A Display Created by Salt Spring Archives
and shown at the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 92 November 2015
Click on the panels below to see an enlarged version - click on the enlarged version to return.
Off To War
“The Ones Who Have to Pay”
Salt Spring Islanders who went to War
“Paul Bion in the First World War”
From the Archives extensive Bion collection
Salt Spring Remembers
The War Shrine, The Cenotaph and WW1 Statistics
* The title of this section and poems in the display by Kenneth George Halley are from the book by Robert Ratcliffe Taylor: "The Ones Who Have to Pay: The Soldier-Poets of Victoria BC in the Great War, 1914-1918." Trafford, 2013.
The Archives would like to thank the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 92, for hosting this display and helping to set it up.