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Salt Spring in the Great War

July 1914 - November 1918

Gillian Watson, 9 November 2016

Apologies for the poor sound quality.

Accession Number a presentation to the Historical Society at
Royal Canadian Legion Branch #92
Salt Spring Island
Date November 9, 2016
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
ID duration 49 min




Unknown Speaker 0:02
So on behalf of the society and also for hosting

Unknown Speaker 0:25
right so this is what I was talking about whether or not to introduce you to some of this material now what's happened what's fascinating is first of all

Unknown Speaker 0:59
Chris our next original piece of research on the wash it will come up

Unknown Speaker 1:11
in this this so we took that and we started to do that with understanding the diversity and every year

Unknown Speaker 1:38
and also in terms of

Unknown Speaker 1:49
business a

Unknown Speaker 1:54
woman who's actually a psychologist and is very much by

Unknown Speaker 2:17
the way these are these are

Unknown Speaker 2:34
a look at

Unknown Speaker 2:43
this wonderful

Unknown Speaker 2:58
and the third one

Unknown Speaker 3:01
is and this is something that teenagers you shouldn't notice

Unknown Speaker 3:20
to do with one way or the other side they will fall farmers have lots of leaving the farm going all that way to construction sites the numbers

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Institute statistics to focus on these chapters originally was in England so let's have a look at

Unknown Speaker 4:15
and check

Unknown Speaker 4:19
out our show you might recognize Gavin welcome

Unknown Speaker 4:33
the sprint with Sprint and to the left on the bottom

Unknown Speaker 4:53
Welcome to Lesson four Oftentimes mortality particularly

Unknown Speaker 5:05
is not for a child to

Unknown Speaker 5:19
see so Cecil was paralyzed partially by some of

Unknown Speaker 5:33
the stars of the world what's funny this is the sprinkler right

Unknown Speaker 5:49
here is just saw this is obviously a show

Unknown Speaker 6:12
that steps in depth this is Robinson and this is 34 seconds just didn't happen to be in this thing but what this tells you is that young men haven't gone to war many of the things we've got here this

Unknown Speaker 6:49
year yeah so I think we have

Unknown Speaker 6:59
anniversary members of the Legion and the celebration DLC

Unknown Speaker 7:14
is too late to go

Unknown Speaker 7:23
to the cinema alive and one of them was the other one was actually just so extreme

Unknown Speaker 7:50
This is what exists for those of you who don't know how to wash right we don't know if it's a put up just pretending to

Unknown Speaker 8:10
be as

Unknown Speaker 8:14
nice as the last one

Unknown Speaker 8:18
and supplementing not because of the extra names of the Legions as well

Unknown Speaker 8:35
so we now have a humble young man that's interested in

Unknown Speaker 8:48
the population

Unknown Speaker 8:52
the population in Canada

Unknown Speaker 9:01
the office so it was my recruitment 20 young men

Unknown Speaker 9:33
and I should add to that focus on the

Unknown Speaker 9:46
percentage of the population me some idea of what the Messiah

Unknown Speaker 10:00
The 2019 census is so central to why it's so scary and I expected them to be so much further

Unknown Speaker 10:24
one clue is comes from the center so I have the trigger for the 1940s

Unknown Speaker 10:39
and more your lighting systems actually were more or less exactly that

Unknown Speaker 11:00
us here in that first year that is wonderful

Unknown Speaker 11:16
I think what this does is seek to capture these days we tend to be more cynical about people they did have the home country

Unknown Speaker 11:45
so, that was the cause of the cause

Unknown Speaker 11:58
you can see what you can see they don't use case and then the candidate was the young so I thought that just because now the folks with statistics the number of recruits died in Canada 65

Unknown Speaker 12:49
Essentially what's what's

Unknown Speaker 12:58
the percentage 67 So why did

Unknown Speaker 13:17
this idea it

Unknown Speaker 13:42
to sell those

Unknown Speaker 13:55

Unknown Speaker 14:59

Unknown Speaker 17:07

Unknown Speaker 17:17
like to sign

Unknown Speaker 17:25
up this is actually just wanted to talk a little bit about what that was like when

Unknown Speaker 17:49
which is nice and

Unknown Speaker 18:01

Unknown Speaker 18:13

Unknown Speaker 18:24
this is actually

Unknown Speaker 18:30
a week off this kind of

Unknown Speaker 18:37

Unknown Speaker 18:46
he was in back on strong

Unknown Speaker 18:54
while she was evolving

Unknown Speaker 19:04
in many ways and I believe

Unknown Speaker 19:15
now this is this is one of the surprises I have this is how I read Genesis and this is when he stopped on his way back

Unknown Speaker 19:48
after the lifetime

Unknown Speaker 19:57
of this asset Credit and I'm going to show you this this here says best hospital diagnosis influenza

Unknown Speaker 20:14

Unknown Speaker 20:23
maybe even

Unknown Speaker 20:26
a young boy he was in Boston and so it's funny

Unknown Speaker 20:43
we have heard the operation the beginning of the war that actually

Unknown Speaker 20:51
he had seen

Unknown Speaker 21:00
getting medical people cold medicine is about to resign which was option a third of soldiers it was typically a five days

Unknown Speaker 21:35
typical process which is sometimes occurs

Unknown Speaker 21:45
then had an influence in December

Unknown Speaker 21:49
as the bank had the Spanish

Unknown Speaker 21:55
now I'm showing you this because it seems to be difficult Let It Go

Unknown Speaker 22:09

Unknown Speaker 22:15
now this is just getting married we got married and have two kids

Unknown Speaker 22:32
a couple of things one is economic

Unknown Speaker 22:40
until late

Unknown Speaker 23:01
the other said this is

Unknown Speaker 23:11
outreach generally

Unknown Speaker 23:14
this is what I love to

Unknown Speaker 23:19
do start

Unknown Speaker 23:37

Unknown Speaker 23:39
now credit has actually come from just

Unknown Speaker 23:52
the world of revenue

Unknown Speaker 24:06
is how the house

Unknown Speaker 24:16
and then you can see

Unknown Speaker 24:19
that this is

Unknown Speaker 24:25
this is what you got there. That's the farmhouse and the spread on time

Unknown Speaker 24:41
so, going back to

Unknown Speaker 24:48
this is a 9014 He has a big one

Unknown Speaker 25:00
This is

Unknown Speaker 25:07
Wi Fi six

Unknown Speaker 25:16
this is

Unknown Speaker 25:26
however I'm lucky enough this year within

Unknown Speaker 25:33
email from an Irish mail

Unknown Speaker 25:42
was on the web and this is the letter I'm showing you this comes with Wi Fi

Unknown Speaker 25:50
now just in May

Unknown Speaker 26:01
besides your affection as it says here the two is to serve

Unknown Speaker 26:16
make a long story

Unknown Speaker 26:34
Welcome to

Unknown Speaker 26:41
excel at the and so I had

Unknown Speaker 26:57
nobody and then what he actually asked me is and he said today and which is interesting he

Unknown Speaker 27:23
he Oxford he says he is and this will be the first step

Unknown Speaker 27:37
and this is a very and this by the way

Unknown Speaker 27:42
this lady

Unknown Speaker 27:56
this is from work and she she had a delicious cake there's another message which from the punches

Unknown Speaker 28:11
he also had an excess of cash

Unknown Speaker 28:16
success is essentially all the design of machine and components he didn't come back

Unknown Speaker 28:44
but she did and this is straight when he was filled up and this is

Unknown Speaker 28:56
so this is not he was dead so he actually died one of the things suspicions that finances

Unknown Speaker 29:13
alone long term

Unknown Speaker 29:20
this is between the two

Unknown Speaker 29:31
of us. This is America with Shannon and Ellie Sampson. She was talking This is Gabe suffers. He's a 16 year old. He says that he is 18 to 1960. He says it's not at my face. It's actually you 62 years old

Unknown Speaker 30:12
and young

Unknown Speaker 30:15
16 year old getting laid off government doesn't allow

Unknown Speaker 30:29
notice such as old

Unknown Speaker 30:35
Orange sanction

Unknown Speaker 30:49
the system they want to now as a pharmacist was having the willingness to step in managing difficult situations so, this is a very interesting one was Caitlyn Jenner is a Chinese Japanese as well as tempted to join they were just as interested as everybody else in the country but they were telling me what to return away at the conclusion of this session this is not moving fast enough the session today so the questions in relation

Unknown Speaker 32:06
to boxes everybody to live

Unknown Speaker 32:16
he says he says

Unknown Speaker 32:26
these videos

Unknown Speaker 32:30
personalized his reasons for missing or not

Unknown Speaker 32:48
young black

Unknown Speaker 32:57
men these two boys had

Unknown Speaker 33:12
such an outstanding that they could possibly have some patience grew up

Unknown Speaker 33:29
and now, some of them

Unknown Speaker 33:34
were actually here be 16

Unknown Speaker 33:52
o'clock when he was about 60 So, it's easy to recognize I was

Unknown Speaker 34:07
from Halifax in November in January, that went over to

Unknown Speaker 34:31
the law they might have like six so that's why this site they might want to get some stuff and they want to do that first thing that happened was the guest service. And then when he was okay this was somebody who was actually

Unknown Speaker 35:10
structured with

Unknown Speaker 35:17
James Douglas

Unknown Speaker 35:34

Unknown Speaker 35:51
provide a local dog that has kids that photo there that seems to be a success on this this this will be posted

Unknown Speaker 36:12
okay let's

Unknown Speaker 36:14
get started

Unknown Speaker 37:06
number one thing is and misses the channel they built a race

Unknown Speaker 37:13
to the cops

Unknown Speaker 37:18
so that's why it's called the sacrifice of love

Unknown Speaker 37:32
yes so as you can get faster about to distribute rice and it started with six children one of which was born and the next one was

Unknown Speaker 37:56
sent to Elvis and that was two songs of women that you might have thought that he would come back to take all the songs are helping hotel for the combat soldiers amazing life science is better than nothing

Unknown Speaker 38:41
time to ask

Unknown Speaker 38:47
this question

Unknown Speaker 38:55
Michael might

Unknown Speaker 39:06

Unknown Speaker 39:12

Unknown Speaker 39:19
but most of my success the whole lot I feel very strongly that that happens percent

Unknown Speaker 39:45
recycled paper ready to work something out Oh

Unknown Speaker 40:05
I just have always felt like I

Unknown Speaker 40:14
rushed to PTSD

Unknown Speaker 40:22
I think technically

Unknown Speaker 40:30
we have

Unknown Speaker 40:47
that's how much a costume is an absolutely actually

Unknown Speaker 41:03
somebody who who

Unknown Speaker 41:12
just published the first slide

Unknown Speaker 41:54
actually getting results

Unknown Speaker 42:09
John Cena brown your

Unknown Speaker 42:19
story building stepdads over the fact that he was a comprehensive sidewalk

Unknown Speaker 42:37

Unknown Speaker 43:03
separate isn't the same as going to college that's

Unknown Speaker 43:17
private school

Unknown Speaker 43:33
already wanted to give us all the extensions

Unknown Speaker 43:39
pretty much underrated anyway you guys

Unknown Speaker 43:57
distort the story

Unknown Speaker 44:04
a lot better off

Unknown Speaker 44:25

Unknown Speaker 44:57
starting to have a look Have you got to

Unknown Speaker 45:19
get good

Unknown Speaker 45:37

Unknown Speaker 45:43
little bit more very close to done and more separators now we have a photo taken by my brother and it 46 non smoking remember the world's smallest

Unknown Speaker 46:12
number of animals they just go on the road another big very tiny prison in the middle of winter

Unknown Speaker 46:21
would be a cold winter's day Monday would open the gate at less than four seven property was routed to adults and get the job was our nominee has also had a vegan

Unknown Speaker 46:54
or closeted and southern behind gave my guide on the trip and he had the other one.

Unknown Speaker 47:34
December meeting we'll be back at Central

Unknown Speaker 47:45
would love to screen out overlap a bit of what I'd like to thank you very much