Explain to students that in 1849, Britain granted jurisdiction over the colony of Vancouver Island to the Hudson’s Bay Co. who had been running a fur trading post at Fort Victoria since the 1840s. Prior to the Gold Rush of 1858, B.C. had a population of only 700. With the news of a gold rush in the Fraser, its population swelled to about 30 000. Victoria became the service center for the miners and grew in size.
After the gold rush failed to produce as much gold as anticipated, many would be miners returned to Victoria. Some asked for land on which to settle. Eventually Gov. Douglas released land in the Chemainus area, which included Salt Spring.
copy the resources included for each activity
Examine Jonathan Begg’s letter to friends explaining how land came to be available to settlers. In pairs use the Text Analysis Sheet to analyze the letter.
Discuss the class’ findings.
Make an overhead of an early map of lands first released to settlers and share with the class. Discuss where these plots of land were.
Then share a Map of Early Salt Spring Settlements. Note which areas these settlements were in. Have the students mark these settlements on an empty Salt Spring Map of their own.
Jonathan Begg’s letter
Survey Map
Map of Early Salt Spring Settlements
Salt Spring Map