Salt Spring Island Archives

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Brendan Ko

interviewed by Kate Roland, 21 June 2019

Part One

Part Two

Part Three

Part Four

Part Five

Accession Number
Date 21 June 2019
Media digital recording Audio mp3 √
duration 94, 21, 7, 53, 34 minutes

425_Kate-Roland_Brendan-Ko_21-06-2019_190621_0041.mp3 to 0046.mp3 (first few seconds incorporated into following segment)



Part One

Unknown Speaker 0:00
He said send me an email

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Mark all right this microphone guy well that's her

Unknown Speaker 0:12
yeah this is this this sort of end

Unknown Speaker 0:14
of Kanaka road is new to me

Unknown Speaker 0:17
it's probably been here like 40 years but

Unknown Speaker 0:21
when I went to school it just came in off of Rainbow Road and came past our school that was only the one school at that time great one to 12 That's Frank's so you can aka road probably just came to a boat here so

Unknown Speaker 0:43
I don't know if one of these was maybe the old home

Unknown Speaker 0:47
they're all brand new now by the looks of it

Unknown Speaker 0:51
brought this might remember if there was an old house here let's

Unknown Speaker 1:03
see I don't know what that is. But this is where the road used to come see that boat over there at the far side which is that's Rainbow Road and it cut in here and drove all the way up here they've just made this a walkway now and then it came around and went up the hill here

Unknown Speaker 1:22
so I think connector only went as far as is right here. So one of these old places must have been

Unknown Speaker 1:29
in this weird junction because then yeah cuz this would be the end of it and then the park because of its namesake

Unknown Speaker 1:40
I'll bet you it was right there are one of these the old place and that's the mysterious affiliate Parker

Unknown Speaker 1:48
we'll have to look at the connected skateboard now. That's great. I

Unknown Speaker 1:52
never knew that. Yeah, I

Unknown Speaker 1:53
took a picture of it last time I was out here

Unknown Speaker 1:57
but it was just the school down there was grades one through 12 And then this is the high school that they built. It was before just before I went to high school had it built I have to check the census because I seem to know that Cecilia Parker lived here on Kanaka road and I don't know if it said that on the census or how I know that that's something I was told. But that was the

Unknown Speaker 2:32
where she lived and then she ended up on board Long Island yeah

Unknown Speaker 2:46
is this Friday or Saturday? Is Friday

Unknown Speaker 2:50
Saturday tomorrow the traffic is it's gonna be cars parked all the way along here. Yeah, so you just park somewhere just walk into town

Unknown Speaker 3:04
all of this will be Park

Unknown Speaker 3:11
Rainbow Road up there to Kanaka road before

Unknown Speaker 3:21
and the Calaca place used to be the restaurant.

Unknown Speaker 3:25
This was the old place that originally called the log cabin. And the Conoco place was it used to be like right where this place is

Unknown Speaker 3:36
it was in there it was sort of down in the hall long since gone

Unknown Speaker 3:45
Jackie lonely

Unknown Speaker 3:49
lonely Hagen Himba

Unknown Speaker 3:55
Ramat place

Unknown Speaker 3:58
What do you think it was last open

Unknown Speaker 4:03
I think she sold it I believe and it was run as Kanaka place for a long time after that. Yeah. And then when did they sell it? Gosh

Unknown Speaker 4:11
She got me long time ago was

Unknown Speaker 4:19
30 years ago.

Unknown Speaker 4:50
But we rarely ventured up to Ganges. It was it was a long trip for like, you know,

Unknown Speaker 4:59
was this rode here was

Unknown Speaker 5:03
it was an i seems to me it wasn't paved all the way. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:14
See a lot of my memories and recollections are because of what I've heard. So a lot of times I'm telling a story and I kind of wonder if, if I remember that myself, or is that something that my sisters told me or my brothers, my dad, we get the lines gets sort of crossed and we'll go this way.

Unknown Speaker 5:41
Now, that's an interesting part of gathering. So as history is that is like a blurring of it eventually, because you've lived with that, that memory for so long. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 5:55
And like my sisters, like me, and my oldest sister, Ethel was passed down, they would tell stories, like they remember when we were building the house that we live in, going down there later. no electricity and no insight, plumbing and those sorts of things. And then I always knew electricity in my lifetime. They remember getting the first TV we ever had. And I always remember having TV. You know, so it's those sort of things. And I'll say sometimes I remember when we got our first TV, but that's not my memory. That's their memory through me. So I have to try and catch myself with both sometimes.

Unknown Speaker 6:37
Yeah, extended extended histories.

Unknown Speaker 6:42
Like you know, that's all all the sort of weight oral history goes you know, you're passing along the stories you've heard, but I have to catch myself by saying I remember I got an ad I remember my sister telling me

Unknown Speaker 7:05
and then you have to decide how how how if you've stuck to the original story,

Unknown Speaker 7:14
or then you've ever were talking about I like that person believed that this was a

Unknown Speaker 7:21
story or yeah year that was closer to the original birdsong This is better this road better This was amazing at the time. Full time family

Unknown Speaker 7:42
thought Hawaiian, but this is the Indian war club she was showing you the museum Yeah. That was found down this way down on better speech. He lives somewhere along here or let me be able to breathe at the end I think at the end where the Queen lives

Unknown Speaker 8:15
this is where I rehearsed last night down this way

Unknown Speaker 8:38
I remember the road to Ganges used to look very much like this very closed in and grown over trees very narrow. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 8:47
Now it's like it's like freeway.

Unknown Speaker 8:52
Wider. Yeah. I mean, there's public transit. Really? Yeah. Because how, how it's distances there from Dante's to full board. I

Unknown Speaker 9:01
think it's about 12 miles. Yeah. 14 kilometers or 60 kilometers.

Unknown Speaker 9:08
I always like this. It looks like they move the road around the barn.

Unknown Speaker 9:15
When the England used to live here

Unknown Speaker 9:26
our bus used to come down this way our school bus went this way in the back way to home instead of down the main highway.

Unknown Speaker 10:03
Something's going on. Well I see a balloon hanging there someone's having a party.

Unknown Speaker 10:08
Oh yeah it looks good birthday party complex down there too you see Saturdays or weddings right?

Unknown Speaker 10:21
Yeah, this is Friday is it like graduation time was

Unknown Speaker 10:28
such a long time since they've been in school and I don't remember with

Unknown Speaker 10:31
the June 20 I think they usually well sometime in June

Unknown Speaker 10:36

Unknown Speaker 10:47
definitely party

Unknown Speaker 10:52
so when what road is this road

Unknown Speaker 10:56
add ins business

Unknown Speaker 11:49
if you go straight down this road you hit Venice Beach I'm guessing that's exactly your email. I thought he was more of this way but I don't think so I begin the breakdown on the end of this road and that's where they found that

Unknown Speaker 12:10
but there was lots of Indian encampments all around this island it was a big one again Geez Fulford was a spot for them

Unknown Speaker 12:19
Do you know when the reserved was established

Unknown Speaker 12:25
no it was always there as Island as I grew up yeah

Unknown Speaker 12:30
go down there and whether or not a mile Do you want go down there? Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 12:32
check it out. Check it out

Unknown Speaker 12:56
they were the first nations people were were all over this island I believe like you know they came on capped over here they probably had a season for either berries or crabbing or climbing or

Unknown Speaker 13:09
there's all this the clamping say found here as well.

Unknown Speaker 13:12
There's a few clap that's on sound is wonderful for password brother lives but you can't see it from the road and we'd have to go down to the beach and walk along the beach to about a half mile along the beach. It was one out that capital or or Musgrave land held badly the very tip of the island down by close with a lovely places that one I don't know where it is. I did it was a small one on Brussel island

Unknown Speaker 13:56
but they have their areas where they first nations before they will go like they would come here and spend maybe four weeks picking berries and then we might be moving on to Maple bay because it's crabbing time

Unknown Speaker 14:09
yeah. So very like just a temporary residency you're

Unknown Speaker 14:14
constantly on the move.

Unknown Speaker 14:18
And so this is where rehearse last night right there.

Unknown Speaker 14:23
Oh, they got bamboo

Unknown Speaker 14:27
so what was your question? Is

Unknown Speaker 14:29
so like, I guess they're the first people to settle here. So because before you said like the First Nations that would come they would only be passing through your living here temporarily. But I guess the first people to settle here permanently. Are they?

Unknown Speaker 14:51
Now that's a good question.

Unknown Speaker 14:57
Each anymore

Unknown Speaker 15:00
I think these are the first people to actually settle here. Well, maybe that was the ones that pre pre empting the land

Unknown Speaker 15:08
because it was the First Nations people here. And then the Hudson's Bay Company decided to open it up to pre Kiddieland

Unknown Speaker 15:17
I don't know this is parking. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 15:23
the lady who lives here now, Susan Blum.

Unknown Speaker 15:25
very good friend of mine.

Unknown Speaker 15:29
We used to walk onto the beach there, but I thought there was a public outlet to go around, maybe it was there when I turned on to Lyon. Yeah, so it was the first people who actually homesteaded here might have been because of the Hudson's Bay Company opening for granted. And I think that was the north end of the island. I think the guys from the underground railway I think became an OB 50s.

Unknown Speaker 16:03
was open to the guys who worked at the Hudson's Bay Company too. So that's why you've got people like names like Baddest and Musgrave they might be Scottish or English descent they were free to preempt also was just open to just the Hawaiians can get back to your

Unknown Speaker 16:23
African Americans

Unknown Speaker 16:26
now this led to the beach

Unknown Speaker 16:33
yeah, this is probably that we can walk around on the beach

Unknown Speaker 16:40
no parking a time fire lane do not block access.

Unknown Speaker 16:45
Do you want to go on to the beach or

Unknown Speaker 16:48
do you mind just get a quick photo

Unknown Speaker 16:52
find ourselves a place to park and

Unknown Speaker 16:57
walk in the fire lane

Unknown Speaker 16:58
belong I feel

Unknown Speaker 17:00
like right right along there

Unknown Speaker 17:02
right there's no parking sign

Unknown Speaker 17:14
with us

Unknown Speaker 17:32
falling down

Unknown Speaker 17:37
would you mind just carrying the microphone maybe like you could put it in your in your first there this one Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 18:24
Think this is all all

Unknown Speaker 18:26
all orchards here? They have an apple festival

Unknown Speaker 18:38
they went around I think all

Unknown Speaker 18:39
of the Heritage

Unknown Speaker 18:43
orchards I think and named all the apples. The pioneers have brought set up with wines. A lot of that Yeah, well I remember learning

Unknown Speaker 18:53
about one island that was like was this or they would make cider there are oral history of like he did a presentation about the Hawaiian settlement talks about like one island that was pretty much only just apples grew there.

Unknown Speaker 19:18
That might have been Russell Island. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 19:21
That's the only place there's lots of lots of apples over there for sure.

Unknown Speaker 19:28
The Hawaiians are great gardeners I think no kind of was really partial cherry trees. Love cherry.

Unknown Speaker 19:38
Boy Right? Like something that's unique. And that was like part of the draw was a lot of people laugh because there's something

Unknown Speaker 19:49
different out there something different Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 19:52
A lot of the clothes were like a huge thing and like, like I've been learning about the first set The first point is to leave but like about like a lot of them were just like they would just they wouldn't want money because money wasn't worth anything and they would just do it for clothes yeah for Iran

Unknown Speaker 20:37
gotta watch the character

Unknown Speaker 20:55
like this

Unknown Speaker 21:00
this clean place

Unknown Speaker 21:02
down there we called it at least Castle because the guy who bought it in between Windsor up late

Unknown Speaker 21:13
you he built it out of like old barn wood he dumped on an old barn

Unknown Speaker 21:16
and he take all of the wood and built it was all

Unknown Speaker 21:19
lots of rock so it sort of looks like a castle so the COVID at least castle and his nickname for it was up and he was a painter Susan Blum bought it off she still lives there now played a couple of gigs there for her

Unknown Speaker 21:42
oh yeah and what are some of these islands out here?

Unknown Speaker 21:51
Well now let me think

Unknown Speaker 21:58
these are the islands This is

Unknown Speaker 22:02
damn you got me

Unknown Speaker 22:05
I should know this. And I don't that's mainly over there because I can see flag hill

Unknown Speaker 22:14
and you can see the ferry out there

Unknown Speaker 22:21
so can you see the very out there it's hidden practice paths which cuts through main Galliano and that furthers till you see over there with the little buildings on the top that's main island

Unknown Speaker 22:33
so this one isn't

Unknown Speaker 22:35
just parcels I don't know I gotta get the map

Unknown Speaker 22:45
don't know this then

Unknown Speaker 22:47
tell them ask me about this

Unknown Speaker 22:50
I'll say my question

Unknown Speaker 22:54
that's probably Dalian over there in the distance it's this close one here it's got me pulled up

Unknown Speaker 23:08
as Google as Wikipedia they know

Unknown Speaker 23:13
All right, let's see. So

Unknown Speaker 23:18
it's not purple maybe it's purple

Unknown Speaker 23:21
yeah thank God I thought it was farther north Eliana and that's mainly over there amazing. tenders. Yeah, north north and south Bender is different from this angle. We can see Moresby Moresby,

Unknown Speaker 23:50
which is just like, yonder is around

Unknown Speaker 23:58
better speech? really found that. Yeah, and then all the shelves, right? Yeah. And like is the bank got it all shored up now there's probably a lot of black soil is yeah, you could dig into that and be layers and layers and layers of shells.

Unknown Speaker 24:18
And quite a lot of fossils to be found here. Yeah, there's

Unknown Speaker 24:21
a beach on Portland Island. We were up there camping time. And I was still the beach was chipping with black soil sludge slipped in charcoal to fire stop the layers of shell.

Unknown Speaker 24:37
She's looking variously for an arrowhead or a false anything.

Unknown Speaker 24:42
Sure. No,

Unknown Speaker 24:44
I was sitting on the beach. And I just sort of running the sand through my hands. I found a little tiny arrowhead. It's sitting at home on my shelf. I said hey, look, it is you put that there? I said no, I did

Unknown Speaker 24:58
it. I just found it. Oh no you didn't say yes I did. So you can find

Unknown Speaker 25:04
interested in stuff like this it has been picked over pretty good

Unknown Speaker 25:12
to go or people haven't gotten crab apples

Unknown Speaker 25:18
now I don't know

Unknown Speaker 25:21
they'll probably turn into

Unknown Speaker 25:27
Greg here all by itself

Unknown Speaker 25:29

Unknown Speaker 25:37
another thing you don't get in Hawaii is Apple

Unknown Speaker 25:40
Yeah, I had my friends come up Patrick sky Dixon and his partner Kai for no holiday and we were driving him around

Unknown Speaker 25:56
what time of year they were here but the apples were still on the trees but most of them have fallen.

Unknown Speaker 26:00

Unknown Speaker 26:04
I remember he leaped from the backseat of the car. There's an apple on that tree

Unknown Speaker 26:14
we just don't see it. You should have told her the story about I remember hearing this like Vancouver one of their my other banana. Banana trees produce a banana like one banana. And it was like it was all theirs on the nude. No way. Because yeah, I see all the banana leaves everywhere. Yeah, Cooper. I'm like oh, it's probably too cold for it to ever grow through.

Unknown Speaker 26:45
They flower Yeah, but I've never seen anybody growing up in an but all this orchard here is heritage are very very old apple trees. Yeah, I think the ones on Russell island. They used to graph two or three different kinds of apples. So you've got this one tree that's going through

Unknown Speaker 27:12
like a lot of the citrus trees in Hawaii people will have like limes and lemons on one tree some trees have oranges and limes ah yeah

Unknown Speaker 27:31
pretty clever he figured this stuff out

Unknown Speaker 27:35
like citrus is a very like accepting grafting tree

Unknown Speaker 27:49
that's better

Unknown Speaker 27:55
I don't know much about the better sound again I have enough trouble keeping track of my own okay that's the door is not shut again

Unknown Speaker 28:07
learn to properly get

Unknown Speaker 28:09
a little poop

Unknown Speaker 28:20

Unknown Speaker 28:39
yeah, a lot of these areas like I remember coming down here when we were in high school use came down here for Shimon. Not really knowing anything of the history of it. I know the names or names of the family. But now that I'm starting to dig into the history of it, it's it's becoming clear to me. You know, who these people were and where they lived.

Unknown Speaker 29:03
But you can piece together relationships as it starts making me more cohesive. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 29:12
It also shows me how little I know of these people. You start digging around and seeing this property who lived next door. I knew they lived down there but I didn't know that they were neighbors

Unknown Speaker 29:35
when did you first start digging more into your own family history?

Unknown Speaker 29:40
Well, I've had it sort of for like both 40 years, but mostly, I was just sort of regurgitating what I already knew. And then, I guess after he went to Hawaii and I started going to white people started asking me Oh, Oh, so you're from Canada. How did you finally get there? And I sort of knew, but I wasn't very, very forthright in my comments. So I better find out what this is all about so that when people ask me compelling, so I guess it was about the 80s that I really started digging into it slow but sure. And then I ran into Rory, when did I meet her? Quote, the early 2000s And here's Rory, Rory Ullman. As it turns out, it's sort of a distant cousin. She's a genealogist I think she went to school and actually became a genealogist whereas I'm just sort of an armchair genealogist she knows the job. And she was her family and because also of the Pacific, Northwest Hawaiians, he was their family name. And she had this thing was her grandmother, when her grandmother died, it was sort of like this deathbed thing, like, find out who your family is, and, you know, tell the story. And she promised her grandmother, she would. And so she felt she felt that she had to do that. So she started really looking into all the Hawaiian families that came a more inclusive look, not just her family, what I was doing is looking just for now, and anything that had to do with him. And if it was anything about Kuopio, or the hall mayors, or the McCoys, I sort of glanced at it, but didn't really pay much attention. I was so focused in on now. So I had a partial family tree that meet me in technology. I had put it online. It was my attempt to try and do that because I feel to share our family history is great. A lot of people want to hide it for some reason. Oh, don't let people know that anyway. So I managed to get this tree online. And Rory found it, I guess probably just by searching for the name now kind of knowing that that was one of the original families. And so she contacted me, I think and said, Gee, I saw your tree. I'm doing this project. So we hooked up after that. And she was the one that really opened my eyes to how interconnected all those families are. So even though I was trying to, to sort of disregard but not look at the other Hawaiian names. If I look far enough back in my tree, they're on there. Those families intermarried. So now, now it's now it's a big mess. As history is, yeah, there's so many connections. And then as I said, then I really started noticing how it was Rory really brought to light how much the name spelling of the means, and just the changing of the names. Like my great, great grandfather, William now, I believe. They called him Lewis

Unknown Speaker 33:29
thought there was another name too, but at least Lewis and William has given names, and now kind of had so many different spellings, like we saw on his preemption record manaton. Like that's not even close. If someone told me I'd never heard the name before they said my name is now Connor. I would pro but now n o w. Connor, at least za na.

Unknown Speaker 33:55
Put bent on like, too much of a joke. Still logical? Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 34:02
And then plus he had this name like a meme. Whereas in his obituary, it said, like comedic LIC, K, eight MB, the company. And Uncle Paul is called lick Amin. And he was of the impression that it was an Indian name given to him. That meant friend. But anybody I talked to, as I said, my cousin, Fred is pretty fluent in the hope of meaning language. And I asked him if that name. Word meant anything and he said it did not it did not to his mother, who was full college. So we couldn't find any connection with it. And then I noticed in some of the records, written from San Juan Island from Bellevue sheep farmers where he worked in the later years of his life. It was London, l apostrophe G mi n, log Amin, so it looks more like French name. So I typed in French translation, like the mean is the urgent the child but generally talking about a woman or a girl but if they just thought of as as the kid or the child, like the beam now would be the child of milk so I'm guessing a lot with that name, but let them eat. And then that mean is spelled 1000 different ways. There's the L apostrophe Ga Ga mi n, like the mean and then lie to me l y. Like Amin and his obituary like a man like a man just any any way you could think of spelling that name, spelt it and that's that's on death records that's in censuses notes about him so it could pop up everywhere so you have to really read a lot of this this information and the documents and deduce if it's the same person or not but there's no one else in the maybe the close to that so that's that's sort of a given there's never been another now I could find or even close this is the Crossroads This is beaver point road we're on now. The one we just came off with Stuart road that is route turned into Stuart now we're heading for the beaver point school.

Unknown Speaker 37:27
Western Lake was in like the late back farther like we go go past it on the way back because it was not Stewart was cold. We always felt stalling sto W E L L. But it was actually still sto W E. And on the maps, they were still and they didn't have room to put lake so they just put out so it looks like stall. So it's always been known as Storm. I don't know still maybe that was the name of a family that lived there still.

Unknown Speaker 38:38
Around how many people were living here when you're growing up?

Unknown Speaker 38:45
Made maybe 5000. Maybe less than 3500 jumped into my mind at first.

Unknown Speaker 38:54
And now it seems like there's a fair amount of people and a high floating population. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 39:00
I think the summertime, it used to just double or triple lots of summer people. And at one point I remember them saying there was like 15,000 permanent residents. But that was a very long time. I believe my memory so who knows everything about?

Unknown Speaker 39:30
This is the marina. She used to and I think she still does volunteer at the Information Center in Ganges and people will drop in and they want to know where places are a bit of the history itself. And she's been asked me to write up a little paper about the Hawaiian connection.

Unknown Speaker 39:49
short summary. Yeah. Yeah, like, can you write a short summary? It's all long for you

Unknown Speaker 40:00
Even when so when I think okay, well, I'll just start about like, you know, Hawaiians first coming to Salt Spring was the preemption but that's not telling them how Hawaiians came here to the coast. So I try and go back to that, by the time you tell them that. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 40:16
it's all about context or a Yeah. Okay, so what were the reasons for for leaving and and also the fact that like 1811 is like, it's like not that long before that was like the first time the Europeans arrived in Hawaii or like, it was like, known, you know, that's right.

Unknown Speaker 40:37
I can tell tell people like 1811 when they built the boat started building the first thing was there was not much else here except indigenous people. Yeah, like there was no as I said, The Spanish had the mission of Lucca, but they did really nothing with it. It just sat there and they were probably trying to attend to the spiritual needs of any of the local people there. But there was no British encampment there was no Americans it was nobody here so our history on on this coast not just this island is barely 200 years old. And that's a couple of generations ago

Unknown Speaker 41:37
you know, when they started pre empting land here in well, grandpa was 1875 on so that was how many years ago 1975 And it's 2019 so 100 Barely 150 years ago

Unknown Speaker 41:57
for Salzburg

Unknown Speaker 42:01
now this has been repoint school

Unknown Speaker 42:08
still run it as like a daycare sort of preschool

Unknown Speaker 42:21
I guess so. Yeah. It's definitely it's got the moon on the door

Unknown Speaker 42:29
check out the facilities doesn't look as anybody around today

Unknown Speaker 43:01
you that's all locked up nobody here today was maybe school is over. It's June 20.

Unknown Speaker 43:49
Right if you look Yeah, it's like late in nega I guess the school

Unknown Speaker 43:53
year is over. Yeah, school's out

Unknown Speaker 43:55
for summer. I'm gonna have you kind of just clip that in but have this this the clip revealed and if you could put it like yeah like that. And then if you could actually have it kind of pointing upwards like the free part perfect Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 44:23
This is pretty much exactly the way it was. A bit to the floors are original. And walls. My grandmother Matilda went to school here

Unknown Speaker 44:44
in this church, or when you think around when she

Unknown Speaker 44:48
was born? 1877 So six years later would be 1883.

Unknown Speaker 44:56
Oh, you know what the? No, I think when you not always like the perfect place actually. Oh yeah.

Unknown Speaker 45:06
Yeah yeah, what

Unknown Speaker 45:11
do you think 73 would be my guess you could go at six. But they sort of started school early in those days isn't it Isabel point school that we're gonna go well, we'll drive by where it was Stam. My cousin Stan, who's here a few weeks ago said that his father and his father was Albert Stanley Harris. We call them Kelly. That's another nickname. That's a proper name. Anyway, we call them Kelly Harrison. And he was born in Portland Island to my grandmother Matilda. And Stan said that when they wanted to open his development school, they needed a certain amount of students to open school. You get it? And they didn't have enough. So they said, Well, if we bring it over from Portland Island, we really did that. And they built that school in 1905. Six,

Unknown Speaker 46:11
that's when

Unknown Speaker 46:13
you move chair. The story was that she moved from Portland their family moved here. I think she continued to either row here. And if weather was bad, or it was wintertime, I know she stayed a lot of time with the Oracles who did farther down the point here and Mrs. Rocco Potter how to knit che and probably needlepoint things so she probably spent some time with them. Like don't think no come up to her here. I think she moved her family here because they were living on for you see they're fine. And then we are pioneers. And then some of the names down below this year on that side. That move I have a voice Fisher family same thing where I'm Oh, she married Abel Douglas and George Fisher. So she had to two families.

Unknown Speaker 47:11
How many right how

Unknown Speaker 47:13
many Peavine is there with OPA now they spell it pKa vi N E that's junk Hall Yeah, that's homea I guess that's how Mayor all these nice kings they were first nations. There's Betis we were just a better speech recklessness like I think those are the the Hawaiian families Fisher Douglas. Paul my Peavine they didn't get Malcolm in there. That would have been Matilda. She's the only one

Unknown Speaker 48:05
by the efforts of the community

Unknown Speaker 48:09
and each team the school was reopened 1979

Unknown Speaker 48:24
was built in 1885. And what did we say she might have started the identity three so she started later because she would have been eight or nine years old by them

Unknown Speaker 48:43

Unknown Speaker 48:51
He rode over from Portland Oregon photographing the referee.

Unknown Speaker 49:12

Unknown Speaker 49:25
it'll be the know when I don't know

Unknown Speaker 50:00
All right Right Find on there with over that little red so that must be the name of the school don't poach people would keep the kids warm in the winter

Unknown Speaker 52:57
yours good over here

Unknown Speaker 53:06
okay now the vine place see if we can find it oh

Unknown Speaker 53:11
yeah it's right by the course of the

Unknown Speaker 53:17
street was it was 16 something years came we had to go fast and it's 1616 something that was 13 something and if we went by it was a meme she said you've gone too far so we'll definitely see that

Unknown Speaker 53:35

Unknown Speaker 53:38
seems like we got a little bit to go before we hit that point 14 Like 1680

Unknown Speaker 53:49
Something like that answers

Unknown Speaker 53:50
85 5050

Unknown Speaker 54:22
loves to

Unknown Speaker 54:31
be one of the one of the things I need to look into is where did that mean P line

Unknown Speaker 54:35
come from?

Unknown Speaker 54:37
Search like this the history of it over here. So this is that black curve right that is number one we hit this street we've gone too far right? This state forest rage rain forest ridge right

Unknown Speaker 55:04
Number There 16 82k T babies

Unknown Speaker 55:15
back we got you know I think you said Jim back

Unknown Speaker 55:24
that's the name of the guy who's living in the place

Unknown Speaker 55:28
gone too far so

Unknown Speaker 55:29
let's go back

Unknown Speaker 55:41
familiar looking map right yeah their farm their farm is just up ahead

Unknown Speaker 56:00
did you go down here before take a look at their farm

Unknown Speaker 56:04
yes you're

Unknown Speaker 56:05
right up close here

Unknown Speaker 56:06
we don't go all the way to the beach it's it's a long hike into the campground now that their farm is right here this would have been where grandmother came to which you had to go to school

Unknown Speaker 56:34
house over there

Unknown Speaker 56:39
quite a few old buildings here

Unknown Speaker 57:08
barn there there are old old buildings and there was Henry ruckle that was when procall and maybe they all had their own little houses again this is a family they know the name well but I know very little about

Unknown Speaker 57:32
historical facts for record

Unknown Speaker 57:35

Unknown Speaker 57:38
well it was a huge chunk of land that my band would have given an old for part two great Sheepies anybody that is there where they all live areas Farm Park and Campground

Unknown Speaker 58:13
want to do here a walk see the yellow part there on that map? Yeah, isn't that where we had homea and John Peavine yeah

Unknown Speaker 58:27
ruckle probably took over from them maybe

Unknown Speaker 58:29
bought the motor and that's all part of this

Unknown Speaker 59:06
think that might have been one of the original houses zero hold barn

Unknown Speaker 59:12

Unknown Speaker 59:18
easy enough to find out from somebody though. Like there was actually this little house down here. That one that one over there. And then this is the one I remember with the like spire roof and everything. To me that seems like the main house, but I'm not sure

Unknown Speaker 59:35
what this whole landscape looks like relatively unchanged. So sometimes,

Unknown Speaker 59:40
I wonder if that was when? When there's an artists member in those photos that you had at my house and us it was black and white photos. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 59:49
When was one of the when record one of the photos

Unknown Speaker 1:00:06
Let's see if you can find

Unknown Speaker 1:00:14
it was on this side of the road right before the curve and then before forest Ridge forest

Unknown Speaker 1:00:23
which is up here right yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:00:24
well I think there's only a couple of driveways and we can't go far wrong

Unknown Speaker 1:00:29
so maybe the first this is left after forest Ridge so forest ridges still coming out and it might have been that private road is JT

Unknown Speaker 1:00:47

Unknown Speaker 1:00:47
come to forest ranger

Unknown Speaker 1:00:59

Unknown Speaker 1:01:00
That was a GT one so there's forest Ridge before that yeah, I was before that

Unknown Speaker 1:01:12
is there a farm there so think

Unknown Speaker 1:01:14
it was for us we've gone

Unknown Speaker 1:01:15
that far you've gone too far not too far so

Unknown Speaker 1:01:21
so be the first left

Unknown Speaker 1:01:28
there's only one or two driveways we get called for

Unknown Speaker 1:01:49
it yeah let's try this 15 1516 Something some maybe

Unknown Speaker 1:02:17
no to shake house

Unknown Speaker 1:02:26
maybe I'm sure it was 16 Something definitely not we're looking for a log house

Unknown Speaker 1:02:47

Unknown Speaker 1:02:51
Maybe you all try that one right after

Unknown Speaker 1:02:56
the only one and I haven't even

Unknown Speaker 1:02:57
noticed drive on this side

Unknown Speaker 1:02:59
so it's not as if we mixed up besides

Unknown Speaker 1:03:11
no driver no driver

Unknown Speaker 1:03:23
there was one that was like 1682

Unknown Speaker 1:03:24
or something wasn't

Unknown Speaker 1:03:26
there? Maybe that's it? Yeah, that's

Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
the one right after force rich the JT

Unknown Speaker 1:03:35
there's no driveways either side of the road

Unknown Speaker 1:03:45
unless it's like you go down that road and there's a right turn over there. But this is the only other one.

Unknown Speaker 1:04:14
Weather said you can't see it from the road. You

Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
have to go down a driveway.

Unknown Speaker 1:05:00
Oh man so long driveway

Unknown Speaker 1:05:08
keep going back and get

Unknown Speaker 1:05:18

Unknown Speaker 1:05:24
and then there's the house

Unknown Speaker 1:05:32

Unknown Speaker 1:05:46
definitely not

Unknown Speaker 1:05:55
know reverse that would help

Unknown Speaker 1:06:51
we went down into the park there were no other driveways we checked this one we checked the other one up there

Unknown Speaker 1:06:59
that must be backing on farther unless

Unknown Speaker 1:07:01
it's off for sure address was on that street though so for if it was asked for us ratio would be something like 16 Something

Unknown Speaker 1:07:52

Unknown Speaker 1:08:02
kind of running the show around here anyways right

Unknown Speaker 1:08:04
yeah the huddle room

Unknown Speaker 1:08:11
you can do these areas because there's too many houses okay

Unknown Speaker 1:08:15
and you have to have them in season and there's no season and there's Buck season

Unknown Speaker 1:08:23
is not that way right because that's just the park

Unknown Speaker 1:08:25
so that's for us rich

Unknown Speaker 1:08:37
you want to dry up there?

Unknown Speaker 1:08:38
Why not? We're here tracing

Unknown Speaker 1:08:47
smart ass farms

Unknown Speaker 1:09:02
see a hill over here that nobody would live on

Unknown Speaker 1:09:19
there's a road that goes up there but it's a private property and there's a chain across

Unknown Speaker 1:09:33
there's a house in there

Unknown Speaker 1:09:45
160 forest Ridge

Unknown Speaker 1:10:18
We're far off the road

Unknown Speaker 1:10:28
oh we have reception

Unknown Speaker 1:11:01
to the phone

Unknown Speaker 1:11:04
placing 1600 beaver point just before forest Ridge for

Unknown Speaker 1:11:11
so we still gotta go back

Unknown Speaker 1:11:14

Unknown Speaker 1:11:14
all right well just heads up and look for any driveway either side of the road maybe we're missing the boat there

Unknown Speaker 1:11:21
but I thought it was gonna be

Unknown Speaker 1:11:24
right coming down on the left going yeah so the

Unknown Speaker 1:11:29
first one didn't work and that was that was 5050

Unknown Speaker 1:11:35
Maybe it's 1400 something were wrong with the 16

Unknown Speaker 1:11:40
All right so maybe the one next to 1500 or 1550

Unknown Speaker 1:11:48
to look good over here

Unknown Speaker 1:12:00
the rocks in my tires

Unknown Speaker 1:12:15
the middle of nowhere

Unknown Speaker 1:12:18
I mean it could couldn't be on the other side of the road

Unknown Speaker 1:12:21
it should be on this side positive side but that's the only road I've seen off of this I

Unknown Speaker 1:12:28
was like a perfectly it was like just before for sRAGE

Unknown Speaker 1:12:53
Can we go up here

Unknown Speaker 1:12:54
yeah we already done this one and you got

Unknown Speaker 1:13:04
thought it looked familiar

Unknown Speaker 1:13:08
that might have been it back there

Unknown Speaker 1:13:11
yeah the one that we asked would be in the 1600s Typically when we're out here

Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
it is on the opposite side of the road than we thought it would be.

Unknown Speaker 1:13:31
Yeah but

Unknown Speaker 1:13:33
we've been wrong before but it's like it

Unknown Speaker 1:13:36
was on the other side of the road when perfectly matched to whatever the 16.

Unknown Speaker 1:14:11
Milwaukee No 1621 All right. Well,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:19
let's turn the 1600s Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 1:14:21
I think that like that's a lot closer and it takes just before the horse which

Unknown Speaker 1:14:31
never was so many roads were like the stencils, the grass in the middle

Unknown Speaker 1:14:44
when I started thinking of the map, his property was on this side of the road.

Unknown Speaker 1:15:09
yeah there's a house up there and it is

Unknown Speaker 1:15:14
Do we go this way or that way? Maybe that house looks like it could be the log cabin Yeah Does this cool wait around we'll see we will see

Unknown Speaker 1:15:34
that always makes me laugh how much faster can you go

Unknown Speaker 1:15:44
look I like it All right there we go totally on the wrong side of the road that we thought yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:15:50
it's good to me came out this way right I think

Unknown Speaker 1:15:53
let's just park in here and walk in his car there

Unknown Speaker 1:16:17
we endeavored to persevere Oh, it is I can tell just it's a picture we just looked at

Unknown Speaker 1:16:43
thing on oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 1:16:55
up and just clip it right here like close to your stone right there. Yeah, but have it in on the inside because I my brand needs on your shirts fine. Actually, we were the your shirt when he had an earlier like, like lower a little lower so that it's not moving around too much like that. Perfect. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:23
Well, there's a car there or a truck. Hopefully there's somebody home. We can at least let them know while we're prowling around. Yeah. And it's not. Well, actually, the door is open to that car. Maybe it's just an old vet car. No. Oh, yeah, it's got wheels. Okay, well, we'll knock and if there's somebody there, we'll at least let them know what we're doing. I'm sure you don't mind taking some pictures? Yeah. You might get up in the Hatfields and McCoys. Again. Come to the window.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:57
Talk about the history of this house.

Unknown Speaker 1:17:59
This has I really don't know a lot about this John Kahal or Peavine cow. I remember Uncle Paul talking about the Peavine name, but I know very little about them. I know his wife Mary's headstone is at St. Paul's His name is not on it but I wonder if his name is is one of the ones that are like an unmarked grave Wow

Unknown Speaker 1:18:44
don't think there's anybody on my phone yesterday there was no answer can hear a thing

Unknown Speaker 1:19:03
seems to be locked Okay.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:08
Lots of work and stuff here so I imagined the old homestead and I don't know if this guy just lives here if he owns it he's a working man

Unknown Speaker 1:19:39
very interesting Oh, wow.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:51
I don't know maybe he doesn't live here.

Unknown Speaker 1:19:55
Maybe just sort of caretakers that or something.

Unknown Speaker 1:20:01
looking good in the window

Unknown Speaker 1:20:10
stuff in the window was open we'll have to find out more about John Kehoe Peavine John P Ryan Kahal Now why would he build his house here you know way back in the day

Unknown Speaker 1:20:35
hundreds more years ago

Unknown Speaker 1:20:38
I'm gonna build my house here close to the ocean upon a big rock well there's laundry on the line

Unknown Speaker 1:20:59
I think they were mentioning this how they squared it off to put them together that was in the museum may be talked about that and I guess he just I guess all these trees were grown right here and they just built themselves a home

Unknown Speaker 1:21:23
gotta find out more about this guy. But this is definitely one of the old Hawaiian homesteads take some photos

Unknown Speaker 1:22:28
orchard two.

Unknown Speaker 1:23:37
Right Course you

Unknown Speaker 1:24:36
so What time would you reckon this house was built

Unknown Speaker 1:24:45
in the late 1800s 1890s Maybe we'll have to see when he preempted it, yeah, only preempted the land and I imagined to be well Within five years you could at least to start milling it

Unknown Speaker 1:25:16
happy that we found it

Unknown Speaker 1:25:17
how did we get totally the wrong side of the road?

Unknown Speaker 1:25:22
It was it was funny because that was we're all looking on the other side but that none of those turn offs were like in the appropriate place no so

Unknown Speaker 1:25:33
when did this guy bought the place it's his now or if it's no if he was just caretaking him it was designated like a heritage home or something no he's all his work stuff wouldn't be here

Unknown Speaker 1:25:57
like he's got what his four little baby fridges under their big fridge they're big prints they're like it's stuff Lord only knows what's under this tarp that he's got hidden there with the deck repair service repair service he repairs these things they're all for sale that's his name Dave Dave back and look at this branch from this from this maple tree yeah come way over to there.

Unknown Speaker 1:27:25
What's up

Unknown Speaker 1:27:32
Three. Right evening. Feeling And

Unknown Speaker 1:30:17
he's got little garden things like a little wooden dog chicken

Unknown Speaker 1:30:56
I wonder where Mr Beck is working right I guess yeah I was noticing this here I thought what's he protecting there from the deer and they did nothing and I take you back that wasn't the maple it's an oak to Uriel oh yeah I was looking at the climate

Unknown Speaker 1:31:19
because I was telling you about this particular climate how it's like it's like it's somewhat it's a lot drier than a lot of like like if you go to like Vancouver side right like all rain forests and those areas but here it's just like such a dry environment.

Unknown Speaker 1:31:39
Yeah, we don't get as much rain we get we get plenty usually Yeah, I just looked at the mossy trunk and I thought I didn't even look at the maple tree because I thought it was odd how it how that branch is rambled on so long Yeah, and I was looking at this this white tree here I don't remember the name but and I saw the oak leaves oh where's the oak cans looking only for a little oak tea can see the forest for the trees

Unknown Speaker 1:32:27
we had that many oak trees on this island maybe we don't you seems to stand alone there

Unknown Speaker 1:32:44
you need me we found it

Unknown Speaker 1:32:48
we found it

Unknown Speaker 1:32:54

Unknown Speaker 1:33:02
level ground my knee doesn't like to bend I go downside there's like a crab yeah flat ground I'm good. Knees

Unknown Speaker 1:33:12
take a beating though. Like by time like even like my age. It's like in the mid 30s You start getting a nice start kind of giving you the signs you know yeah pretty grim when it comes to your knees

Unknown Speaker 1:33:35

Unknown Speaker 1:33:55
you right there

Unknown Speaker 1:34:24
we leave her as running or

Unknown Speaker 1:34:25
we might as well turn and it's at 90 minutes. Yeah

Part Two

Unknown Speaker 0:00
can't record if you keep it maybe if you can keep it open somehow or

Unknown Speaker 0:18
yeah right there Hey Donnie Hey Josh

Unknown Speaker 0:27
trying to figure out this technology me I'm just so into the technology story Chris nothing happened just now I'm just gonna hold it just gonna hold it brother getting ready to go are you guys going we are in your care otherwise we have to

Unknown Speaker 1:06
have to put some pressure in the real estate corner oh brother we could either Brandon my brother David

Unknown Speaker 1:27
to see this the other two oh yeah so when my

Unknown Speaker 1:34
squat that flank and then you're talking about it like the it's all beat up

Unknown Speaker 1:41
the points are knocked off it's had a

Unknown Speaker 1:43
rough like spin us right it's been doing what it's it's

Unknown Speaker 1:47
kinda way bigger hole

Unknown Speaker 1:55
you gotta first boy at first blow I got it first time

Unknown Speaker 2:17
Brando may we knock some more points out we may be able to get to the top

Unknown Speaker 2:28
David in his pool Yeah. Well look around look at stuff. Yeah. Yeah, just talk about where everybody lived in the dead I was looking up the crown grants for along the harbor here. And it looked like this chunk was owned first by Musgrave. Oh, yeah. Oh, man Musgrave. Yeah, you'll that Brenda that over there. That's Russell island right there with the sailboats anchored in front of it. That's where the Molly slipped. And she married Abel Douglas and George Fisher to hell her children over there I don't know I don't even know how many she had a lot and over the hill there is beaver point that's where we were this is Beaufort Harper it's beyond the trees that you can't see as Elinor point and then the next one around is beaver coin. Is that or is it well between next one rounds? So we were out over there we found the pea vine house it took us a couple of driveways but we found Do you know who John Peavine cow was? Yeah, I know the name in the Hawaiians circle.

Unknown Speaker 4:03
I've heard the name but I've never heard any stories about the good guy. Yeah, nothing decent.

Unknown Speaker 4:12
I guess that's why we told you it didn't do anything bad or

Unknown Speaker 4:18
drained my bush to go right up here. keeps working.

Unknown Speaker 4:23
You need a twisted twist tie

Unknown Speaker 4:28
a beautiful garden.

Unknown Speaker 4:31
You Yeah, it's looking pretty good. Just finishing up all the springtime stuff. We used to plant lots of summertime flowers so we could have color all year but I'm too old. That's too much damn work. Yeah. So we have a big springtime show and then it gets pretty. Pretty slim for flowers in the summertime.

Unknown Speaker 4:53
Man I think this is the green roof we can see from Can you see this? rocksalt Yeah, okay. There's I don't remember it another house down here with the green roof

Unknown Speaker 5:04
just can't quite see us because these trees here that they've let grow up

Unknown Speaker 5:07
and the clam garden you can see out to a little point and then it goes around is it within our view from up there or is it around the corner? Quite a ways

Unknown Speaker 5:17
I'm not very you'd be able to see the beach where it is but you wouldn't see anything No, no. So you could probably see and you wouldn't see that island until I got cut that tree down just last week.

Unknown Speaker 5:29
Oh, why did he cut it down?

Unknown Speaker 5:32
It died it accidentally looks

Unknown Speaker 5:39
history is ruined in my view.

Unknown Speaker 5:41
One lower there is looking kind of sickly to Oh yeah. And one in the middle just opened died last year. It looked like that one it looked sickly and this year it never come back at all it was Yeah. He dropped it down. Which is great because now I got a bit of you back. Yeah, we're kids dad. We own all this property on both sides of us now. And dad from that cedar trees down in there. All this was cut kept cut off except for those trees there. And then right up here so I can see right up into Fulford Harbour. And this way we see right down into the San Juan Islands and only we could see Mount Rainier, but it was close. You can

Unknown Speaker 6:21
see the Olympic Peninsula. You can see continents constitutional. Yeah, you can see that's great. Yeah. Yeah. I was a constant in our art growing up Mount Baker.

Unknown Speaker 6:35
You guys ever go. I've

Unknown Speaker 6:39
never been up on it.

Unknown Speaker 6:42
It was spotless steam there. 20 years or

Unknown Speaker 6:45
so. We were kids used to do this. You can see the steam clouds every once in a while. There was always like a little cloud over there. And I Yeah, and I didn't because I didn't realize it was a volcano then. Wasn't till later. It last erupted in the 1850s Oh, yeah. I don't think it was a massive eruption or anything but it actually had a little eruption. Yeah, so

Unknown Speaker 7:04
it's still active.

Unknown Speaker 7:08
It's not considered one seldom even mentioned it. They only talk about Oh, well. We had Mount St. Helens go off and and Mount Rainier is considered the most dangerous volcano because it's where it's situated and all that. And they mentioned Mount Hood and I'll never mentioned about Baker's being one of them. Yeah, it's the poor country cousin, you know, you've left out

Unknown Speaker 7:29
it'll sneak up and then white men been sneaking up on me for years. Chiefs sneaking up on a blow

Unknown Speaker 7:41
or even they say St. Helens is like is due for another eruption as well.

Unknown Speaker 7:46
They say it's building on the cone. There's starting to swell again. My God could go up and down. But a lot they don't know for a fact. But yeah, it's a possibility.

Unknown Speaker 7:57
I was just on the Big Island in January and went through Iolani or Leilani estates and saw all the flow of a new oh

Unknown Speaker 8:09
it's funny because Kathy and I were there. When I first showed we went up on the tour and we went to the big hotel. Yeah, bar the restaurant and all that up at the top of Dan. The guide said Oh, you guys pick the first days it was the first time you've seen lavena in the crater for like 20 years or something like that. Yeah. And when was this? What three years ago? Three

Unknown Speaker 8:32
years ago? Three four years really? I

Unknown Speaker 8:34
can't remember now like

Unknown Speaker 8:35
it's been bubbling away but you could never see it. Yeah, we could see Yeah. And then when we were having our lunch in the big trunk fall off because it fell into it and it was this big plume of smoke and ash like not huge

Unknown Speaker 8:51
or even three years ago there was like a like this giant kind of like cliff or like this kind of tabletop on the side of the cliff where the the lava flow goes in the ocean and creates that big vapor and that had fallen about three years ago into the ocean

Unknown Speaker 9:10
and remember somebody else around the same time but this was right up in the in the crater at the top which hadn't had any action at all for years. Yeah. It was much to see like you said you could see a little tiny red dot way over there Yeah, cuz

Unknown Speaker 9:24
you're pretty far away. Yeah,

Unknown Speaker 9:26
I was. Okay with that. Over there I see it goes about I have no death wishes. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 9:39
Now where did the old house who's down there?

Unknown Speaker 9:46
Well, great. Where the where the tree was cut down there. Yeah, over about 2030 feet or something like that.

Unknown Speaker 9:55
Because grandpa, they built that house when the When they moved their family over here was a big house like, much like that. And then when it burnt down in 1943, there was there was basically with their woodshed when the grandpa moved into this sort of pulled all the wood out of it and turned it into a one bedroom thing. He looked up and it was right down here. And that's we used to walk down here with his little path that walked down we'd go down and pump the water for as well and take him his mail.

Unknown Speaker 10:33
And it would that be Skull Island just hidden from viewer.

Unknown Speaker 10:37
Yeah, actually, you can see the end of it there.

Unknown Speaker 10:39
Yeah, see some white dots on there like the the skulls.

Unknown Speaker 10:43
They're long gone. Like they've been picked

Unknown Speaker 10:45
over shit. Hawks. Seagulls?

Unknown Speaker 10:49
Well, it's got this little white shell beaches. Like we saw the shells at Venice Beach there. These are like, solid white shell. There's no dark sand or anything. It's just chill. There's some great clams in there. Oh, yeah. Oh, well, there's big butter clams. Literally as big as my fist. They were big, big clams. And this one here with the boy on it. That's Jackson rock. See. So that guy again, Jackson. Jackson speech. There's the in the in the museum. There's this quite a big map that some school kids had made. And they started putting names of the lovely houses on there. And there's a few names. And right up there. It says this a P Jackson was anyway, Jackson. And I thought well there. That's what we call Jackson speech. But no one seems to know who he is. I think maybe Stan actually did I got it. I got to ask him again. But that's Jackson's rock, and there was Jackson speech. But when you look at the preemptions that I found that whole area well, maybe not maybe just this side of it was shepherd or a shepherd. And then John Sparrow owned a lot of this land around here. We're Hamilton's and that is

Unknown Speaker 12:10
I remember that.

Unknown Speaker 12:14
And then the pulse rate above us here was the shepherds, right. The George Shepherd was right to documents. So this piece of property was Musgrave in 1885 I think. So who got it from him?

Unknown Speaker 12:36
Well, it must have been Makana and did not kind of have a partner.

Unknown Speaker 12:46
Well, Palau, but he he. I don't know what happened to him. He stayed on Portland, his son John. But the upward come ashore is and then it was the other Palau that was below. Ruby Alton's place I think it was Andrew Johnson Yeah, that's it's a mystery as to how we ended up with this property. But Matilda did they moved over here? raised their family rate there.

Unknown Speaker 13:20
So how long has this property been in the family? Well, if

Unknown Speaker 13:23
she moved over here, when they were building that Isabella point school, they built it in 1905. So she would have been here 19 to 19 one somewhere in there. That's about the time they were selling that property over there. So say 1903

Unknown Speaker 13:41
NACA had owned this property for a while before they moved. Moved here. So I don't know the exact date.

Unknown Speaker 13:49
So at least 1903. So that's what 216 years Stan? Cousins down thought, you know, kind of bought it off of Peterson

Unknown Speaker 14:09
so maybe Peterson got it from Musgrave Pearson Peterson would have been his son in law. Yes. So it was in the pocket in the family maybe a bit possibility. I don't know.

Unknown Speaker 14:26
But there's no other no other Hawaiian families that how May is and my boys the townies, are the new honors. They're all all gone. I mean, the last ones

Unknown Speaker 14:41
lumley's Last ones here, but do you think they like migrated some of them migrated to the US or elsewhere?

Unknown Speaker 14:48
All the families are still around? Yeah, but none of them live here on Saltspring. None of them live at the old homestead yet.

Unknown Speaker 14:54
So the rolling family is like the last

Unknown Speaker 14:57
last the Mohicans.

Unknown Speaker 15:00
There's the harmony. The townies are in Victoria, just over here in Vancouver, and there's somebody over there.

Unknown Speaker 15:08
Well, yeah. The Harris's are over there, but they're part of our family. This other Hawaiian families that I don't know if they were connected to Salisbury here or to Vancouver Sun may use Naomi's.

Unknown Speaker 15:33
Barnea longtime dad was born here and just the Madhouse over there.

Unknown Speaker 15:41
And we're just the reserve start

Unknown Speaker 15:45
to that beach over there. Yeah. Right. There's little point just to the side of it. That's where it starts. It runs. Sir, you can follow the tree line, there was no where there's no holes in the trees. It runs up to the top of the mountain there and then back down over to where the

Unknown Speaker 16:00
skull islands are just taking behind these trees.

Unknown Speaker 16:04
Okay, so all these that that house there. Can

Unknown Speaker 16:07
you see that house? Yeah, that's pretty much right on the edge of it, isn't it?

Unknown Speaker 16:10
Well, it actually starts on this side of the bay.

Unknown Speaker 16:14
The Reserve starts on this side of the bay. Yep. There's actually

Unknown Speaker 16:17
a whole street there. But you can't see behind the trees. But the reserve property starts right up there on the point and runs up.

Unknown Speaker 16:26
So the bay is not reserve. No, just this side of it. Yeah. Near the buoy. Yeah, well, just outside the bay.

Unknown Speaker 16:35
Just past for those kayakers are there now you can see a little point sticking out. Yeah. That's that's where it starts. Right. They

Unknown Speaker 16:46
didn't make that a reserve reserve until the 1870s. Before it was a reserve, because there was wine people stay in there before it was a reserve. And then they, they I hooked it didn't make it into a reserve. Because it was a bloody water was rock.

Unknown Speaker 17:14
It's an orchard over there too. They were big on orchards. That's what they did when they worked for that as Bay Company. They were they ran the farms. So they raised the animals and the fruits of vegetables.

Unknown Speaker 17:26
Yeah, and maybe they started off as like guides. Yeah. When they first came here. Absolutely.

Unknown Speaker 17:31
When they you know, they put them to work doing exactly that guiding or if they needed blacksmiths or mill rights or whatever. And it was all geared to keeping the fort up and running. Yeah. And they needed people to attend to the food

Unknown Speaker 17:47
Saltspring Island and the Saanich Peninsula here we're we're the orchard of British Columbia back in those days. And that's why there's so many orchards here. They're everywhere. Yeah. So many of them are gone all together with no trace tube. When they irrigated the Okanagan. It killed this area for fruit because they couldn't compete with the Okanagan is such a huge area and I said once I got water to that land it just grew perfect fruit all the sun in the world so that's one of there was there was lots of derelict houses here because everybody had moved away

Unknown Speaker 18:26
and Russell Island was also an orchid orchid

Unknown Speaker 18:30
there's there's orchards over there yet.

Unknown Speaker 18:33
I think they tend to them well now because they've they've made that house livable. Someone lived there all the time. They lived there in the summertime anyway. Yeah, they

Unknown Speaker 18:44
wanted they were doing the same thing over on Portland. I remember I heard they're asking if there was anybody gonna be interested in living over in Portland for a

Unknown Speaker 18:51
month? That's right, they were gonna put a mobile home or something there and

Unknown Speaker 18:56
then I never heard anything else about it at all. So what happened?

Unknown Speaker 18:59
So you live there and as people come just tourists dropping by or whatever, because they're marine parks. Then you have a little of the history you can give them Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 19:10
I thought that'd be pretty cool for a while but then I thought you know if you're too fucking old Yeah, down there wrestling boats on and off the beach to go anywhere in. Those days are over for me.

Unknown Speaker 19:24
Can you maybe put a helipad in

Unknown Speaker 19:28
the column in breaker breaker? Give me the hell off is the rock take me to the Sydney Hotel.

Unknown Speaker 19:38
Come back. Come back in four hours

Unknown Speaker 19:46
that's sad for that

Unknown Speaker 19:54
and you're playing five to eight

Unknown Speaker 19:57
by Delete. Breton ducky and I think Can you come in and sit in and do a couple of songs? You got lots of ground Travel Crowd cover Yeah. Anyway I got a little bit of rehearsing in it's been like a year since we played with friends.

Unknown Speaker 20:20
What was he doing the same things or is this a different group of songs from the

Unknown Speaker 20:24
old we're doing more of the stuff that I was doing with him before for you and I started playing but, yeah, he He changes them over time. I haven't played with him for a year he's probably got new arrangements for everything that I'm gonna have to learn on the run.

Unknown Speaker 20:40
And if you're really lucky, he's changed some of the keys because he can't see it in that key anymore.

Unknown Speaker 20:47

Unknown Speaker 20:55
well, do we have Leon? Yeah. Can

Unknown Speaker 20:58
I get a photograph of you? Sure. Maybe like this over there in the

Unknown Speaker 21:09
game. Oh, yeah. Remember

Part Three

Unknown Speaker 0:01
Yeah so this was the site of the Isabella point school and like you could see right down to the water like you can still sort of see through the trees there. But that's Fulford harbour down there. And our house is right over the hill. And the girls used to walk up through the woods here to the school. Let's all grown up now. Isabella point I gotta find out what happened to it. What happened to the building? Did it just, you remember the building being here? I don't know. If they closed it down in 57, which I seem to recall Lee saying they did. That's when she moved. They went to school and Ganges and I wasn't born to 56 So in my memory I don't remember being here. The building and this property right beside us here that we just passed driving up that was the shepherd place member on the current crown or at Grant's that's the shepherd property and that old house now I'm not sure if that was originally built by the shepherds or not. That would have been Julia now. The old house is still there after they after them it was fortunate

Unknown Speaker 1:28
Steve love fortune married Bernice Mahoney. She was my first cousin. They lived there for a long while and now I don't know who it is.

Unknown Speaker 1:41
That was a shepherd property. And then I guess the next property over was John Palau. According to what we found on the show, the Crown Grantland that this was directly above us so our house is directly below and on the crown grants that was the one that was owned by Musgrave but the only way to find out who what hands pass through if you got to go who owns it now and go backwards through all the land searches which probably wouldn't be too bad because like it would be us and we've been on there for like what would we say 117 years 1600 16 years? Probably won't be that hard

Unknown Speaker 2:33
noisy, they get on the tin roofs of the houses and knock on like

Unknown Speaker 2:41
Oh, get a photograph with the empty lot though. Yeah. If you walked down there watch for stinging nettles. Okay, okay.

Unknown Speaker 2:52
They you know, they're not that bad but they make life a little unpleasant and there's lots of spit bugs

Unknown Speaker 3:21

Unknown Speaker 3:32
see this here? Yep, those are Bramble berries. We call them wild blackberries because the other blackberries of the great big huge ones

Unknown Speaker 3:42
yeah they are so delicious

Unknown Speaker 3:56
got all these stones Yeah, it's it's a mystery and like you know they've pushed in in there and made that sort of turnaround spot so maybe someone's bought this and they're gonna build here I don't know. You can Bramble Basie I have to tell brother

Unknown Speaker 4:29
maybe it's.

Unknown Speaker 4:56
guarantee your way

Unknown Speaker 5:33
Isabella points

Unknown Speaker 5:42
yeah it's June the bramble berries will be ready soon

Unknown Speaker 5:57
ravens ravens and woodpeckers

Unknown Speaker 6:10
as a crow he's not happy woodpecker made you whole and he's probably more unhappy that the Ravens flying by ravens will come in and steal their babies

Unknown Speaker 6:51
yeah you just have to imagine a school being there

Unknown Speaker 6:59
like a lot of things, you know, it's like history if there is no sense of like preservation then it disappears. Well now you can go on I think on the Saltspring archive site, they'll have a picture of the school. Yeah, if there is one out there they'll have it there. Seems to me I've seen a picture

Unknown Speaker 7:35
leave it running

Part Four

Unknown Speaker 0:04
This as I said is the lonely place there's that box that you were asking about right there

Unknown Speaker 0:15

Unknown Speaker 0:17
okay we got to make sure we shut this sheet please don't get out

Unknown Speaker 0:33
perfect yeah so first of all these trees were here and you can see the beach down there definitely remember the picture we had yeah you could see the beach and the little islands or the village islands you can see them over there and this is the this is the House

Unknown Speaker 0:59
New meatball just have you walked towards the house

Unknown Speaker 1:54
Hello girls you must get an awful lot of eggs movie chicken

Unknown Speaker 2:07
sound Jerry he hasn't been there for very long

Unknown Speaker 2:16
oh definitely fear now with all the layers the real thing Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 2:22
Well I think it's all to do some thorough documentation

Unknown Speaker 2:32
they see the picture that they had before was up there and I took a picture and I just got this in the house in the picture they had at the museum and see that part of it also

Unknown Speaker 2:53
how old is this house well cousin was born here 95 years ago they were living here long before that so wonder if they've got it written how when it was built 1887 maybe

Unknown Speaker 3:18
how many layers of roofing do you think you're on there?

Unknown Speaker 3:23
I'd say at least nine

Unknown Speaker 3:27
like they never took the old roof off they just put a new one on overtop of it

Unknown Speaker 3:38
well when there is that little board sticking out of the house yeah, the little round hole there Yes. Oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 4:03
nice to see the roof that was over the deck is gone

Unknown Speaker 4:12

Unknown Speaker 4:23
hear this kind of graph tool from the free

Unknown Speaker 5:00
All right where do you think that other picture was taken from

Unknown Speaker 6:04
I feel like maybe over here

Unknown Speaker 6:07
well I remember you could see Villa Giles in the background and they are behind the trees the where

Unknown Speaker 6:27
this sort of that way Yeah, up closer to that angle and the picture I took didn't have this little end of the house on it

Unknown Speaker 7:03
so they call this the lovely place but it's actually the new on a property the woman who lived here Mary Lumley she was married to Bill on me was married to honey and her parents were William and Mary, new one pitchers they'd see the old woman they call her old not wanna Na wa Na, not one but so they called her not one but they called the mother or the daughter townie so there's where the change came but why.

Unknown Speaker 8:12
There again which Island is that? I lose track of such a different angle for me. That must be Portland

Unknown Speaker 8:27
there's a marker on the end of the island to see if it shows up after the ferries gone and that is come back a bluff

Unknown Speaker 8:41
where are we We're down this envy. I think it should be Portland. Let's Portland's over there. Not looking from my own property. Look at this, this roof over the entranceway.

Unknown Speaker 9:10
I didn't look around in the house too. Well, last time was in there. When we were here with the Hawaiian civic club people he was very interested as to show us over here beyond the fence line. There's a creek that runs down there.

Unknown Speaker 9:24
He told us all about the alumnus where they got their water from. And this old building up here I'm not sure. I'm not sure how old that was if it was part of the original house. It certainly has a very interesting stone

Unknown Speaker 9:43
foundation. Maybe it was around a long time. And he also had a bunch of tools. Maybe they were up in the shed. But he said he found here as he was working in the yard to find this. One of those double ended saws or something it was akin to a plow all stuff that he didn't bring here that was here on the property that he should have dug up this year

Unknown Speaker 10:05
so maybe the lumber probably

Unknown Speaker 10:08
he kept them all maybe they're up on that shed we're around the corner here we'll have to explore

Unknown Speaker 10:25
Arthur very very interested in history you a lot of voters welcomed you to tell you all about it

Unknown Speaker 10:33
the person that takes care of his house is

Unknown Speaker 10:35
down there now he owns the land and he sees he has Alzheimer's so a few years ago and he's here he's very together and very knowledgeable but he's I've only talked to his wife lately and I think he's maybe not so good at explaining anymore after happened

Unknown Speaker 11:10
yes you're so excited. Oh come and look at this oh here's where the tools are

Unknown Speaker 11:23
Stephen breaking in half in the middle all right

Unknown Speaker 11:41
brace holding it up over here so it doesn't fall over

Unknown Speaker 11:51
you standing there this thing

Unknown Speaker 12:01
they've got a Jimmy together see this this rope here it's gonna come along on it and it's got a brace on the other side and it's broken in the middle here it's ready to go yeah

Unknown Speaker 12:16
but actually turn looking forward to that yeah

Unknown Speaker 12:23
holy cow

Unknown Speaker 12:35
that was cool

Unknown Speaker 12:48
tree is grown right into the tree or the tree has grown into the building I should say

Unknown Speaker 13:12
wow interesting the ferns growing on the roof. Oh yeah looks like those getters need a little help do.

Unknown Speaker 14:07
Listen Wait Hello

Unknown Speaker 14:17
there's a washer and dryer

Unknown Speaker 14:40
prowling around outside

Unknown Speaker 14:57
I love this view of it. In

Unknown Speaker 15:05
southern magnolia

Unknown Speaker 15:19
I hear some of the tools

Unknown Speaker 16:04

Unknown Speaker 16:45
things you found here but you're this all bed stand

Unknown Speaker 16:59
and I remember those kinds of sauce

Unknown Speaker 17:11
must have been trap

Unknown Speaker 17:20
I love this it's all bent

Unknown Speaker 17:23
oh yeah that is

Unknown Speaker 17:33
a cloud video ticking can really come to get the egg

Unknown Speaker 17:43
oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 17:48
there's a bathroom anywhere nearby might not grow up

Unknown Speaker 17:56
in the middle of the wilderness

Unknown Speaker 18:09
maybe check this one is working in the living and all that long Creek runs down over there he was very interested in showing the creek and it was just you know where their water supply came from I think there was a map that lovely Creek of course more chicken

Unknown Speaker 19:29
the first time we came here

Unknown Speaker 19:39
water work

Unknown Speaker 19:51
lot is running but then they run the door In this place got everything I need to go upstairs if I can find the stairs oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 20:24
have to be careful going down I remember toll stairs like there are long steep stairs like that and our own.

Unknown Speaker 21:39
Teaching teacher books

Unknown Speaker 22:29

Unknown Speaker 25:02

Unknown Speaker 25:13
steep stairs oh yeah How is it sir? Lots of cobwebs but they're all gone now to rooms and lots of books and things like if he was a teacher or a professor at UVic maybe there is

Unknown Speaker 25:47
moving forwards now I'm sure wow people moved here gloves just tack a broom handle to the Wall.

Unknown Speaker 28:17
peers and love Portland over there

Unknown Speaker 32:11
it's way down

Unknown Speaker 32:18
over here there was straight

Unknown Speaker 32:22
Yeah cuz there's yeah that probably might be the San Juan Island right there so US

Unknown Speaker 32:29
Canada border yeah it's Stewart Island so yeah we're here to reach is just turned down

Unknown Speaker 32:51
we're looking at those islands over there and that one that we can see straight out is going to appear on it and Portland does not so that's probably peers on here. So that way is Portland so we're here we must be looking straight in here to that Island Ferry Terminal

Unknown Speaker 33:22

Unknown Speaker 33:29
Victoria oak Bay Victoria will hear

Unknown Speaker 34:01
so we've got to find out about Darcy Allen. What its story was Yeah. All I've ever heard is it was they put on lepers there

Unknown Speaker 34:13
are you I guess it says relatively 75.

Unknown Speaker 34:24
History to stream into a marine park

Unknown Speaker 34:29
so Sydney Island

Unknown Speaker 34:34
has a huge big spirits in the spirit. People go to Sydney over to their boat all the time. Yeah. Other than that, I don't know. I think that's a nice fit marine park. But

Unknown Speaker 34:48
also to support park because this has James Island has roads. It's a privately owned Island. I think this is what So it's like I use yoga trail

Unknown Speaker 35:11
doesn't have these chemicals yeah

Unknown Speaker 35:15
it's a trail I've been to the spirit and I've never been

Unknown Speaker 35:28
imagined how many people live in here this is lovely it's a painting of this place

Unknown Speaker 36:10
you were here before he carried that painting around shall do read the painting so so isn't history and to learn more if we had new things he didn't know Yeah, he's just anxious to you

Unknown Speaker 36:28
when did you guys first contact

Unknown Speaker 36:31
where they came up in 2017 or 16 Four years ago

Unknown Speaker 36:46
that stay close before because I feel like a strong one we'll

Unknown Speaker 36:49
just knock it out

Unknown Speaker 36:56
oh god we'll have to go back to the photos and find out how many layers there are

Unknown Speaker 37:06
Did you get a picture from the same angles the one at the museum I think

Unknown Speaker 37:15
also I would like to get a photograph of you in the sun over here the City Hall

Unknown Speaker 37:28
sitting here I'll get the mic off and you have a mic

Unknown Speaker 38:01
right yeah

Unknown Speaker 38:17
yeah that looks great

Unknown Speaker 38:27
you feel so much

Unknown Speaker 38:37
better looks at whole bass

Unknown Speaker 38:52
that is true back to you right there yeah beautiful in the fall

Unknown Speaker 38:58
where they turn red. Yes I am going to try to get a photograph you know if you can look out route right right here and I want to get like some of the the house in the background

Unknown Speaker 39:30
need to boost

Unknown Speaker 39:38
Yeah, with me that stuff is just like stepping on ice cubes because we get a piece of cardboard like a cover box and cut the biggest slap piece. We could have it you just hang on to one and you run dies

Unknown Speaker 40:17
What kind of bird is that mom that's a that's a Dicky birds Robin there's Robin over here this one up here

Unknown Speaker 40:31
can you tell us that one with Robin? Dicky bird

Unknown Speaker 40:45
who turns out there all these animals that

Unknown Speaker 40:49
probably Mrs. Burger would have gone they used to have a young man living in here his wife and two kids and he helped with the farm chickens and now he's gone through with nobody living in there and I don't know maybe they've hired somebody else to come Yeah, either that or she doesn't own house

Unknown Speaker 41:12
I guess there's no like are there wolves

Unknown Speaker 41:15
maybe coyotes and me that I guess no predators that

Unknown Speaker 41:22
Wink wink will make sure it works. So yeah the Cougars swim over once in a while but they don't really live here once once somebody sees one there's the panic goes up and they used to just kill them and now I think they dart the more dry and save them It must be close to dinnertime every time we come over here they come running over

Unknown Speaker 41:53
Yeah, they're real friendly.

Unknown Speaker 41:57
And then we got the whole other group of chickens over there too?

Unknown Speaker 44:15
You want to check out the creek

Unknown Speaker 44:41
me take that home oh yeah

Unknown Speaker 45:07
Oh look at these Brambleberry

Unknown Speaker 45:15
man what's going on yeah

Unknown Speaker 45:22

Unknown Speaker 45:35
that was been picked on

Unknown Speaker 45:42
begin on each other

Unknown Speaker 45:43
yeah I haven't been

Unknown Speaker 46:04
oh yeah those are the big blackberries

Unknown Speaker 46:12
ready yet? No

Unknown Speaker 46:17
Brambleberry nope they're red they come first but they'll be ready to do your privacy read great by the law over there on the hoses

Unknown Speaker 46:39

Unknown Speaker 46:44
I wonder what it is if they've got a connection

Unknown Speaker 47:06
yeah in the winter real strong

Unknown Speaker 47:13
if it rains more in the in the winter

Unknown Speaker 47:15

Unknown Speaker 47:16
well that makes sense because the rain season

Unknown Speaker 47:21
so maybe all that it's like there's a lot more rain clouds coming up

Unknown Speaker 47:28
the alum Creek is pretty dry now

Unknown Speaker 47:49
voted for this

Unknown Speaker 47:56
photo this angle got too many cameras that's all

Unknown Speaker 48:09
yeah that roof is something that you'll have to zoom it up and try and count how many layers

Unknown Speaker 48:24
sorry guys.

Unknown Speaker 49:18
Look at the plums on that greengage plums. Oh good.

Unknown Speaker 49:24
What do you think they'll be ready July and July, August to come back out there in July get yourself some very

Unknown Speaker 49:44
very tall fence to get over that if you really want to.

Unknown Speaker 49:52
Ladies, afternoon

Unknown Speaker 50:08
Okay chicken What do you chicken a sheep

Unknown Speaker 50:13
sheep sheep

Unknown Speaker 50:16
are guard guard guard guard see there's there's the island you could see in the picture when you're taking the picture of the house

Unknown Speaker 50:22

Unknown Speaker 50:26
I see on that little map and it says Isabella island

Unknown Speaker 50:40
the islands in the background love the lovely parks

Unknown Speaker 51:05
following is over here

Unknown Speaker 51:12
alright guys I got nothing

Unknown Speaker 52:21
back to you leader man like all this in

Unknown Speaker 52:31
in the shadow

Unknown Speaker 52:35
Navy they were told they're not allowed to be over there in the sun. You guys go stand over new J they get hotter right I must do black

Unknown Speaker 53:07
that's a deep voice

Unknown Speaker 53:24

Part Five

Unknown Speaker 0:02
all right

Unknown Speaker 0:14
but it was not these sites over here this is the heritage grave site of this church but they reconfigured the road 67 I think and move our great grandfather's grave and one of his daughters here and there's many more here the patent burgers I don't know if they all got moved from there but certainly grandfathered in

Unknown Speaker 1:28
whoo Oh no Come on blew my way

Unknown Speaker 1:39

Unknown Speaker 2:06
no no no

Unknown Speaker 2:29
this stone was going to fall over at one point was leaning way over and we wanted to reset it him the church people said that we would do it when we came by and they had it lifted up with a backhoe with all sorts of chains it scratched the frontier all up

Unknown Speaker 3:12
see the move these like it keeps slipping this whole bank is slipping this used to be a double plot and these granite posts marked the double plot and now that they're way back here and they pushed this way over like now he's in and then this post is too close to where the grave should be. So it's just it's not ideal

Unknown Speaker 3:59
hi this is William note nuking no ukn.

Unknown Speaker 4:18
13 1909

Unknown Speaker 4:26
gonna have to ask again, we've been to the church in times. We want to reset because of this falling and like this thing is a couple of times it's granite marble. And they just strapped it up with chains and lifted it it's up straight again. But like it's, it's not placed right. They said oh yeah, this is a full grip. So I did this.

Unknown Speaker 4:56
It should be on the outside of this. And it shouldn't be a Short now because of this my nephew one of my nephews comes from the rocks around tidies it up

Unknown Speaker 5:20
it's not depicting their actual resting place and see how these are all falling down the hill

Unknown Speaker 5:38
they move to here the new graveyard is up on that fence so will they You think they'll eventually move it over there I don't know I don't know what they're gonna fall right in the road and the highways won't let the church do anything there we asked them to build a retaining wall. The highway says no you can't do that that's the highways department the highway is not doing it this this was here before the the highway though. Nobody moved here to change the housing over there to my pool a lock or Kalani MOU Minaya and they'll pull it hello

Unknown Speaker 6:57
we need some new Shelby's

Unknown Speaker 7:09
he's come from Hawaii I don't think so. I don't think this person's daughter Marianne was married. This is the one that raised Matilda's oldest son Peterson

Unknown Speaker 7:33
she got a good stone good marker

Unknown Speaker 7:43
he was 40 she was only 38 You died so young back then. Was 393?

Unknown Speaker 8:36
know like I mean

Unknown Speaker 8:49
not be able to talk to him now

Unknown Speaker 9:11
they wanted to remove these granite stones when they replaced this substrate so well we'll just get rid of these. I don't think so. Grave you've already moved at once.

Unknown Speaker 10:37
Right right. The picture we were looking at earlier with all those crosses on the side that boundary was More?

Unknown Speaker 14:23
Read this anymore

Unknown Speaker 14:37
I'm from Hawaii came to British Columbia around the year 1850 as laborers as they come to Korea, some of their pioneers settled on Portland Island Russell and call islands that the largest group chose South Salzburg where they farmed, fished and logged. Many married in native may to women and their children attended beaver point and Isabella point schools, they held Hawaiian luaus on the harbor beaches. They helped build St Paul's Church and remove members of several Kanaka families are buried in the cemetery. Some descendants still live on Saltspring

Unknown Speaker 15:30
uses Don Kelly he was in that picture I showed you was Christine maybe the better they said there was a circle round and it was an arrow saying ma'am Yeah

Unknown Speaker 15:45
1880 And now they said that fire thing on top wasn't erected picture my

Unknown Speaker 16:10
mother church, this guy he built a church over the valley area and he called it the butter church because he paid them off in butter. When they came to help work, he would give them butter and cheese. But it didn't last long. And so the windows I think they're around expire off the top of the windows door and Bill were acquired from farther Rondo's better church in Cowichan Bay. We were all brought in by me at Birdland which is straight up the valley that way Fulford comes in if you want to but for one day we shipped Rondelle colored stones added in 73 churches finally dedicated on May 10 at Bishop JB maybe that's what that picture is the dedication of the church but this guy will be there I'll have to look into pictures

Unknown Speaker 17:46
in that church we've been told the tale you sometimes forget to bring the coochie if you had to wear something on your bed oh yeah forget to bring it and they would looks very different in there probably that that was brand new when they did this I don't think that takes don't think some guilt that instead of having the guy on the cross of their church they have Yeah, I guess it's a little bit more cheery than a crucifix looks like he's sailing to the sky in order for you surfing with

Unknown Speaker 18:31
the Christian church at band surfing in Hawaii Tom really want to know from throwing good dudes like no one showing up on Sunday when there's good work sir. We got Pandit Oh, this this goes into the record I've never been in there for like holy ground you know? Yeah. Don't be messing as where they keep the sacramental wine

Unknown Speaker 19:13
this little room at the back of

Unknown Speaker 19:24
there everyone

Unknown Speaker 19:40
gonna get a few photos and then yeah, I think we've done it very good

Unknown Speaker 19:55
slippery slope guys are hanging around. To this slack here, the family the Mojave family made up because as I said, so many of these people are unmarked now remember the picture we saw over their shoulder there was all these crosses in there. So those were some of the marked graves. So they put one one plaque down for all these people

Unknown Speaker 20:36
they spell it like Maria, but it was always pronounced Mariah Ryan. Mary Jane's daughter will Fisher melindo That's Matilda. That's my grandmother and Rita buffers noise her younger son

Unknown Speaker 21:16
honies their big double grave this one I'm not sure Blackburn

Unknown Speaker 21:29
and this again they put up one big plaque to honor the whole family I was looking at what the 1970s

Unknown Speaker 21:46
Hello others very dubious

Unknown Speaker 21:57
long harbor you got to go all the way back up again. He's about 12 miles north of here that way yeah, go straight through Ganges and you'll see a road called upper Ganges road you go down there about a mile and you'll see long harbour road that you might want right yeah, yeah, I know like GPS is no reception you yeah but halfway it again Geez. You might get reception it cuts out a lot wrong you gotta get it again in the Ganges yeah because he felt need at one time there I did follow this around and hit North and one up there you're not going out that way point straight up north and road doesn't work right so it doesn't it doesn't work or anything illustrate again she spoke to a boss and then once you're in town, you've got to go through town but half a mile before you've hit the road that goes too long harbor so you might want to ask at that point, but it'll say I'm sure it says upper Ganges road once they get reception they get down okay, and then then you'd find long harbor road you got to get the Ganges in through it first good luck

Unknown Speaker 23:21
Good luck that's where she was standing. She was up on a ladder when she took our picture. Yeah, this is the only place you can get it the other way over the car I can hear it

Unknown Speaker 23:53
I'll keep an eye on

Unknown Speaker 24:02
so far so good. Nobody coming somebody's coming that way

Unknown Speaker 24:33
that's not too bad

Unknown Speaker 24:49
we're in the grass. How to do that when you're on the pavement. Yeah, definitely. Now

Unknown Speaker 25:07
power lines in front of it

Unknown Speaker 25:29

Unknown Speaker 25:37
up that's very cool how old are there

Unknown Speaker 26:10
well I wrote no good thing we were done yeah oh yeah that's a weird I've never

Unknown Speaker 26:35
no lie it took a hit

Unknown Speaker 26:56
I always wondered about this one no I don't know if that's thrilling or whining but I kind of think not I think there was a family called ouch This is the Palau

Unknown Speaker 27:23
Johnny John Palau died 1907 He was 90 And then this was the son

Unknown Speaker 27:42
died 1907 Age 90s is the same guy

Unknown Speaker 27:54
the both sides did not allow earnest Robert and William James allow 95 and 1912 or 517 years old

Unknown Speaker 28:22
nobody on this side that muscle feel was buried here with them now this one starting to lean we're too scared to tell them the point is you don't want that

Unknown Speaker 28:44
so fuse name on there anywhere.

Unknown Speaker 29:37
We always put lays on her grave too even though we didn't know her she was one of us very

Unknown Speaker 30:00
How are you

Unknown Speaker 30:17
very ah wife JP there is what it is wife John P and I think it says K h o u

Unknown Speaker 30:44
ah in a better light you can read a pro but that's that's why her name was cut out but as he says why Peavine the beans this can be cleaned up this is marble

Unknown Speaker 31:15
doesn't say he's here but he's probably one of the crosses

Unknown Speaker 31:34
this was one of the babies

Unknown Speaker 31:46

Unknown Speaker 31:57
melting down

Unknown Speaker 32:15
so there's Matilda. Mary and her father William. Rothstein Victoria. Annie is in Mount Pleasant. Living in Washington State. Skating skating

Unknown Speaker 32:43
Sophie is here. Sofia, Matilda, Julia and Marianne are here and he's in Washington State Cecilia is in Detroit he had a son named Adam and again I know nothing else him other than that supposedly drowned quite young young teenager in the Fraser River probably over there fishing or maybe she's gone over logins other Hawaiian registration for him if they never found a button, they wouldn't issue

Unknown Speaker 33:30
he was just one of the brown people they didn't care about this John brother John said on Portland island the Portland Island is a little tiny rock beside it called black

Unknown Speaker 33:54
it's right off Portland he said they used to go over there and there was three Stone Set in the ground

Unknown Speaker 34:05
and then now it's part of the marine park if you wanted to go over there one day three parts is only good ask permission. So he did may say well no, Nobody's allowed on there. No one's ever set foot on that island.

Unknown Speaker 34:32
Take off

Unknown Speaker 34:44