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Mary’s Ghost and Other South-End Traces

Brenda Guiled, 26 November 2017

An Illustrated Talk by Brenda Guiled based on her book
Ruckles’ World: A History of South-East Salt Spring Island

picture of title bar for lecture
Accession Number Presented By: Brenda Guiled/SSI Archives
Date November 26, 2017
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
ID duration




Speaker 1 0:00
To introduce Brandon's gonna talk about various related to this. And I just wanted to tell you a little bit about it. For those of you who don't know, she was educated and worked as an environmental educator in the 70s, her program one at a price for curriculum development on the environment in North America as a whole. She is a artist and illustrator of books. And so with that this book benefits from that, because it's beautifully designed, beautiful illustrations. She, she's written a number of books, and you'll see that as you can see on her website, particularly historically, she

Speaker 1 0:57
which is availability in the local library. So, Brandon, a community worker, activist, she's Chair of the pathways. And she has worked for the teachers grantee, and she's worked for the incorporation figure in the archives, because she want to borrow from your photographs, you really ought to we have one of the most wonderful digital collections, of sorts, and so on. No other volunteer Archives has a digital website. This is the person who's responsible for this.

Unknown Speaker 2:08
are hungry to save money. It didn't get saved. But that was the idea. So we thought that whatever she said, I'll send it to you. So she sends it to you doing this for about three months.

Speaker 1 2:33
Three months, this is how hard it is absolutely amazing. I don't see what's called a micro history, because it's about spring. But it's not micro in its scope, because it extended, as were many immigrants pioneers here. It extends from Hawaii through to Norway, and Sweden. It's bigger, stronger, far afield as you can think of. Micro in its geography is macro in its impact. And it covers a lot of issues that are still present today to do with gender to do with race. So today she's going to talk about by the way, this book is spoken by. She's going to talk about Maria who was one of the Hawaiians who was

Speaker 2 3:44
Historical Society and archives have been so generous. Energy has been all over the website. Good. Photos are amazing. Just think you've seen lots. It's so great. Now, I'm sorry, I'm looking faster. So we're going to start out with Mary's Mary's bones where we're going to find Mary songs. We're going to do Google Streetview tours. So we've all been here, right. You go by and see that that headstone that usually has both the shelves on it 123 strands, that's our Mary Peavine that Mary ha may have Peavine a hole and yes, this is what it says on the headstone in Mary in memory of Mary H. Weiss, John P. Kahaluu. born March 11 1858, died May 16 1892. And this is what the church looked like circa 1900. I don't know if the vicarage was there in 1892, but it was a wooden church at that point. Then I want to read to you a little, a little tidbit that I've read in my historical sleuthing. As this was in times past, which is Salt Spring Island houses in history before the turn of the century, that was written by Beth Hill sumo Margaret Cunningham and Lillian Forstall. So under the pea vines Tohoku cabin, Gladys King told this story which came from her mother so he person, there's an interview with Sophie person that's on the archives, audio files. I just love that woman. She was nearly 95 years old. She was nearly passed away and she is just the most kind. They call her serene Sophie. She's just amazing. Just listen to her. So this is what Gladys King recounted of what her mother said. When Mrs. King was a young girl, she went on an errand to pop and burgers and that place is just west of reckless farm now the park so picture rock this farm and then the next property over to the west. As it was getting dark when she started back, Mrs. Poffenberger, offered to walk part way with her. When they reached the orchard was first owned by the homemaker as Mrs. P by parents, Mrs. Poffenberger would go no further saying that the orchard was haunted by Mrs. piega. It seemed that Mr. Peavine a man of uncertain temper, had beaten Mrs. P vine prior to the birth of two big twin babies. And possibly as a result of this Mrs. P vine, and both infants died during the funeral in the orchard, thunder and lightning struck such terror into the guests that the place was considered hostage from that time on. So I actually stand up to address this because 15 years ago, and there's a spot in that property, it's strata is private property, don't go there without permission. I went there when the caretakers lived there, and they said it was fine to go. And, and Humphries who lived there also told me it was okay, so I would draw a loop that goes around there. And there's a spot where every time starting 15 years ago, I would stop in my tracks and go, you know, something feels disturbed here. Now, I'm not a, you know, hocus pocus kind of person that way, my training, my background is all in science. There's subliminal things that we can smell or sense of whatever that, you know, it's like the dark force in physics is really just don't know what to do with it. So I would always walk in front of that spot. And two or three weeks later, I would maybe go run past there myself up to I have to feel up to have to address something there. So I would just stop. And I would actually just just say, okay, whatever it was okay. And as I put in my advertising about this images would come to mind, let's do something with screen something was something with a woman, I don't know, was I making stuff up? Who knows brains work in funny ways. But then, I was talking with some neighbors and and one of them said she walked her dogs along, there are three little dogs. I didn't tell her the exact spot. But she said she knew exactly where that spot was because the dogs would hunker down and grow. And then talking with another neighbor said that she had a neighbor who lives quite close to it. Near that spot. She said that she had an overnight guests, who, who was not from the island and knew nothing about the island. And the next she was a bit of a psychic, medium whatever. The next morning, she said she had a dream or a vision or something of a brown skinned woman in the voluminous dress was very real to respond right there. And then another thing that happened was we had a young Japanese woman come and stay with us for a month as a guest. And when she was new at our place, I took her a walk along that loop. And I didn't say anything about getting to that spot. But the caretakers kitten had followed us. So we got to that spot in the road in the trees. And I didn't say anything, but the cat went right across the road as far into the bushes as it could and walk right along the edge of the road. And when we passed that spot came back. So I thought the young woman was with me to stop and I said, you know, I guess you didn't notice anything? No, no, not at all. The cat leaped up around her shoulders and can't and you know what? I am knowing I don't want to read too much into it. Except that when I read this account of Sophie pursue her daughter, I kind of went. Isn't that interesting? So this is where this talk kicks off. And this is where Mary lays to rest if Mary is quite late to rest. So what about happier days now this is a photo if you go on the Archives website, it is one that is featured prominently, and it's very tantalizing to people like me who likes to sleuth out. This is purportedly 1886 It's a wedding. There's a bride and groom on the right hand side. There was only one wedding recorded at this church in Salt Spring that year, and it was November 7, so we have to ask, look at the trees, they're barren of leaves. The leaves have fallen on the ground. The leaves haven't rotted yet. So 1886 November 7, could be so are married, are married. Alive is in this crowd. I'll wager 99.9% Nanny price I'll wager. So here's our bride. This is her up closer, holding flowers. And there are now I think I know. There's a great controversy going on in the Archives website about who this who this wedding is, you know who it involves. And this is married to Holly is married to hony and Michael Irvin, got married in 1886, November 7, at the Catholic Church, and this is a picture of Mary to Honi in her middle age, when she was married to someone else. She's Michael Irving, urban or when goes by different spellings. He was from New York City. And the marriage didn't last. They have three kids total, two of them live, and then he just vanishes. He bought his land, he just vanishes and she ended up with the land she married Bill Lumley. So why would someone abandon the wedding photo a glorious wedding photo like this? Well, the marriage didn't last. And the children were raised. As long as they weren't, they knew their name was Irwin Irwin Irving how to spell it. So you can see why the photo became a focus on identifying. Now there's four other women in the photo that are carrying flowers. So we'll call her the mother of the bride or the mother of the groom. And we've got this woman here that I think is quite interesting. Because this is the famous posthumously famous for I am a boy in her middle age. So I took that, and I made a transparency of her face, and I overlaid it on the other photo to see how they line up. I think that's a Mariah McCoy. And she was either sister or half sister of Mary camellia key lines to hope. So here's another woman with some flowers. Is that our Mary? Beth, maybe it might not she might be a woman without flowers. But if Mariah is carrying flowers, maybe maybe the sister was invited as well. Mary Tony had two older sisters. And so here's another woman carrying flowers. So that's it. So when you're looking for traces of someone, this is the kind of thing that one zeroing in on a puzzling and going are you there? Are you there? Looking out from the past at home now, where was the home? When I started pulling together this history that I wrote, I got all the preemption papers for all of these places on so Saltspring and that involves there's like 550,000, preemption and Crown land papers to go through. And I just did the early ones, but I went through at least 10,000 pages of papers make sure that I had the exact record as close as I could get that was verifiable and plugged in where everyone on property so here is where married was was buried.

Speaker 2 13:35
No, it wasn't us. Yeah, yes, it was okay. That's right. The road doesn't quite fit on there. Anyway, you can see the road leads to the couple's a whole property, which her husband John likes to hold, preempted in 1883 and then he built his cabin, we'll get to that. And Henry Rupal helped him to predict to preempt the land and get set up. So this is the Crown land purchase before you could purchase that you could preempt the land you could live on it while you worked at and then you would buy it and when you bought it you it had to be looked at had to be surveyed. Oops, sorry. I can't even breathe on this thing. I find this I mean this is a little kind of stuff that interesting be replied wrote didn't go at that time that it was a trail end but it didn't. Okay, it is. I'll be jumping beaver Point Road along there where it goes to the coho property. It doesn't. Beaver Point Road is now to the south of that. So, in about the 1920s Helen Merkel told me that the row actually was have a lot that told me that the road didn't used to be the trail. The wagon trail didn't used to be where the road is now when they were logging in the 1920s They straightened out the roads and dealt with the wet spots

Speaker 2 15:11
Yeah, yeah, it makes sense why they put it where they get but they the original road went where it did to avoid wet spots. When you talk through the book Bush again against Dave black lives there, I've done it. It's public park, but I still made sure from Dave that it was okay that I went to because that's his home. Well, it's his home, right? You have to be careful of where people live in their privacy. So the key lines the whole cabin, you get to this is a long beam apart road and on the left, you have daypacks driveway. And, you know, I hope the same as what I do don't just go walking down there too readily and surprised days a lot of us know um, you can Yeah, that's been really tricky to find out. The hole is obviously Hawaiian who said he was born in the Sandwich Islands, the pea vine has caused me more hours and hours and hours of looking. Who the heck was pea vine? There's a pea vine paths in the San Juan Islands named after whom I can't find out. There is a tea vine, Jimmy, a guy from Ohio, which I thought was interesting because Steve back from Ohio, that built a cabin down there that he's the right age to be the father of this guy. Maybe I don't know it's really a weird one to track and his his proper last name was kapow. But he went by pee but who knows. So I'm still I'm finding other ways to try and track that to the construction of this cabin compared to the construction of a log cabin in Washington state that's part of State Park. And see if there's similarities in construction, we can find out what p by Jimmy was taught. I mean, it's just I'm a detective. I like to sleep. This was the cabin in 1908. The Beaver point school now a little red, the teacher 1909 Pardon me. The teacher at the school just over to our left, lived in the cabin for for one year, two years, to one year night to night tonight. And his baby wasn't born there. But that was their baby's first home for he and his wife. And this is a 1996 photo that the Archives has. I think Jonathan Yardley took that one. And this is one from last year. So it's hanging in okay. So what about Mary are, you know, are Mary's goes? What about a mums and dads place because she was married, ah, the H has to be for homemaker. So who is home as well this is a lovely old I just adore this map. I just open it because I like to open it. Because it just tells you so much. In 1874 A crown surveyor was sent out to survey the south end. And this is the the map that he sketched he was laying changed and setting out the main sections. So the big, the big squares are sections that the forefront of recording Valley stuff was laid out in the 18, early 1860s. But the preemptions for this part, this lobe of Saltspring started to come in, in the 1870s. So at 74 Ashdown green came, and this is where the house of William Howe may had preempted land. He was a sandwich Islander he was born in Hawaii, came out in about 1850 I think that he worked at there's a pretty, maybe a bit tenuous connection but probably worked at Nanaimo in a coal mine until he left he started in 1850 and left in 1853. In his canoe, he just had it off and said take this job and do something with it. And then he came to Saltspring and not not sure when any work a lot of records before 1869 are lost. When Henry Rucker preempted his place in 1872. He said that there was a Hawaiian guy squatting there. It may well have been it may well have been William Howe math. And he may also Hawaiians had multiple names he may all have also has been William Muhammad. There's no way to track this. There's no census records. There's no detailed stuff, but it makes sense that he could well be William McCoy as well as a man. I think the Henry Rocco helped him create this property because the records did things like that for their neighbors. This is a close up and this happened used to be fairly close to shore. And the dotted area is to preempt you had to promise that you would clear two acres of land fence it built eight 20 by 30 foot cabin, you had to do to Oh, you had to pay your license fee. And there's one other thing you had to do. You had to you had to have a garden within your plants area, you had to be trying to feed yourself. I think that you then had to try within two years to purchase the place. Some people did that most took 1020 30 years. Whatever, when that'd be nice to just go and take a little claim on Saltspring. And you get it for free if you set up a house girl have a pizza. Yeah. So this is what an 1874 sketch class down greeting and this is homemade, first preemptions the x's are on the king property. That's a whole other story. I'm not getting into. I could go on a long time about the case. Okay, this is the property that how many I ended up buying. So first 1877 paid for 1884 He took the piece that connects to his son in law, and his daughter's living there pretty nice. And then Russell island we all know and then this property next door was preempted by Abel Douglas. And that this is Mariah McCoy, as as a teenager. And she had married this guy, Abel Douglas. He was from Maine with deeply Scottish roots. came from a seafaring family. He was a whaling captain. He cleared the harrow straighten the jujitsu. He cleaned that out of Wales as in a year or two and then went off to Cortes Island set up with a bay there and will town it was well it well. Yeah, he called it well, because they were clearing the wealth out of that area. And you know, those were the days that's what they did. These two have eight children together. So mom and dad, or at least her how may or may not have been her dad, but I think it was her mom. And her sister was half sister was up the weight pretty nice. Hey, nice, nice family stuff. So the how many is home. This is obviously I think this is a CRD web map because you can see the property lines. And that was where he had his first home. That's a little close to the shore, it would get kind of windy. He ended up building a cabin up there. That was in the in the orchard area. And it's in this area that I got stopped in my tracks going whoa, that just feels strange. The Orchard is just to the right of where there was Star Wars in the second cabin was married. Yeah, bonkers months before then. So it was how many there were after William Hillman died, there were a couple of years where it was in transition through real estate agents. And then it was bought by James sector mark. And then it was bought by the owner. And then that went to the strata at 90 580-518-8590 95. Or close to me. At one point, how many I had a few 100 fruit trees in there. And then James monk, I ended up with six to 800 or something fruit production place. So this is the cabin that in 1908 that was identified as a kidnapper cabin. So you can be pretty sure how may have been built it married, how man who would have been in her teens when she came to live here. And this is where the connected cabin was between James monk's barn on the left and his house on the right. This is the house as it was when I was trying to save it.

Speaker 2 24:00
So a Hawaiian farewell. I pulled this map together to show the properties where the fabulous south and Hawaiian community had had settled and raise their families. This is covers quite a few years. So you can see just for the southeast southwest of the repoint the McCoy Douglas people while they stayed together for a number of years and had eight kids but then you have Malloy Fisher on the on the upper left. So that's her second marriage and then how may I have Russell Island and then the Horace Fisher moved there and then all of the other Hawaiians that Tony down the Isabella point heading that way that's the original family. And then the other one that stopped from Fulford that that was a daughter that while it was a son and then a dog anyway, Tony's all connected And we all know that they did a lot of paddling around here and they had a lot of these parties and fun blue hours and whatnot. So this is where the funeral was when we had the thunder and lightning storm that scared people. Now, it wouldn't be so scary if they were going to take the casket along the repoint trail, but you can bet that they didn't because that was a very rough trail. You can bet to get to the Church up here that they worked they went they went by water. So if there's a tremendous thunder and lightning storm, and you're all going to take off on boats to get up to the church, the big scary thing no Dawn, shaking your head again, this is not scary. Just go whatever. Okay, now we're gonna move on

Unknown Speaker 25:57
need to go back a few slides.

Unknown Speaker 26:02
Oh, yeah, that's

Speaker 2 26:04
Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And that came pre emptive about the same time as How may I just didn't have the choice that I think was probably there and squatting. So how many I probably didn't like some the way things read about how he did it. He tried out in place before he got licensed and then preemption papers. So we're gonna move on down the road, that now we're heading towards past the Catholic Church. We're going by the Anglican Church, and Fulton Hall, and we're going to find out who was the very first person to be planted in the graveyard here so when you go into the graveyard, you'll see those those concrete slabs right away. And these are related to big Johnny's places, so we're gonna find out who's big Johnny was John Christian Sparrow was a Norwegian fellow. The first place he preempted and bought was the bigger rectangle with a little piece cut out a close to Burgoyne Bay, and he predicted that in 1860 or so. And close to 200 acres. He donated in the 1870s he donated his cabin and a piece of the property for the first school in this area. So that was the Brooklyn based school schools were always named for the nearest Tidewater, the nearest ward. That was so he donated that. And then he bought the two triangular pieces. And then he bought the smaller rectangle in 1889.

Speaker 2 27:48
Oh, yeah, I'm not I'll try this. I have any tremor that my kids unfortunately have gotten that it comes down this way. So these hills up here yeah, we'll get onto the road a little bit more, more than more than head of IT. Yeah, well, here we're getting, we're getting to that. So I want you to meet John Christian Sparrow first I get a real kick out of him. George Blair was an Ontario young farm fella that came up with to go to the caribou and he stayed in Victoria and he kept a diary lesson. I don't know where the original diary is. But it was published in the 1930s newspaper articles so we get the words of the diary. He came and stayed on Saltspring for about six weeks live in the cabin with a chap named Sparrow, a Norwegian and original sort of a shell that by profession and a good Penman, as far as the art of writing is concerned, I wasn't going to read all this but for those that is not easy to read, I'll carry on he had once the quartermaster on an American government serving vessel on this coast, which made him conceited, I have looked for I have looked for those logbooks, those manifests that ship I have looked and looked and he owned if it was paid for a ratchet, 200 acres six hogs, a cat and a dog, a double barreled gun and a rifle with a great quantity of carpenters tools and other implements which he did not know how to use. Like many others who thought he had the head if only had the means to carry on an extensive business in the farming life. He declared his mother the handsomest woman in Norway, and he was the only one of the family that looks like he saw himself very clearly in his housekeeping but he used no dishcloth but his British

Speaker 2 29:43
and here's an example of his This is his penmanship. This was a Korean preemption paper that he had signed for a neighbor. In 1889, he was made road boss of the self, hand and road bosses. Reverend Wilson used in his parish and calm monthly newsletter. So, John Christmas Farrell was road boss at the south end and Joe Nightingale was road boss of this of the north end. And this is not big Johnny, there's no photo that I can find him but this is his son, Big John. And I expect that big Johnny and this guy was tall. It was 465 Little Leon Kane was in the photo next to him and this is real mutton Jeff. So this is what we think. The Johnny apparently had a very sick Norwegian accent and he was very colorful with his language. And this is Rocco was Norwegian Ella Anna Rocco was Norwegian and she apparently was very opinionated with a Norwegian accent. I would love to see these two guys, these two people together. And how nice of them to both have to have fellow Norwegian as close as the recording up there for going. So here we get to the first graveyard that you're gonna see in there now who's the first person that got planted in the graveyard in the property that his dad donated in 1889 that Pharaoh Ah 19 years. He his baptismal name was Babington, but they called him about peace and what happened? He was killed in a pit laughing He was killed with his shot shotgun from a pit lamping accident. You know, when you're fighting, hunting at night, right, not a good idea. So anyway, the land was donated. So when you talk about self and traces, thank you to John Sparrow for donating that land. This is the church that went up in 1894. Fred rains, for the most part, believe it or certainly oversaw, the steeple didn't go up till 18 till three years later, 1897 can't identify the voice in there. They look like they're their necks, floods of First Nations and maybe some Hawaiian as well. More to be proud of. And then John Christian Sparrow joined the family here 1905 He didn't live that long. And then another son also joins the crew here. Big Big John the son that's on the left, moved he married a muscular young woman and they stayed on the reserves. So when you see some First Nations art that has the name Sparrow on it, he's he's one of the patriarch so that you know like his name to the Musqueam people that still use the sparrow name. So what did the road boss do? Some of you know that I'm fairly keen on roadworks on island. This photo was identified in an audio tape as Joan nightingale's road crew at the end of Fulford harbor so they're working out as temps This isn't your usual just building roads and straightening them out and filling them and slashing some stuff. This is major and the building the cabinets behind it was the first Fulford harbour tavern. Not exactly clear when it went up but it was opened in the 1880s through the 90s so this is going to be 1880s 1890s Maybe big Johnny was in charge of this big job so what was going on? This is what I think what was was going on. So this is Ashdown Greene's 1874 map. And you can see that there's that dogleg in that you know right hand corner that we all know so well at the end of the call for Ganges road. And there it is, what they were doing at that time was they were trying to get rid of a corner and not go across any private property there. And I put the circle because that's a gravel pit that exists and it's been an MOT a gravel pit, administer transportation for a long time. And it's probably was a gravel pit back then and this ties into something else that comes up so here we are at this corner and look what they're going to do. They're going to put the bridge across. Pretty neat. Okay, this is a modern CRD web map. You can see the left hand green part and the full for Ganges road that's what's what's put in green. You can see that the road has not yet been gazetted, which means it hasn't gone into the BC because that a vote because it hasn't been subdivided. When it's subdivided and when it sells next, that piece of road should be gazetted and then it will definitely be public. Should whoever buys that property, decide to play silly bugger and, and and, you know put up a toll booth and not let you go across the street. They might think they have a leg to stand on. They really don't believe me but then it's fun of the church. There's another piece of road that hasn't been gazetted. It looks like it's private roads still. It's not It's grandfathered to the Ministry of highways anyway that just kind of interesting. And apparently all over the province there's pieces of road like that appear to be private but they're not. So this is where the bridge went across. And these really interests me the full Harbour Bridge. Wow, what a lot of construction. So do you think that the road crew with the tents and whatnot, it just makes sense? They were building the bridge, they weren't just putting it right. I don't know what year this one can are. Reverend Edwards moved to the island in 1895 and started writing about it. But no one was writing about these things before we didn't have a driftwood newspaper are the ones that were previous ones as well, previous newspapers. So that's heading from the church over towards the sewer, sewer architect he bought that piece of property well, I don't know what that's the question. Good question. I don't know. So I just liked these views of the bridge. Right. So the next picture. Now you need to know that this first Fulford cavern, burned in 1901. So it disappeared so we can take the picture. You can see on the right hand side the house is the acre minister, Travelers Rest it was way house boarding house a hotel. You can see the church school house on the left and then the house on the left, you can see a little vestige of the bridge. I don't think that was when they were building it. I think it's when they were taking it out. Because there's fairly newly skimmed logs going across the head of the harbour, which tells us that that's what they were building and then it looks like a new bridge. So I think they decided that you know, the bridge wasn't worth maintaining. And I like to look back at the old first Volker dam and cavern in when they were putting in what I think was when they were putting in the bridge. It's got a little lean to off to the right of the the front of the cabin. And then before 1901 they had made an addition to the other side and they covered the larger shingles on the front facing it was a lot of cabinet so anyway, I mean, I just find this all very, very interesting. I don't know of others do now we're getting on to some more bones. This is another interesting little piece I have to read this. This was by the Hamilton who was a salt spring woman who moved to Salt Spring 1902 and she became Salt Springs historian. She's not the most reliable historian she's just colorful and she passed on a lot of good things and bless her for all that she did. Some of it is just you have to really delve in and look further and cross reference. Anyway, she wrote this was in her 1969 book Saltspring Island history of assaults in the same area, the bend in the road ahead of Beaufort harbor. This is my little comment put into avoid McFadden's new fruit orchard. Many years ago, a negro Clark lived in a shack, the road crew that was working in the sandpit and be repoint area. When the men would work. The road crew was working in a sandpit in the beaver Point area when the man on the job we're going to watch out for Clark winds, as he was very somewhere there. Clark died in 1901. I don't think that this was the beaver Point area. There's just not any sand pits out here. I expect it's the gravel pit that I showed you. And it makes sense in terms of some property that was owned by his brother voting. Somewhere there happened to be in the exact spot where an excitable Scandinavian you know who that was, was digging. Suddenly he became violently upset when he dug up for all Clark's books, and was further dismayed to find the thigh bone was so long and not why would the work delayed to the bone surprise.

Speaker 2 39:20
Anyway, he made such an issue of this that the police were called in to see if there had been any skullduggery. The bones were gathered up and thrown into an empty apple box and delivered to the local doctor Dr. Myers for identification. After rattling around again just for some time, Clark whims bones are finally to rest in a suitable place where they wouldn't bother the highways again. Now I find the way the Hamilton vice wrote about this very in keeping with her times there's a there's a humor directed not against the boat, colored people that they She wouldn't have used for white people. So she seemed a little jocular about some poor Negro fellows bones. And if it had been someone she loved and revered, I don't think she'd have written that way. She also wrote a William Howe man, that she never met him. I never saw him and he was dead before she was even born, but that he had a little fringe around his head. And people said that he was accountable. And apparently that was fun. So anyway, I just take a bit of an exception. And as a history writer, we all know that history keeps changing and how we write it. And I think the way that we framed up some things is not the way that we will do it now. Anyway, let's get on with this. This is the corner now talk about so Saltspring traces. If you go on Google, and then you go on Google Street View, and you want to see the corporate corporate is still there. It's 19. I mean, it takes 2012 30 days don't matter to me this 2012 Google images. So you can just drive anywhere around there. You can do screen captures and get all the images you want to feel full for. I mean, Google is gone, right? Exactly. Okay, so now we're back to be Johnny's property now and he did the little rectangular piece, he did donate to the church. But before then, this is the purchase papers that a William WIMS from the north end. We all know when it was William wimps father that had settled in the in the north end of salts, and had come from Missouri. So this is our Williams actually, Gillian is the expert about this, but to be careful. I think I haven't delved in to the women's, anywhere near what she knows. She gave a fabulous talk about. So this is William whims, and he married the girl next door. She was part English part First Nation. And they keep the pre emptive this land in 1878. Oh, his house burned down in 1890. Anyway, they had a rough go of it. And he didn't stay that long. So he had then sold his property to John Sparrow, I don't have any record of the transaction, because that's in the Land Office, and you have to pay for those things. And I can't start paying to find out who bought what when my god. It'd be crazy. Anyway, it was owned. So the south end, we can be very grateful for having had an African American family down here for about 10 years, and at least half of their nine kids were born in the south and before they moved back to the north end, and they survived the house burning down and we do have a picture of Clark. So this is Clark in front of doubtless in Northland cabin. We would think it's a Northland cabin. We don't know. So this is our long tall Clark. Isn't that lovely, lovely. So he's laid to rest somewhere. I wish that that was recorded, I think it's important to remember those things. So now we're going to move on down the road to a whole other story that I call a shotkam divorce. And it starts on piers Island. Edward brand, Fisher came up from England in the 1850s. And he created a piece of property on piers island in the early 1860s. And he then Well, I less okay he did, we'll get to him die. He married a First Nations woman named any cost or something those different spellings on the comets, except that there's about six different spellings. Anyway, it's very good to have her last name, however we spell it. And she must have been quite a lovely woman, as you'll see when this story unfolds. They had a child together, George Fisher, and then this came out 1865 And September, he died from a shotgun wound. It's alleged that she had previously been controlled in vitro to a young Indian who may have fired the fatal shot out of feelings of jealousy or revenge. But the wife stated that he was stepping over a log and using his gun as a prop when it accidentally exploded in the charge entrance was pressed. So there was no inquest, and as he was dying to pasture 170 $180, which she then had. So what happened? We don't know. And so there was a guy named George person who bought up the piers out of clay. But he also had some property on Fulford harbor. So when asked Dan Green, the Crown surveyor came to me At 74 on his map this is where he put Mr. person so you can see Fulford harbour and then you can see Stone Lake. So a lake now we'll get to that too. I don't know if you can barely read it it says person but it really does find it. So who is George person? Round two. I call this he would came out with the the Royal Engineers, the sappers that were set up out of New Westminster Minister Minster, sorry, if you're born there are rich, like my husband would call it newest minister, but only if you're born then you can call it a bad habit. So he was with the southwest of the Royal Engineers and they were carving up the province for preemptions making sure that the native people couldn't fire preamps and, and you know, keeping things relatively safe. So he served in New Westminster for so he completed his service teams, seven, six while 67 days and he came further to the island. So this is the property that he took just to the east of Seoul lake called stolen, stole S T O E R on Ashdown green snap, who he was called the Longstocking Englishman, I have no picture of him but you know, he's these are riding breeches but he wore that short pass right with the Longstocking. This is his. This is his marriage record. Now, let's see who he married. So he fought fishers land after fishers died. He married Fisher's widow. So the marriage record says he married Annie Cole Smith. She was called Sarah when she was married before now she's called an age 26. She had one son. I really love this too, because it gives the names of her mom and dad. And that's really rare to get First Nations names. So then we get to fishers late. So we're driving down the road that was probably the access that the persons used to get to their property. And George, this fishers then had a new stepdad. So who was George person? So we're driving along, there's a field, there's still a field today so you could grow things and all of the preemptions the early ones happened where there was year round water, or kreatif account on. So here we are coming up to a lake. Do you know what lakes that is? But it was called fishers like for a long time because George Purser bought that land. And seven is a man's son when he was 16. his stepson bought that land. And here's our George Fisher. And here's his second wife. Here she is, again. She's had eight kids with Abel Douglas. And then she left and she just left them the First Nations. Women were freer than their than their white sisters were because they had a whole support network to go to. So they didn't put up as quite as much with with marriage situations they get life anyway. She put her kids into St. Ann's convent school that had been lived with her sister for a while with Mary Kehoe. And then she and George had the kids. She had at least 16 kids she lived to be 86 years old. She was still wrestling off the forces on the beach of wrestle island but she was in her 80s That was suffering, right? Big Pacific Octopus. What an amazing woman. Then what happened, Mr. person, a farmer on Fulford harbour blew his brains out on Wednesday night. He'd been ill for some time and was paralyzed and is supposed to have killed himself while in a pit of despondency caused by the state of health. So what the heck was going on there? That's why I call this route he's got his wife is widowed. Again.

Speaker 2 49:12
At this was 1885 that he killed himself in 1881. In the fall for going to a school teacher wrote all 4% of children are not very well provided with shoes and clothing in this damp weather. In 1882 January the teacher then wrote George Herschel the father is almost helpless with paralysis the mother, an Indian woman married to person important to say they were married. Get married, is in Victoria with a baby. She is washing and doing know what I'm doing. I know not what else she may be doing. Last Tuesday night she ought to have sent home some flour and other things in town for the use of the family but they did not arrive all together. First, her and his family are in a very deplorable state. There was an inquest into his death and the we have the transcript George first. George Fisher said that his stepfather was a very quiet man troubled, I think because my mother had left him. By 1885 June she had been gone about a year, the night before he died. He asked me if I knew for sure that my mother had got another man. I told him yes. And he said, That's all I want to know. The next day person shot himself in the head was buried on his property. Family built a small white picket fence around the grave intended it for long years. Now, when I said Sophie Purser was the most amazing woman, she was age five when her dad died, and she then went and lived at St. Anne's convent school and finished his schooling. She was 17 years old when she was graduated from the school she loved every minute of her life there she said she wanted to say to the rest of her life, but serene Sophie came and married one of the King, the surviving kings, brothers. And if you want to listen to just an amazing voice on the past, go to the archives and that listen to her tape. One of those things when you're working in the kitchen or something, you get your little iPad or whatever. Just listen, because it's quite a long page. Now we're gonna move on to why it's called Sol Sol Sol Sol. Ashdown green, we know called it stolen. Then we move along to an 1880s map. And this is a very big map. And this is the best resolution I can get. You can see it's there with one ale we all know the story, right? But then by 1907, a survey expedition 1904 surveying expedition came out and produced this map. And again, it's a large map. So this is the best I can do. The surveyor was very smart he called Lake Store. They won't add another L. If they've made a store lake there could be three L's by now who knows? So the question is, Who is Mr. Stone or stone however you spell it? And I know there's written little bits about him saying, Well, he was an old guy that lived here for a long time. And he did this and he did that. And this is the blessing of the internet. Now, we could get records now that even 10 years ago, you couldn't begin to get we don't have this preemption because he did it early enough that the record was lost. But anyway. 1874 is was maybe a replacement preemption, I don't know. But that's the first paperwork and you can't get the actual cases. But that's what's on record. And then we first hear of him in Canada. This is a Victoria 1869 directory. And there's stove Cyrus farmer soup district. But where did he come from? Well, he came from Boston, and Cyrus stone 18 years old and the 1855. census was a young engineer. Five years later, he came out to Kitsap County in Washington territory as it was called 24 years old. He's a lumber so let's see how he worked his way out. This is an 1885 census there's an 1881 census as well. He's living in the San Juan in San Juan County. And he is married to a First Nation woman is Mary Stokes, who is from BC but they're in the states now. And then we get to an 1885 records from a prison and there we have Cyrus doe he's 62 years old five foot 745 pounds brown hair gray is old man bent over these LED led hard like why was he in prison while he was running the liquor the usual so you know he was in good company there most of them were doing that as well because the name above him halfbreed Indian the name below short voice looking anyway quite quite a crowd. So that's that's the Cyrus so and why why is it still called Stone Lake we have a lake here named after a US Rum Runner. Isn't that great? You don't have to be a great person here to have have a legacy traces carry on. Now Wesson boots. Who was Mr. Weston, why do we have lake named after him? This is the access to get down to swimming. And this is driving along the road. Coming up to the lake. This is the lovely Lake. William Weston came west from England on the Hudson's Bay ship. The Norman Morrison. Morrison with one arm. He came out in late 250 Three on this same vessel in 1850. Henry Samson came out and settled on Saltspring as well as Dr. Helmcken. So they were tight circle HBC guys and they would have all known each other so William Weston, whoever he was rubbed shoulders with Dr. Helmcken. At least a new Mr. Sampson in the north end, whose daughter married Williams wimps who lived in the South. Lake start to pick the crazy fabric. The neighbors from long ago, William Weston came out to work at the New Nanaimo. cowork. So this is 1853. It got underway in 1851. It was a hell of a job. People were getting sick and a few were dying. It was not pleasant to bosses, you know, real pieces of work. William Watson didn't last all that long. There, he would have met a William Muhammad Murayama voicebot likely that paddled off in 1853 in his canoe and said I've done a few people this is a stupid job, went and did other things. Maybe came to Salzburg. That's how Western came to Salzburg. So what do we know about Western we just have glimmers at 74. He had a son born at Fort Rupert, which is now it was at a Hudson's Bay post. Now port Hardy. We know that he was on Vancouver Island wasn't necessarily on Saltspring. But then this is 1874. This is where Ashtown green place Weston and where his cabin was. But Western wasn't here. He didn't meet Western. So Western had a roving permission. This is his purchase of the survey that was done before he purchased the property. Nurses spot so from 1875 to 1884. There's two listings of William Weston in the salt in the British Columbia directory on Saltspring Island and there's two notices him on voters lists 1881 however, in the census, he's on Vancouver Island. He's at Fort Rupert port Hardy. He's living in the port. There was actually a port there. He's the very listing above his was the chief factor of support Mr. Hunt. So he was rubbing shoulders with people high up. He was married to an Indian she was from Quebec. And no kids living in the next listing below them, which I didn't put was a 15 year old that ended up marrying blenkinsop. So you go to Victoria Blanca softpro TTP marry her when she was about 16 And then we have William Weston has died at 89 Nanaimo district so he wasn't on Saltspring much right but anyway, here we go. We have another feature that people in this island know very well named for kind of an every every man you know in anybody he rubbed shoulders with some important people but he didn't have to be himself. Hard to trace William Weston in British records English records because it's just too common and now they're gonna go to the Stila Miller Olson property. This is your heading down the road. This is Reynolds road, heading towards the cheap place. This was Edward Stiller's property at seven. He came out from Germany. And he had married I thought it was his daughter, but he had married when he was about in his late 40s. He married, married and ran off with at least a 14 year old. Me my many, many different different names. This is their they were witnesses at the George Purser wedding because George person just lived next door.

Speaker 2 59:02
And this is a census record of Edward Stila and Nina Stiller was 53 Mina was 25. And the census taker thought maybe she was a daughter, but anyway, not. She was from Michigan or Minnesota and then her family turned up in Oregon. And then he died. He up and died and what year have we got 1880 just to set the date to maybe two. He died. What did he die from? Well, lock jaw from gunshot wound. He died in Victoria Hospital. Yeah. So what did his What did his widow do? The Silla Miller woman while she married an Olsen fellow who had been Mr. raucous hired him for quite a few years a Scandinavian, a Swedish guy. And they son and her brother came and lived up there and had a family Many never had any kids and then they 1905 sold and went off to Vancouver and that was the end of the Silla Miller office. Anyway when I teach at the gatehouse each week and when I'm going down there I think this poor guy was locked off from a gunshot so now we're gonna move on to George Emma and Alfred now I've chosen some really highlight tales that fit with Mary's writing and there's a lot more in the book that isn't quite as spectacular as this. Who are these people? So now we're driving down beaver Point Road and Anita point hall where we are is to stop on the top left of the road. And these are two entryways Demetri Stevens property, Don't go this is private property. Don't go on it without permission or someone to take you who has permission, which I've done. I've been fortunate enough to do but again, it's private property, you have to be very respectful. This was George Williams property. He was an American fellow apparently came north and his team. Don't know much else about him. Other than that. This is the property pretty, pretty scrubbed. Not much there. We have the Chi Gong going on next door. Try to speak louder. Now we're going on to rock apart. Why are we going on to rock apart? Because in 1907, George Williams and a crew were building this house, the lovely Queen Anne house on the right. So this is a photo from 1906 1907. And this is just the modern day picture of it. Obviously, we know it. So well. This is just a tidbit helicopter showed me that the family still has the book that you could order the plan for the house from and they built the house as a mirror image. And they changed the top turret they changed a few things but it's essentially the same house with the same plan, which I think is great fun. And that's a book from around. So this is another shot gun solution that we're going to get to.

Speaker 2 1:02:22
That's right. Inside the cleaner house, which I've been fortunate enough to have. The walls are done in the same diagonal dug for that purpose. So the only time George William had been in the news before, was the church monthly 1903 a nine year old kid very unfortunately have been burned in a forest fire. But then, and this is his wife, Emma Trinity. Now we're gonna get to the tradies and how important they were. But lovely woman, this is a 1908 to 1910 photograph by the big point school teacher. This is the only shot that I've seen of George Williams and this is when he's older. But you can guess what he looked like when he was younger. He very nicely now murder results in car gate what is going on in this neighborhood? Well, this was quite a story. The crew that was working on the Alfred's rucklehaus knocked off at noon one day, they said it was on a Thursday, but it was actually a Wednesday. Because if you remember in the old days, Sunday, all everything was closed. But Wednesday afternoon, everything used to be closed. So why were these guys knocking out from their job noon to go play cards and have lunch? Well, it was Wednesday. And there's a clue to why we know it's Wednesday it was Miss reported in the newspaper. At the card game there has actually I've written some stuff down. There's a really good summary in the final news report that we'll see the book has this news report in it if you want to read it also, we're not going to do all that. There was a card party in the House and Williams Douglas had frequent calls during the progress of the game. After verification. Williams went upstairs and Douglas attempted to follow him. Williams then secured a gun and fired Douglas on the stairway. Now they had a tussle before that and George Williams had been injured, bruised and cut fairly severely. And during the altercation, Alfred Rocco, who was the fourth Amin Alfred Douglas, who was the fourth Ford son, Brian Malloy, and Abel Douglas. He had said to George William, you won't hurt your wife over this William and George Williams said no, I won't hurt my wife. Of course not and you won't hurt me over this. That's all we know. Any way, somehow push came to shove and it got worse. And George Williams excused himself and went upstairs and said, I'm just going up to the bedroom. This was later in the afternoon and you guys just carry on. Well, Alfred Douglas decided to come up and route them out and find out why he was talking in his room or something and word started again and like gun came out there we have. So alpha dropped the fell down the stairs in Alpha One keep saying that alpha Douglas, 28 years old. Georgia was about 40, full of lightning, he was dead right away. So then we have to, we maybe want to know what happened was George Williams. So this is a report as they're going through the trial from the Victoria dating columnist. And then we get to the sentencing hearing, and he was sentenced to 17 years for manslaughter wasn't homicide, so they just couldn't find enough to. Anyway, he went off. He served his time in the DC pen. He served 14 years. He got off a few years early for good behavior and rescuing someone drowning in the Fraser River when he was out working along there. So this is the picture of him when he was older. And that's Emma on the right. So through thick and thin, they managed to whether they were part of together, they managed to make a life for themselves and be there for the kids. He died in 1932. In Port Moody, she died in 1936 in Vancouver, this if so this is the trace of what's left of the house where this event took place. And that's all there is some years ago.

Speaker 2 1:06:54
Now we have permission to go there. Don't go wandering up yourself. And trotting around. Dimitri is a farmer. He's got sheep up there, and he's allowed to shoot. You know, and you just don't do it. Don't do it. Right. So where is Alfred Douglas? Well, he's fairly close to our marriage. And his mother, which she's married is the stone. We know what gravestone she is. Well, the, the Mojave stones are closer to the church. And that line. So here we have Alfred Douglas and when he died, and this tells us this January 23. And that was a Wednesday, which is why they weren't they were slacking off on the construction. to that. We're getting near the end of this. This is the tricky so who was Emma trading? Well, the tradies were immensely important to this end of the island for a lot a lot of decades. And so you're driving along past the hall. You're gonna hang right. Go down Richmond. Keep going. This has been Henyk road looking back at the old trading barn. Theodore Twiggy and Henry spiked Roman moved here in 1860. There's a bishop who came through and talk to them on Saltspring island, so they were here for a long time. Trading and spiked Roman were two German friends and they bought a lot of property together and they had at least 1500 fruit trees, mostly apples, plums, apricots, they also sold strawberries early on they did. And then minor stork was another of their German friends who was north of there, and that's the planet time. And that's where the son in law George William bought the property. Now that scrubby What the heck do you grow on a property makes sense. Next to his wife's family. And they had had six kids together. So this is Theodore triggy. And it's really fun that there's a picture of him as a boy in Germany from the 1840s. It's very, very rare to have something like that. Oh, and this is fun. Because when Theodore triggy and spike from and minus scores were plotting out where they were going to preempt. This is the map that they took the Victorian take it though, wouldn't you like to do that? And they sit down there for years before they had to do anything more accurate than that. Right. And then Ashdown green came through, and I've highlighted where they have their rowing areas. So the three German fellas and they're all along creeks and water, right. That's where the settlements took place. And this is Theodore trig. His wife, Susanna chi was Samis First Nation, woman very respected. She testified in the Alfred Douglas murder trial in her native language, and apparently did a job a good job. Standing by the character of all these men, she was very fair, very good woman. So we're going and carry on with Tracy property. This was the tradies house. Not the first cabin. They moved him quite far. They had four kids. Emma one of them is not there anymore. Near the barn, not far from the barn. Yeah, yeah. Why is it called Richmond and men? Why isn't the pope spiker men and tradie they were there a lot longer. Well, that's, that's right. And, and Richmond and men are the developers. That's who gets to put their names right. This is a story of Charles monk who was staying in the old trading house. The traders had moved closer to Fulford harbour and Charles monk whose brother, James Hector monk, that to property to the two properties to the east was living there they would laugh, land clearing, and Saltspring Island scene of tragedy. So an American fellow named George Hamilton went absolutely snaky one night, and stabbed Charles month within an inch of his life. And then he pulled out a gun to shoot it, just out of the blue. What was that about? But it's a happier ending because he was taken to a Ganges and then he was taken to Victoria, injured man. And he lives live to tell him live to be fairly old, ended up dying over on the Senate Peninsula. But he never married. His brother James had built a cabin that was called the honeymoon cabin. And he lived there with a male partner. So it was David who fled his great nephew said, you know, my uncle Charles was gay. I said, Oh, you think that's why he got stabbed in the middle of the night for no reason. That's the first thing I thought some guy just went nuts and said, you know, this is how we deal with unfortunately, you know, anyway. And that brings me to the point with spiker Minh and minor store never married either. And those were the days when you married First Nations a lot of men because they married into an extensive family with harvesting, fishing, hunting, all kinds of help they could have kids. Why did these two German guys not married I have no idea except that when Mr. Spike woman died in March 1901, no one minor stork died. Henry minor stork died in 1901 of March as Vikram and disappeared right away, I have no idea where he went. He didn't die. It wasn't like you just left. So this is a part of me maybe just spinning stories, but I like to think that Saltspring was a haven for fellows that could come to this neighborhood and among the first nations and people who were tolerant and understood they could live and have a relationship and be good upstanding citizens and farmers so I told Robert birch and Mark Stevens that and they thought that was that was pretty nice because they're a married couple that lives on on minor stores property. Anyway, we can we can help so we have some crazy vestiges. This is the old barn man. Here's what's left of the barn now. Very much painted all the painters on the island know all about it. And this is the tricky house that the elder Tracy's built, lived in on Fulford Harbour. And then the son Adolphus live there and then the daughter Clara remarried Maxwell with their and now there's a mountain climbing Adventure seeking guidance found out her own. So we've come to the very end passing on what are we passing on here? Well, first of all the calendar which you know about and I bought last years and I tell you, I use it all the time. It's was well worth having. I started a group called Friends of rocket park here. And I'm just going to flash these pictures off so I can stand up. When I was trying to get the old month farmhouse moved out to rock the park, I started this group, it's a volunteer group with parks, and it has its own bank account and we can write a tax receipts. We got some projects in the works I'm talking about people can leave up the house, the oldest one there 87 There's a move afoot to step it up. There's a heritage branch fellow that is triaging the work that needs doing. So I'm hoping that we can gather some famous feel free volunteers like to help and do some work in it so that in the summers it can be open and we can have some interpretive tours. Ellen Barkerville doing interpretive tours so you can be mentored getting excited about

Unknown Speaker 1:15:16
life I see that one as well, he does a lovely job.

Speaker 2 1:15:24
And we have the Alpha Dresselhaus, I suppose to be subparts assignment and then we do an inventory of what's in the house. So the next picture is just looking down the stairwell. And there's there's just a time capsule volunteers that you know, we have to be careful who gets in there and does what but we need to inventory what's in there. It's not stuff that's we're stealing, you're not going to make money from it. It's just historically so valuable that we know what's in there. And then the attic, there's a whole bunch of old goods, goodness

Unknown Speaker 1:16:01
and then

Speaker 3 1:16:07
gave me an apple book that is really what

Speaker 2 1:16:26
he would have brought from Ontario came out Denver's family brought in. So there's that work to do. And then when you're facing the old can be Ruckelshaus. There's a fence that has one interpretive panel has a picture of the old family. I want to have more interpretive panels along there. BC parks really likes this idea. I would like to have a panel about the natural history there, the first nation's history, and then the Japanese farmworkers that were there. So we're going to have a meeting soon. And we'll get some plans made. And I'll put word out so those for the for the pleasure of getting inside themselves and doing really, I grew up in Jasper National Park. And I know how important it is for visitors to have a really satisfying experience. And then they come the guests, the people who come for a day trip don't drop much money, the people who come and see a night or two or three and there's more and more to do. They come and they can really be a real backbone in that industry. So it's not like we're asking for more tourists. You don't need more tourists. I don't think we need more people to come and stay a little longer with us. And then let's not get into the housing issue with that. Anyway, it's just a way of deepening not only visitor satisfaction, but rather than satisfaction. Scott Simmons bought my roku. early on. He said he's read at times over because he's a real estate agent who's been showing property for a number of years. And he said it has this book, in his understanding of history has changed entirely. How he sells property to people, because he understands now who we were is there's some really deep roots here that were you understand the first newcomers the first nations that were here, the first newcomers the people that they married, how they raised their kids how it all the tapestry is woven, and come to understand who we are now. And that's what we need to pass on. To help us understand anyway, you've been investing