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The Nightingale House

The Nightingale House


Fred WM. Raines, Louis R. Simon, Ida Simon (née Raines), sitting: Harriet Raines (née Roinson)
August 1937

Accession number: 2003350004

Nightingale home Burgoyne Valley
May 10, 1990

Accession number: 2003350005

House built by Arthur Robinson 1887. He resided in it until purchased by J. Nightingale.
It was then purchased by F. Reid, Roger Hughes, J. Kaeppeli

Accession number: 2003350006

House built by Arthur Robinson 1887. He resided in it until purchased by Joe Nightingale.
It was then purchased by Thomas Reid in 1911, Roger Hughes, Franz Kaeppeli

Accession number: 990054002

Nightingale House

Collection: Ray Hill Collection

Accession number: 990054050

Clipping out of real estate section Gulfislands Driftwood February 2002

Accession number: 990054056

Joe Nightingale using a stone boat, c. 1890

8 x 10 b/w photo showing Joe Nightingale using a stone boat, a wooden sleigh pulled by an ox, to transport feed


Accession number: 999163146

Family picture of Arthur Joseph Robinson and family. He built Nightingale house in 1887.

L to R Harriet Robinson (married Fred Raines), James Robinson, Agnes (Irene) Robinson, Arthur Joseph Robinson, Arthur St. George Robinson. Photo probably taken about 1915.

Accession number: Robinsons

Correspondence Regarding the Nightingale House


From: Dallas Wolf <dwolf@AMCAD.COM>
Subject: Arthur Joseph Robinson and Family

For your archives, this is a family picture of Arthur Joseph Robinson and family. He built Nightingale house in 1887.

L to R Harriet Robinson (married Fred Raines), James Robinson, Agnes (Irene) Robinson, Arthur Joseph Robinson, Arthur St. George Robinson. Photo probably taken about 1915.


Thank you, Dallas, for all the new info. Looks like Fergus & Co is probably not connected to Emily Reid. With a name like Fergus, his background is likely Scottish and Emily's family appear to be English. That is a disappointment, but it is interesting to delve into, just the same.

Noreen and I go back a long way, with her contributing all the info that she had on Robinsons and Raynes (Raines) to the archives, as well as that picture you mentioned and I had forgotten. We got together, in person, at the Old Timers Reunions on Salt Spring. I am glad to see that more info is adding to all that she provided and that it has been brought back into our interest. Salt Spring Archives is full of genealogical treasures, so it is always exciting to reopen old files and get the contents back into our memories.


Thank you again, for all that you have contributed, Dallas. We are always interested in anything further that you might find in your research. I am particularly interested in the Robinsons as that little churchyard, the grounds of which Arthur donated, is where my parents, grandparents and other family members are buried.



Hi Mary (again),
I attach the Family Group Sheet on Wm. Reid and Charlotte Bevin. As you can see, I did not do a lot of work on them past 1870.


From: M Davidson []
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 11:04 PM
To: Dallas Wolf
Cc: Barb Aust; Frank Neumann
Subject: Re: Arthur Joseph Robinson and Family

Hello again, Dallas,

Thank you for your latest info regarding The Arthur Robinson family.

Information on Fred Raines may not be digitized yet, but the Archives has extensive files on him and the rest of the Raines (Raynes)family.
I have suggested that it be digitized, so that we can share it with you.. You will find some info on Arthur Robinson under Burgoyne United Church.

Probably everything you heard about Fred has a basis of truth.  As a youth he managed to get into a lot of trouble. However, later on, he was a builder and had a good reputation in that regard.

I am very interested in your mention of Emily Reid. Near neighbours of the Robinsons and Raines families were the Reids. I am wondering if other Reids followed the Robinsons to Salt Spring. Emily may have had a brother, Fergus, who was a close neighbour and friend of my Aunt, Maggie Lee, who lived across the road from Robinsons. Her father-in-law, Edward Lee, was one of the original trustees of that little church on land given by Robinson. The Lee brothers, Ed and Tom, also came from Ontario, so it is possible that all these families knew each other before arriving on Salt Spring.

Genealogy is also my hobby, so I would be most interested in discovering the possibilities of connection between these families.


----- Original Message -----
From: <mailto:dwolf@AMCAD.COM>Dallas Wolf
To: <>M Davidson
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 1:00 PM
Subject: RE: Arthur Joseph Robinson and Family

Yes, Mary, Arthur Joseph Robinson was my Great Great Grandfather on my mother's side. I am descended from Agnes Ann Robinson (AKA "Irene"), Arthur's youngest daughter. I actually knew her as she lived until 1966, aged 96 years. Her older sister, Harriet, also lived a long life, dying in 1960 at the age of 92. It must be the water and/or the air on Salt Spring island! The family moved to B.C. late in 1884 after the death of Arthur's wife, Emily Reid. Arthur had been  Postmaster of the Hamlet of Selton, Howard Twp, Kent County, Ontario after immigrating with his parents from County Down, Ireland in about 1866. As your archives state, he built the "Nightingale House" in 1887. He also donated land for a small church which appeared to be near the road to the front of the house.

Now, as far as some colorful early Salt Spring Island characters are concerned, you need look no further than one Frederick William Raines, husband of Harriet Esther Robinson. Of the numerous family legends concerning Fred, I have been able to substantiate and document two, which I summarize below. Keep in mind that Fred was 18 or 19 years older than Harriet Robinson, which may have been partially responsible, at least, for Arthur's concern for his daughter's well-being.


 The Elopement

"Over the objections of her father, Arthur Joseph Robinson, Harriet eloped with Fred Raines. Fred and Harriet took a small boat from Salt Spring Island, where they both lived, and sailed to Saanich. Relieved to find that the Sheriff was not awaiting them on their arrival, they were taken to the home of Rev. Gregory, Episcopal minister of North Saanich, who quickly married them. After a meal, they sailed back to Salt Spring Island that day, as man and wife, where no one dared molest them."
(Summary of the Victoria Daily Times article, 27 Aug 1887, P. 4)

The Shooting

Fred was put on trial in Jan 1899 for allegedly shooting at Fred Foord, with intent to commit murder. Fred believed that Foord had designs on his wife, Harriet. Fred was acquitted.
(Victoria Colonist, 17 Jan 1899, p. 5 "Raynes Shooting Case" and 18 Jan 1899, p. 5, "Raynes Acquitted")

I remind you that you have a picture of Fred and Harriet Raines taken in 1937 in your archives. Now you know a little more about them!


Dallas Wolf
Moline, IL


-----Original Message-----
From: M Davidson []
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 2:23 PM
To: Dallas Wolf
Subject: Re: Arthur Joseph Robinson and Family

Dear Dallas Wolf,

What a wonderful gift for the Archives. Thank you so very much. This is
the only picture we have of the Arthur Joseph Robinson family.

May we ask if you are a relative of the Robinsons?

Perhaps you have information to impart. If so, we would be delighted to
arrange a mutually convenient time to meet.


From: M Davidson []
Sent: Thursday, March 18, 2010 11:48 AM
To: Dallas Wolf
Cc:; Barb Aust; Frank Neumann
Subject: Re: Arthur Joseph Robinson and Family

Thank you, Dallas, for all the new info. Looks like Fergus & Co is probably not connected to Emily Reid. With a name like Fergus, his background is likely Scottish and Emily's family appear to be English. That is a disappointment, but it is interesting to delve into, just the same.

Noreen and I go back a long way, with her contributing all the info that she had on Rrobinsons and Raynes (Raines) to the archives, as well as that picture you mentioned and I had forgotten. We got together, in person, at the Old Timers Reunions on Salt Spring. I am glad to see that more info is adding to all that she provided and that it has been brought back into our interest. Salt Spring Archives is full of genealogical treasures, so it is always exciting to reopen old files and get the contents back into our memories.

The reason that Barb Aust and Frank Neumann are Cc in my e-mails to you, is because Barb is our manager and Frank is our webmaster.
It is important to include them in all correspondence, otherwise I forward all incoming mail to them. I used to be more involved, but retired from a total volunteeering committment a few years ago and now just answer e-mails so that people don't have to wait for initial responses. The archives is very busy and well used, worldwide.

Thank you again, for all that you have contributed, Dallas. We are always interested in anything further that you might find in your research. I am particularly interested in the Robinsons as that little churchyard, the grounds of which Arthur donated, is where my parents, grandparents and other family members are buried.
