Salt Spring Island Archives

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Salt Spring’s Churches

This is not a comprehensive list of Salt Spring Churches. It lists only those churches for which the Archives has historical information.

Churches Cemeteries Audio Files

St. Mark’s Church

St. Mary’s Church

St. Mark’s Cemetary

Purdy-Cunningham Cemetary

St. Mary’s Cemetary

Historical Society: The Churches of the Burgoyne Valley

Historical Society: The Churches of Ganges

St. Paul’s Church

Our Lady of Grace Church

St. Paul’s Cemetary

Historical Society: The Churches of the Burgoyne Valley

Historical Society: The Churches of Ganges

Burgoyne United Church

United Church Ganges

Burgoyne Church Cemetary

Historical Society: The Churches of the Burgoyne Valley

Historical Society: The Churches of Ganges

Kingdom Hall

Historical Society: The Churches of Ganges

Community Gospel Chapel

Historical Society: The Churches of Ganges