEAR from Him all the time
Unknown Speaker 48:49
you didn't know and no I didn't say they lived in Reginald Hill
Unknown Speaker 49:00
Unknown Speaker 49:04
Unknown Speaker 49:06
in waves so far oh help her family
Unknown Speaker 49:16
so at the market there you were on Saturdays did you go on Saturday are
Unknown Speaker 49:22
mainly peaches. Oh yes we are and other things as well. We have to weigh them out
Unknown Speaker 49:30
while I was there
Unknown Speaker 49:32
Yeah. We had we didn't we just use the car.
Unknown Speaker 49:37
trailer we bought a trailer shortly after we came.
Unknown Speaker 49:42
We always thought we should have had a station wagon but we didn't have just use the car in the trailer
Unknown Speaker 49:50
to keep them covered.
Unknown Speaker 49:53
Did you ever hire anyone to help you? Yes.
Unknown Speaker 49:59
Unknown Speaker 50:00
Unknown Speaker 50:01
John Stamos, je A N.
Unknown Speaker 50:05
He came from France.
Unknown Speaker 50:09
And he and the flute player we're living
Unknown Speaker 50:15
Alyssa cool.
Unknown Speaker 50:18
I'm a newcomer. Oh, supposedly she plays she's a very good friend.
Unknown Speaker 50:27
We had a little bit of service after Mark died she she had played the flute on his 90th birthday. We had a birthday party at Harper house.
Unknown Speaker 50:38
He played at a funeral.
Unknown Speaker 50:42
Yes, we heard quite a few people. Yawn I remember so well.
Unknown Speaker 50:48
Who were some of the others?
Unknown Speaker 50:52
Some of the
Unknown Speaker 50:54
people came up. I had nice sweater from her came to rolling road. Just in the summer in the summertime. There's some use come over.
Unknown Speaker 51:05
So you needed quite a bit of help. And yes,
Unknown Speaker 51:09
peach trees has to be pruned every year.
Unknown Speaker 51:13
And that was crazy. We start reading February pruning.
Unknown Speaker 51:19
So what is it I always liked?
Unknown Speaker 51:23
Good reason to grow.
Unknown Speaker 51:25
Because they're not easy to grow. No, no, there are no
Unknown Speaker 51:31
girl and all the rest. And pruning every year was a big show. What did you do about repeats and Eve curl. We had a spray made up by the
Unknown Speaker 51:44
Agriculture Department and never able to get it manufactured.
Unknown Speaker 51:50
We gave it all to a lot of our friends to
Unknown Speaker 51:54
very successfully worked again had to be done twice a year.
Unknown Speaker 52:00
It's interesting
Unknown Speaker 52:02
that they had loved the flavor. The PSC every night.
Unknown Speaker 52:07
That speeches I ever saw. Were they all different varieties. Yes, we had Fairhaven ragavan. Reading even the room claimed to be the skin for top for Fairhaven were better. There were later versions later.
Unknown Speaker 52:28
Fair Haven was our favorite.
Unknown Speaker 52:31
Those are not Freestone peaches or red Haven. We're a bit resembles to be Fair Haven a red Haven but it's hard to get to the stone free beach.
Unknown Speaker 52:42
There is another prize tonight. I forgot the names but Fair Haven were the best
Unknown Speaker 52:52
but it was a lot of work. But when you're young you don't mind and
Unknown Speaker 52:58
so when you first married mark, his youngest son was still here when you first married Mark. He was youngest son was still living with
Unknown Speaker 53:12
Did he go to school he went school he went to the University of Alberta and has been with us for two years.
Unknown Speaker 53:22
And that was done and he finished on his own
Unknown Speaker 53:26
and that was done
Unknown Speaker 53:28
Unknown Speaker 53:32
Barry was more or less in his paperwork.
Unknown Speaker 53:37
Please you
Unknown Speaker 53:40
they're both retired.
Unknown Speaker 53:43
It's hard to believe
Unknown Speaker 53:46
that John over here
Unknown Speaker 53:48
he's on lakes road.
Unknown Speaker 53:51
And he has a big gardening is going great so he can make his own wine. So he brought me a bottle of wine on there over last week and it's very good.
Unknown Speaker 54:01
But this year is grapes. aren't as good. They won't be as good a wine because we didn't get enough sun Chinese. No, we didn't. It was too cool. Summer.
Unknown Speaker 54:13
Think all the whiners are having the same problem? I'll bet
Unknown Speaker 54:18
I know it can over there. Not this year, the year before it goes to you're doing a demonstration on finding out something about beaches. So he was interested in
Unknown Speaker 54:30
so did you and Mark were your members of the farmers Institute. Did you get involved with that at all? Not much. Not
Unknown Speaker 54:38
too busy. Yeah. Did you ever enter anything into the fold? Oh, yes. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 54:45
I guess
Unknown Speaker 54:49
I remember we got some prizes.
Unknown Speaker 54:54
Too late for pitches.
Unknown Speaker 55:02
For peaches, yes, it was not to incur peach jam. No, no, not
Unknown Speaker 55:09
the jam, I think was too late for peaches as I recall.
Unknown Speaker 55:14
Unknown Speaker 55:16
Unknown Speaker 55:18
We had to we had troubles. Coons, of course always here
Unknown Speaker 55:25
to manage your fences all the time. And even the baby deer would crawl in underneath.
Unknown Speaker 55:33
I can't think of anything more delicious for a baby here. Nice
Unknown Speaker 55:40
as a cruise, as soon as they I remember
Unknown Speaker 55:45
the dock we had the problems, were just ready.
Unknown Speaker 55:50
Not quite ready, but all those views of during cruise would be in. So what we did, we took her l was our dog fan car and parked it right at the tree
Unknown Speaker 56:03
with her food and the door open so she can sleep there. And so that's the only way we save that tree.
Unknown Speaker 56:13
So did you track the raccoons at all or? No, but I had
Unknown Speaker 56:19
Val or maybe it was Lady that first dog had disrupted and chased a cocoon, who was nest at a nasty stop.
Unknown Speaker 56:30
And she
Unknown Speaker 56:33
took off and took a baby with her. But she left two babies behind. And so we checked the babies the next day and they're pretty cold miserable. So we brought them home.
Unknown Speaker 56:49
And we got a formula. It was somebody in aunties, who helped with animals, I forgot his name.
Unknown Speaker 57:01
And he gave me the formula to use so one died. And then we had the other one for a few more weeks and we had two little Victorian. We were planning the house we had to pick up the fixtures or something for VLA.
Unknown Speaker 57:17
And I took this baby Kuhn in the car
Unknown Speaker 57:21
nice didn't ask them up there. They get more on the ball rolling. So we did they warmed the ball they all the staff came down
Unknown Speaker 57:30
feeding this baby Kuhn
Unknown Speaker 57:33
however it died to justice. Well,
Unknown Speaker 57:37
we gave it the best week.
Unknown Speaker 57:40
Even the cat and dog behaved themselves
Unknown Speaker 57:49
Mark can you did you ever hunt?
Unknown Speaker 57:53
Really? Mind you Ruby was she was always wanting to
Unknown Speaker 57:59
eat you know Ruby? Certainly.
Unknown Speaker 58:03
Certainly know of her. Yeah, her knee. She was a good neighbor.
Unknown Speaker 58:09
She showed us all the things we should know. We bought there are flowers to pick and whatnot to pick what fish to fish for and took us out and shows us out. Did you know Ruby?
Unknown Speaker 58:22
Unknown Speaker 58:25
she knew all about hunting and
Unknown Speaker 58:28
she even the young burger houses? Yes. Yes. There was a stream of water ran through her basement. Right.
Unknown Speaker 58:38
And she had a coon not a coon
Unknown Speaker 58:41
not a
Unknown Speaker 58:43
son or daughter and daughter
Unknown Speaker 58:47
came in and she had to get rid of it.
Unknown Speaker 58:50
She was quite the girl.
Unknown Speaker 58:53
And of course her husband died after we came.
Unknown Speaker 58:57
He was a nice person.
Unknown Speaker 59:01
She still has a sister on the island.
Unknown Speaker 59:05
She's quite passionate about the island.
Unknown Speaker 59:08
A lot of money. Yes.
Unknown Speaker 59:14
kufrin dancer sister.
Unknown Speaker 59:19
I saw caffeine as something recently. Is Your Lunch maybe but she was saying that her brother
Unknown Speaker 59:27
who lives here and I've forgotten his first name. His memory is gone.
Unknown Speaker 59:33
All of a sudden, I can't remember his first name.
Unknown Speaker 59:39
His memory is terrible.
Unknown Speaker 59:42
Kathleen seems to go on forever.
Unknown Speaker 59:45
Still very active in the garden club. Yes, very edgy as always enter Historical Society meetings.
Unknown Speaker 59:56
Unknown Speaker 59:58
I think we've taken quite a bit here
Unknown Speaker 1:00:00
Trying to sell
Unknown Speaker 1:00:02
quite happy that we thank you very much for this
Unknown Speaker 1:00:07
love to hear in your head Did you have a crumble again she's
Unknown Speaker 1:00:13
very good stuff yourself so what do we do about
Unknown Speaker 1:00:18
Thank you very much
Unknown Speaker 1:00:26
well I guess it wouldn't be the wrong font
Unknown Speaker 1:00:30
don't don't
Unknown Speaker 1:00:32
Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
Unknown Speaker 1:00:38
Unknown Speaker 1:00:40
she was looking at this form that we have from the website and we could change it from loan agreement to donation agreement if you are willing and happy to have a take these away so I would like to maybe give them one of course maybe we should do is come back with the proper form and once you've had a chance to really look through and decide that this is really what you want to do I really do feel it's one that you can take yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:01:11
absolutely delighted
Unknown Speaker 1:01:14
maybe after the holiday All right
Unknown Speaker 1:01:22
thank you
Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
fun you should ensure that it's perfect holiday flowers
Unknown Speaker 1:01:44
where shall we put that for
Unknown Speaker 1:01:49
once I'm in the back of the table or was in the No No.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:54
Again I could put a
Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
piece of paper over there right over on the table and that's for
Unknown Speaker 1:02:05
that paper
Unknown Speaker 1:02:19
fascinating fear all
Unknown Speaker 1:02:25
around us important mark should be here
Unknown Speaker 1:02:29
well I think you've conveyed his hopes Absolutely. Yeah
Unknown Speaker 1:02:37
that's pretty
Unknown Speaker 1:02:40
for you
Unknown Speaker 1:02:42
at some
Unknown Speaker 1:02:44
yes that she could carry would you like us to rip this album and put it somewhere for you to want to leave it there
Unknown Speaker 1:03:02
I put I put our first names I should put her put maybe I should
Unknown Speaker 1:03:10
know your last name
Unknown Speaker 1:03:13
before we can
Unknown Speaker 1:03:16
separate over there
Unknown Speaker 1:03:28
mean it's just really You came job for you people. It was such a
Unknown Speaker 1:03:36
Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
Unknown Speaker 1:03:40
inspirational I really mean that. I am looking at my garden book and this woman has written down kind of Dainius she has in her garden. She has a diagram
Unknown Speaker 1:03:52
I gotta get to work
Unknown Speaker 1:04:03
appreciate this
Unknown Speaker 1:04:09
Unknown Speaker 1:04:23
15 years
Unknown Speaker 1:04:33
Oh my dear so you can
Unknown Speaker 1:04:41
see it hasn't been recording your whole trip home.