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Unknown Speaker 0:00
Welcome everyone, to beautiful downtown Ganges can hear me and the Wilson family reunion. We would like to welcome the family who have traveled many miles to join us today. Dick And Alexis TriLayer from Campbell River now it would be nice if you would stand out but you don't have to. Thank you. Ruth Woodhouse from Port McNeill Delos pool from Hornby Island. Bargain grandwest phone from Calgary paddle dine and daughter Joanne Maltese Williams Lake and her other two daughters Leah for gara gara and Vicky Kennedy from Prince Rupert Kevin Jonas Wilson and family from Gibson's.
Unknown Speaker 0:58
We have a little surprise to hear from Bob Morris from white bars David Hart from England
Unknown Speaker 1:15
covered family from Saanich Sydney novel Victoria and Vancouver area.
Unknown Speaker 1:27
Last but not least, we got John Wilson Wilson from Islington, London, England. This is where this all started. A great deal of change on Saltspring Island since the Wilson family arrived 100 years ago. Where did the years go? Time flies when you're having fun. Our presentation will cover Reverend EF Wilson's life and titles. But before we start, I would like to review the composition of the family that was produced I might add all in 11 years during the very busy schedule of great grandfather Wilson. Edward infatti were very affectionate parents and some of the descriptions of their children are in the Home Journal at 92 which is on display on our memorabilia table downstairs. There were 10 living children, five girls and five boys. Number one was Archibald Edward, born in Sarnia may 4 1869. Number two was Francis Bertram Sarnia September 13 1870. And Evelyn Grace was born in the garden river or at the Shing walk home on September 2 1871. Mabel Laurie for an 1872 but in 11 months died two days after the first chain walk home fire. Now ladies a month after that, when it for Lois was born just a month to the day after the fire on October 22. Kathleen matterI was born in 1875. Arthur Whelan was born in 1876. Florence Muriel was born in 1877. I'm not finished. Nona was born in 1878. Norman wolf in 79, and Daniel Case in 81. The last nine children all being born at the same walk home in Sioux Sainte Marie. I will now like to introduce to you the panel and as a notice note of interest for you. Most of the information that we're going to relate to you today is from Reverend Wilson's journal. Tony far the lead off with the marriage of Edward and Fanny on June the third 1868. Now, I have a little saying it says Mary when June roses grow overland and see you will go now remember that saying as we continue, Tony is in this historian as we mentioned before, and he has taken a great interest in in the Wilson family history. And he has for the past 10 years been struggling with the publisher to have this grocery journal published. October Tolson will be our next panelist. He's grandson of Avalon, and he will review 1894 to 1897 Michael Morris will is the grandson of Flossie and he will be at 98 Constantino one and finally John Wilkes whose grandson is gonna review 1902 to 1905 when the journal sees to record on an annual basis, the family history so now we'll Tony please
Unknown Speaker 4:52
this is a very brief outline of the story of Edward and Fannie Wilson, from the year of boy meets girl up to The arrival on Saltspring in 89, before they first met in 1860s fee and a flower show at Coleshill and Berkshire, but it might help us to understand the strength of the character of what appeared to be to ordinary young people. If we go back a little further, can you hear me father was the Reverend Daniel Wilson, vicar of St. Mary's Church, Islington, in North London. He was vicar for 54 years, a span which would have been enabled him to recycle his sermons for the sons and daughters, and even the grandchildren of his first tuition.
Unknown Speaker 5:46
Things have changed since those days. The spacious family home a few steps from Barnsbury Park was until recently the office of a firm making exhibition display booths, performer garden and tennis court was filled with the company's workshops and on the street outside who are just as likely to hear Hindi spoken as English. However, my point here is that though Edward came from a very stable home, where he was expected to follow his father steps, he was determined to pursue an agricultural rather than an ecclesiastical career. That is how he came to me what it was called Ben, a farm pupil at Coleshill. Photographs of Fanny show her as a mirror and petite wise. Before her marriage, she had proved herself to be a strong and devoted daughter of the Reverend George Spooner, one of Thor curates and All Souls laying on place. Now this was the church in which the BBC later broadcast the Church of England services been very close to the BBC building in London. George spooners wife died and he remarried and moved to Gloucestershire. There he lived in a cold and damp home, moving temporarily to a nearby house while his own was renovated. In 1857, when Fanny was 17, just before the second move, his younger children found his step brothers and sisters took sick. They did not improve despite mustard clusters applied to their chests, and became really ill on the day of the fanny assist assisted by a local doctor and the district nurse, nurse three of them until they died with the theory. She became so exhausted that she contracted the disease herself but eventually recovered. From Coleshill, Edward went to study agriculture in Ontario. But three days after his arrival, he felt a strong call to the ministry, and he spent the next two years learning theology of here on college. He came home in 1867, was ordained, married Fanny in 1868, and took her to Canada The same year settling of Sarnia he builds the church and parsonage X and tear, but in 1871, moved to soussan Marine, where he established the residential industrial school for Native children. This was the Xing Walk Home for Boys, which together when the nearby woman ashram for girls occupied Edwards time for the next 20 years. As you heard all of Edwards and PhantomJS illiberal children were born in Ontario. Some of them accompanied Edward on his fundraising expeditions to Montreal, Toronto and England. He also traveled west on one occasion as chaplain to the troops on the colonel Woolsley flooding the Red River rebellion. He sketched Louisville in the courtroom during his trial and every opportunity Edward sketch the people and activities around him using tenoning and watercolors, these drawings are the major features of his journal. Perhaps his most lively and artistic work was done after he had decided to leave the Shing walk home and was making an exploratory visit to San Antonio, Texas. at the invitation of good friends. He took Fanning and two of his daughters, but the consensus after a few months was the Texas was too hot, and they did not want their country's flag to be any other but Union Jack. So they returned to the shame wall. Edward resigned his position as principal and manager, and commenced the enormous job of moving his family and household possessions to Victoria BC. Once a former pupil at the woman ashram had written blowing accounts, his family at that time such a strong and cohesive unit, that he had no hesitation in sending his daughter winning than 18 and Son Luellen 16. ahead to find a suitable site, purchase it. Build a house cottage and stable. This they did at 1414 Wilkinson road. The house has now replaced by large rambling residents of the tour style architecture. But the cottage and stable was still standing the other unsteadily a few years ago. The rest of the household followed in three contingents, including a boxcar full of furniture, meeting again at the new home on November the 10th. At 92. Edward had to return to the Xing wall two weeks later, later, to assume temporary charge of the school for the winter. On March the 19th, at 93, he came back from his near starving and very cold family. The winter having been one of Victoria's was was four feet of snow and temperatures in January of a DiMeo tree below zero Fahrenheit. The rest of that year Edward had no technical employment. While his daughters sold eggs from their few chickens. He made a meager income by sketching the homes of Victoria residents. Earlier the following year, Fisher parents him parents offered him Parrish Saltspring Island.
Unknown Speaker 11:44
This is a highlights of Reverend Wilson's life from 1894 to 1897. He says, on Sunday, February the fourth at 1020 or an AC 94 at 10:20am. Reverend Wilson, first set foot on Saltspring Island, landing at Vesuvius Bay and he went on his way through the woods to Mr. Stevens boarding house, we had lunch and word was sent up and he held his first and he held his first service at St. Mark's Church, which was next door with 20 to attend the following week, Mr. Fair and fair and offered him to perish from fall spring, and he gladly accepted a stipend would be $500 per year from the mission fund, and $400 from the people he sued, decided to make his home and Saltspring and after looking at several properties, decided the most suitable was 100 acres formerly owned by a colored man named Buckner, who was close to St. Mark's Church and central to the island to the island. Saltspring islands golf course presently occupied property. The property was mostly bushing small and had an old rundown longhouse on it. The whole thing was $900. He and his family with some hired help, worked on the house enlarging it was shipping a good portion of their home and Victoria, to the aisle to Salisbury. They also brought their furniture and animals and arrived on Saltspring on December the fourth, and by Christmas day, Mrs. Wilson and family were settled in Mrs. W. E. Scott kindly sent over a dress turkey for Christmas dinner. On December 28, his eldest daughter Evelyn became engaged to Charles Tolson.
Unknown Speaker 13:31
Also during at 94, Reverend Wilson held the building be on March 26 16 men and five horses, erected St. Mary's Church and Fulford from lumber obtained by his predecessor, Reverend Hasson and left on the beach for 1895. They also began at 95 in a spacious home with all a family together last night he had 100 acres of land, a new barn it's costing $225, one horse, three cows, one cat, three pigs, he and 20 chickens. Early in the year he brought out his bought out his Saltspring brought out his Saltspring Island pamphlet for which he received $100. It outlined the attractive features of Salt Spring initiative was produced to encourage English settlers to come to salt. In celebration of 100 years it has been reprinted and is available downstairs. In March, Mrs. Wilson fell off a ladder and seriously injured herself. She never fully recovered and was unable to read or write effectively thereafter. On August the second his second son Bertie was married to outta waters in Ottawa bird he was a sales agent for typewriter company in Montreal at that time. On August 27, Archie, Claire and her two children Malika and Winifred arrived from melcombe for a couple of months visit where he was in charge and Union. He was in charge of the Indian School and Elkhorn at that time. His eldest daughter, Evelyn was married to Charles Tolson and Sunday, September the 15th at St. Mark's Church, they honeymooned in San Francisco and returned to live in Charles's ranch again in November and he started a local monthly paper Harrison Hall, with Gable, church and local news and was the first to appear on the 1896 the family start at 96 recounts the thing fixed 110 seconds and a good team of horses. In March, caffeine was operated on in Victoria for floating kidney and recovered well. Still no doctor on the island and it cost $25 to get one to Duncan. So Reverend Wilson was called on to provide medical health as well as spiritual. The point spreads in Victoria claps on May 26, killing 59 People mostly riding the streetcar, philosophy and no one had just missed the car that went down. June the 11th virgin mother had their first child, a daughter doors, Mr. book took 11 people to fall for Mrs. Wilson developed a sick heading stop at the nightingale. He determined never to go to Fulford again.
Unknown Speaker 16:29
In August, new public called central central was built still standing in use. The first agricultural show is held in October with Reverend Wilson giving the opening remarks was also a first and three seconds for food. And Norman took a first in the horse race, the case with Keita first and foot race. In November the seventh Charles never left the island for Victoria.
Unknown Speaker 17:00
Charles never told them they had a daughter Mary on March the fifth and Kathleen after ending her engagement to Harry Alexander became engaged to Frank Scott, who had bought Mansell fire revenue and also finished his book star of the empire and sent to England to be published in marks. On June the 29th Pascall Walker arrived to be a farm pupil for two years. family received plus an inheritance enable them to build a new wing on the old log cabin part. No as the old log cabin farm was infected insects probably covered in in February, Lou and Walter Stevens, build a small cabin for Reverend Wilson staying overnight when serving St. Mary's and St. Mary's Church and offered a good supply of plant apples and other fruits plus a good crop of aid was produced. January 20, held a special service at St. Mark's to celebrate Queen Victoria's Do you believe Mr. Boy placed a crucifix on Mahali table without Reverend Wilson's permission? Reverend Nelson removed to remove the figure of Jesus that allowed the costume in September the 18th down first Dr. Dr. Baker arrived November the 11th. So ladies church guild was inaugurated. 18 That's it
Unknown Speaker 18:32
Okay, Michael will do at Nighty night, you know what?
Unknown Speaker 18:43
I was given the past to present history based from 1898 to 1901. So I basically I looked through the journal, and I found that this section was was mostly pictures, there was hardly any writing at all. So I went back to the committee and I said, How come you've given me this section? That's all pictures. There's nothing to say. John said, Well, Michael, we know you and you tend to ramble quite a bit. So that's why we gave you that section. Bob Paulson's remarks which I quite enjoy. You know I about the chickens and stuff. I had hoped that I could start off with three cows in 300 Falls and that can rabbits but I could. So now start in 1898 1898 Highlight of 1898 with our daughter Kathleen was married to French Scott on Saturday February the 12th at 130 at St. Mark's Church. After the ceremony, about 36 guests came over to Barnes. The happy couple got away about 3pm and went by both the main aisle. Just a week after the wedding On the following Saturday, a very sad capacity happened to Ganges harbor was a wild and stormy day. Harold Scott and Freddy Smedley started from the war in a small skip to return to their home. Just across the bay. Look out there they were just going across the bay to their farm. On Sunday morning, Frank Fisher, a boy of 12 years old, found the skiff broken up. Search was instituted. The two bodies were found. The funeral took place on February the 23rd. Two stone crosses have been placed and a memorial window in the church at St. Mark's. If you've been up to St. Mark's or if you're going to go up there you'll see this memorial and it's a very beautiful window to view. He says our dining room has been enlarge this year, and the veranda was built apart I wish maybe my grandfather's and things have done. I gave each of our boys about nine and a half acres this summer, Norman Keith and well. The war between the United States and Spain over Cuba was in progress at this time, and was declared on April the 21st. It lasted 114 days and costs the United States $150 million dollars. Our daughter went aford was married to Frederick Henry Walther, commonly known as Fritz St. Mark's Tuesday, November 8, Fritz's ship, then L Jira, came to anchor in Vesuvius fate and was recently decorated by the blue jackets and wedding at 1130. And the church was crowded by both naval men and Islanders. 1899 Before I go on date in 99, I'd like to give you a statement made by great grandfather in 1894. That's in that little brochure, you can see where he was producing for the island. He says here in these islands on the Pacific coast, the climate is mild and genial. There is no dread I have an intense cold winter. January the first 1899 There has been a heavy weather and snow line 21 inches deep. We had to shovel snow instead of going to church. 2pm A message came from Kath asking me to go there immediately. Also send work to our Dr. Baker. The end of it all was that our dear little granddaughter Jessie barrel was born about 5:15pm You know, I was just thinking about this. You know, here we're here you know if great grandfather had moved a couple more Islands to the west, we could be having this reunion in Hawaii
Unknown Speaker 23:21
he got working in IMO is a Teamster grant some $35 a month. Here's the part I really wanted to start with. We have two horses, two cars. Two heifers can pigs and 200 Fall. Now here's something that is really hard to believe knowing that Canadian posted president said Canadian postage was reduced reduced from three cents to two cents. Special stamp has been issued showing British possessions all over the world. I figured at that time that stamp had to be about
Unknown Speaker 24:12
Llewellyn made a start for the North got to Whitehorse rapids, and up the river to Dawson City got a letter saying he was ill and only had $20 left. So we had to send them some help. So he succeeded in getting home. Charlie Tolson is not well in Denver. Thoreau was going to England with family and going to his mother's house at Tamworth. Charlie, died on December 28. Charles Wolfe and Tolson familiar and known as Charlie was born at pounds worth England, just two days after his father's death December 22. The Boer War began in South Africa 1000 Canadian Troops were sent to assist the British Army, of which one was my grandfather born 1900 turn of the century, there is an increase in chickens to 236 Even though we are not having much success with the incubator must have been a busy rooster. February the sixth, raging Windstorm, and nine trees blown down in front of our home. Every 27 8000 Boris surrendered to Lord Roberts 20 Canadians killed and 100 wounded. The cost of the war was 1 million pounds. I really don't know how much that is. But I know it's a lot of money on dollars when the pound is worth $5. So bear that out. New local both your o'clock commenced running to Victoria tonight. Oh, taking in the islands. You know, I enjoy reading a lot. I enjoy the way he puts together his sentence. Easter Sunday we had a service in St. Mark's at 11am at 4pm. We started from the valley meaningful
Unknown Speaker 26:24
with a writing party of 10. And the service at 730. Doesn't say whether he wrote back or not. But I'm sure Yeah, I mean you must.
Unknown Speaker 26:37
Evelyn and her two children, Mary and Charlie arrived from England on May 4 May 25. She sold her cottage, and 160 acres of land to eg bardell for $1,700. That was my other grandfather and I never saw that land. June 9, the boxer rising in China. In July, Caterpillar plague was raging over the island. The Duke of Edinburgh died suddenly on July 30. Great Grandfather began a large statistical map of Saltspring Mr. Bullock brought up brought a lawsuit against Mr. Collins, who got nine months in jail being the result of Bullock's action to recover $4,329 People nearly all with Mr. Collins and against Bullock October 19 Miss Bullock engaged to earn this crop. November 3. Fred Crofton got home from England. I don't know why he went over there but he got back. Floss he tried nursing in Vancouver this year, but did not like it so gave it up and returned home. December 25 Christmas dinner at 130 Flossy Nona, Evelyn Kath Norman. Keith Frank, Fred Crofton and all ourselves kennel. It no one follows they're still multiplying. And then rabbits to normal and Keith are on shares with me for the farm and also loving their nine and a half acres. Luellen is preparing to build a house on his nine and a half. And it is present helping Joel Brock Bradwell to build a new store. January 18. Columns released from prison. great rejoicing on January 22, Queen Victoria died at 6:55pm January 31 made a sketch of the proposed Memorial window to Queen Victoria for the northwest end of St. Mark's Yeah, of St. Mark's got St. Mark's that window, which he designed is also up at St. Mark's if anybody here to view it but hasn't been there. He's Toronto keys DICOM Keith is now working on the city of Nanaimo. July weather cold fire and drawing room every evening. August 8, flossing and Nona went off camping. No servant so obliged to do the cooking. did not last the whole long. Gone Home on the 21st.
Unknown Speaker 29:45
August 14 more of an all in Kent see glass at 90 degrees Fahrenheit. The ones that don't know what I'm talking about. That's 35 Celsius September 4, New agriculture have all been built again. Geez harder. Green grandfather was the secretary. September 6, President McKinley assassinated October 4, right This is Victoria and had my first view. Moving Picture. December 4, tremendous store 26 trees in front and nine and back blown down. Rabbit cages, overturned, chickens all mixed up. terrible mess. Wireless across the Atlantic said to be accomplished. On the IRS, Christmas celebration, there are 20 2am all with eight grandchildren, which sometimes we have great difficulty with. Here, I can certainly sympathize with great grandfather. And I have
Unknown Speaker 31:06
put the 11 million service on Christmas day after which they had this dinner starting at 1:30pm. And then on the evening, they had a Magic Lantern show. This family gathering that continued through the January and February and at the end of February, Reverend Wilson presided over an important funeral at St. Mark's Church for JP booth, who was their local MLA. And he was also speaking as the the legislature. He was buried at St. Mark's cemetery on the baker Road, with the bishop assisting in the service of James Dunn's Ber, the CBI attorney MLAs were attended the funeral. Later on in the year in August, special celebrations were held for the coronation of King Edward the seventh. Then on a more mundane level, Keith and Luellen a day two teams of horses and wedding cards. Also during this year, Kathleen and Barrow went off to Alcon to stay with Archie Malala became engaged in Maggie Bethel and passing marriage, George Cordell and number two to Fred Crafton. That is they became engaged during that year, the Thermae 1903 wedding and frets and the two children stayed at Barnsbury for a short time, before sailing from Victoria to England in March when writing for Meghan to her parents said Francis Florrie introduced her to some people as my little niece who's just come from British Columbia with two children are no good. Isn't she isn't she a wonder of ideas of this precious pain. In July when a pretzel for children returned to Palm Springs, but stayed there for only three days and then sailed to New Zealand to join his new ship. He was angry wedding at the Children's sale the following November the first to Honolulu them to join them later emotion Louella Keith in the spring of 1903 went to the Yukon Well, Lulu acquired two gold fans on moody Creek. They returned home in September of that year to get some Salt Spring Island is to form a syndicate to work these claims. September 1903 also saw the wedding of Noda to dread craft. The following year flossing married George BARDA held at St. Mark's Church and lived to the carnage Georgia bought from the jolly Tulsa state that made 200 In February a Party of Five Saltspring I haven't just started to for the Yukon to go to work because we're well it was golfing. They were Dr. Baker, Frank Scott who showed the card Joe Nightingale and the relevant himself. Gold was found the god and quantity is great enough to make the enterprise profitable. Seven months later, the party returned to Saltspring except for the one who had to be hospitalized and operated on for a rupture. And then Evelina. her two children Tony and Mary went to El Paso, Texas to stay with Britain for the summer. Unfortunately, the children came down with measles after their arrival and were very low and so their son was not a very happy one Father. Martino four also saw not giving birth to her first child during the test. Keep waiting for this to Bullock, northern building up a dairy poultry and fruit farm in Palm Springs. What I've read was plenty of growth continued that worldwide travels and it know for a fact the leading bondsman of November 1903 They went to holiday that water the Christchurch New Zealand is allowed to Sydney Australia. By this time, Ruth, although not quite three years old was turning into a very fun loving, independent character. A lot of them suddenly wrote Edward Wilson when he had occasion on David scold both the children for muddiness put them to bed. As she was leaving, she heard, whisper to bury. But we were very pleased with ourselves isn't we've had two little girls both giggle like mad. When the child has gotten much like the weather in Sydney, one day a lady has studied. If you could have what you like best, what would you choose? That he replied, just to go straight back to granite. In January 1905, was floss his first child Phyllis was born and baptized in St. Mark's Church, and September Evelyn gave up her widowhood. Good. Start rich and also it's a box in early 1905, the whereabouts of the Wilson children move was as follows. Archie, your wife and children that elocon in Manitoba, by My grace is beginning to get away. So what I think I'll do is I'll turn the proceedings back to Patti, just to bring her presentation to a conclusion.
Unknown Speaker 36:18
Closing the section of our presentation, we would like to conclude that Edward and Fannie for a few years in Santa Monica, California for health reasons, before his death in 1915, at the age of 71, not all those standards of today. He wrote another book, which was published that year in London called the object of the Bible. This, this book is on our memorabilia table also, downstairs. On reading the journal, I found some items that piqued my interest, and I would like to just pass them on to you. Besides the great amount of accomplishments, he accomplishments that he accomplished, he raised a large family. He travelled miles back and forth to England and across North America several times at least via dog sled, barge, sailing ship, steamship train, and no doubt Shanks pony. Boy, would he ever have qualified for air miles. In one year alone, 1887 he visited Pennsylvania, Virginia, Calgary and Winnipeg, north of Lake Huron to the Georgian Bay Area. He took listen to this 30 children's in Montreal and visited Ottawa and the parliament buildings of brave man. He did miss going to England that year. He wrote books, translated and published an Indian dictionary and grammar book while learning 12 dialects of the Indian language. He kept his family journal. Thank you. We wouldn't have done that without him today. With sketches and drawings, his sense of humor showing in a lot of these example camping out 1885 style. You may have seen that in the books downstairs. And don't forget that wonderful family tree which we have included in your program. He developed churches and industrial schools where the young people made quote, quote, for uniforms with their own lose. Friends flee the great fire in St. John's, New Brunswick on June the 26th 1877. And he slept in the same bed as the Ben Prince of Wales. Of course not at the same time. He even had trouble with customs which seems to have rubbed off on some of us. If any of you have wondered why you have an awful urge to travel, or perhaps put in a large vegetable or flower garden, you come by honestly, I know most of us wouldn't be able to keep up to this man and his good wife. I would like to talk about friends like for a moment. Imagine surviving diphtheria and fighting typhoid fever in Canada, having a child a year and holding feeding the same. Getting up to food frozen solid, and one year having three feet of snow on May the first traveling with her husband on many of his trips, and she was only by the photographs that didn't look like she was very big lady. She could have applied to her own airmail card. Remember that quote I said in the beginning, marry when June roses grow overland and see your bowl. Well, she did all of that. Now, we'll open the floor to anyone who would like to say my kids is what are you gonna cry mom? So I would like to say a few words or tell a tall tale we will answer questions to the best of our knowledge. But before we do this, I would like to thank some very hardworking people. And don't also want us to say a few words. Mike and I talked of having reviewed a few years ago and anti Dan and anti jury we talked and talked and talked and plenty Denise got moving on it and she got a hold of John ball and they together with their lovely wives, Peggy and Marie, got the ball rolling. And here we are all today. And I'd like to also thank the writing River, very Valentine, and Tony far. So being Arthur Gale, and also don lawless our caterer. And last but not least, I'd like for you all, to give yourselves a large clap, because without you, this wouldn't have happened. And thank you very much for joining us today, to meet to learn and enjoy each other's company. Thank you very, very much.
Unknown Speaker 40:46
The formal discussion period. I know that John Wilson from Islington, he wrote me an interesting letter about some of the early ancestors of the Wilson family. And I was wondering if John would like to just repeat some of the things that he said in his letter job where yeah, oh, good.
Unknown Speaker 41:05
First, I'd like to thank you very much. I just been out here for a couple of days. And it's been wonderful to be with you or to hear some of these things and share some of the stories and be added to meet another man proposing to come here even more recently than I have. But I was reminded thinking about how will C's get together of the most famous of all the Wilson get togethers. That was in the days that Daniel Wilson, the bishop of Castle was still in in Islington, there was another of his relatives who was the Lord Mayor of London, the only Wilson to be Lord Mayor of London, and he must have gotten rid of a small fortune in doing so. But he had a gathering of how many people are here we know. Over 100, right, he had 112 members of the Wilson family gathered at the mansion house in the city of London for a dinner, and my word did they get through it and drink. Just want to say a couple of words about the forebears of Edward Wilson, and where they came from, and some of the inspiration which drove him to come here and the things he did. His grandfather, Danny Wilson, who started this book, gruesome murders in the Cambridge of Calcutta, came from a family of people who had been soaked manufacturers and traders in London, and they've come earlier from Darby in the Midlands. And I believe that there were three things that have really made them the families they were, they were caught up in the Industrial Revolution, which was just starting in the 1700s. And as getting into silk, they were in the heart of that because the Silk Road district went on to be the textile industry, and was one of the things that made Britain prosper. They were also caught up in the Evangelical revival, the great preacher, George Whitfield was preaching in London, and a number of them came under his influence. He came over the Atlantic and had an enormous impact in the states that influenced them. Also, at that time, there was the whole media of the Georgian England, what the emerging greatness of an empire, which came about through traders going across the world, and then trying to protect the trading lines. And one other people in Europe were cutting the throats of aristocracy. England was developing its trade and its religion. And so they were emerging as a Pamela Wilson, at a time when England was emerging as a great nation. And in a sense, we see through the Lord MA and Daniel Wilson, how some of them, a generation later put the hard work of their fathers to great influence. And then in the next generation, when EF Wilson was coming out here, my grandfather ran away to sea and became an admiral later on, and he was a great adventure to see how these people were driven to great endeavor because of the vision they had. And I believe that even in today's age, we can catch the same vision. If you're one of those who are drug A Wilson's blood runs through your veins catch the vision of these people. It was an evangelical faith. It was hard work and development and prosperity but put to good news, they cared for people to see them developed. That's the vision I think that the world sees, and that's something that is has driven us and it just so lovely to be with you. I've got a lot of note I brought with me I'm about the early Wilson from the soap business. And I thought I would leave them over here. I've just been staying with, with Duncan. And I suggested leaving them with him. But he is upset. He's gotten his view that somewhere buried is the Wilson.
Unknown Speaker 45:28
So I thought he might try to sell to AI robots. is amazing. This Bible belongs sufficient value Wilson. It was given to him by his mother in 1798. It traveled to India with him, it came back. And do you know how God is somebody who's that as well sort of founded in a secondhand bookshop in Suffolk in England. And when she heard I was coming over here, she said, you will take the Bible, and you must give it. Thanks.
Unknown Speaker 46:16
Thank you, John. My view, John has got this presentation to a magnificent conclusion. And I don't know if anybody is late to follow up on his life. But I think we can end the discussion by somebody wants has any questions or points to me? Yes. Now I know why right away you see whenever
Unknown Speaker 46:45
there's anybody else who wants to be posted. There just a couple of points that I'd like to make, just to bring this these proceedings to me. First of all, Barry Valentine showed me a wonderful Canadian church calendar for 1995. And included over pictures of Canadian churches is a wonderful thing of St. Mark's. It's available in a very broad launch a lot of copies of this column. If you want to buy one, he's got copies at the head table. The next fight is that I want to thank everybody who provided some donations to provide for to look after additional expenses and that sort of thing that have cropped up naturally. And I just want to say that if we have any surplus, any surplus amounts will be going to the church as a donation to the church. Now the last item on the agenda, of course, is the visits to St. Lawrence to the cemetery to St. Mary's. And this is these visits, of course, are optional. My wife Maria will be at St. Mike's to show anybody around who wants to look at the church. My sister Sylvia will be at this cemetery or Baker road. And we'll point out to people interested where the grave and the grave soldiers with Reverend Wilson and other descendants. And then I think Ruby Alton will be at the St. Mary's Church to show people around there. Just for those of you who are not familiar with Saltspring as you drive from here towards Central and then beyond that to say March, you'll see bonds green, which is the President golf club. At St. Mike's on the north side of the church is a big white house, very old White House. And as that was the Stephens boardinghouse where the Reverend Wilson stayed when he first set foot on Saltzman. That's everything that I have I just like everybody for coming to this reunion and I hope you found your visit. worthwhile. Thank you very much.