Accession Number | |||
Date | 2007 | ||
Media | digital recording | Audio | mp3 √ |
duration | 49 min. |
380_History- of-the-Womens-Institute_2007.mp3
Speaker 1 0:00
Good afternoon ladies and gentleman, we'd like to thank you for inviting us to come today to share our knowledge and enthusiasm about the Women's Institute. I do know there are some local members of the Women's Institute here today, and I would like them to stand or raise their hand and tell us their name just so that you know. Evelyn, Evelyn and Byron and any Institute members from elsewhere know.
Speaker 1 0:57
Just went up. As with all engineering organizations, the foundations were laid by people with vision and passion for their particular cause. The Women's Institute is no exception. Its roots were laid by one woman who did it whose dedication and conviction to her beliefs stirred first the local women, and then went on to mobilize women all over the world. Adelaide fitness, the founder of the Women's Institute, was in a word, a remarkable woman, born Adelaide hunter in 1857, on a farm near the village of St. George, Ontario, she was the youngest of 12 children. Her father died shortly after she was born, and growing up in this large family and a hard working life and helped her prepare for her life as an adult. Married at 24 she and husband John postless, moved to Hamilton and began a family your world was taken at their youngest child died from drinking impure milk. Her terrible sorrow was sharp and when she learned that his death could have been prevented if she had only known better. As a mother, she was not alone in her sorrow. Many women of the day lost an infant son or daughter. As she investigated circumstance, she learned that upward from one in five children did not reach the age of two, she resolved to do everything in her power. To help others to his knowledge. She headed a campaign for clean milk in her home city of Hamilton, Ontario. Beginning with classes in the YWCA, she developed these into a household Science School, which opened in the fall of 1896. One year later, she was instrumental in starting the first public school classes in household sciences in Ontario, indeed, in all of Canada. Adelaide good let's enlisted the help of Mr. Erland Lee, a very active member of the South Wentworth County farmers Institute. On a cold February evening in 1897, Mrs. Hoodless was invited to speak at the ladies night farmers Institute meeting, Mr. Lee had worked hard to have her on the agenda that night, fighting prejudice amongst his own members, ignorance and apathy amongst their wives. Many believes illness was the will of God. And still others felt this woman from the city didn't realize these country women were every bit as devoted to their families as she was, was there really anything to learn in spite of these attitudes, 35 going on, came to listen to Mrs. Homeless that night. Girls, she said, should be educated to fit them properly, for the sphere of life for which they are destined. A nation cannot rise above the level of its homes. Therefore, we women must work and study together to raise our homes to the highest possible level. By all accounts, the speech by Mrs. Homeless was well received as 35 Out of the 35 women there said they would return the following week to hear her speak again. Overland. Lee and his devoted wife worked tirelessly the next week, ensuring that local farm women were informed of another meeting where Mrs. homeless again would speak. Mrs. Hood was had received bitter opposition to the teaching of domestic sciences in the schools, both from the press and from public forum. Her husband, always a staunch supporter was chairman of the Hamilton Board of Education, and she found herself associated with some very knowledgeable and influential men.
Unknown Speaker 4:51
101 women attended the first meeting the following week, wherever they could was made another impact Xi's speech, emphasizing the importance of domestic science, education among girls. Her warm and inclusive nature attested to her sincerity. It made sense to the women, that if a farmer since the two could help men grow better crops, and Institute for Women could help in the even more important work of growing better families. I will send Mrs. Nelson that we recognize the women's department of domestic economy and affiliation with the farmers Institute. I second the motion, said Mrs. Lee. Almost every hand was raised. When Erland Lee, the chairman asked to us in favor. And so it was on the ninth of February 1918 97, the first Reynolds Institute was born. Eventually this institute became Stoney Creek wi. Early police involvement in the growth of the Wi Fi continued with him asking for and receiving government cooperation and support for the fledgling organization. The fee for membership was set at 25 cents, so it would be within reach of all. The first six meetings saw an average of tenants of 60. And it was noted that when subjects pertaining to the female species were discussed, the door was locked. In case a member of the male sex might intrude. Don't forget, this was the turn of the 20th century. During one of the early meetings, it was decided that six areas of interest would be their main focus, they were domestic economy, architecture, and that involves heating like sanitation and insulation, health and that was psychology, physiology, hygiene, calisthenics and penicillin. Then there was for culture and horticulture now I had to look up the word Flora culture. But I understand it was mentioned that the farmers Institute meeting last. Then there was music and art, literature, education, sociology and legislation. The present a standing committees closely resemble these six groups. The following year, Laura rose, and instructor in dairying at the Ontario Agricultural College in Well, I came to Stony Creek on behalf of government to organize a second Institute. This institute was centered in Whitby, and a year later, another institute was formed at Campbell. There was some opposition to the formation of the groups, but the organizers move forward and by 1902, there were 319 Institute's with a membership of 3081. The motto for home and country was adopted at the suggestion of Laura rolls. By 1916 There were 900 Institute's with a membership of 30,000 in 19, online, Laura and organized 15 in BC.
Speaker 1 9:00
Although we consider the founding of the Women's Institute, the greatest single achievement of Adelaide woodless his life, she was champion of much that was to benefit our country. The driving force behind all her work was to put into place the resources that women needed to better educate themselves. I would be remiss if I did I did not mention some of her other accomplishments. When she had lit the fire under rural women to create and they grow the Women's Institute. She turns her energies to securing funding for the higher education of women. She received a grant from tobacco magnate Sir William MacDonald of Montreal, and by 1904, the McDonald Institute was established at will to train Canadian women in the teachings of domestic sciences. A couple of years later, McDonald's College was established in Quebec to give teacher training Adelaide kloudless was also key to the founding of the Victorian order of nurses, the National Council of Women and the National Council of the YWCA, her full and devoted life and it's suddenly why I want to speak in engagement in Toronto in 1910. As Laura rose wrote in her memoirs, British Columbia was a thriving province in 1909, when she did so much organizing for the why the Institute was the means of bringing together under one banner, the rich and the poor, the old and the young, and those of all religions to receive and give valuable and practical knowledge in the area of only King and housekeeping. An organization that promoted for home and country was just the glue this young country needed. Mrs. Watt, a dedicated Institute member of Vancouver Island, brought the message of Wi Fi to the British Isles at the start start of World War One after relocating there, she felt the country women could benefit from an organization such as the one she left in BC. The idea took off running and in no time there were many Institute's even one where the Queen Mary resided. Of course, she was president. During the First World War, the efforts of British country women increased the food supply 35 to 60%, and the institute's became known as Canada's gift to the motherland. For her services, Mrs. Watt was awarded the Order of the British Empire by King George the fifth 22 years after the first wi was founded, and national organization, the Federation of women's institutes of Canada was formed with Judge Emily Murphy as president. Mrs. Angie McLaughlin was one whose energies were well placed in the why. She established many new branches of Wi Fi in remote areas of BC. In 1922, a woman from Hornby Island sought the help of Mrs. McLaughlin for her daughter, you know, with a tubercular sign went out to all the Wi Fi's across the province of BC, and the response was overwhelming. Both the Children's Hospital in Vancouver and the Queen Alexandra Stellarium at millbay were founded in 1927. The little girl from Hornby Island, was the first patient at the Queen Alexandra Stellarium. She survived and was financed to a business course by the Women's Institute, enabling her to earn her own living. Incidentally, there was $500 leftover in the fund to help this young girl it was put into a trust fund from each institute have $5 or more annually, the friend grew to $10,000 in 1946, with the interest being used to help children around the province.
Unknown Speaker 13:16
Meanwhile, no Moss was throwing under the feet of the Salt Spring Island when Mrs. Jane semester of Sydney suggested that the ladies of salt spring during the British Columbia Women's Institute and so on April 19 2025, women came to the little Burgoyne Valley schoolhouse, to attend the first meeting of the Women's Institute. However, as was fitting for the day, and then folk had decided to go to see what their women were not getting that they were not getting them involved in something that they couldn't control. This presence toggle the balance of power as there were 35 Man and 25 women at meeting the situation became a bit complicated when Mrs. Raven, representing the Department of Agriculture in Vitoria arrived at Fulford to organize the new Women's Institute, she had prepared a talk dealing entirely with women, which included mothers need baby clothes, and any feminine requirements after the initial shock and some embarrassed may have find that almost the entire MIT population the male population of the south end of the President, she decided to carry on with her lecture. After all, it was a women's meeting. After listening in stunned and confused silence All the manual that read paste. This was first and last Women's Institute meeting the local men ever attended. The roster of women attending this first meeting was they were all listed as ranchers wives, and the officers for Mrs. R Maxwell and Mrs. T ri. The first month we took the form of a concert by the Ganges dramatic love. All proceeds went to Lady mental hospital. In August of that first year, it was suggested that they build the Lean two onto the Burgoyne school was served as community hall. But further discussion led to the decision to build a separate Hall. Lamp last for the hall was donated by Mr. J. Shaw. And we understand through reading the minutes, although it was not actually stated in the minutes that Mr. Shaw also held the mortgage as as we read the minutes that Byron and I read the minutes master, or the whole from 1920 to 2000. It was often mentioned that they were paying money to Mrs. Shaw for the home mortgage. Through three days of the institute's spearheaded the raising of funds to begin construction of the home. They were Mrs. R Maxwell, Mrs. M jobs and Mrs. J. Coral. These ladies canvass door to door and instead in the minutes across the island, now before assuming that the canvas a whole island, and not just the south end. But by the end of the first day they had raised $1,500, toward a gallon of water was to become old for tall. By the fall of that same year, the new hall was officially open. Now, we have heard through the descendants of Mrs. Reid, that apparently there was many a divorce threatens because of the amount of involvement of the self and women in the Women's Institute, but we don't have any record of a divorce and actually take you maybe some of you know a little more about anyways, oh
Speaker 1 17:51
minute. Sorry. meetings of the institute were held at the Burgoyne school. Early on a sign was erected by the ladies to hang in the school. It read simply no sitting. One can only imagine why the sign was deemed necessary. The institute supported an amendment to the Municipal Law of the Sea, giving away the vote for school trustee. This law, however, was not passed in April of 1922 100 pounds of potatoes were distributed to members for the Fall fair competition. A letter from fuller brush was granted the September meeting, asking if they could give a demonstration at the next wi meeting. The request was not favorably received. Even in those days, women were leery of door to door salesmen. The institute sent to Simpsons for one dozen decks of playing cards, card parties, dances, bazaars, and concerts were held in an effort to raise money for the hall in 1925, but Fulford Hall burned down. The Wi Fi once again took on the job of raising monies to rebuild. The fact that the hall was reconstructed within that same year, attests to the dedication and perseverance of these women. As the Ontario the British Columbia government put the Women's Institute under the Ministry of Agriculture, along with farmers Institute's an annual grant was given them to aid in their work. In 1926, the position of Superintendent of women's institutes was held by a woman for the first time. This is Angie McLaughlin was the first to hold this title. With a model of for homing country, the Wi was always ready to help those in need. All Institute's worked firstly in their own communities, and then as time and energy permitted, they sought to help beyond their immediate geographic area. The following are similar Oh good works recorded in the minutes of our Saltspring Island WI. A benefit dance for Mrs. Don Lumley was held with a gratifying amount of $209.50 raised. This was indeed a handsome sum for an 1828 a donation was given to a family that had been being burned out, and a shower was held for them. $10 was given to a family who had lost three cows in two years. That was in 1953. The lady's purchased a pair of shoes for a boy so he could attend school. They paid the fare for a boy to ride the school bus so he could visit the dentist in Ganges sweaters remitted for two small girls at the seventh end. A hospital bill for an x ray for a child was paid, and a contribution to the building of the Cenotaph in Ganges. To honor World War One soldiers was made.
Unknown Speaker 21:00
The motto of the wi and integrity of the institute showed in other local endeavors as well. When your sweet piece seats are given to school children to plan. They have the competition to create clothing from Casta garments. So they were into recycling way back 30 A motion was passed that married women not be employed except in cases of need. Now, this was the way it was written in the minutes. So we're just quoting verbatim. This spoke of the importance the women placed on child rearing, as well as the consideration they have or spreading the work and the wealth so to speak. A competition was held in 1931 on why I should buy Canadian products in the world. Why? very keen on resolutions. I think they every year they have a list of resolutions that they would like to pass. So a couple of them that were in the minutes we found one that Vancouver Island coastlines reduced the cost of the local stage. Now we're assuming this was a fare from the ferry terminal. I don't know if it was in sports Bay at the time right into Victoria. Is that right was It was once you got off the ferry and into Victoria, they want to reduce and they want the second one was they wanted the Canadian freight rates reduced, but I don't think either resolution produce their desired results. Earlier that year and the islands agricultural Association had asked for donations of fruit and vegetables for the poor and unemployed in Vancouver. However, nothing was sent from the island as the freight costs were just too high. In 1935, the minutes record an invitation for the Ganges wi to exhibit free of charge in the south Saltspring wi on the show. And I think that was the four runner up there. I believe it was. And this is the only mentioned through all of the minutes about the Ganges or where you are. And we have no record. We have nothing on the Ganges wi unfortunately so if anybody here has any information or knows where we could get information on the Ganges why we would really like to hear from him. For many years, jars of jam were sent to the Queen Alexandra solarium. However, in the fall of 1947, the solarium informed the Wi that they had had to make other arrangements for preserves, as the shipping costs were too high. With the improvement in roads and a larger better school in Ganges, the Brooklyn schools close this was 1941 the local Wi Fi sent a letter of protest to the government but you know what they
Speaker 1 24:45
say the decision to close the school was an entirely bad one because that's where I'm
Unknown Speaker 24:54
and I think you still hear the kids
Unknown Speaker 24:58
and the No spitting silence still A lot of major fundraiser was dances and put on a lot of dances jell O for Hall. And everyone wants to know a lot of reference was made to misters. Mr. Stone. So what's the floor manager? I have no idea what like floor manager bless. kill somebody tells me they call the dances and very organized. Oh, well, this is not what I was told Danny, no. Oh, well here I understand that was the polite term for the bouncer. Because at this time, there was a lot of lockers on the island. And I think the loggers love to dance party. And I think they used to go outside every once in awhile and come back in a little more happier than they were. And so they used to have a floor manager. So I guess they liked one for deploy term for the gentleman who was in charge of that. So that's what the floor manager proceeds from one dancer used to send a care package to some of the local boys who are fighting an active duty overseas. They help baby clinics to help mothers better care for their young children. They sponsored a home nursing course. And $50 was sent to Fraser Valley flood relief in a big flood of 1948 was given to the food for Britain fund in the late 1940s. I think after the war, there was still a very large shortage of food in Britain, and so that why send money or food to Britain. We cannot read the minutes over years gone by without getting a sense of awe and appreciation of the benefits this group of ladies gave to our community. There was a need, they recognized and responded in a very real and helpful way. They were not overwhelmed by how large the task, they just took action. The Women's Institute was equally dedicated to the lady mental hospital. And they were in charge of looking after the men's ward. And in 1933, they donated $5 towards the sewing machine. And for the men's Ward they purchased at throw those curtains radio card table cards and money was given to repaint the men's for and apparently this was very prominent in the minutes that they donated a clock, they were going to donate a clock to the men's for however, they got word from the hospital that the operating room clock was not working properly. So with the Wi Fi in mind, if the new clock went into the old car, and the one that didn't work so well would go in and then of course the Wi agreed and so we don't know if o'clock was losing time or gaining time. And it never did say so we don't know if time stood still for a while and the mentor.
Speaker 1 29:01
While the Saltspring Island wi was working to improve family life at home, the greater movement of the Women's Institute was growing. With over 8000 branches in the world. The time was right to form an international union. So much more could be gained by sharing with and learning from each other. In Stockholm, Sweden in 1933, a World Organization of rural women has created called the AC W W. SOS associated country women of the world, as is often the case dollars to keep the organization functioning. We're in short supply. One idea came for that all country women everywhere give one penny or equivalent every year to the AC WW fun. It was affordable for all and little to give for such a worldwide friendship that any sport friendship program is still A very real part of our why meetings to this day. This money provides the bulk of the operating budget for the AC W W. Through the work of the associated country live in the world. women of all races in seven countries are bound together by common interests, mutual help and friendship, through conferences, seminars, scholarships, travel, letter writing, and much more. After the Second World War, the Saltspring Island wi began corresponding with the little Dean wi in England and continue into the 1980s reassuring it was to hear word from another institute across the sea, that their challenges were so closely in step with our own. Following the Second World War, the institute's continued working where they saw a need. As a matter of fact, one of our longtime members lattice Lyndsey tells us that when she came to Canada as a ward bride, she received a gift of a quilt from the district why? It was their practice to welcome all board brides with a handmade quilt are locally endeavors included establishing secondhand trading post for children's clothing, sending a parcel to the island man who were fighting in Korea, donating a sizable sum of money to help purchase an iron one for the solarium, collecting woollens to make blankets, as well as purchasing some new white ones to go in the hospital, sending Christmas cards and gifts to pass members and the minutes a, quote bachelors unquote, and the less fortunate cookies were given to the agent in the private hospital. On a request from the humanitarian service committee of Canada, layouts were sent to Arab babies. raising money for all good deeds was an ever present task, and often accomplished by hosting a team. At one team held it the fall fair assign was made it red patrons do not linger after you have finished routine.
Unknown Speaker 32:22
Why we're not shy to write government on issues they deem important to their cause. They sent a letter voicing their disapproval of establishing a liquor store on the island, but it's not normally their husbands were consulted. A letter was sent to honorable Leslie Peterson, supporting the Quenelle, who is requests to change the law for schoolchildren using the bus in 1957. Children living less than six miles away from the school had to walk. The request was to have the distance change to one mile. A letter was sent to the Canadian consumers Association, asking that the manufacturers of clothing be required to put better elastic in garments. Now there's no mention of what catastrophe precipitated this letter, but there must have been a letter of protest was sent. When the Indian Hospital in denial was threatened with closure. It was asked that it be kept open until a more suitable place was secure. In 1961, the Institute introduced talks at the meetings. The first guest speaker was Hamilton, a local writer. She was to talk on God and Mr. Benson, but we don't know who or what Mr. Manson was. Since we've been wondering ever since about Mr. Benson, I have her wonderful books. And I looked up in the back hoping to find Mr Danson but he wasn't there. The Women's Institute have often provided material for fair and in the 1950s had handed over the reins of organizing the fair to the farmers Institute. They have always been price flour entrance and baking participants in the fall fair. But in 1967 they began making pies and selling them by a slice. It proved so successful. And in those early days of the pie booth, there was no Shelter adilyn has told us there is no shelter. So all day long the pie sat out in the blazing sun on this table and they had cream pies and they had lemon meringue pies. They sold them all and people ate them all up and we didn't hear of anybody dying from eating the pie, didn't you? Yep. Well, anyway, so that wasn't the ideal circumstances, but it served the purpose. So they do, they made more pots for the next year. In 1971, we found the first records of what was later to be become a bursary for a high school student on Saltspring. A W like cookbook and a check for $25 was given to the student with the highest mark in home economics. In 1977, a scholarship was given to a great 12 Students entering university and to this day, we still give a we now call it a bursary to graduating students. How fun islands senior secretary secondary who is going on to higher education institute is this still 1977 Institute recognized both Evelyn Lee and glaslyn Speak in 1977. And they were awarded each life membership. And we feel very fortunate to have both these members still active participants in our institute today. And this year was Evelyn's 60 deer year with Wi Fi.
Unknown Speaker 36:59
During this time when women were getting sewing pillowcases or the solarium quilts to raffle off as fundraisers, and dresses for patients at the Children's Hospital. They make time however, to write to honorable Otto Liang to protest oil tankers flying the waters up and down our coast.
Speaker 1 37:23
In 1983. In that year, I saw the construction of a much needed pipe for use at the farmer's Institute fall fair grounds with some tender loving care and a few renovations. This is the same group that we use today. Each February our local District which includes southern Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands Creek celebrates the founders lunch where the spirit of Adelaide Hoodless is honored. Each Institute is expected to participate in the drama competition. Saltspring Island has taken its share of trophies from this event over the years in 1987. Their entry was we Willie Winkie. As you can see the work of the institute is peppered with some less serious moments in 1996, the why was invited to be special guests at the 75th anniversary celebration of the Fulford Hall. In total, the Women's Institute raised funds and organized the building of the Fulford Hall three times. The second Hall burned in 1936, and it was rebuilt in 1937. With some instruction and attention to fire safety, this building has stood the test of time, thank goodness, the end of the century and into the new millennium saw the institute's in our district very involved with the issue of genetically modified seeds. there being two sides to every story, the Institute remains true to its traditions. And instead of trying to convince folks of the big money behind the genetics, we chose to lobby government to establish labeling of GMO products. The Wi Fi was also very active in voicing an opinion to government about keeping the bovine growth hormone out of the Canadian milk supply.
Unknown Speaker 39:22
As the years pass, our local Women's Institute continues to work within the community for the betterment of home and country. Our major fundraising has now focused on making and selling pies at the Fall fair in September, and Apple fest to satisfy both events our members make our members and friends make over 360 pots. The task is truly a labor of love. As most of the fruit picked for the pie is picked by by the members, but we are really much more than flaky pastry. A number of local charities benefit from donations we give. School bursary is awarded each year toward graduate going on to higher education. High on our priority list is Lady mental hospital. Queen Alexandra solarium, Vancouver Children's Hospital. Farmers Institute, Fulford Hall and for each, we are very grateful to all the people who support our cars through purchasing our slices of pie. The Institute had major discussions on the issue of price increase amassed care, since I one point we we figured it was 1980. It was 250. And our punch on last year had been still 250. So we decided to raise it to $3. Now some of us not looking in any direction or mentioning any names and many sleepless nights over 50 cents. But we did not get one single complaint about the rise in the price. You increase the size, we increase the lock that went into the pie. It it's easy to list the grandest accomplishments of the women since two, pasteurization of milk, the yellow dividing line on the highway signs at railroad crossings at 3.6 gigahertz in automobiles. However, the greatest accomplishment of our organization is the encouragement it gave to modern pioneer women of this country to believe in themselves that they could, with all the knowledge make a positive difference in the health and well being okay. And thank you for giving us the opportunity to praise the Women's Institute. Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 42:25
Anybody have any questions like that?
Unknown Speaker 42:33
Here on the 14th?
Unknown Speaker 42:43
Yes, we have we have a high making bead, we have two high making beads now down at for call and we make probably 50 each time. And Sharon makes you make 30 I make 30 Plus pastry for Evelyn. And other members make 30. And we do have some wonderful people who are great pie makers and they said we will make pie for you. And then because yeah, we provide the ingredients and people have been so wonderful in making pies source and that that is our fundraiser. And we get people who come up to the pie booth. And they say this is what I come to the fall fair for every year is a piece of pie. And they're usually there at 10 o'clock in the morning to make sure they get a piece and by three o'clock we're usually sold out. So it's really a graph but it's very gratifying because people really love pie. And not many people think pie anymore. Who granted guarantees? No, we did. We don't know when they were formed. We know nothing about them, other than there was a branch in Ganges. Is there is there a national archives we do not have any record of Ganges this what we've Britain started because they have the sub Vancouver Island district has spearheaded a history of the Wi Fi in BC. And that Byron and I with the help of Barry Davidson went to the archives and laughed and giggled for I don't know about five times going through the minutes every single page in the minutes and that was the only mention can sheets is invalid And so we you know, what happens, as you probably know, in the historical society, one year, it's one person, a secretary next year, it's somebody else. She takes the stuff that's adding. It doesn't want it around 1020 years later, she sells her house, the stuff, it's put in the garbage, and it's gone. So now we realize now the importance of making accurate records and custom things in a minute. And we wouldn't have a clue what they were talking about when we bet that you would never be mentioned again. And so lots of things are lost. So you know, if there is somebody who knows about and she's really would love to know, I
Unknown Speaker 45:59
wonder if it became the hospital exhilarate those ladies transferred my army up here wasn't quite as didn't carry on as well.
Unknown Speaker 46:14
I think that was about the 1940s in the early 1940s that was mentioned Could you maybe explain what's your banner and your little display? Maybe we'll call on Apple and can you explain the banner
Unknown Speaker 46:31
Evelyn Can you tell us about the banner,
Unknown Speaker 46:35
Nora's dogs and her husband made that for us green did up there
Speaker 1 46:48
so yeah. And the banner, every institute has a banner. So our district which comprises now I think about 14 Different Wi Fi groups we include so Vancouver Island from Duncan so all the Gulf Islands that have any Women's Institute groups in them so we when we get together at the spring conference we all have our banner in front of our delegates and so everybody understands that are where people come from. And and the little poster there is just that it's our crest at the top for Homeland country. And then that a few of the sort of more pertinent that's of importance for why are there they we have a collect that that's that I didn't care the words in it are very beautiful to read. There's a wi Carol and and a few other things that just might might spark your interest a little bit just to just to read them. And in that in the center is a pamphlet we Saltspring Island held the founders lunch this last spring in memory of of the Adelaide Cutlass and that was our little itinerary that we that we gave out. So it had a picture of her on I just just in case. He was of interest in it the on the bottom right hand corner is that Driftwood Middle article that being daeodon val giants for our 80th anniversary on Saltspring island for a why so so have a have a peruse through it and that the center of our quest is a little bit it says mi see Wi Fi so see if you can find the letters. They're sort of intertwined. Thank you very
Unknown Speaker 48:48
Unknown Speaker 48:55
I like to thank you very much for your presentation. This is the second presentation I've heard from these ladies. Last year was the churches of poker, they did an excellent job and today, it really gave us an overview and I'm glad that you were able to come up here today and share some of your experiences. Thanks very much.
Unknown Speaker 49:22
Copy a search. So be up at the front and bring it out right now. So go up and have a tea and coffee and services. Thank you very much for coming in this afternoon. So I've enjoyed some of the sunshine