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" From Humble Beginnings the Market Grew"
~The Saturday Market from 1978 to the 90's~

MarketThe Salt Spring Island Historical Society begins it regular programs on September 12, 2012 at Central Hall. The September program will be a presentation by Ms. Barbara Aust on the History of the Farmers Market in Ganges. It will outline the beginnings, the trials, the early market and the people behind it. This growth was not without controversy and discontent.

The growth of the market will be looked at and how the market, as we know it today, evolved. Early pictures and stories of the early founders of the market the Hedgers and Dick Royal among others will supplement the presentation.

The program will start at Central Hall at 2 PM. The presentation is open to all but those who wish to join the Historical Society will pay their annual dues, [$10]. At the end of the presentation discussion with questions and answers will follow. Tea and Coffee will be provided.

The Historical Society is looking for Community groups or people who have a topic of Historical interest who would like to present at one of regular monthly meetings, Phone 537-2194 if you would like further information.

September 12, 2010, 2pm Central Hall

All are welcome to come to Central Hall at 2 PM

Tea and coffee will follow the presentation.
For Salt Spring Historical Society members, it's time for annual dues ($10) to be paid.

2012 Salt Spring Island Historical Society. All rights reserved.