Accession Number | Presenter | Gladys Campbell | |
Date | November 14, 2012 | Location | Historical Society presentation at Central Hall |
Media | digital mp3 | ||
ID | duration | 48 min |
Unknown Speaker 0:00
Today, the Patterson program, we have two of them with us today. Bruce, for two reasons Saltspring labs born and raised in Salt Spring, Bruce ran the store after his father passed on. And now it's closed and Gladys went away for a few years of this comeback. And they still live in the same sort of area in the family. They've been in the forefront Valley. But that's not where they came from. They started out at the beaver Point area. So I'd like to welcome Gladys and Bruce today, this afternoon, and I look forward to your presentation. Thank you very much for coming.
Unknown Speaker 0:41
Okay, everybody can hear me. All right. Well, thank you very much, Bob, and to the Historical Society for inviting us to come today and give a presentation on the Patterson family. I don't remember that precise talk anytime. But I certainly am at the age where I really like to talk about the good old days. So this is great. Thank you a big thank you to Frank again, who it wouldn't happen without Pratik. He is the magic behind all of us. So thank you very much great. And that glass of wine really helped to. And Susan, who did some scrambling the last few days to get to help me get some things together to thank you very much. And thank you all for coming. That's
Unknown Speaker 1:31
it, we're starting off if you'd like to start at the back of the book. Well, this is the this is the family as it is today. But we have a genetic defect and that the Patterson's never take pictures of that are of interest to anybody else. We have a million family pictures of us eating Christmas dinner and doing all sorts of other crazy things. But when it comes to it's not happening. Oh, I see. Well, we're gonna go
Unknown Speaker 2:08
we have the closest thing we have is our family today. But there's for interval person there. And we're missing Helen Rocco. And that is the extent at the family on Saltspring. Now turning the lights off. Okay, if I can see from here. The four people to my left don't belong in there. So there's John and I, and then all the people off to the very right side there. That'll work. Now I think I'm, I'm fine. Thanks. So that's where we are today. And the question that people very often asked me about is when did the Patterson family come to Saltspring Island, and the best we can determine is 1893. And it was Elizabeth Patterson and her eight year old daughter Mary Galloway Patterson and her son, William Downey Patterson, who was for the Patterson family had left Glasgow around 1888, the brothers William Tennant, Patterson and John Tennant. Patterson were miners and a mine a group of miners left Glasgow and went to Williamsburg, Colorado. When they got there. William Paterson, senior care for us. So they came up to Nanaimo. And granddad was born just before they left Williamsburg. So essentially, he actually wasn't consistent, but they didn't have any birth registration in those days. So he didn't get registered until he came up to Canada. They were in Nanaimo for years when catastrophe happened in that his father developed a ruptured appendix and died. And that left Elizabeth the two children and try and figure out how she was going to finance their upkeep. And she tried a few things that didn't work. She then answered an ad from an Edward Lee on Saltspring Island, who had come to Salt Spring in 1887. With his brother, Edward had his holdings at the bottom of Lee's Hill, a farm there. And his brother was at the top of the hill, his wife died, leaving him with eight children, six girls and two boys, and he needed a housekeeper. So he and Elizabeth had a marriage of convenience. And she came to salt screaming, to live with him. And just when I stop and reflect about how difficult that must have been, for both of them his his children must have been really mourning the loss of their mother. And here comes a strange woman with two children into their household. And the same with the Pattersons. They had been uprooted from their house in Nanaimo. They'd lost their father and suddenly they were sort of strange was in somebody else's hubs. So I think it must have been quite a traumatic event for everybody. A difficult time. Plus, I listed that kid growing up in Glasgow, which was becoming one of the 10 top biggest cities in the world. And it was a big, industrial city polluted. But there are lots of people in a small place and lots of amenities. And all of a sudden, four years later, she or five years later, she's on Saltspring on an isolated farm with no background in farming, and she's got to feed and clothe 10 children. So it was probably a stressful time. She actually didn't even live 10 years after arriving there. Now, one of the first things that Patterson's did when they left Scotland is they changed their name for some reason, from one T to two teams, and they sort of did it on a lark and next thing they knew they couldn't change it back. So we are actually supposed to be a one T Patterson. So Mary and William went to the little bird going school and it was just at the bottom of their road, basically, their home was across the creek on the Ganges side of over Ganges road, the last place before you went up the hill. And that's across from the little church that's there, the little United Church, which I think probably was a Presbyterian church at that time. So they went to school there and granddad ran away and like to work on the Iroquois for a short while, and his mother convinced him to come back and finish his schooling and we've got his graduation. He graduated with honors from grade eight. And then he immediately left he decided that very early age, he did not like farming. So he went off to Vancouver, and he worked in stores for CPR. And then he went to Victoria, who was always looking for a better job. He worked on the streetcars in Victoria. And it was there that he met my grandmother, Emma Patterson. Her family had also emigrated from England, and they ended up in extension, just south of Nanaimo. And her father became a miner there. He was from a family of miners in England, but they were more administrative, but he went down in the mines. So she'd grown up there. And when she finished her grade eight, she went into service is what they called it. And she was a nanny and Victoria. When granddad met her. She was working for quite well known family Victoria at that time to Shriners and actually, Mr. Schwager was there at the opening of the golf course here on the island, representing the government. But the other interesting thing was that the little girl one of the little girls, she was a nanny for ended up being my husband's and she married John's father's product, if you can get that figured out. So anyways, they met while he was doing the streetcars into obey. And then he went on into the Provincial Police and he was stationed up Comox Courtney and Cumberland area, which was fairly rough. And he decided that he actually really enjoyed himself by the accounts and the letters and everything when he left the island. He had some dapper pitches, and I'm forgetting to show you any of these, that that's his sister. That's Mary who actually was known to a lot of people as Paulie and she married Daniel Henry Russell. And that's granddad my grandfather, William Daley, Patterson, on the right on your right. So anyhow, he, okay. He married he asked me if she would marry Yeah. And she said she would not marry him if he was in the police force. So they quandary was resolved when Mary Rocco and Uncle Henry Daniel Henry went by the name Henry said they really needed someone to operate the store at the right point. And that would be a great position for them. So I'm going to switch to this is a different order. I'm going to go past that went over this is the house in Fulford, the lead house and that's, that's the main family and there's a close up. On the very right is Mr. Lee and next to him is Mary Patterson and Elizabeth is the older lady behind and at that point granddad had left this would have been 1901. And this is the ruffles Mary and Rachael and granddad Patterson. William Paterson with Mary son born at the rental house, okay, and this is back another close up of the leaf family. This is after Gordon was born and so in the center's Mary with Gordon and the rest are all leaves. There's some of the girls and two of the boys they had two boys. At this one shows to him when he was working On the Iroquois and this is him in his conductors outfit. And this is what the beaver point store looked like when they arrived. It was in badly in need of a painting. Captain good had built it sometime around 1912 or 13. And he had run it as a store for about a year and then he left so I've been empty for a year or two. So that's sort of what the orphans the whole area looked like when they arrived
Unknown Speaker 10:42
did it switch
Unknown Speaker 11:01
anyhow to carry on
Unknown Speaker 11:09
the house is it connected
Unknown Speaker 11:27
Oh, that cursor has to go on to the Okay. The first year there in the store, they added that brand all the way around three sides and they painted the house. The store part was facing the road the house was right up to the edge of the road. And it was then behind house you can see there's a lien to that was their kitchen. They had no electricity right up till the time when they left in 1951. And they had no running water that they're drinking water they went right around the head of the harbor near where the parking is now for the Bay Area. You go in there about 100 feet and there was a well So grandma used to go every day and and pack water for their drinking and cooking. And then they had a big rain barrels for catching rainwater for the washing. And they had an outside tap but it was since drinkable and I guess it was for watering the garden. But it was very simple. And the store had basically at that time stores just had dry goods like shot up flour and sugar, some spices and lamp wicks and that type of thing because everybody grew their own food if you didn't grow it your star or you got it from your neighbors and they didn't have course any refrigeration to keep anything like that. So the other big part of their business was gas or fuel and they later built a gas ship that the boats with bringing the fuel and they had a big business supplying fuel to boats going up and down past the I was at that time. It was always cases of boats going to Vancouver or up to the other parts of the island and she said later and she was talking about her life at Beaver point my grandmother and she said that she always felt like she had way more activity here than she did when she lived at Fulford because the people at Fulford rebooking by to catch the ferry but here people came in and boats and they visited and talk and she got to know a lot of people traveling up and down on a regular basis as some of the First Nations people. When First Nations lady told her about when she was a child she had been. They've been coming down into canoe and they saw the height is way off in the distance. So they roared in a polar canoe up into the woods and hit. So it's interesting all the stories that she got there. They had a great life. B requirements, a wonderful community. And they have dances she used to play the piano. Helen Rockwell senior uncle Alfred's wife, she was a margin for Victoria's you know, they're very musical. She played the piano and Uncle Alfred, he made violins and fiddles. And they had dances and picnics, and they play tennis down on the hammock drive of the host there. So it was it was a busy time. And the fact that it was a simple life didn't bother them. They were perfectly happy. They had the only phone for that part of the aisles so they also relayed messages around. And I presume the phone came in by cable that went up in Victoria and they just had the odd place where they would bring a phone in on the island. The other thing is they had the post office and it became apparent to me that post offices are probably one of the most important things on the island. Now it's early days, because all your communication was done through the post office and people would drop by little postcard into the mindset staff would just say hi got your letter or write later, and just their form of communication plus all their supplies like a catalogs and I put a couple of catalogs out there. But they had a lot of parcels coming through and they did money orders. It was that was the center of the community. So everywhere the boat stopped, whether it Musgrave or beaver point or somewhere a little post office would form in somebody's house. So the original one was in Mr. Rocco senior's house. And then when Daniel Henry Rocco and Mary got married, he took it on, and then they moved it down and it became part of the store. So David started the center of everything going on. Grant that also became was made a justice of the peace and he was called on to witness all sorts of documents and carry out those duties. They also took in local school teacher for the school, gave them room and board. And this is how Mary Davidson's mother, Dorothy Dewar, who was a teacher at Beaver point, met her future husband, who was a friend of granddad's from the rape streetcar dates, and they have playing cards at Town, my grandparents. William was also a school board trustee for a number of years. The requite measles also entertained on Wednesdays they provide a Tea for the day truckers who came in on the Wednesday boat that was probably around the 30s in the 40s. Then they also acquired a farm across from either point Hall and so granddad would go on his way into fall for it he would stop and milk cows and and take the milk home for grandma to make butter and all those things. But now it will be. Emily had a son Robert and he was born in 1916. And he went to school at Beaver point and then he bought it with my grandmother's sister in Victoria and finished the car. He cycled into Victoria on Sunday night and he cycled back again on Friday night. And those days like when my father told me this none of us classical anywhere so that seemed like a major feat but of course today now people are doing it again all the time. He graduated 1934 But didn't carry on to university although he had very good grades and not quite sure why it was the times around them. He just a couple years of fishing and he went out with the Stephens brothers and he went up and down the coast in their fishing boat and he absolutely loved it in born near the water he loved the ocean he was never happier than when he was on the water he never learned to swim if you're going to be required might know why it's it's quite cold that water up there. He could tolerate the coldness but he was always on a boat. Now about that time, William Pat Patterson in 1927 He went in to Fulford and purchased a building there hope you're I keep forgetting to Okay, I got this thing off here again. We're here we are okay.
Unknown Speaker 18:12
Got one, the next one is to Okay, there. Okay, that's another picture of the store showing the front and the entrance up underneath was my grandmother's root cellar, which kept all the preserves and all that sort of thing and then the door around the other side. And the next picture is their truck. They have one of the first vehicles on the island and Chris he was trucking back and forth to Fulford and that's Nan Raquel sitting on the hood tells you that the next one is of my father feeding the chickens and I put it in because the repoint area was so clear that that point and we go up there now and it's an absolute force, it looks almost like old growth. But that's 60 years of since it was cleared, and they had a garage there for their car and they had chickens and a few pigs. And that's my father with the chumps from school.
Unknown Speaker 19:24
And that's my grandmother and my father and her two sisters, her family love to come to Salzburg, her younger she was one of about 10 children. And so her young sisters love to come and spend the summers there and spend a summer save to and that's another one of their truck with all the feed feed was another important thing that people needed, brought onto the island from off the island. And that's why he actually went to Fulford it seemed that's where the feed came in. This was his farm at Beaver point, and that's me and amongst the animals there but that barn was there. for quite a few years I don't know when it fell down or was taken down it was the 60s Okay. That's across from Beaver point Hall. So now we're coming into the Fulford area that's the probably the Joan at the at the dock there early on. Before it was very developed. It was very clear it all up there to everybody coming for vote day. I don't know how they maintained those clubs with irons that heated on the stove and washed by hand. And that's another one that's the game before the ferry dock went in and those sheds were features in them. The two on the side was a storage shed and a fuel shed that granddad had acquired. And across the way from them was a feature that the molex used to have, but I think around the 1937 He bought it from them. And there was a private home up where the store is now and that's what became Fulford store that was early early on. And he purchased that and he rented it out. It was a little tricky that had built it some years much earlier. And the customers rented it well they built their store across the room. And he kept the front part later to me first just started selling feet out of it. And that was when it became a store. So now I should catch up to you here. So there was a the SEC was coming into full force, so it was a building boom. And Fred Cudmore had subdivided all up orchard drive and put homes in and with the ferry service coming there that changed a lot of things because now people could take trucks over to Victoria and bring stuff back and be requite ceased to become as important to stop for the CPR boats. And finally in 1951 They stopped altogether and the post office moved into Fulford so that meant there really was no reason for them to stay at favorite point. So they moved into Fulford and they lived in the back of the house and the upstairs and had this door just in the front area. This is another one. Anyways okay, you know what I should have warned you Frank computers that I don't get to UC John just has to walk in the room and it's smart. It's right. When I'm on it anyways, that's their 25th wedding anniversary out of fever points, and that would be 1940. And that's my Bob, My Father Bob. And he looks like he's just having a wonderful day. What his problem was okay. And I touched on something. Okay, there we go. I think we're all right. That's another one of a car old car in front of the full food store. Now for coming into the next phase and that on the right is my mother, Nancy Watkins Baker and she came to salt spring from the Queen Charlotte Islands. She was born and Masset. Her parents moved there. When he was deputy when she was born there and her grandfather was Dr. Lawson. And Dr. Lawson and his wife Lillian came to Saltspring to be the physician on Saltspring and lived on the corner of Rainbow Road and full for Ganges road where the lawyers offices today and they had a big piece of property there did a lot of lawn bowling and entertaining. And Nancy's parents moved to the island and they did various things that they did go and manage the Ganges in Phrygian mode, which was wonderful for my mother because she had all these girls that were either working there or staying there. Helen raka was on the left hand or she's got glasses on her nose was that thing but anyways, she and Nan came from Beaver point to stay there while they went to school because it was just too long to drive from either points that they was stayed in Monday to Friday. And those girls had so much fun in the middle as Peggy and I'm not sure somebody's taking it during I don't know who it would be but they were having they had a great fun and they my mother was very much a outgoing and loved lots of fun. Actually, I think Bruce takes after her alarm. This is a picnic here with the radicals Norman Rockwell who died very young, and my father and then the front rows. My mother Helen Rocco, and again, I think there's Phillips noon and somebody else again and I can't remember the names and behind was my grandparents on my mother's side. The Bakers Evelyn and Cecil um Sit on a picnic. Helen and Nan staying at the end introduced my mother to their cousin Bob. He didn't go to school at Ganges he went to Victoria so they introduced my mother and they married Get this thing off again. There we go. And there they are sitting at a car on the front of a car at Beaver point again and there is she's there with the granddad Patterson has kind of a truck looks like a snowy day. And this is the little rock garden it was at Beaver point sort of way back here that's me when I was I don't know about five and so not too long before they moved away. But that area is so grown and now we would never ever know that that was all rock garden and that's what I think it's so interesting when I go out there I can't believe they ever lived there. And that's my grandmother in me again and that's another one of dads when Fulford store reverted to be a home that's back we thought the new store so and then of course here is the the old gas pump that works. And you've all seen that looks. This wants to come back again. Now, so we've got Bob and Nancy Mary and Bob went to Victoria and worked in the shipyards and I was born in Victoria while they were there and then they came back to Salt Springs. And they got this one they needed some help in the store because they were running both stores. So actually to take the Patterson's for the first chain store on Saltzman he had two stores for a number of years from about 1930 to 1951. And there's the old side pack in at the wharf there. So Bob needs to come and house so he came back after the war and he built a home on a big piece of property off of Morningside road. And at that time, my grandfather purchased this piece of property from someone who really needed to get rid of the property and nobody wants to buy property those days. So he got it from this Mrs. MCBRIDE whose husband died and she wanted to go back to Vancouver. So my father built a house there and help with the store. So hope that we're looking at the coffee bar, but that was full for general store. Let's see. This is what it was Cudmore store they had some general supplies but they had a bowling alley and a barbershop and a post office and everything else in there. And then at time that's very and then we went to Mass a store that was built for general store in the early 50s. No, the late in the 40s actually. So anyhow, Patterson's were getting their store, they get delivery up and down the valley to all sorts of homes. My dad went into Victoria on Thursdays and brought back all the goods and if he wasn't at the ferry when he was supposed to be the ferry would wait for him.
Unknown Speaker 28:32
The good old days. Okay. So the next thing is water district and I don't have any pictures of that, but they were very instrumental. My grandfather was one of three trustees that was painful for started the Fulford Water District. And they couldn't align from Western Lake right through down to full for the lawn line transected. My dad's property, which he has 160 acres, so it meant a huge gap right through the middle of his property. And most of the line is about brown. So my dad spent many hours every winter for years and years and years, keeping the water running, when it got cold weather weather was trying to keep the pipes from freezing, and they have holes in the water scrapes spout out so that the water would start moving quickly. You know, in the days you have to make your taps on to make sure your water didn't freeze. So that was a big enterprise that they were involved in. And for years later, he was always working to maintain I think you'd have a story gross for one night after the store closed, they all went down and they dug up for Ganges row because there was a leak and covered it all break up home at five o'clock. So that two hours went back to work the next day and that's what they did in those days. Which I should tell you the columns on how to write down the CRP not that story at all. So that's how I changed I changed it Get in summer bath. So. Okay. Now he also, they also would give credit that'd be because my grandfather, whether it's because that the type of life he had had and rough times or whether when he went to Vancouver, he had no money and he got a job and he went to a place for room and board and the lady said, You look honest, I'll take you in and let you stay and notice when you when you get your paycheck, but granddad always ran at the time he left, he gave people credit in the store, he didn't charge any interest. He was not in for the business. He just wanted to make enough money that the family was comfortable. He didn't want to take any risks. But he let people they would have failed for months and months and months. And that was okay. And the occasional person skipped out and left and didn't pay. But for the most part, people were very honest. And and it was a good system. Now, in getting out to more modern times, Bob volunteered on the fire department for about 20 years, and seven fire practice every Tuesday night and learning a lot of first day. And I'm going to Bruce now talk a little bit about how HR departments aren't because he was more around than that happened.
Unknown Speaker 31:22
I got a very loud voice, so I probably don't need that. But if you can't hear me, I'll use that. First I got three things. First, while I was very impressed with the speed at which you conducted your business, I watched our park district meetings went as fast. But I'm trying to streamline it down to less than five minutes. But the drift has nothing to report them. Secondly, it's very nice to see as many people that I recognize is not a funeral. So I'm very happy to see everybody. And thirdly, I like to thank my sister who has spent a lot of time putting us together came to my office this morning and Fulford and turns on my computer. And notice that Chief sent me an email at one o'clock in the morning, asking me to review her drafts of her presentation and make any comments and I phoned her about night and I asked her to get a sleep last night and she said yeah, a little bit. So um, thank you very much. The fire department was started in 1960. I was two years old. And they were the history department. It was pretty simple. We go to the fire hall and Ganges today. The back of the fire hall economics down. It's a hole to the full for the back hole tips is the old Jeep for our truck. And you might see that occasionally and praise and show in China and the fall fair it is to get up there to be decorated for Christmas. So that was the full fire truck and it was stored in my grandparents garage. So they had a two big garage and one half of it their car, the whole 53 Pontiac city in it. And the other half of it was the fire truck. And of course in those days there was no such thing as pagers. So we all carry now. And they phoned your home and they had dispatchers in the hall. And you had a firing phone in the far Hall and Ganges and the dispatcher was was start making home phone calls. And to get the fire hall again, she's had a siren but of course there was no siren and foolproof because when my grandparents garage, so they would fold up my father was a data I can see what's closest to the fire truck. And so usually when to pull my father first and then they would pull in Fred Hall execs posts to the fire truck. And it kind of worked at any of us are pulling firefighters that were close to wherever the fire was to get people there and they kind of responded from there. And then they built the fire hall Morningside road, there was a piece of property at the edge of our property, which I thought we donated, but maybe we sold to the fire district and there was a fill in there and they built the fire hall itself Morningside bakery, and once again, I don't believe there was a siren on there, but we were starting to evolve to pagers. And my father barely ever wore his so he was using more often they would fall in the store to learn my father. And then he would go across the fire hall you roll the Jeep truck, and then he would hit the siren on the Jeep truck. The Fred Hall he lived behind the store. He didn't wear his pager very often either and quite often TV outside working in whatever so you hear the The Fire Truck siren go off and I have his very strong memory of freight hauling. This word is shining tin helmet work helmet on his head there and he would come running down here in his helmet will get wobbly and bombas head and he would jump into the fire truck and, and even those the Jeep truck, he doesn't go very fast. And it goes everywhere from footprints uphill. And so it took a while for it to get to where it was going to be but and then eventually it wasn't the fire department needed a tanker. And it was no it couldn't expand the fire hall so to Bay fire hall. So there was a decision was made to relocate the fire department or fire hall to where it is now and we've kind of gone from there so and then they installed the sirens and a modern a soccer ball from there and we talked to a lot more money now on your taxes then we get the past year. Gonna touch on my mother preparing I have her sense of humor, but my mother was when I grew up. My mother was unlike most other mothers at the time. Most other mothers of kids that I grew up with, didn't have her own business. And so my mother was the home type. She didn't suffer but she didn't say a lot of time. At home. She spent a lot of time doing other things and and when she wasn't working in the restaurant, Nan's coffee bar used to close the wall, she has the pixel out, and I don't even remember it's picking slough. But that's what she did in the wintertime, her and Jean Hollings with all the old moldy old logging slashes and pixel out and I have to find out you have smells or senses that bring back memories. I have two of them. The smell of fried hamburgers. And if anyone has a hamburger grease on their clothing, meaning reminds me of my mother. And the second is my mother was wearing this wool knitted coat the neither pixel out and there's a cell there, my cell wall was the organic smell of woods and moisture, whatever. That was my mother no matter
Unknown Speaker 37:26
okay, well, I was actually going to go to her next. She She wasn't happy at home, she had married at 18. And she was a very social person. And if you know our property, you can't see another house and miles. And so she was there by herself. So she got an opportunity to work on the Paris app on the concessions as a waitress. And before a year was up the person that owned the concession decided didn't want to do it anymore and asked her if she would like to take it over. So she did and it started off just on the motor princess. And then there was two fares beside pack that was doing around a different route that also have a little coffee bar put on. And it was great. I mean, you could buy bacon and eggs and all sorts of things, pies and sandwiches and everything on the fair. So she started off there and she hired a bunch of girls and that she ran out of space to store things. And when this place came up for sale, she decided to buy it mainly to have a place to store it. Mary Gervin was running it as a coffee shop between the after the last general store closed around 1950. And America, Reuben had it. And in 1958, she put it up for sale. And my mother decided to buy it mainly because she needed a place to store things. So they went on. And then of course, the ferry company came in in 1960 and bought out the Saltspring Island ferry company. But they kept her doing the concession for a year until they got sort of things under control. And then they took over the concession. So that's when she spent her focus then on the displace, and this was the hippie era. And I don't have anything to do with how those binds curve, but it just reminds me of that era. It was overgrown with that rose bushes. And that's when she perfected her pies. And she became known all over and for her time making she makes sometimes 16 a day. And she picked the berries for them in the fall in the summer. And she had lots of energy. I can remember when she had both this and the conception she would sometimes go 16 hours a day, seven days a week. And I quickly had to learn how to babysit, look after children and cook and we have some really hilarious stories of trying to cook Thanksgiving dinner on a wood stove. And it was a fun time. But when she was very busy and she was very happy. She also had card parties in there again, that became sort of a center where the community people came and play bridge every cycle of 500 on Saturday nights and and they would all have some ID they set up all the car tables. She belonged. They both belong to all sorts of organizations. They organize the fishing pole for fishing derbies along with Mr. Captain Moloch and Captain Lacey. And they did. Theirs may 24 overhead a lot of activities because nobody went to Ganges in those days, everything was in your own community, they only went to Ganges to go to the bay. And everything else sort of happened in your local area. Nowadays, the whole island change we go to Ganges all the time to go to call the guard screen and take some guarantees come down folk club and to the restaurant or whatever. And it's a very different scene. But at that time, we made all our own activities and fun and it was it was really fun. It's a great community. Another thing now the other interesting but dad he was always on call day and night for anybody that needed Hampt and he was he was just one of these quiet people behind the scenes who was always coming out getting somebody's car stuck out of something or giving them some gas that the biggest thing I can remember was whenever the big storms hit in the winter, he made a call from either Captain Molitor Captain Lacey your captain volunteer and help put some lines on the ferry and they be scrambling on these titans down there. No late Jack is and of course he never learned to swim in this raging wind and storm that happened pretty well every winter at some point. Again, that was just the way things were that time. Okay, so now around 1964 Well that's the restaurant there and that's later on. I think around all the time maybe she left the restaurant because it looks like the neon sign is gone and that's the old water princess that was a really nice berry and the approach into full CRUD at that time. This is when mom and dad with my staff and Bruce and Elaine still today you have a hard time getting a picture of her look at her there. There they are. A little bit later my grandparents my parents had grossly late and deaths in the grandparents place at Fulford and this one is special day birthday or something and these are all in my grandmother's living room and I put it in because it's some of you have maybe never seen these people Fotis ruffles on the left. Bessie day that you know the best CD hospice group is named after was the lady next to her. Mrs. Lacey from Isabella point is next to her my grandmother the blue dress and girly Smith was sitting next to my grandmother
Unknown Speaker 42:50
This is the new store 1966 Walter few decided to sell and they needed to move it was they really needed to expand the island was growing things were happening. So they bought this building and fixed it up and John won a lot of brownie points with my grandfather because before they opened John had to come over for a weekend when they were laying the tile on the floor and he helped the help we both help lay this tile on the floor My grandfather was very impressed. This is the cleanup console for and I can see they have moved from the old store in this one but they still could have usually an annual cleanup and Fred Hollings and dad would be out closing down the street and everybody do clipping and sniffing and and there they are cleaning all up that's the fire hall when it was up where Morningside bakery is now and then they would all go to Nance after I think they have coffee you would remember there's something out
Unknown Speaker 43:54
there as Pearl kitchen behind her.
Unknown Speaker 43:58
So many unhorsed all in the front baldies mother Carl kitchen behind that's you and disco. Okay. Yeah, so that's, that's Oh, I see that down there. Okay. Yeah, so that's just Yes, I didn't recognize somebody else. This is another picture of coming down into Fulford before we blocked out of that field at the post office. Okay, and this one is Mom and Dad's 50th wedding anniversary at the golf club. And that's Helen Russell who was a bridesmaid at their wedding. And they had a nice big celebration for that
Unknown Speaker 44:49
this is another one well now this is the pattern store later. So they, Nancy and Bob. The two Tired and the community had a really nice oh my god Stanton dad was also a school board for a couple of transits was mentioned in the title. The granddad Patterson had suffered a few bouts of pneumonia and he retired and when he was 89, and so my mother needed to help in the store. So she leased out the restaurant, and she went to work in the store. And then around 1975 They decided to retire and the community gave them a wonderful surprise retirement party and first took over the store. And they loved they went on to travel and enjoy their grandchildren. And I just put this little picture of them traveling. And then as you can see, Bruce has carried on the tradition of doing things for the community. He lights up the Christmas lights and his Grinch and he has his merry Monday which I've gathered so to be carried on this year. Light Daddy has spent hours and years of his time on the fire department and he also did the Fulford waterworks he has been invaluable, they're generous to a fault and carried on in the family tradition. So, that is about the OIC here we have valde There we go. And then last year, we have, excuse me, the closing of the store. And Fulford is in the midst of another change, but the store closed, it was like, it's like the death of the village. It was It was awful, and even stand in jail at rock salt. So they couldn't believe it. Their sales dropped 25% It was just the village died. And I mean even if part of it Bruce not being there, but even when he's not there, the store is still always the center of the community. And so anyhow. The Fulford the new people den mercantile, random, we're so happy to have been in there. It's nice to have that store open again. And I really hope if you ever whenever you park in school, or to run in and buy something from them, because that seems to owe it to fulfill to keep that storyline. And also, the shell property has sold recently. We don't know what's going in there. Bill Rose has got Morningside up for sale this week. I can tell you rocksalt Cafe is changing ownership and the new chef is coming in taking over the least there and so that's exciting there. The wardrobe Janice has moved over to jump Alliance I'm alliances to quiet there about proofs and she's gone. So the whole area has changed. Plus, you're going to get evidently the government is going to widen the road so that we can get into foolproof weather scary traffic lined up. So who knows what surrounds the band. Five years is probably another big change. But that's I think everything that I have today. Thank you very much for listening. And if you have any questions, we'd love to answer them.