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Logging and Life on Salt Spring

Ray Simard, 2019

Accession Number
Date 2019
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 88 min.

438_Ray-Simard_ Life-on-Salt-Spring_Logging_Aug-2019.mp3




    Family history and logging industry in British Columbia.
  • Ray Fulford grew up in Vancouver and Shawnigan Lake, BC, and attended local schools before working in the logging industry after World War II.
  • Family discusses history of logging industry in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Speaker 2 mentions that they came to Salt Spring Island in 1963 for work, and Speaker 1 asks about their personal circumstances leading up to their move.
  • Speaker 3 provides details about their family, including the names and birthplaces of their children, and Speaker 1 makes a note of this information.
    German land ownership in Canada in the 1950s/60s.
  • Prince Vaughan, a German buyer, owned property in Texas and Canada.
  • The Germans wanted to buy land in Canada for its stability and government, in the late 1950s and early 1960s.
    The history of Saltspring Island, BC.
  • Speaker 1 reflects on the transformation of Saltspring Island from a bare-bones logging community to a thriving tourist destination.
    Traveling to work on a ferry and handling logs.
  • Speaker 2 discusses their experience with moving jobs on Salisbury Island, including using a pickup truck and working with booms.
  • Boom men used cork boots with spikes to maneuver logs on a river.
  • Speaker 2 describes their daily commute to work on a remote island, mentioning their brother and experiences with ropes and aeroplanes.
  • Speaker 2 mentions Napoleon dumping logs in Burgoyne Bay, while Speaker 1 discusses the early 60s logging operation on both sides of the creek with bridges and crossing points.
    Logging history and family memories.
  • Speaker 3 mentions a larger house built by Dennis Parker and his sister on Moresby Island, which was later burned down.
  • Speaker 2 discusses the history of Pender Island property, including a 500-acre tract that was once owned by the Long family.
  • Speaker 3 recounts learning how to drive a boat from their father at age 9, and driving it to a nearby harbor with their father.
  • Speaker 2 and Speaker 3 discuss a job involving transporting materials on a barge, with Speaker 3 mentioning they stayed in a mansion with Uncle Stan and Morrison's kids.
    Logging, farming, and personal stories.
  • Speaker 2 mentions working for Reynolds and logging on Mount Bruce, with Speaker 1 asking about the area's history and any remaining establishments.
  • Speaker 2 provides details about the early settlers and their families, as well as the presence of a few stores and a post office in the area.
  • Speaker 2 met Bob through falling trees, and they rented the White House together.
  • Speaker 2 shared stories about Bob's daughter Brenda, including one about her digging a hole for animals near a creek.
  • Speaker 2 reminisces about past Christmases, including a memorable moment with their daughter.
  • Kathy Hall was involved with the Fulford Hall committee, cleaning the hall and making sure it was presentable for events.
  • The speaker's father lived in the White House and had six children by the time he was 30, indicating a large family.
    Winter experiences and self-sufficiency on Saltspring Island.
  • Speakers reminisce about past Christmases and winters in a rural house without central heating.
  • Residents recalled being locked in a room during a snowstorm with no central heating or insulation, with a knife placed in the door to prevent escape.
    Childhood memories of Fulford Valley, BC.
  • Speaker 3 remembers going to Patterson's store as a kid and waiting to pay for items at the candy counter.
  • Speaker 3's father would take the family to Stall Lake for swimming and afterwards, they would get ice cream cones at Nan's coffee bar.
  • Fulford Valley residents reminisce about local mail delivery and post office staff.
    Local history and logging industry.
  • Speaker 2 reminisces about childhood sports and activities with friends.
  • Roy Lee and Rod Kitchen were involved in logging operations in the South End with Three Arlovski, a company they formed with Terry.
    A community project with mentions of Ruby Alton and Roy Alton.
  • Bob was instrumental in getting a project off the ground, with help from Speaker 2.
    A park project and its history.
  • Speaker 1 mentions a log retaining wall that was put in place with permission from the German, and Speaker 2 talks about the history of the hall and how it was cleaned out.
    Community hall's history and events.
  • Speaker 3 reminisces about weddings and community events held at Fulford Hall, including roller skating and flower shows.
  • The Fulford Hall ladies would make all the food for these events, with each person having their own specialty dish.
    Local history, farming, and church.
  • Speaker 1 mentions a local product called "imitation rock" used in the church's exterior deck, which was redone in the 1960s.
  • Speaker 1 and 2 discuss the change in the road from the head of the harbor around, with Speaker 1 wondering if any of the listeners remember when it happened.
  • Speaker 1 mentions corn farming in the 1960s and 1970s, with Speaker 2 providing additional details about the farm's history.
  • Speaker 3 discusses the farm's transition from corn to dairy farming, with Speaker 2 sharing their perspective on the decision to stop farming corn.
    Local art, farms, and memories.
  • Speaker 3 remembers Gwen Ruckle's paintings at Nan's coffee bar, Glen Rocco driving to work, and beautiful ocean views.
    Saltspring Island history and families.
  • Speaker 1 mentions Fulford, a community in Saanich, British Columbia, where they grew up, and how people there would often go to Ganges for shopping and other activities.
  • Speaker 2 shares their experience of living in Fulford and how they didn't participate in sports teams like soccer, softball, and basketball, as it was before their time.
  • McMahon family lived in the house, not Mr.≈ McManus.McMahon family lived
  • Speaker 8 recounts a story about a girl who lived in the house 30 years ago and returned to see it again.
  • Speakers 2 and 4 discuss the filling in of Ganges Harbor and the construction of the park, with Speaker 2 mentioning the Tanaka restaurant being located nearby.
    Memories of a small town in the Caribbean.
  • Jackie recounts memories of Ganges, including the change from "crest" to "crest house," and the White Elephant restaurant.
  • Speakers discuss a mysterious white building on the island, with various owners and uses over time.
  • The group discusses the history of a local creek and the efforts to preserve it.
    Fulford, a small island in British Columbia, Canada.
  • Speaker 3 remembers fishing and rafting in the creek with friends, and notes that it's cleaner now due to efforts to reduce pollution.
  • Speaker 1 asks about the creek's history and Speaker 3 shares stories of his father's involvement in the area's businesses and Chamber of Commerce.
  • Speaker 3 shares memories of Fulford and Saltspring Island, including a gravel pit and a peaceful living environment.
  • Speakers reflect on changes in Fulford, including the same essence but different people, and the presence of agricultural zoned properties.
  • Traffic on Cushion Lake is bad, and there are more houses and developments, but the area still maintains a familiar feel.

Unknown Speaker 0:02
Okay, and that one's going to so. So yeah, just tell me so I'm sitting here in the home of race are marred and Fulford on these hills. So just Ray, if you could just state your full name and just that you give permission to the archives to have this recording, if you say that, in your own words, say that

Unknown Speaker 0:23
they have permission to have an interview with a

Unknown Speaker 0:28
department. And we can we can have this on file and people will be able to listen to it eventually. That'll be okay with you.

Unknown Speaker 0:35
It'll be on file able to listen to it in future years.

Unknown Speaker 0:40
Yes. Okay. Okay, that's great. So, um, let's just start in the beginning about you, right, because I don't know much about, you know, your past history before. Saltspring. So, where did you grow up?

Unknown Speaker 0:53
Where are you? I was born in Vancouver. And then we moved to Shawnigan lake in 1940. Oh, live there ready to go. I actually moved to Salt Lake while the Cobble Hill salt shining area.

Unknown Speaker 1:09
So would you have gone to school then? What school would that have

Unknown Speaker 1:14
been? Just be the regular showing early public school? Yeah, must

Unknown Speaker 1:17
have been a pretty small population around there in those times. There

Unknown Speaker 1:21
was only one in the population would be. Plus, there was two schools it was like, up to grade four and up to grade eight. Follow Hill to high school. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:33
okay. And did you do that too?

Unknown Speaker 1:38
As far as I was cool, yeah. Carry on. Because I think what happened in those days, the logging business and the million business and everything is is blooming. A lot of the boys in particular wanted to get the car was a big money shot or quit school too early. Right. And

Unknown Speaker 1:56
just it's just after the wars when everything was booming, too, wasn't it?

Unknown Speaker 2:00
45 I was still going to school. There was so it was after the war.

Unknown Speaker 2:10
There would have been a lot of logging going on in that area,

Unknown Speaker 2:12
right where you were with there was quite a large snail mail read on Shawnigan. Lake. The logs brought them up, jackhammering all the head rigs and stuff. You

Unknown Speaker 2:27
took them up the west the jack, jack ladder, Jack ladder,

Unknown Speaker 2:31
okay. Bring them in the pawn. Head was just like a schedule, right? Yes. Hey, them are over and whatever is pulled up. Carries carriage to run into the song.

Unknown Speaker 2:45
Okay. All right. And sorry, where was the meal? Was it in shot?

Unknown Speaker 2:50
Oh, okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:52
And then they truck them all out? I guess. Did they?

Unknown Speaker 2:58
Most of them just went right to like some of the mills around there. But more than went right to saltwater, when in fact we run a dome. Mill Bay. Reserve there. Yeah. They're all over to the Fraser River. The mill was over there. So

Unknown Speaker 3:19
you were working in that industry after you left school? And how many years? Were you doing that? Would you say?

Unknown Speaker 3:25
Well, pretty well, right. So. Okay, I started out with my older brother and my father. A bit of a full time. So I just kind of fell right in with them. Right. Okay. You doing some work and some? So it was

Unknown Speaker 3:45
AJ smarts? Yeah. And sons. Morris. And do you have any old pictures of that? You know, any old truck pictures are?

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Or was thanks. Oh, they run across? Well, just to

Unknown Speaker 4:03
keep it in mind, that would be a nice thing to kind of illustrate your history a little bit.

Unknown Speaker 4:08
Fortunately, a couple of really big boxes of all photos have somehow gone missing. And no one seems to know where. But there was a lot of stuff that dad and I were putting this album together. Yeah, it was really difficult because it was about 1000 pictures. So we were just trying to weed out what what came first what came second. Oh, but there was what we were going to do is we were doing a family L and there's a bunch of pictures. And then we're going to do a work elbow. Oh stuff and all his other stuff. And whatever. But they're counting right now. Well, they

Unknown Speaker 4:54
may do something problems what I've got probably

Unknown Speaker 4:56
in the garbage. Okay, well That's what I

Unknown Speaker 5:00
if they surface well, we'd be great to have some access to those photos because the archives would be interested in that. And any of the local archives like Sean Gunn and Duncan, they would be interested in that

Unknown Speaker 5:11
they probably have, well, maybe all of our stuff. type of stuff. So

Unknown Speaker 5:16
yeah, no, but yeah, that what she's saying is they would be interested in those pictures also. Oh, yeah. Well, those boxes, the pictures. And they weren't in your closet anymore. They were taken away. So no one seemed to know where they were.

Unknown Speaker 5:35
Okay. Well, as they say, turned up, that would be great. Okay, so you were there. So what, what year would you say? What year were you born? 3219 32. Okay, and what year would you have left? shanigan

Unknown Speaker 5:52
Come over here. Yeah. I came over to work in 1963. It was gonna be a bigger contract than anticipated. So then we move the whole timely over 1964

Unknown Speaker 6:06
Okay, so in the interim, you obviously you had you were married and had children before you came here. How old were you when you got married?

Unknown Speaker 6:17
I was 25 When I first got married. I was planning Hey, you're seven holes.

Unknown Speaker 6:30
older and wiser, really good. They would say well, we'll figure it out. We'll figure it out later. 1987 Okay, I'll make a note of that. You and Terry. That's good. And and your first wife's name was great. Is it h e l? Sae? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 6:48
Did I put it on the form?

Unknown Speaker 6:49
I think thing I think you probably did. Yeah, just good to have it. Yeah, stated here. So. So how many how many children did you analyse have before you moved over?

Unknown Speaker 6:59
Oh, man. So before I got the secondary?

Unknown Speaker 7:03
No, no. Before you came over to Salt Spring. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 7:05
so Sony 244.

Unknown Speaker 7:11
Brenda, coke, Val, and now right. And then Dennis was born on the island. And Laurie was born while they're on the island, but she was born in Victoria.

Unknown Speaker 7:24
Oh, okay. Yeah, that's good to know. Right? So 1963 So tell me what, tell me the circumstances that brought you here as far as a logging.

Unknown Speaker 7:36
Well, what happened? We started logging. Now some of these names I've come up with may not be exactly all correct. But one of the main German buyers was a person called Prince Vaughan turned in Texas. Have you ever heard I don't know it's spelled the way we would say turn in Texas or not.

Unknown Speaker 8:01
Turn is it sound like turn and taxes? Well, I'll look it up. Okay, so sorry, go back to what you're saying. So there was a prince that owns property here.

Unknown Speaker 8:14
No over it was over. Shining

Unknown Speaker 8:17
a light on them. I guess they were a happy other way. We're doing our logging. Because of the old days. The loggers because they weren't putting a big volume in there. Just put everything under the one boom boom went to the sawmill. Also the sawmill because of chips Sadhas which ones are the pulp mill it's a it's kind of one species at a time. America all Hemlock all terrible name oh, Lord, a little lighter from the forest view. Do all this separately. Right so we're we're afforded a wall okay, praise differ from the senior. Mr.

Unknown Speaker 9:01
You did that your you and your, your father's company we're doing that to understand. Okay, and so you would boom, those different species separately. Or you

Unknown Speaker 9:12
know, more or less I we put along and Ryan Bergeron Bay. Okay, when you went over here.

Unknown Speaker 9:18
So what what that told me this morning is that he met the Forster through of working over there with his dad and that and that's how he got over to Saltspring because they liked the way they could do that. They had lots of land over here and same, the same premise and yeah, wasn't it that Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:46
So just just to back up a bit about the prince. Do you know how it is that he came to own property over and Shawn again and over here?

Unknown Speaker 9:53
Well, it's this younger than me to him or talk to him? I didn't feel a man or his foresters didn't meet some of them. And you're going to talk from some, there's even a nice question for you, too, is why did the Germans want to buy land in Canada? You know, so many countries in the world? The answer to that was from the head force or from Germany was up the phone did not have time. This was back in the late 50s, early 60s, Argentina, Canada, was the reasonable is Lanza by the time plus the most stable government. Okay, let's a little bush set for our credit in the past,

Unknown Speaker 10:41
I'll say interesting. So that was an investment piece for them, really? And were they buying it for the land? Or were they buying it for the locks? Well,

Unknown Speaker 10:50
it was a bowl thing. They're gonna think they realized that, you know, there was there was there foreshores over there, realized that there was money to be made to pay taxes. So live

Unknown Speaker 11:03
longer. Yeah. And it was a booming industry that wasn't. Yeah, gosh, when you go, when you see you know, it's funny when you see pictures of Saltspring. And I'm sure this is true showing and two. In that time, how bare bones everything was, you see a picture, for instance of Su Vyas where the wharf is, and there's nothing on that hillside is just logged. So it's quite interesting how it's turned around again. So you can't you came to Saltspring in 1963, ahead of your family, because you thought this was going to be more of a short term thing for

Unknown Speaker 11:41
the first probably six months.

Unknown Speaker 11:44
And just to say on that, sorry to interrupt you. How

Unknown Speaker 11:46
did you travel together busy, very,

Unknown Speaker 11:49
ah, and via what route? Well, I

Unknown Speaker 11:52
used to use the service. It was the head of this tree. It wasn't showing it away. Yeah. So it was only about a half an hour. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 12:18
So so you would catch the ferry at Vesuvius, and then you would drive you were coming right down here to the south end to Burgoyne. Yeah. And the roads were pretty reasonable. There was no traffic there. Probably roads were better than subways. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. And what sort of vehicle did you drive at that time? What kind of vehicle did you drive?

Unknown Speaker 12:44
Pretty well. That was my pickups. I voted for the shows and I never used to buy a brand new one. I think only about one Brian and pick up my life. Because every time I post a lot of new pickup,

Unknown Speaker 12:59
suddenly, it's an old pickup. Labor this last pickup dad got Yeah, it was second half. Yeah, and the guy didn't before since Oh, you need to get a new truck to get a new truck and desert. Got my new truck. 2006 Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 13:15
why not? Yeah, that's great. So you come now and would you come over by yourself? Or did you were you with other working well,

Unknown Speaker 13:23
you know, the hardest worker to break into the jobs on Salisbury was used to do a lot of moving, boom, putting the booms up by hand. Now they've got the ball set, twirl around and do all these things. It was it was a good amount of luck to handle all these logs and stay on these logs all day long and work them. We just really spiteful. Put them all and dragstrip Swifters. The Rosslyn? What did they drag across the column swifter? They're 6666 feet. All of those things are 66 feet. In frost, there were 66 footers as well. Okay. And the junction of the two sides next two sides will tie the boom veins in the middle of these guys. Pull that sweater across the room up. On the other end, I say okay, quite rigid.

Unknown Speaker 14:23
Yeah, because it has to be quite rigid, to be told to

Unknown Speaker 14:27
pull it too tight. Because they also roll the waters off the tracks or at all? Oh, for

Unknown Speaker 14:33
certain. Yeah, I can see what you mean about the manpower as opposed to the little boats. I'll be doing that now. Yeah, that's something

Unknown Speaker 14:41
Bob. I'm sorry. Soccer for Manuel was a little bit of history. Because you when you all love retiring on Salzman working for me for many, many years, was a partner no great

Unknown Speaker 15:00
40 years ago, right? Yeah. 40 years ago

Unknown Speaker 15:03
40 years ago. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 15:06
And Bob turned out to be one of the best boom men that had they used to call him fish because he's default in the ocean all the time. Yeah. And then I always remember again, it feels like cork boots. Yeah, so the good run and I remember watching that run on logs is port boom says we got no no problems skipping across the boat. The logs no problem.

Unknown Speaker 15:34
Did the cork boots have spikes in them? Spike?

Unknown Speaker 15:41
Oh, right. So anytime you jump on August 16 hard

Unknown Speaker 15:53
so Dad, what you were saying? Did Christina was up? She asked you did you come over with other workers? When you first started working over here? And you said well, the hardest person people to find were good. Boom. So did you travel with other people from Shawn again? Or somewhere else that you knew that worked with you here? Or did you find people on the island? Like when you came in 1963

Unknown Speaker 16:19
My first boom and I brought because we also had like, my brother ran out on a whooping millbay and over the the millbay ferias. Yes, just going north I guess I'll road is a whooping groan there used to be waves. Okay, so my brother used to look after now. The only time I forgot involved was sudden they had a big line coming down and put the straps on for some time. Some roses. It was a heavy liner to hold on to get some get careless. Let it go. Where did it go? Then up into the block. You get up there. What was an aeroplane eautiful. Tree like, three three is quite easy to climb, a tree on an angle, and so on and more difficult because your rope wants to fall down on the backside. So you're gonna grow up with with a rope to climb up. Take a rope with me. Put the rope through the big boy and pull the line from me pull alignment. Limited on there. Yeah. Wow. Lots of experiences.

Unknown Speaker 17:30
That would be great to have for that sort of thing.

Unknown Speaker 17:35
Just thought of a photo.

Unknown Speaker 17:39
But I have to say I'm very chilled. I can tell here. I can tell. But there's one of dad in here. Shirts where you're talking to three dads used to go we used to watch and he used to do that quite a bit. Well, it was really good to know if

Unknown Speaker 18:00
you find it. Yeah. So. So you came you come so was that about a year that you did that sort of commute? And would you go back every day right or would you stay over here?

Unknown Speaker 18:10
Go back every day. That's a long term. Yeah. That was a was a must

Unknown Speaker 18:14
be kind of annoying to be down in Burgoyne Bay and sort of looking crosslinking week no

Unknown Speaker 18:18
literally to be on a boat from millbay Okay, that's good. I don't know Barry. Yes, you'd be pretty direct with you.

Unknown Speaker 18:28
So this operation was all set up down in Burgoyne and there was what was down there to describe what was that for going back at the time.

Unknown Speaker 18:36
Well was this resistance in the poll was Napoleon dumping a logging truck? That was an millbay Okay, most of the time we're not getting the logs on the trucks down as brave on it was just pushed off as a loader. Okay, so bro logs will tell you what kind of logs Did you call them brown brown logs brown like honey brown or brown comes from

Unknown Speaker 19:10
forehead but brown

Unknown Speaker 19:12
so big log as you put on the top where the shark comes in. Always scares going down there are tied to that big long okay.

Unknown Speaker 19:22
Right I get it so and then they go into the water so where whereabouts in Burgoyne Bay if I was to be down there now where we

Unknown Speaker 19:33
don't go into the work that's sitting there. Just keep going on. We'll pass our personal Yeah, that's one of the valid points. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 19:48
All right. Is there anything left there now any

Unknown Speaker 19:50
pilings or anything from Do you think? I

Unknown Speaker 19:53
don't think so. You might find some, you know, broken chunks and piling

Unknown Speaker 19:59
I've seen pictures of the dumping. But I haven't gotten a look for it be interesting to see that.

Unknown Speaker 20:05
We also just right on on there. Oh, what others are the banks there.

Unknown Speaker 20:13
Okay, because you're logging on both sides. Yeah, that's right. And there was a there was a road there was that's what's the logging road that goes along. You would have been drinking that. So this is in the early 60s

Unknown Speaker 20:31
You had to put a few bridges and things in along there too, I think didn't you? There's places reentered crossing creeks.

Unknown Speaker 20:37
Yeah. Little Creek. Yeah. Well, most of them are crossing the creek because they were above the creek kind of Cambodia where the cabins were. Yeah. And we were building this site. You were logging? Maxwell.

Unknown Speaker 20:56
Right? And sorry, what cabinets are you talking about? On the far side of

Unknown Speaker 21:03
the German property? Yes. There was a cabin.

Unknown Speaker 21:09
Cabin and then there were like maybe five or six small cabins built those?

Unknown Speaker 21:18
three, maybe four, because one of the top three

Unknown Speaker 21:23
knows about that is Dennis Parker, Dennis Parker and his sister. What's done a sister's name? She was married to Jay born. Oh, God. Oh, they lived in the bigger house down there for a number of years. And so he may know some history about that.

Unknown Speaker 21:47
Okay, what's interesting? All right, so um, so when did you decide to move over full time and move the family here? I'm sorry. When did you decide to move the family over here a

Unknown Speaker 22:02
little bit in 1964. Yeah. And so because

Unknown Speaker 22:04
you thought you were going to be here more time. And when when you decided to do that, did you envision yourself being here for 50 or more years? Or do you think it was

Unknown Speaker 22:20
not the same people Durham is all about. They also all have more little Moresby island I think 500 acres on Pender Island. Now that's what

Unknown Speaker 22:33
this is for Moresby Island, they they burn it down because too many people were stopping their chores, that fire hazard. But when dad worked there, we stayed there. That was a big huge mansion that was built. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 22:46
so one more. I'll take a picture of this picture and we'll put it in with your interview. So this was a big house is this in the time that you were on horse Moresby, this

Unknown Speaker 22:54
was there for years after that? Oh, yeah. But eventually, maybe like 20 years ago. They burnt it down. Keep people from people

Unknown Speaker 23:08
and who and who all that the same. Yeah, I don't

Unknown Speaker 23:12
know. What's your I can't remember exactly. I don't think it was taxes, Texas. Totally. Different prices, different furniture.

Unknown Speaker 23:24
Okay, well, we can look

Unknown Speaker 23:27
Moresby, right, yes. All have more history.

Unknown Speaker 23:31
What about on Pender? So was it it's different one than taxes, that all depender property?

Unknown Speaker 23:38
There was 500 over five acres. As far as I know, it was just the one property that couldn't have been more pleasant. It was just a 500 acres. We also took some Long's

Unknown Speaker 23:50
on tenure. So

Unknown Speaker 23:52
yeah, so you saw the Pender one and the worst we want to work on by different prints.

Unknown Speaker 24:00
Okay, so And how did you get to more speed on it? Were you going over their daily

Unknown Speaker 24:07
lives here? speedboat

Unknown Speaker 24:12
speed them. Garcia speedboat. It did have a cabin. Not only

Unknown Speaker 24:19
was more fancy.

Unknown Speaker 24:20
Oh yeah. No Dad taught me how to drive the boat one day. He got a call because it was a man who is still live. Harry and his wife were the only people who lived on worst week to look after it. Okay. And I guess he call on a Saturday dad was probably working somewhere and said something was happening with the boom there was breaking up there was a big wind or something. So dad was gonna go over and I wanted to go and no wasn't willing to go moms. Nope, no, dads. Nope, nope, nope. And I just need to make the neck the neck finally as long to go. And I just want to hang out with my dad. Hey, And because desert pencil badness. So he said to me says we're not doing anything we're not stopping down there now, for any ice cream we're not going to the store we're not there and be fun do that and then we're coming back. So okay, that's fine. So we're just pulling out a Fulford harbour and he said, I'm sitting here like required a cat don't don't don't disturb anybody because you know what I really got on this ride. He asked me if I wanted to learn how to drive the boat. I was only about nine years old. Oh, oh, yeah. So I drove a boat all the way there. And pretty much all the way back. Oh, exciting. Yeah, but until that for Watch dad to running around the boom, pulling it all together and blah, blah, blah. We got back to the boot the boat and the tide had gone out because it took longer I guess. Okay, so we walked to Harry's and he gave us some food. Yeah. And then we got back fairly late. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 25:57
she had to wait for the title. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, anyway. So how long? How long were you doing the Moresby job?

Unknown Speaker 26:05
Oh, you guys were their hardest to hear. But

Unknown Speaker 26:11
you know, what is the thing I remember? I think you guys, you got a bunch of stuff taken over on a barge. And then you and uncle Stan and I don't know who else was working with you stayed in this mansion. Yeah. And then, because I remember us all going over there and spending like a weekend. I think, you know, Uncle Morrison's kids in that case. So. But yeah, you had you guys were staying over there.

Unknown Speaker 26:40
So you you logged over there. And then when that Job was finished, did you continue with logging here in the valley? No.

Unknown Speaker 26:47
Yeah, pretty much. So similar. I probably worked for them. 25 years. Oh, okay.

Unknown Speaker 26:55
Were you logging say on the side of Mount Bruce are right down into towards Burgoyne

Unknown Speaker 27:02
outside. We were the ones that puts the first well thank you know, probably this person rentals not one of the Reynolds. What was it as in? I can't think of it either. Bernie can help not Bernie. Bernie Bernie was a

Unknown Speaker 27:28
anyway, we'll find out that you

Unknown Speaker 27:30
know, or whatever. So he was here has a first go and so logging on. That was quite a while. Before you're gonna go out there. Okay. So

Unknown Speaker 27:40
he logged it already.

Unknown Speaker 27:43
He likes patches. I was gonna say I was the one I put all in. There was how was the secondary? Or? Well there?

Unknown Speaker 27:55
Because we did that. Did that

Unknown Speaker 28:00
rattles gab.

Unknown Speaker 28:01
Thank you. Yeah, that's right. I should have thought about Toine.

Unknown Speaker 28:05
Dad. Didn't you work over at Mount twang? Did you work over Mount Antoine?

Unknown Speaker 28:10
Oh, yeah. Well, we're way over there, too. Yeah. I was struck down as a Musgrave. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 28:18
And were there. So that was in the 60s. Were there still people living in farming on that side very much.

Unknown Speaker 28:27
Like this was a family story on the farm there in the valley.

Unknown Speaker 28:33
I was just reading about the mosquitoes. Now. I can't remember their names either.

Unknown Speaker 28:36
No more than my

Unknown Speaker 28:37
laundry laundries. Yes, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 28:41
There. They were over there when I was there. So there must have been a few years before that. Yeah, they were there early on, even in the 20s, some ghosts and stuff. Okay, so

Unknown Speaker 28:52
they were still there. And there was a couple of families that had some big tracts of land. Oh, yeah. And was there any sort of establishment over on that side? Was there any little stores or post office or anything left when you were there?

Unknown Speaker 29:07
There was some champions of some sort. But somebody who said that was those people who came in after the First World War, and build a few of these so called hustler houses live in I guess they found better surroundings and packed up and went away.

Unknown Speaker 29:25
I see. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 29:29
Yeah, that sounds like a laundry still. We're still there.

Unknown Speaker 29:31
Yeah. GEORGE laundry, I think. Yeah. Okay. All right. So, um, that sort of, I just wanted to sort of cover what you were doing for work when you're here but but let's just talk for a sec about where you lived when you first came here. So you I understand you. You had a place with

Unknown Speaker 29:52
the White House off in a few minutes.

Unknown Speaker 29:54
Yeah. And how did that come to be though you didn't did how did

Unknown Speaker 29:58
you? Well, I came over like Firstly, is that time was falling for the Germans closely.

Unknown Speaker 30:02
Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 30:08
I know, one of the first person I met here, told me a lot of all what was going on, who is logging before I was gonna come in and so on. So, I've kept falling quite a while while I was still doing the logging. When he, I guess, retired or whatever, that I got my own followers and

Unknown Speaker 30:33
so we started working together with Cliff. We were partners.

Unknown Speaker 30:38
No, he worked. He paid the Germans for falling. They paid me for logging and booming and all

Unknown Speaker 30:47
I see. Okay. All right. So sort of part of the process, and how so how did you come to meet Bob or to rent that place? As long as How did you come to meet Bob increment or Endor to rent? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 30:59
yes, sir. fairly broad radar, because when you click First, yeah, because he was falling there at a time. So he said, someone's gonna think Paul Baker has got a couple of houses. Maybe you can push her off and run. And sure enough, he did. Because I guess I don't know if somebody has been in. No, thanks. Tim O'Donnell was living in the big house. And then they bought in that place where they live, you know? All their life. Yes. All right.

Unknown Speaker 31:28
Pull for harder. Yeah. So they had moved out. And so the White House as we call it, was empty. And Bob and Molly were living in the longhouse. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 31:41
but funny stories about incorporating a ball may come in, and my daughter brought it up. Oh, yeah. Never really could fool her. For some reason, even when she was younger. Bob told me a couple of stories about her. He said, One day he was down by the creek, and they wanted to put a fence on the animals pretty good. And he said I was digging away they're going away. He said, I got a doubt about Brian, it was Washington for quite a while he said to Brenda she said well, you should know your baby. Maybe seven are

Unknown Speaker 32:24
good for her

Unknown Speaker 32:27
Fuller House and Evans house and Bobby Oh, just a clear blue sky. He's like on Oh, more than the Go Go's in business. Why? Oh I'm Brandon. Lark from Swift via your back.

Unknown Speaker 32:52
Very good. Colorful. Was it was it?

Unknown Speaker 32:57
That was an edge. Bomb. Yeah. But with the Santa Claus, because you were involved with the the full overhaul committee. And you were new here. And so they asked you to be Santa Claus. Because no, people didn't know you very well know. And that was

Unknown Speaker 33:17
Bob. Oh, yeah. We got that picture there. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 33:21
And so I'm sorry. What was the the fellow's name? I knew him really well together. Bobby come in and jump rollin. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 33:36
Tell us a big build up the desert. Even play solid.

Unknown Speaker 33:39
Oh, how what? Were you reluctant we were reluctant.

Unknown Speaker 33:43
We were her was our first year ago. Yeah, so I guess it was when he said oh, we got to do some new blood though. He'll play Santa Claus. I set up do somebody suddenly do Jack I said we're gonna be on the skinny little guy. No, I said well to get my women they'll pack the pillows and throw him biryani and warm white hair started ringing and bells was blinking your own mother would love the chance to go wild and remember these two women just hand them a lamb and fallen amo or whatever. So he gets me all those often come out there. I don't think I want to call them all three names. No, nobody's gonna know me. No, not even my mother was a Thursday and our calls the name there's an address. He says Zadie often

Unknown Speaker 34:45
your daughter's name. Oh.

Unknown Speaker 34:49
They called somebody else's name. But she came and said Daddy. Oh

Unknown Speaker 34:53
really cover? She just recognize my voice. I don't really recall her name. No.

Unknown Speaker 35:03
I think that is Kathy.

Unknown Speaker 35:08
Hall has to be three or four years

Unknown Speaker 35:09
old two and a half. Three.

Unknown Speaker 35:11
Oh, that's great. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 35:19
Such a build up. Yeah. He was like your mother called Joy, Billy and Susie and so on. And then not come Sandra. Daddy, I'll be

Unknown Speaker 35:37
Santa. They were like, is that our dad? Like because we're all standing there

Unknown Speaker 35:45
so that was Fulford Hall on you. And you were involved with the full third Hall committee. So how did you how did you get involved with them? And what did you do?

Unknown Speaker 35:53
Well, I guess I was just, you know, that work is down there. And this is gonna be a long time just sweeping the floor, everywhere, roller hockey way back when to put a lot of dust on the floor. So if there's any main events coming on, you're not gonna get the hall pretty cleaned up and washed up. And so we used to do clean all that up and made sure it was presentable for the next people.

Unknown Speaker 36:19
Did you have regular

Unknown Speaker 36:22
dances or comments down there the oil

Unknown Speaker 36:29
every Saturday night, but

Unknown Speaker 36:31
and lots of attendance, like when would be a good crowd? When would it be mostly self and people would come or did you get people from all over the island or? No, I

Unknown Speaker 36:43
kind of think it was probably, you know, maybe seven different zones then but there was a lot of people.

Unknown Speaker 36:51
And there'll be a band, I guess. Oh, yeah. Well, and some food.

Unknown Speaker 36:57
dormitory. Good.

Unknown Speaker 37:00
That's great. We have that we have at the archives. We have the minutes from the Fulford Hall committee, going back through the years, so I'm sure your names in there many times, right? Yeah, probably. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 37:14
That was the one that broke all the windows on rocks.

Unknown Speaker 37:21
Okay, so feel free to also what else? What other sort of, you know, we know a little bit about your work. I'm sure there's more to the work but what are the sorts of things would you do so you're living in the White House was a room for you and you had six children by the time you're huge.

Unknown Speaker 37:39
That's a pretty big house. Yeah. How many bedrooms? There's probably one or two. Most of all three bedrooms on the main floor. Yeah. And all the upstairs. Hello? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 37:49
They were huge. Yeah, nice.

Unknown Speaker 37:54
Have any animals or anything yourself, so you can't have

Unknown Speaker 37:57
any animals? We didn't have time. That's all the sheep I guess. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 38:03
They were all around you.

Unknown Speaker 38:06
Another time. One of them was talking about fooling Brenda. There was Christmas time. And I guess she was some sheep and around the house, or maybe even 10 brought them over. And then my wife got up and she started waking the kids up. Let's listen sadness. Sadness. Can you hear Isabelle Sanders calm? Sounds want to be here you go back to sleep. No. You see, to get the President's sign as he resides here. And Brenda, waves Brennan, just gonna turn her head. She says those are shaped bells for

Unknown Speaker 38:43
brought the whatever bills and like book and they put it over the roof, the roof is to do with his kids and pull it back and forth and back and forth. But I remember looking out the window. And in a little kid's mind. Thought I saw Santa going over towards Lee's house, verbally and yeah. So I don't know what maybe Brenda didn't get a bad but the rest of us were.

Unknown Speaker 39:15
Last year so we're there. Ted was doing the job took more than Boardmaker Oh,

Unknown Speaker 39:21
okay. Well, yeah, no, no, I didn't I didn't think it was Bob who did it but Bob mentions in his book that that's what he used to do when his kids started saying, oh, there's not a sound time whatever. He did that yeah, that's funny.

Unknown Speaker 39:37
And what so that were the winters did you think the winters were harsher than

Unknown Speaker 39:45
say every winter was

Unknown Speaker 39:48
one winter that we were locked into the because there's no central heating in that house. There was a coal oil stove and a hot water heater. and no central heating and a fireplace and so we were locked in that room they did end up cutting a big hole there like Southern pathogen to the kitchen but I remember a knife being put up in the door so that we couldn't get out because it was so freezing cold and there was it was like really high snow and there's just like single pane windows no insulation nothing

Unknown Speaker 40:30
What do you mean what a knife being put into the door so

Unknown Speaker 40:33
we couldn't open the door? There was no lock on the door oh living room door oh, yeah, so the fireplace was on okay and then so that we wouldn't get out for reason Yes.

Unknown Speaker 40:44
Okay sure locked in that one yeah, I can't be me. Wow, yeah, you weren't in obviously no school and probably no logging. Those kind of things. So what else what else would you do sort of for entertainment? Did you go on summer holidays? Or do you just stay on Saltspring all the time pretty much Sure. Did travel off island in those days much at all

Unknown Speaker 41:16
not only is to go to Vancouver is going time and it was insane. Like where a lot of fun. some faraway place

Unknown Speaker 41:28
no pretty but you felt did you feel fairly self sufficient here on the island you didn't have to go off you know as people do go off to Walmart or something go grocery shopping your

Unknown Speaker 41:39
Zeeland Patterson store. Okay. Heavier bodies to deliver to Bob Patterson. Okay. Once a month together, Bill yeah

Unknown Speaker 41:57
I don't know I ever called him Mr. Patterson. I have no idea. But he lived till he was about 100 he seen both him and his wife.

Unknown Speaker 42:06
How are we got to check out him because he used to pump. Remember there's a puncture. Pillar car tab. Then he can waterway him back. And then of course he didn't write nothing down while he was at the pump. And then by no need to walk all the way back down. One day I know why he must have forgot to ever write a dog's

Unknown Speaker 42:31
binoculars he wasn't too old.

Unknown Speaker 42:36
I didn't know that. But what I remember is when we were kids going into the store and they always had yogurt with the fruit at the bottom and waiting and waiting and waiting waiting waiting waiting where are they where you know to pay? Okay, no sorry. Yeah to pay a few times. Looking over and he sleeps.

Unknown Speaker 43:04
Bob Patterson or the

Unknown Speaker 43:07
brown pop but he's still involved with the store. Okay, his what's his name? Bob to the ultimate ending with that there was a too high of a thing for little kids to see. And you had to really look across you know, when she couldn't get up? Yeah, he's like so we can pay for her stuff.

Unknown Speaker 43:34
So you buy a lot of groceries and from Patterson's all right if you would buy a lot of your groceries from patterns

Unknown Speaker 43:39
bought them all probably Yeah, that's good. And what

Unknown Speaker 43:43
else was down to describe what it was like in the village there and Fulford What else was there? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 43:48
well, I guess your coffee bar. Patterson's to frozen out and that was Bob's white

Unknown Speaker 44:08
coffee bar.

Unknown Speaker 44:10
And did you go in there for coffee and

Unknown Speaker 44:12
no, I guess a few times yeah. ice cream cones. Was you know they had a nice chair though. I guess there's some aroma I've never seen them before but yeah, the chair and like with a plank on the one side enough to put a plate on top on it or something which was really nice and tidy the bells

Unknown Speaker 44:34
are sort of like a little side like a school.

Unknown Speaker 44:39
What dad used to do mom would only take us to like beach because there she could relax and then we could just run along the beach and you know it's a slow you know, it's not like a drop off. No, but Dad, not you know every once a while he after work He would get, you know, in the back of a pickup truck and we would, he would take us to stall Lake swimming, which we loved. And there was a dot there and then afterwards, we were allowed to we went to Nan's coffee bar for a five cent ice cream cone. We weren't allowed to have the eight cent one. The five cent one

Unknown Speaker 45:22
that's a pretty good price.

Unknown Speaker 45:28
Yeah, I remember now it's coffee.

Unknown Speaker 45:31
The other thing you left the island for us. It used to take us to see grandma and grandpa over in Shawnigan. Every once in a while, like on a Sunday. Oh, hello. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 45:42
always interesting just to see what kind of trips people did. And you would still use the CVS very, I guess for that.

Unknown Speaker 45:50
Service for a hell of 20 some odd hours.

Unknown Speaker 45:53
Yeah. Pretty small. And the Fulford ferry when you first came, that would have been just the small old dock with it. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 45:59
that was. Yeah, that was that was kind of small. I can't

Unknown Speaker 46:07
remember when they did the big upgrade to that, to that ferry terminal. But it was quite extensive that they

Unknown Speaker 46:13
can't imagine so yeah, because it'll be more timber things,

Unknown Speaker 46:17
if you remember. And I do. And there was also I guess, in Fulford, there would be the post office still. And you know, who was delivering the mail? Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 46:29
Oh, yeah, that's pretty cool. She

Unknown Speaker 46:32
used to sit in the middle of his car. And he would get the mailbox open and put the man when and

Unknown Speaker 46:41
Oh, you made shuffle over at his car.

Unknown Speaker 46:44
Sitting in the in the in the middle. And then he would open the window like the window would be open and then he would open up the thing and put them whoever's male and then drive off again,

Unknown Speaker 46:55
like this. He just stayed in the middle of his car. Just inching his way down the road. Yeah. And who was that? You know?

Unknown Speaker 47:03
Who the driver I forget his name.

Unknown Speaker 47:05
I know. There

Unknown Speaker 47:06
was one postmaster there that was there a long time?

Unknown Speaker 47:09
Yeah, it might have been him. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 47:12
Was it a car or a truck? He

Unknown Speaker 47:13
was driving a car that I remember

Unknown Speaker 47:23
remember his name either?

Unknown Speaker 47:24
What or what about some other? Who were the regular people that you sort of hung out with in Fulford Valley? Who Who were your friends? Would you say?

Unknown Speaker 47:36
Oh, I guess most of the boys they all played ball, or roller hockey? And basketball tune? I guess I was because he wasn't well, I guess he was maybe 10 years younger than me. Oh, was had been getting up there. Oh, he's

Unknown Speaker 47:55
the second oldest. So you have no Darlene Cornell. So he'd only be a little bit younger than her. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 48:03
Yeah. Five years, seven years or more.

Unknown Speaker 48:08
So were you playing the sports? Were you playing basketball?

Unknown Speaker 48:13
All right. That was always there from a changed 58

Unknown Speaker 48:19
So just a recreational kind of leader.

Unknown Speaker 48:22
That was the guy like my brother was over on his own. Let's bring a table over every once in a while. We were very competitive. And quite as fancy as some of them guys were but

Unknown Speaker 48:35
bowling dead. You are both with bowling.

Unknown Speaker 48:38
Yeah. The bowling alley as a time to one of our clothes. Oh, no many ways to run it. I guess.

Unknown Speaker 48:45
I don't know. It's a shame because you know, it would have been a nice sort of vintage place. Right? I remember that.

Unknown Speaker 48:52
Was fun. Because it was seemed like it was really it was yeah, it was a story about their families who wasn't? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 49:01
there was some. Yeah, there was some sad

Unknown Speaker 49:03
news to hang around with Rod kitchen. The kitchens. Right kitchen. And the least and you had a logging company with three are logging with Roy. Roy Lee, and Rod kitchen. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 49:22
So was that after you had finished working for the Germans that you still

Unknown Speaker 49:26
no, we're still we're logging the timber. And then also there was some My brother used to have like what they call high lead with a far three and all that. But he also has some shows where they have just a rubber tire standards and all that. So then we formed another company that was called Three Arlovski was Roy. Rod and Ray. Right. Great. Well, Terry, come on. No.

Unknown Speaker 49:56
So and you are logging with in that with that company as well and always in the south end logging or speed or did you go anywhere else?

Unknown Speaker 50:07
We're in the salt maybe some of the some of the I don't remember going up or do any a

Unknown Speaker 50:20
Were there other operations that were more taking care of the North End do you think are

Unknown Speaker 50:24
correlated because the case was a lot like you know, Albert Kay and

Unknown Speaker 50:30
Fred Howard did Fred

Unknown Speaker 50:32
Howard used to do, Howard.

Unknown Speaker 50:35
Howard. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 50:37
Right and Ganges harbour are with

Unknown Speaker 50:40
them at the forefront and

Unknown Speaker 50:41
yeah, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 50:43
So yeah, okay, let's How did the timing of that workout so you were involved with, you know, coax told me that you were involved with Nicolas drum and park first because that would have come before full freedom. So how did you get involved with drum and park? Was that something that the Fulford in the Fulford Hall committee sort of bought

Unknown Speaker 51:09
saying the closing chapter captain,

Unknown Speaker 51:14
Captain drama,

Unknown Speaker 51:15
drama. Bob was instrumental in getting that kind of put over. Okay. So, so,

Unknown Speaker 51:23
so he sort of set it all up and what what was your role in it? Did you help

Unknown Speaker 51:29
sort of, well, I guess it was just a bunch of brambles and Bush and crap and I put one of my cast on there and dryer to level it all up and get it all worked and be, you know, put swings in and put all that stuff in there. Ya

Unknown Speaker 51:42

Unknown Speaker 51:44
We've got lots of pictures from various sources, but one was Ruby Alton, we have all her old pictures. Do you remember Ruby? Alton? She was a lacy.

Unknown Speaker 51:53
Oh, what was the last time you well,

Unknown Speaker 51:56
she wasn't Lacey. Oh, yeah.

Unknown Speaker 51:58
Alicia. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 51:59
She married Roy. Alton. Awesome. Yeah. And they lived right down to she took a lot of pictures at the opening of the Drummond a couple of little movie clips we have.

Unknown Speaker 52:13
I remember it was the first big retaining wall that went in there was logs. Oh, yeah. I cross them off the German properties. They were what do we call? Hi.

Unknown Speaker 52:26
Hi, how are you?

Unknown Speaker 52:33
Okay, I'm gonna go put my stuff away. Did everything go? Well? Yeah. Oh, good.

Unknown Speaker 52:40
So there was a log retaining wall that you put in and that's yeah,

Unknown Speaker 52:44
they were logs that weren't good for lumber anymore. Yeah. So I got permission from the German to put them in the water, cut them the right length, the length I wanted them. And then like I've been told around, I told him who told them around some of you your history. Guy has a tugboat engages harbor turtles and was Darrell Jorgensen their narrow Yeah, right. Yeah. Yeah. I guess he's long gone.

Unknown Speaker 53:12
I don't think so. Yeah, yeah. He

Unknown Speaker 53:14
chose him around for us. Oh, good. We put them we put them in place.

Unknown Speaker 53:19
Well, let's see. So they those logs aren't there anymore. But did they

Unknown Speaker 53:25
renew it? It was a rock wall. Okay. I guess it's time to log. It's kind of deteriorated? Yeah, sure.

Unknown Speaker 53:32
But it was a nice idea to have the park that Captain drum and donated that

Unknown Speaker 53:41
whole rolling part.

Unknown Speaker 53:42
I think there's pictures of you guys in that set. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 53:48
We got a picture somewhere. That's all the captain drama with all the kids around them. Yeah. So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 54:00
Yeah, we have we have we have pictures. Oh, that's good. Yeah. And we and Ruby had some pictures. So we've got a few different ones remind me. I'll send you something. Okay. All the rollin kids are in it like in the kitchens I could recognize a lot. Tara and Kathy probably Jim I guess too. Yeah, it was it was a sweet picture of all the kids with Captain drum no rock was in it. I'm not sure if you were but you might have been too so anything else significant in terms of the hall that you guys Did you know Did you did you you know when your time with the hall? Did you do any extensions on the hall or you know, make the I remember when I was a kid that that basement the whole kitchen part was kind of scary down there. But they really cleaned it out. Yeah. So I don't know when all that took place. Maybe more lately. I

Unknown Speaker 54:50
think most of our time was spent in construction raising there was just one of the special dues on we got it on

Unknown Speaker 54:58
maintenance. It was about weddings and like people have big weddings like I remember Kathy a Kerman know getting married like and that and we used to go down to help serve the people like you'd go down and get two plates. You know, like there'd be like five of us this table that but I mean the whole thing would be packed table like on the side that side. And I don't know how many people would be there. How many people would that

Unknown Speaker 55:30
seat? Yeah, there's

Unknown Speaker 55:32
a lot of people. Yeah. And yeah, there was a lot of like Dad said rollerskating. That was the only real activity down here. Yeah. Roller skating on Saturday afternoon. 25 cents. Yeah. Two to four. Yep. And Mr. Rollin. I always remember he was always so kind and he was usually the one. I got to put my roller skates off. Oh. For some reason, yeah. I always ended up with you. Yeah, I remember

Unknown Speaker 56:06
sweeping the floor.

Unknown Speaker 56:07
Yeah. Well, it really wasn't real community hall or is I suppose still to say isn't but it really was to have those kinds of things. We don't even what you say about having weddings and things there. You know, I wonder was it was it catered? Or was it just the community doing

Unknown Speaker 56:23
the food? Oh, yeah. Well, the communities the kitchen would be doing the food. Yeah. And then did have a few kids like a slug. You know, maybe holes would have been the first time I did it. Maybe 10 And I got in by the skin of it. paint everything. But we also had potluck dinners there right? Look actually quit I remember going to quite a few potluck dinners and it would be packed like you know really well attended. They also had they might still have these type of flower shows there. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 56:59
don't know if they have the flower shows but I certainly saw a lot of pictures of flower shows

Unknown Speaker 57:03
when we were kids. So remember flower shows? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 57:07
no, that's

Unknown Speaker 57:08
that's neat that that the hall has a real great history and

Unknown Speaker 57:10
all the Paul would make all the food. Yeah. Okay. So the Fulford Hall ladies, I

Unknown Speaker 57:15
guess. Yeah, that'd be right. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 57:17
mean, that kind of but also the men who are always remember Roy Lee used to be the one who always made the

Unknown Speaker 57:28
clam chowder. Okay. People had their specialties.

Unknown Speaker 57:31
Big pot. Oh, no. Yeah, that seemed to be specialty.

Unknown Speaker 57:37
In the pies, of course, now they have to find 80s They probably evolved from that too. Right. Okay, so. And you also were involved with St. Paul's. You in the family? We go to St. Paul's Church. Would you drive there? Would you

Unknown Speaker 57:54
drive? Yeah. And so we for you. Was this place in 1969. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 58:00
so say she's talking about the church. Yeah, St. Paul's just Oh, because driving here. Yeah, we drove from the other place to

Unknown Speaker 58:09
anyway. Yeah, I guess it's still a ways up and around. And there was a there's always been a good sort of congregation at St. Paul's is. Still it's still going on. Everybody still stops and takes pictures of that church. Don't

Unknown Speaker 58:24
they know?

Unknown Speaker 58:26
Oh, yeah. It's a pretty old church. Yeah, it's

Unknown Speaker 58:29
a very sweet church. Sure. And anything special with the church that you remember,

Unknown Speaker 58:35
they redid the exterior deck, because when we moved here, it was like the white board

Unknown Speaker 58:41
would Yeah, that was all white board. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 58:43
How that you might know how that all came about. Having

Unknown Speaker 58:49
imitation rock because it was a filter here on the island that was making that oh, it's all homemade. And he put his own color and his own everything in Oh, it looks it looks like it looks like it could be some kind of a

Unknown Speaker 59:05
rock. Okay. I didn't realize it was a local product though. That's interesting.

Unknown Speaker 59:09
Yeah, he I'm sure he I don't know if he started with a rock or you

Unknown Speaker 59:15
probably had a form, you know, kind of like, no,

Unknown Speaker 59:18
no, no, I don't know. What do you what

Unknown Speaker 59:21
do you remember about or do you remember anything about when they changed the road? From say from the head of the harbor around? Do you remember that happening when you were here because I don't can't remember what year that happened. But it was quite significant because of course, a lot of the graves from lifted. Do you remember anything about that? Or how that, you know, we're trying to do some research for roelens. I just wondered, it's hard to pinpoint who did it Where Where did the road go before it used to be lower down I guess and it kind of is flanked by I'm not very far No, it basically cut through some of the grades. Oh, we're just trying to find out some of that. But I just wondered if you were around when that happened. I can't remember the years but I think it was 60s but it might have been very early years, six months, so I'll have to double check on that. And you bought this house here. You said in 1969. We are. And we're right beside the Gary oak winery across the field from the what's now the all of

Unknown Speaker 1:00:35
this whole hay hills. When we first came, Yeah, hello. There always who? Production for freezing. Yeah. Well, they didn't have a little wind pass down here who was seated in a hay crop? No. I was saying soon. As I said all producing

Unknown Speaker 1:00:58
nice to see some sort of farm action, whatever whether it's all it was there. Right. So yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:03
And dad, the first couple of years. We were here. You had corn. The guy who had the dairy What was his name? No, Hugh's? Yeah. It was Berg going dairy. And he he didn't pasteurize his milk. But he sold it. I think a lot of it off island. But he Yeah. Yeah. And so we have front and the back in corn. And of course, we have this round driveway,

Unknown Speaker 1:01:35
which no one uses the other side. Oh, this whole field was corn. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:39
Dad put it sign up corn 500 yards or something? And it was 89 cents for a large doesn't have 1069 cents for small doesn't? Yeah, there was. Yeah, there was a large. You

Unknown Speaker 1:01:58
had a good man.

Unknown Speaker 1:01:59
Kids, we we would sit up there in the roundabout. And people would come and buy corn. And we would have you know, whatever. But selling corn. Yeah. That's

Unknown Speaker 1:02:13
great. And why did you go out of the corn business? Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
sure. Sure. For two years. Yeah, I know. Well, the idea was, I always supply the land. And Roger was applying proper tools for planting machines and threw that away. So I guess it just got to the point where, I don't know. He was doing the lion's share of it. But I know what it comes down to tech. We both hate come when I got home from work about 430 or five that we pick it up for the next day. And then the kids were telling us we just did it for a couple of years. And

Unknown Speaker 1:02:55
we used to pick two when we got justice. We don't tear open too far. This is how it how it has to look. Because it's not done. You got to put you know what's gotten people together since you know? Yeah, I remember picking or

Unknown Speaker 1:03:13
so is that Roger Houston. Do you remember speaking of Darius, do you remember? The Shah? dari

Unknown Speaker 1:03:25
Shah family? Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
don't really know. I don't remember the shots. They

Unknown Speaker 1:03:31
were farther down I think just the hall on the right. From

Unknown Speaker 1:03:37
the hall. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:43
They have the White House. They have the White House Down by the tennis court.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:50
Next door to the tennis court.

Unknown Speaker 1:03:51
I'm not sure which house was theirs actually, but I just you know, I'm gonna be able to do that. I mean, I don't know. I didn't know Mike.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:00
Do you know who else was around? When you when you were here is Glenn ruckle. I always remember Gwen ruckle around because at Nan's coffee bar, she used to paint and there was always her paintings and they were for sale. You could buy them but they seem to be there all the time. And Glen Rocco would be driving around ever pick up to work and of course they don't need it. Yeah, go there. I don't know if all their land but a huge part of all of it. Yeah, to the park rec apart. But she was around Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:04:36
that's a thing now okay. You're so good on the prices cocoa or the price of her painting.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:43
No, no, it wasn't a lot. Yeah, there was a lot of like she would she did a lot of paintings in our beautiful trees and yeah, a lot of our views trees like probably looking at them from the ocean or We

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
started with a farm to go to pictures of the farmer. Just

Unknown Speaker 1:05:03
keep remembering the, the our view just truth and I know I knew what did you do

Unknown Speaker 1:05:09
for too long and extended care all that and she didn't actually talk? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:05:15
yeah, yeah but she was around she was involved with

Unknown Speaker 1:05:21
they were a talented family they weren't they artistic artistically and did you ever go out to the rucklehaus at all?

Unknown Speaker 1:05:27

Unknown Speaker 1:05:31

Unknown Speaker 1:05:34
I knew them from in Fulford I guess. Yeah. So we sort of talked about Fulford a bit How often would you go to Ganges for instance in a week

Unknown Speaker 1:05:44
oh, I say when we moved here well me most of the shopping and stuff

Unknown Speaker 1:05:51
okay once you moved up to this site here

Unknown Speaker 1:05:58
told her that we

Unknown Speaker 1:06:00
ever went to Ganges was when we went to school and took the school

Unknown Speaker 1:06:11
but your parents and your parents would necessarily be going against you send to know

Unknown Speaker 1:06:15
well I kind of the other the only time I remember going to Ganges is if we miss church down here, which was at 830. And then it was at 1030 in Ganges. So if we miss church, then we go to church in Ganges how

Unknown Speaker 1:06:32
handy that they staggered those times. I know

Unknown Speaker 1:06:35
as sleeper and then once in a while the corner store run by blind out once in a while, we would get a nickel to buy something that after church after church in town.

Unknown Speaker 1:06:59
That yeah, I just try to get a sense of how you know in Fulford, you know, people did get together but self and people tend to be more I think, maybe a bit more grouped, you know, an entity kind of thing. Oh, yeah. And wouldn't always necessarily go I mean, now, there's more traffic that way I think with people going to get Geez.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:23
We don't I mean, we don't go out and fool for.

Unknown Speaker 1:07:27
Well, it's just yeah, because it's just there's the word Park. No, it's messy down there for locals. Yeah, I understand. Every day. And would you go to Ganges for anything else? I guess doctor's appointments or regular stuff you didn't go to get used to play basketball against? Did you? Did you play So was this a time because I you know, also reading Bob's book, you know, they'd have these different teams. But your time is a little bit later than some of the times Bob talks about but was there sort of a South End team versus you know, north and

Unknown Speaker 1:08:03
before my time first thing was always full for now. Okay. Well, it was soccer, softball, basketball.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:16
But you didn't talk participate in that? No. That

Unknown Speaker 1:08:18
was before my time. You just hear all those glory stories. They all became friends. Yeah. No, that's

Unknown Speaker 1:08:25
true. I think they were all pretty friendly like but so you bought this house or this property from Mr. McManus now is that Mr. McManus had had the shelf

Unknown Speaker 1:08:35
they also had a tank full for Oh

Unknown Speaker 1:08:40
okay. And where were the tanks and Fulford

Unknown Speaker 1:08:44
Well, right. Behind Lowell fader those are shuffle little shops going up there. Yeah, right.

Unknown Speaker 1:08:52
And and and those were shut down. And do you remember when they were shut down or why? I don't know how long 70s Maybe late 70s or 20 years easy.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:06
Yeah. So environmentally, I think wasn't it

Unknown Speaker 1:09:10
they got shut it was kind of an environmental issue. Okay,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:13
because we have the two turns would have been improper and we have been good you

Unknown Speaker 1:09:18
know, they've also been surgeries. Right?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:22
Why did Mr. McMahon's did Mr. McMahon's live in this house? Or he just don't? He

Unknown Speaker 1:09:29
lived alone. Next house. Coming up the hill from Patterson's

Unknown Speaker 1:09:34
Oh goody. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:36
McMahon. Oh,

Unknown Speaker 1:09:37
no, no, this is a father, father and mother. The pattern was their son. Yeah. And he's the one and only gas tanks. Only rage.

Unknown Speaker 1:09:55
But are you saying that his parents live?

Unknown Speaker 1:09:57
No. Oh, never heard Hello. Come out in the function barrels of diesel and stuff.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:08
Oh, interesting. So they had a longer history on Saltspring than I realized. Okay, so you bought this from Mr. McManus and then and they had never lived here that at that point anyway did out McManus live in town them. No,

Unknown Speaker 1:10:22
I think he probably lives here.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:25
He lives here with his family. I remember coming to El we call them buckshot and Alex MCMANUS Yeah, he was the youngest coming to his were the same age to his birthday parties here. So he did he lived here. Yeah, that that McMahon has found the son and their family. No, forget all the girls. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:10:50
What are the daughters came back here? About 30 years ago remember? The girl for another girl that used to live in the house they came to the house and she after she could see again?

Unknown Speaker 1:11:02
Remember that? Debbie MedNet McManus I don't know which one to follow

Unknown Speaker 1:11:06
up but He's way better than us than I am. Do you remember? About 30 years ago? One of the girls that used to live here was all grown up and she came in she asked if she could see the house again. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:11:23
Which one was it? That wasn't that was the ones before me found this because she's this this girl lady. I think she said her father and built the house

Unknown Speaker 1:11:39
to know what that name is? No,

Unknown Speaker 1:11:40

Unknown Speaker 1:11:42
no no no no no no I some some lame I didn't know Yeah. Okay. I think I did remember that. The name that she managed to build a house you recognize

Unknown Speaker 1:12:06
looking at some old forms or something where we're going

Unknown Speaker 1:12:08
Well Dad Your memories really really good. Also a lot of stuff. I mean, so you don't remember someone's name? Didn't we met once briefly like

Unknown Speaker 1:12:17
what do you just mean your memory? What do you remember of? Let's say you're you know, driving down Ganges Hill Mall and maybe you're coming the other way because you used to come from a CVS but tell me what you remember again, geez, in the early years, for instance, when you first came here, was there fill in the harbor? Or was it just a little, little straight stretch going up to moments? Do you remember

Unknown Speaker 1:12:39
when I first started logging? I used to commute there were putting in the park also was it was a little road going to Moyes Yeah, there was no stuff anything on the left hand side of the road, the road was very white. And that's what they were doing. They were filling in the Ganges Harbor on the right hand side is going down. And then they also fill in the left hand side as well. Yeah. Firsthand was just one road going down. Yeah, not much room there at all. And eventually builds the park and fill it enough to book some more buildings on the lower left hand side looking at loads.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:24
And was was the Fulford community involved in that at all

Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
feel free to have a lot of horns? I don't know. I don't remember. I

Unknown Speaker 1:13:33
mean, I remember when all that happened I was living in Ganges I just wondered if there was sort of a contingent of fulfilled people that were involved at all. And so and then the fire hall went in and the Park went in and any other changes that you remember specifically again, geez, like when you would go to to shop there did you go to remember there being a market looks like that?

Unknown Speaker 1:13:57
Well, remember the Tanaka restaurant was right there too. Oh, it was called the white elephant.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:06
And then it was changed to the crest. Thanks to waitress there. And then Jackie

Unknown Speaker 1:14:18
kidnapper house. Yeah. So and readers do you remember readers restaurant their readers

Unknown Speaker 1:14:33
know that used to be this ship's anchor in which her dad used to okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:38
But read it read around the white elephant for some time.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:42
Oh, my Oh, I didn't know that.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:46
I think she was there. I'll have to double check that but and then my mum and dad had the chips in. And then the 20s bought my dad's place. And then and then Jackie I'm free to Window came over and ran that run. I just wonder if there's anything else about Ganges in particular that you remember changing or in the drift world or the big sewer? You know, putting in the sewer

Unknown Speaker 1:15:19
years ago, your high school?

Unknown Speaker 1:15:22
That's right. Yeah. Up the hill. Yeah. Even even,

Unknown Speaker 1:15:28
you know, or when I was in elementary school, like really? It was more grade one to 12. And kindergarten was at the White. I think it's community center now, on the left at Red Cross in the police station. Yeah. So the police station was there. And then there was the white building, which also housed a lot of people from older islands, the dormitory dormitory. Yeah. So there's a little kindergarten there. And I remember when the high school got finished, and then all these people moved on to the high school went up the hill went up the hill. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:10
Yeah, that seemed to always seem appropriate to me. So I just want to just we've kind of gotten through almost everything here. But I want to just ask about the faux fur again. And there's there's been a series of full Freudians down there really hasn't been

Unknown Speaker 1:16:26
well, they feel there was one. Will that while they come in talks about way back in the 30s or something. I didn't know that till I read the book. Yeah. And I guess that burnt down or something. But then when we moved here, there was just a white shocky building and the only thing that ever was there. I forget their names. They lived down here. And then they opened a store in town. They opened a little restaurant there briefly. And then there was nothing. Do you remember what

Unknown Speaker 1:16:56
the restaurant was called?

Unknown Speaker 1:16:57
No, not at all.

Unknown Speaker 1:16:58
Do you remember that little building that cooks talking about?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:01
Oh, do you remember there's a white building there like a just shackle

Unknown Speaker 1:17:08
little population. So that was

Unknown Speaker 1:17:13
they had one daughter and they they opened up a store later on up again, Geez, that was really quite successful. It was right across like mo it's here. And then there's like the drive we there. And it was in that building to the left and the ice cream and T shirts. And they were they were the original people who Oh.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:36
daughter was the dogs or something?

Unknown Speaker 1:17:41
Actors, they were new to the island back then

Unknown Speaker 1:17:45
when they when they opened up that little restaurant down here

Unknown Speaker 1:17:50
in full for they were new to the island at that time. No. Yeah, I just can't remember. That's good.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
I don't know. I don't remember anything about that little building down there. But so that Billy was dead. It was basically it was nested funk. So so how did it come that you got involved in opening up before friggin that? How did that happen? We're just logging at the time. So I just interrupt we still logging at the time. Are

Unknown Speaker 1:18:17
we sure all our own business? So Sherry board understands dachser he was he was a partner later on. And my brother and myself and Fred Howard, or the five of us? Just decided to because I think that's a third in built a lot of progress.

Unknown Speaker 1:18:37
Yeah, so saying

Unknown Speaker 1:18:41
it was an older kind of way. Yeah. So

Unknown Speaker 1:18:46
But was it just a sort of a whim or you thought well, it's an investment or how did it

Unknown Speaker 1:18:53
probably be an investment?

Unknown Speaker 1:18:55
And because there wasn't too much in the area? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:18:59
so it

Unknown Speaker 1:19:01
was a going concern the Fulford in for some time, wasn't it? It was how many years? Was it an operation? Do you know? Well?

Unknown Speaker 1:19:12
She was 78 because you looked at all of us and you said I don't want to see any of you in here until you're

Unknown Speaker 1:19:21
nice and open. We saw lightning

Unknown Speaker 1:19:27
No, that's a good round. So

Unknown Speaker 1:19:28
that was Peter Wilson. And then I'll have spill overs to rollers

Unknown Speaker 1:19:41
and now there seems to be plans for something new to go in there as

Unknown Speaker 1:19:45
well. Yeah, that's all in all the bureaucrats and all the lawmakers got

Unknown Speaker 1:19:51
through all the hoops. Yeah. Tell her how long it took you guys to get all the approval status.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:57
There wasn't too bad those days, you know? Oh yeah we're gonna see everything from Liquor Control Board to government officials and all that but wasn't

Unknown Speaker 1:20:07
there a big thing about because that creek there's salmon spawn up there

Unknown Speaker 1:20:12
yeah oh yeah it's always you know it's all nice jewelry area one thing going on

Unknown Speaker 1:20:25
Did you see any sign of the salmon coming up the creek when you were there?

Unknown Speaker 1:20:28
Oh yeah you can see the spawn

Unknown Speaker 1:20:33
and did you tell me coffee

Unknown Speaker 1:20:35
guys is the fish in the creek or something

Unknown Speaker 1:20:39
we used to fish with a piece of string and and a safety weren't touching much no but you could see the fish

Unknown Speaker 1:20:53
yeah, and it was also in the creek there were also one of those things with the claw remember they were trying to get fish

Unknown Speaker 1:21:01
yeah. And what do you know of what's in the creek now?

Unknown Speaker 1:21:06
I think it's actually better now because there was a lot of because of the bird going dairy and because of other farming stuff that was going on apparently there was a lot of effluent effluent yeah go rip going into it and what I understand now is that it is cleaner and better and there's more stuff

Unknown Speaker 1:21:30
more rare more sound coming back or yeah, probably but I think the a Cummins

Unknown Speaker 1:21:35
used to fish in there and Bill rafts in there and I told Shane or dongle about that too shy on the run yeah so yeah, did you did you you would you go

Unknown Speaker 1:21:53
fishing and stuff in the harbor on

Unknown Speaker 1:21:55
a regular basis at all or go get crab or not ready

Unknown Speaker 1:21:58
to my kids all everyone's Oh, yeah. Till the kids oil?

Unknown Speaker 1:22:05
Not really But dad worked all the time. Ya know? And he was involved with all the good stuff. Were you also involved with the Chamber of Commerce and no Ganges? No.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:17
I wasn't a total nerd. But that was my blog

Unknown Speaker 1:22:20
was at the same time that you had the full friggin them. Probably it was the same sort of connection or

Unknown Speaker 1:22:29
termination in businesses.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:30
So dad, I'd like to know something when you started the Fulford in was it you guys you Jerry and Fred Howard and spam dockstader You know having a bunch of beers at the harbor house or something and saying oh, I think it may be a good idea if we build it in down there.

Unknown Speaker 1:22:51
Well probably started somewhere. I don't know. Man started my channel is

Unknown Speaker 1:22:59
one of those ideas that just slowly brewed well it was good when I worked there for a few years myself. Well

Unknown Speaker 1:23:08
I mean three of them here they already all burned down.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:14
Well, well,

Unknown Speaker 1:23:16
you gotta well get in was good. I think you know, you it was high times I think at the forefront and when you when you guys were out there so

Unknown Speaker 1:23:22
it's like on Boxing Day. Yeah. Huge. Everybody went to Fulford and on Boxing Day, remember that?

Unknown Speaker 1:23:31

Unknown Speaker 1:23:34
And of course, I was working in the dining room on boxing days, right? Yes. And I still remember serving a whole table of like Lynn Ross Hardy ever huge and they're like, come on our party after Yeah. Oh, yeah. By the end of the

Unknown Speaker 1:23:55
night, was telling her she was working there. And all of a sudden, I wasn't there. But somebody was telling me. She was going back with a free event. And all of a sudden, no, I was there too. I didn't hear and all of a sudden, you hear a couple little wrinkles change in between all of laughter the talking. And then pretty soon somebody bumps down. The whole tree falls on the floor crashed and solid shows on stay out

Unknown Speaker 1:24:29
quick Yeah, no, it was

Unknown Speaker 1:24:35
rendering. Oh, yes. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:24:38
thought maybe you might want a picture of that.

Unknown Speaker 1:24:41
Yeah, we might be I'll talk to you after but

Unknown Speaker 1:24:45
yeah, we might have some maybe we could

Unknown Speaker 1:24:47
borrow that. Yeah, get some copies made from Yeah, pictures so but I just don't want to keep you much longer because that's a long time to be to be chatting but is there anything else that you know? It comes to mind that about Saltspring but your time here cocaine on the list your gravel pit. I didn't talk about that at all. Was that something that you were involved with? But that wasn't

Unknown Speaker 1:25:14
on the island that yeah, I really that's that's kind of their own property before I got married and that was 60 acres.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:25
But anything else in terms of how you feel about Fulford or

Unknown Speaker 1:25:29
oh, well, certainly nice, peaceful place to live, that's for sure.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:35
Yeah, no, no regrets about your life here. You and your unitary have been in this house for 37 years. That's that's a life that's a lifetime in one space. People don't do that.

Unknown Speaker 1:25:47
Oh, yeah. How's it

Unknown Speaker 1:25:51
37 years 37 years in this house? Yeah, yeah, that's a long that's a long time. It's lovely and things have changed around you but in essence the essence of Fulford seems to me seems a little bit the same. What do you think? Well,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:08
I guess everything is pretty much the same. Paint shaving or Yes.

Unknown Speaker 1:26:13
People that stay here have the same Yeah, the people that are still in the security have to face failure. Yeah. And you know, they're still gonna hug and kiss when you see someone you haven't seen for a while and are you doing it because you don't see people like you? You know, yeah, your work with them and they don't see them or whatever. And that that effort hasn't changed another matter what you do or anything else?

Unknown Speaker 1:26:36
Well, at the end of the day, we accept that for yourself. That's nice. Do

Unknown Speaker 1:26:39
you think also that like there's a lot of agricultural zoned properties around info for now so there hasn't been a lot of like big developments like again, geez, or sail north end or whatever? Is it north? Yeah. Even sorry,

Unknown Speaker 1:26:55
but even towards the beaver point, there's more I think houses and things Yeah, and there because I know traffic on cushion Lake is so bad but but yeah, you think you might be right big tracts of land here big farms coaxing, right? So the I mean, it's changed but there's still those big chunks and not you know, multitudes of housing going in and which kind of keeps it as a familiar kind of space right here under the under the mountain side the Lavon. And

Unknown Speaker 1:27:27
the only thing really that changed behind dad is that that was turned into Park lamp. Now that they bought that so now he's got 2000 or Terry data. 2000

Unknown Speaker 1:27:38
acres park behind them. That's pretty nice.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:41
No development. No, no, it's okay. somewhere else, not mine back.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:48
No, it's lovely. Well, thanks for Yeah, if you

Unknown Speaker 1:27:53
anything else, or?

Unknown Speaker 1:27:56
Yeah, well, I'm gonna have a look at your pictures before I go. And then if we get, we might ask for permission to just copy some pictures to have on a file because we could start a bit of a collection for you if you want to do that. So I'm going to turn this off.