Unknown Speaker 0:00
But thank you all for coming out today to this inaugural lecture 2016. And it's always a pleasure to come to this building. And you know, if you notice that side as building 10 or 20 years old this year, it's kind of cool. It's one of the older buildings on the island.
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Unknown Speaker 0:19
I didn't really prepare sort of a formal talk, it seemed to get the film in terms of media here, everything. So
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this is sort of going to be an affordable talk and exploration of a connected Salish family of Isabel point. And it's mostly you know, I'm really interested in nearly a history of the islands, archaeology. And for me, I don't see any distinction between what people refer to as archaeology and history. It's all the same to me, there's a continuum. There's no such thing as pre history. Anybody says that, you know, that's pretty wet. There's no such thing as pre history. And the history is a socially constructed, every people who've ever existed, have a history and system, things to learn about these different ways of looking at the past. And Saltspring is so rich in history of all kinds, you know, it's really a diverse cultural place. And
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what I want to do today is to look at the interaction between a group of settlers from Hawaiian Islands, and local indigenous people of Salt Spring.
Unknown Speaker 1:31
So we'll just like to get some terms because language is going to be part of this, you know, it's really good to understand, you know, differences in names and things like, subtitle kenapa. Tanaka, as long as you know, is Hawaiian for
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Unknown Speaker 1:47
people on the second day, where there is Tameka? That's at the Mati that Samadhi version of this word. And both of these words mean people. Now just just forget your series and see how from Chanukah and tonic to the soundcheck from K to T.
Unknown Speaker 2:07
Originally in Hawaiian language, the case that we're familiar with today are actually teams of missionaries change that sound when they began to write the blind language in the mid 19th century.
Unknown Speaker 2:22
Someone like, you know, they will take your laptop was probably Thomas was the word for humans, men, people, and they gotta change the time. You've all heard of Kamehameha famous Hawaiian leader. He read the old documents and why is Tim a man? So anyway, he sounds shifts become important when you're trying to figure out people's names in the past.
Unknown Speaker 2:45
And I like to show this when I talked about the history of Saltspring Island and civic Northwest, because you can understand the history of colonization and settlement without understanding this history. This is an app that was created to just last year by a fellow named Jones showing the spread of the slow sort of city spread of smallpox across the North American continent, beginning in 1580. On these coasts, and then, incrementally, incrementally moving across until 1767 1789, we find Pacific Northwest is one of the last places to hit by epidemics. And but when it gets consistent, devastating shows the epidemic of a 1780s 1790s came down to the Columbia River to Puget Sound into the Gulf of Georgia, and the petered out around Campbell River within the wake of this disease and 70s.
Unknown Speaker 3:40
There were up to 90% fatality in probably in this region, in the Gulf of Georgia. And there's lots of evidence for this archaeological evidence in the form of Van villages and oral traditions describing these plates, so we always have to think about when the first settlers started to arrive here in the early 19th century, they were coming into a landscape had been heavily it was a demographic collapse, but people still lived here, but not in the numbers that used to Saltspring Island. As one of the largest islands we'll find the largest pre contact population, but 90% Fatality 1780s Things started to slowly grew back or to regroup. Here which we're going to look at the south end of the island to get into our story. There were still there were people living here
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at quickness, which is a footprint harbor and a different places around the island.
Unknown Speaker 4:40
In the early 19th century Ganges, of course showed there was a building there that was described in 1860s. There were houses described eaten 60, down here, clinic nets, and probably other places as well. It's a part of our history that we still haven't quite
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figured out history, it's a sampling problem,
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don't have the data, but we're finding new data all the time. So I want to focus now on this place
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at the Disability point,
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just as you come into the harbor on the left,
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and this is a closer shot.
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Now, this is a very ancient landscape, this is a very old place. And of course, you can tell right away by the white shell beaches, which is an indication of Shell mounds, or some people call the mittens. Indigenous people can even people refer to these as on that, which means covered grounds, which is basically a good description of what we archaeologists, archaeologists who close the ticket to your subsurface deposits, it's covered itself. And you can see this is quite an extensive site. And it's evidence of the use here over the last few 1000 years. And you see sort of these places up here.
Unknown Speaker 6:00
Modified landscapes, the property held the buildings like this, that would come and go over 2000 years. We don't know how long people live here. But we can speculate that
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dwellings like this stood at various times on this site and many other places on Saltspring on and each one of these houses here would have held a separate family.
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This is a
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friend of mine is found he's on the beach.
Unknown Speaker 6:33
We were just looking at and just just an indication of some of the of the previous activities and occupation. These are Jade Celts, Jade is traded down from the interior. And these are diagnostic points. This one here could date from 2400 1600 years ago, and just won these sort of bifacial points to date anywhere from the last 4000 years. But there has been no archaeological work done in this place. And so we don't have a real idea of its history. But when things like this hint at the the antiquity of the place. And then of course, other things, this is more recent use. But here is the findings of beaches, the salt drill, and these are the basis of a whiskey bottle. And that's called the case of gin bottle. But this shows the continuity, a continuity of occupation at this site. This is a not a great map. And I wish they had an early when I think Richards map making 59. But what I wanted to point out here is Isabella point, the earlier name for it was village point or village Island, because Little Rock Islands off of this place,
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which describes the village and the British didn't give names like village to places sort of
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the name that because it's a village or some sort of settlement there. Isabella, I'm not sure where that name came from. I looked up in walbran. The only ISABELI refers to in some some other other place names further up. So north, so
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a mystery. But anyway, this woman, so he was born probably at that place in 1830
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is a health seeking lady is the detail from a picture. So she was born there 1830. And
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this is an 1859. So she's living up here. And she ended up with San Juan Islands.
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And where she met her future husband,
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who was William Conner was employee of the Hudson's Bay Company. They see your nifty 59
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There was no Valley it was built, the border is still in dispute.
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This is a time of saying a so called Pig War. We've all heard the Pig War
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wasn't about a pig. I won't get into it. But it's a misnomer.
Unknown Speaker 9:01
It's funny when that you almost sort of take away take us into the garden.
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As a company guy shoots it all starts war. Like when you look at the regional correspondence, you know, this didn't happen if they didn't go in the garden. But
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this is the settler provided restitution and everything. And it actually when the Americans showed up because they heard the American settlers being threatened. He said, Oh no, the British are actually treating us really nice and there's no problem. This whole pig thing got anyone coming into the house. There'll be a separate talk anyway these should all be part of our
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will get
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to talk in
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Confederate conspiracies. It's great stuff. Anyway, so there's a dispute here taking 5980 72
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over the boundary, British
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stay there because the British were there first. I mean, the
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Unknown Speaker 10:01
with an arrangement with with Sony people who lives on San Juan Island. This is the Bellevue farm on San Juan. And this is where this woman from Saltspring Island to sleep, she met her husband, and began the family as workers on the farm, so the huge apple orchard and they had a huge sheep farm. So that's basically what these people were doing. They're raising apples and, and see
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there's a gentleman work for those of a company really behind I was born in Hawaii in 1827. And here's his wife, select Shia, from I think that's the name. Like we have to find out what this name is, you know, there are probably people today who still carry that name. And I got this from our website from a contributor who just sent him some family information. These
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any names helped me them. Names are really important, really significant. They can tell us a lot of history.
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Not just the individual, the history of the name, and tell you a lot of things but rights, access and privileges. Anyway, they had, I think six kids, these are two of them were born on
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San Juan Island, Joseph commoner and married now you see how this word comments started to change at the time,
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eventually, but it's the same name. So when it came 72 This family moved to
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to be reappointed. Now, I just want to show you that some of the etymology this name
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will take on a Kohana, Donna town, these are all variations with one name. And you see the sound shifts between T's and Ks. And so on. Day one, it means like John, in lottery and in blind, we might just binge on and Zane is starting to McDonough. I'm not sure. I definitely don't have a handle on all the points genealogies. But
Unknown Speaker 12:06
I just want to point out that salary, they always say change his name to Tommy. But he really was, I think changing it closer to the original pronunciation they wanted.
Unknown Speaker 12:16
Because, you know, these days were bestowed on people by English writers who were trying to come as close as they could to the Hawaiian, or calcaneum languages. And you see there, William Kahana. And Mary was born November 17, at 30 something and there's a list of their children.
Unknown Speaker 12:37
Most of them were born before they left Salzburg, or before they left San Juan so when they arrived on set Saltspring island in 1872. They said the two
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children and this is Sophie Anakin 74 were 2323 people living here, settlers.
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Some families, a third of the women were Native women
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in this area, and
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notice down here, the one names of lots of food while serving at 59. But by this time people were pre empting land. And this is the
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Frank is magic on that and there's a Lilian Nuan
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who was here by the side, he's on the board with his wife and two children.
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Of course, in this area, by this time,
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I mentioned that a third of the women who had married settlers were Native women, and most of them are from collagen area. And here's some examples. A secret who married to Theodore tradie, and a lot of acreage and you'll be repoint. And this is cochlea who married Michael jives, and
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their family are still on the island descendants of both of these women are still still live on Saltspring Island. And there were a number of other women too. We don't have all of the names. So
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the Hawaiians who came up here probably reminded them a bit of home. This is the beach and Isabella point on a nice summer day. It's just an absolutely gorgeous spot. And it's very strategically placed. A location
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a favorite stopping pot, a place for for people coming from collagen from Saanich Inlet, from harrow straight
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route to stop on route to wherever they're going. And so someone who plays the island you find Bucha fabulous, nice cactus. Another kind of
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another thing that kind of makes it part of Saltspring really kind of different ecologically and
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we we cannot let Canada geese go on this island.
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cuz they're actually killing the cactus. So Parks Canada
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get to get in here there.
Unknown Speaker 15:09
Anyway, so um, so I mentioned that they wouldn't come on it and see a lot she had two
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children. And then when he passed on, he divided the land between them. And so Mary was given this part of the property, which is sort of on the south side, the point and then the brother Joe had the property on the other side, and this is her house here. And then her son, Bill, let me build that house that still stands.
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And so
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here's the sort of the second generation there's falacci.
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As an old woman, this was taken in 1905. So she'd be you know,
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75 or so. And here's her daughter, Mary.
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And she married this gentleman, Bill Lumley, who is from London, England, in the family lore has it that he jumped ship, and ended up on there's no point in the Mary, Mary, and these, and they have a lot of kids and these are their children. And I believe this lady here is Mary
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Alemany, and she
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is the mother of a gentleman I interviewed a few months ago, Sam Harris, who gave me a lot of information on this. And we talked about in a bit more.
Unknown Speaker 16:37
Here are some signs of a
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eldest son, that might be Richard or Robert or
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Henry Thomas, we're not sure like we're still in the process of identifying why these people we know who these kids are. And this is
Unknown Speaker 16:57
yes, yeah. Thank you. Who is
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the brand or the mother of my friend, Stan?
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Father, elder. And so these families are very connected, of course, to the the ruling, a family and Saltzman share of the st genealogy
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at a certain point
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Unknown Speaker 17:30
they recorded a large circle of other families on the island. And just recently, I was looking at this photo because we're assembling these pictures for this talk, to seek to give people a sense of the community and
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identify pretty sure who these people are in front row. And that's the happy burgers family.
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This would be joining Pathan, burger scene assistant, his wife
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and kill petite. And I believe that that's your sister,
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Mary rice.
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And these are probably your children, their children. That's probably Arthur, Captain burger. And the eldest sister and I'm not sure about the names. But they were one of these families. This is an indigenous family they Johnny was the son of George Patton Berger and the Native women whose whose name is not recall. But he stayed there. And they created a large property
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near beaver point. And but the son of Johnny and his wife, the kids stayed and ran his farm until he died in the 60s.
Unknown Speaker 18:42
It's really, so this picture is taken on nine to five. And
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yeah, I think it's a great you know, to identify these people, this is kind of a thing, you know, like a standard archaeology and history love to different they're dealing with, with data and it's about, you know,
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looking at it carefully and identifying things and then building with with this data to create a bigger picture to pass and there's
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a detail at the top and burgers. And my informant, Stan, you know, talk a lot about the Papenburg. He's only other families in the community, other people interacted with his
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community. Now, just to these details of these two young men, when I saw you stand here, as I wasn't able to clarify, he said in that picture, those were two uncles of mine went off to the war. And so they were young men and that nine to five pictures Richard and then some other guy Robert, but I think this might be
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Henry Thomas, but I'm not sure. But anyway, Nike 17 And they both are Nike 15 They both joined up. So they
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the attestation papers of
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Thomas and the attestation papers have
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of his brother, John Richard.
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And both of them were killed in
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the final days World War One like literally after the 1990s, Sochi 1918.
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And it shows, you know, one thing about the Siamese was the these are these, the Sami would have a much larger presence on the silent. These are men had
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to sacrifice
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Unknown Speaker 20:34
Unknown Speaker 20:37
so, the World War One happened, community was resilient. People came back and still maintain the party. And even people still live in this area. This is Seattle, what and to helicopter, who were the last occupants of the was called the Dieter point any observed. And the closing here, I think, was a member of the Brisbane town. So this picture was taken about 1920 or so. And that's the longhouse that he had. But they didn't live in that they lived in a sort of European style house and just behind it. And so this is about the 1920s. So this shows, this is one of the longest continually see occupied places on Saltspring Island, as was the place over a fever point, and a lot of other different places on salt space. So I just want to, you know, give you this idea that the native population never left the area, they were still living, even though they're sort of fragments living and accessing their traditional properties.
Unknown Speaker 21:41
So now I'm gonna move into story, as told to me by Sam Harris, who is born and his development in 1923, I don't think this is Sam. That's his grandmother. Anyway, that's married, lonely. And he knew he knew his grandmother really well. And it was such a privilege to talk to this gentleman, I was going to come to Saltspring with his family one day, and he,
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you know, it's not often you get to grow up or to talk to somebody who was born in 1923 and has a crystal clear memory of Fulford harbor in the 20s and 30s. And so he's been living in ladder since the 40s. So I spoke with him for two hours, just you know, like, you know, just because I do pretty well, and it's just so much fun to to solicit his memories of the place. And you know, I won't be able to cover all of it in this talk. But it just gave me an insight into diversity and complexity of the place at that time. And what a great life was, and how everybody worked together. And this is a, I forgot the new Oh, yeah, here's
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the artists who produce this. And this is sort of a sort of a telescope of many different periods on Saltspring island. But it gives you an idea of how people may living here in the early part of the 20th century, mostly mixed farming. So this family here, the lovely family is now here, living in three different houses on the original property. And they were involved in all aspects of making a living, one of the most important I mean, they had their own market gardens, and they also ran sheep.
Unknown Speaker 23:19
Sam Harris's dad, Albert Stanley sorted out a picture of him was known as sort of the sheep herder on the island. All this area here, my father is also free range, and she could be up there for a month and my same over betta flight and still the cheapest roaming around when it came for the Dr.
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Unknown Speaker 23:41
Harris was the man who organized these massive roundups of the sheep from this area and from Beaver point, and he's well known for that. And it's interesting to read some of the the Pioneer references, there's a reminiscence of some guy lives in Australia, he talks about the Indians are coming to do the the sheep herding and stuff. So people, you know, sort of characterize these people and assume Indians are natives and sort of the powerlines that they use to describe the the the people that Isabella but so they didn't want to mix during that huge gardens, they hunted standard strike needle hunts that took place on both sides of filter harder, where they would have
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they would pick up certain individuals who the best shot to position themselves in the landscape. And then they have other people that would dry the deer up towards them, and then you shoot them and they get like three or four at a time. But they would do this when there was sort of a shortage of food, they would actually families that lived in these different little areas. You know, this sort of gets together and just do these hunts, just to sort of beef up the food supply in certain times of year. And they also relied on a lot of traditional food gallery.
Unknown Speaker 24:56
This is a plant garden just off of the the
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The village would be at a point. And they also this is an interesting thing to Sam Harris referred to the little community there as the village. And he also I asked him about this clan guards, you know, when I plan garden around there and said, No it, you know, I worked on the damn thing. And he actually worked on his clan garden in the 20s and 30s. And you people know what a plant garden is.
Unknown Speaker 25:24
Anyway, it's just, you know, we're planning to it's our suffix, basically a way that native people ramped up production of plant beds. And what you did was you
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go through it, you start digging up the plants, and then slowly pile the rocks at the low tide mark. And eventually,
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this creates a sort of a race beach. So you're creating a low, a low rock wall, low tide, and then you add to it and it's a kid's job to do it. Sam and his little kids 567 years old, people were digging in the plant garden, his job was to carry the rocks and put them on this burn here and build it out and then put the sand was in here. It's a very sophisticated way to ramp up food production. And these are very common throughout BC. You know, they're starting to rediscover clan guards down and go, Holy cow, it's time to move on. And, and we just never noticed that before. And also we don't notice is that the
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increased food production and get out of these things, can support large populations. That's why they created clam gardens. It's very efficient way to produce food. So he worked on one of these and he said there was another one where his other grandma lived further inland on the harbor, but was destroyed by this. And Stan Harris remembers this logging operation in Fulford harbour in the late like, late 20s. And this is I think, Fraser logging company. And this is about we're probably standing but Isabella Point Road here. And you see this huge log shoot. This is a log sheet made of a Douglas spirit logs laid down to make a road sort of three logs, why look at its you know, how many logs
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and the logs up in the back and then brought the stuff down into the harbor. And this is right on the planet
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of his grandmother. And it was destroyed. In fact, Stan Harris, he said before the Fraser logging company came to Fulford that this was just a Big Sandy tidal flat with eelgrass. And so this is beautiful clear white sand. And then the logging company came in and within, you know, few years they weren't there destroying the whole habitat, because of the
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mostly because of the bark and material from logs is laying a huge layer on the ground and then suffocating it. And he says the filter hardware we see today is not the filtered harbor just finding
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wasn't didn't have those mud flats. You know, it was sand, sand, bottom all the way.
Unknown Speaker 28:02
So, but logging was super important.
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You know, he didn't have you know, I said, Oh, you know, I asked about growing up there, but he was always on the move. Yeah, I was always going logging camps of Vancouver Island.
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And his dad was a logger. And of course, and these are all scenes, you know, that we got from the family album. So it's a big part of their life. He He's memories. I think he said he stayed in every logging camp of Vancouver Island, which I'm sure because the loggers went out. And many cases they took their families with them. So it's a big part. It's almost like going to war, that sort of thing and looking at these photographs. I mean, these were these logging operations are huge. The men are housed in, you know, basically towns, hundreds of people. I mean, they were big operations. They're also fishermen and they went up north to the canneries, and you know, seasonal labor. This one who knows what that is maybe Porter Ethington.
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to get that information
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now, this one, because they may recognize what that might be. Looks familiar.
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Right here,
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but this could be annoying because he also talked about going up and these reports of the Columbia River gillnets, which were taught, you know, very familiar to fishermen in those days, to man boats and most of them are built in Vancouver.
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But this is the light
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and other shots from there, getting salmon out of some tender and loading them in
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You can carry those
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big industrial operations. But you know, they'd always come back to Grandma's
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house here. And there's house her her
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son built. And then of course, on the other side is the only house, which was actually on the site of the original cabin, that the original stuff there, there's just some people out sailing around beautiful, sunny day back in the past. And then they are more kids playing on the beach in front of the alumni there and Uncle Bill's gonna love this house.
Unknown Speaker 30:41
And I asked him, you know, tell me about some characters. So the only character that they really remember was John Anderson. And he lived out of walkers hook, and this is actually just down below my place, I noticed really well. And but this gentleman moved his bell point. And he
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would play taps every evening, that's
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standard members, and used to kind of drive people like every night,
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he would stand up, play taps. And he was kind of a satisfied him as an environmentalist, like, he's always building parks and trails and things. And he was sort of estranged from his family, his family, a bunch of jazz musicians in Vancouver.
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His brother was a famous trumpet player name.
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Stan Addison,
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standard members, because you can say me.
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Of course, they also, native people are always stopping by the place people from Saanich. And from collagen, because Mrs. Langley was connected to, you know, all sorts of people. There's Johnny coffee burger, Senior Assistant and compete in later years. And this is part of the
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the sort of the annual hot migration, that the indigenous people necessarily helped me that people have always had a tradition of practice of going away in the summer, two places, they used to go to the Fraser River to get fish. And that's denied them, they started finding other ways to make sort of incomes and they started, they discovered the hot fields down in Washington State. And this is a major source of cash income for indigenous people for many, many years. And it's and they replicated the traditional sort of
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lifestyle because they would
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take a few days to travel down to the hot fields, they go by canoe, and they would stop at different areas and gather food and process it to take with them all the way down. And so they'd often stop in place like Fulford and
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hang out with the people and visit and then continue on their way. So as always, visitors and travelers.
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Unknown Speaker 32:50
then, of course, the salmon, dad come back, they go off exploring, and one of the most fun places to explore was in a desert down in
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Pokhara, which all of you know, and there's a shot there, the beach, and these are the islands. Now, one of the reasons people used to go to these islands because they were covered in skulls and bones.
Unknown Speaker 33:12
And it was like a local tourist attraction. These These, these islands were known as Skull Island. They recently renamed like some quests, which is scope, but they were very low islands. And Stan tells me a few stories about taking people there to show them just the bones. And then they go to the visit the ruins of the house of
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Seattle CFD, all but CFD and the house and the house falling down today. They weren't there by them. Now it's interesting. There's a lot of stories. Okay, so they were murdered, is that older couple that I'm showing you earlier. And they did disappear. And recently, I was going through an old interview with a gentleman
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from sent from Malahat. And we were talking about the story on the tape. And he said I'll give you another version.
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And he says these people had gone down to the hot fields and had purchased some clothing. It was infected with measles or something. And they got sick on the way back and suddenly went off to die somewhere. And nobody really knows where.
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And that's what happened to these people. So they weren't murdered.
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It was sort of a puzzle where they went. But anyway, by the time Stan was a little boy floating around, this place was believed to be haunted. And it was me to have gold hidden somewhere. But the real reason they went was through these apple trees.
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So kids would come here and play and poke around the ruins and get the apples. Here's another shot of the old longhouse
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before class, and you can see the European style house with a couple of lithium
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now. So when they got older, another reason people went over to this area wasn't just to get the apples, but to get stuff to the opposite
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side, and there's gonna be Manhattan who had a fireplace, and this is apparently inside your place and some people are doing some of the
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the items that you acquired when finally he made really good cider. And it was a well known Hangout.
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Unknown Speaker 35:36
I sort of launched into this
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study about the lonely family and Frank and I were talking about it. We're not sure just the lonely people on the island. I mean, there must be we're in different families. This is the Family Plot In
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St. Mary's and the thing that's interesting to me is that the loneliness there's there's Anglicans and there's from Catholics that I have to be from different marriages and things but
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and this is today, the plot
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to across Silla. Fortunately, the is the circle society has documented all the graves here and photographed all the headstones, we have a good good record of
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the people buried in these places
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Unknown Speaker 36:25
Unknown Speaker 36:29
So so we're looking just at these people here, that's probably a I think that's probably refers to the nominees and Tony, they can see that there were people connect
Unknown Speaker 36:40
ancestry and I chose to connect St. Louis ancestry I don't think the Napa sailor settlements themselves the island
Unknown Speaker 36:50
Unknown Speaker 36:52
this is another you know, really fascinating aspect of history. And
Unknown Speaker 36:59
the more we learn, the more we know how less we know.
Unknown Speaker 37:03
Unknown Speaker 37:07
Well, how am I Aloha Thank you happy to answer any questions out of that rambley little
Unknown Speaker 37:26
I've lived in a house for
Unknown Speaker 37:30
taking care of it for some 40 years
Unknown Speaker 37:33
and is still standing
Unknown Speaker 37:37
and one time picture
Unknown Speaker 37:44
Unknown Speaker 37:48
in the First World War
Unknown Speaker 37:52
was lost.
Unknown Speaker 37:54
They were both killed in the first world war together watch out watch
Unknown Speaker 38:03
brothers can work together Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 38:08
center of town died together. Picture
Unknown Speaker 38:15
Unknown Speaker 38:17
Can we get a copy of that
Unknown Speaker 38:23
lots of pictures, lots of pictures
Unknown Speaker 38:35
many years. We didn't make it larger.
Unknown Speaker 38:39
And she also had to face down to the beach
Unknown Speaker 38:43
and other times
Unknown Speaker 38:47
longer than visit us all the time.
Unknown Speaker 38:52
Problems were born.
Unknown Speaker 38:56
One lawmaker was there when they started
Unknown Speaker 39:01
the first school
Unknown Speaker 39:03
and they had only four kids in the first school.
Unknown Speaker 39:06
And this lovely I was told and to walk to school
Unknown Speaker 39:12
taking the cattle off the road because the school will close and revive by giving
Unknown Speaker 39:22
me another loan to come over from
Unknown Speaker 39:25
Unknown Speaker 39:27
Unknown Speaker 39:31
us guys see
Unknown Speaker 39:37
how to tell us that he was going to be taken care of
Unknown Speaker 39:42
beaches are
Unknown Speaker 39:46
Unknown Speaker 39:47
and didn't know that. I guess the
Unknown Speaker 39:50
native Indians came up to the
Unknown Speaker 39:54
neighbors we're
Unknown Speaker 39:59
getting them out
Unknown Speaker 40:00
Up next northern Florida.
Unknown Speaker 40:04
He brought in Native people
Unknown Speaker 40:07
to dig up
Unknown Speaker 40:10
Unknown Speaker 40:12
take and get their get their ages 2000 years old
Unknown Speaker 40:16
and then they came back very
Unknown Speaker 40:27
well, it's interesting. Well, I have to tell you. It's pretty cool. Let's see. That's, that's what's great about focusing doing local history or
Unknown Speaker 40:36
drama. Crowd
Unknown Speaker 40:42
made Small.
Unknown Speaker 40:46
Small. So did she that was built in built. He built that house. Right. The house you're in. And didn't she live in that little list? By?
Unknown Speaker 40:55
We only do about two houses. Yeah. One burned down. Oh.
Unknown Speaker 41:04
Unknown Speaker 41:07
Was that the one down by the beach? Yes. Okay. I think that was her house.
Unknown Speaker 41:13
You still have the smokehouse, though, really? Because he talked about that we had the food house.
Unknown Speaker 41:22
There was a ring on the shore type of fishing. And I can't find the ring.
Unknown Speaker 41:30
Wow. Thank you for that. That's awesome.
Unknown Speaker 41:34
Yeah. Are you planning to
Unknown Speaker 41:37
make available your thesis or I'm particularly interested in the maps?
Unknown Speaker 41:45
get my bearings, which maps the way you showed
Unknown Speaker 41:54
where there were actual farms where, where there were settlements? You focus on the point?
Unknown Speaker 42:02
I'd be interested in having that information. I haven't seen it. Well, you can get it on our website. Okay. Yeah. So yeah, it's going to Saltspring on archives and got a map section, right. And those those are all on there.
Unknown Speaker 42:17
And you can get high res one. So you could just ask frank here and he'll send you a high res. You want to zoom in on like Ashdale maps really cool. When I showed you the names on it at 74 and then Frank produced the one showing with the homesteads are that's linked to names. I think we should do a cadastral map of those homesteads.
Unknown Speaker 42:38
Lots to do the archives, we welcome volunteers
Unknown Speaker 42:43
put you to work. Because you know something about history. You know, I feel like almost all the time here because
Unknown Speaker 42:52
this is so rich. And and
Unknown Speaker 42:55
I mean, you pick a family, every family has incredible history. And
Unknown Speaker 43:00
we have so much data in our archives like you go online, we have hundreds of people we haven't identified these pictures, but we're working on it. So if people like that information about Molly's I mean it's super great. And I mean to find out more about them, you know, they have information on one of the brothers but not the other one. It's not up yet on that so they have a Canadian War veteran sort of search engine site, but he hasn't
Unknown Speaker 43:35
read cops on them
Unknown Speaker 43:38
Yeah, it's one of them. Yeah. Because
Unknown Speaker 43:41
I'm collaborating with her. So I took this survey
Unknown Speaker 43:48
Okay, that's what that was based on
Unknown Speaker 43:53
those farmers 2000 To say that there
Unknown Speaker 43:59
is still
Unknown Speaker 44:01
no way I'm not gonna tell you
Unknown Speaker 44:06
they have said
Unknown Speaker 44:10
so, yeah, so that one is from
Unknown Speaker 44:17
Yeah, yes. Yes. So we have a lot of stuff available
Unknown Speaker 44:25
Yeah, rock painting petroglyphs or anything
Unknown Speaker 44:35
rocking around there was the one culprit harbor
Unknown Speaker 44:39
but that's it. And I've heard rumors of others around again people get secretive about archaeology stuff.
Unknown Speaker 44:49
Unknown Speaker 44:51
you know, if
Unknown Speaker 44:53
stuff once the reveal it'll reveal itself.
Unknown Speaker 44:59
Yeah, how much rocker
Unknown Speaker 45:00
around a
Unknown Speaker 45:03
customer here
Unknown Speaker 45:05
Unknown Speaker 45:11
Unknown Speaker 45:13
same time
Unknown Speaker 45:15
did you get the sensor from like the south end?
Unknown Speaker 45:19
Unknown Speaker 45:23
so there's no lumley's Today on the island Senate's anybody here
Unknown Speaker 45:28
Unknown Speaker 45:36
oh cool
Unknown Speaker 45:41
startup imagine restaurant really
Unknown Speaker 45:53
kept that restaurant
Unknown Speaker 45:59
Yeah, all these pictures on the website
Unknown Speaker 46:04
this pretty picture
Unknown Speaker 46:07
presentation will be on the website
Unknown Speaker 46:10
with the soundtrack and the pictures. No, no. See I didn't come here with a
Unknown Speaker 46:23
presentation. But anyway I've Yeah, well, thank you. I know any more questions? Oh, yeah, yeah. I have a comment.
Unknown Speaker 46:31
Presentation. I'm one of the Rolling, rolling people. And I'm due to be the next generation family historian
Unknown Speaker 46:42
that their
Unknown Speaker 46:44
mother was to having he's also related to me lonely to homies. And
Unknown Speaker 46:50
they're all related to each other. It sounds pretty amazing how it works. And they all had like
Unknown Speaker 46:59
everybody had a lot of kids.
Unknown Speaker 47:01
There's a lot of stuff. Show reminded me quite not my grandfather was.
Unknown Speaker 47:17
Unknown Speaker 47:20
Unknown Speaker 47:21
Unknown Speaker 47:27
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker 47:30
I've never seen before.
Unknown Speaker 47:39
Unknown Speaker 47:41
So many websites?
Unknown Speaker 47:44
Express. I think that's the question. So thank you very much for coming. All of you. And the rolling presentations are on our website, too. They have done about two years ago. So there's lots of history presentations on the website, and you want to go back and listen and watch them under audio files.
Unknown Speaker 48:02
But the pictures are with them. And they're quite illuminating as to the history of the island and how they relate, especially in the older days, the islands. And Chris is so involved in this and has been involved in not only Saltspring archaeology studies throughout the province of British Columbia, quite knowledgeable in First Nations issues so we'll probably have him back again next year. He came to come once a year with a new topic. So thanks very much for sharing with us today.