Marshall Sharp Collection
- 1 Air Photos SSI
- 2 Air Photos SSI
- 3 Air Photos Ganges, old ferry
- 4 Estate Photos SSI Houses etc
- 5 Air Photos, Ganges and ferries
- 6 Air Photos
- 7 Air Photos, Vesuvius bay and dock
- 8 Air Photos SSI
- 9 Air Photos SSI
- 10 Air Photos SSI
- 11 Air Photos SSI
- 12 Air Photos SSI
- 13 Air Photos SSI (a/b)
- 14 Our House - Panorama
- 15 Panker - Aleander Wedding
- 16 Air Photos SSI
- 17 Air Photos SSI
- 18 Air Photos SSI
- 19 Evans
- 20 Air Photos SSI
- 21 Air Photos SSI
- 22 Fulford, Ferry, Rummage sale
- 23 1961 Graduation Class
- 24 Reid - Wilkins wedding
- 25 1962 Graduation Class
- 26 Edmonton Brenda and others
- 27 Our house, Desiree, Betty, Diane, Brenda
- 28 Akerman Baby
- 29 Bob’s visit with friend, superb totem pole photos
- 30 Hawkins house
- 31 Haigh family
- 32 Doug and Mrs Wilson
- 33 Brenda Halloween Party, Our place
- 34 Haida House totem, Old home in Vancouver
- 35 Jarman children
- 36 Kello Wilson
- 37 Fellows children
- 38 First fire engine, (? Unreadable) friends, Dad and mom
- 39 Our place, Snow heavy, Brent and ? carrying wood
- 40 Cleaning land Dad + me, Don
- 41 Hawkins grandchildren
- 42 Boulding wedding
- 43 Kelly
- 44 Donaghy
- 45 Fletcher Bennett
- 46 Williams Family
- 47 Catio - Morgan wedding
- 48 Early golf club house on SSI
- 49 Diane and fashion show at school 1962
- 50 Golfing group 4 making 378 years
- 51 Mrs Davidson Vesuvius
- 52 Jean ? and baseball team
- 53 1962 Mayday and May Queen
- 54 Jebson - Rogers stereo camera (55)
- 55 Pallot children
- 56 Mac Mouats children
- 57 Stevens children
- 58 Mios Clunas
- 59 Seward children
- 60 Pringle children
- 61 Copy of photos of Gavin Mouat and Pringle children
- 62 Alexander wedding
- 63 Markham in uniform copy
- 64 Tamblyn - Cantril wedding
- 65 Kelly family
- 66 Lawson
- 67 Wolfe - Milners son
- 68 Young - Ostoma wedding
- 69 Stanton passport, Stanton spaniel dog
- 70 Ganges Pharmacy, Yougs Garage, old ferry, real estate office
- 71 Hughes - Hollings wedding
- 72 Anderchek copies
- 73 Taylor children 1968
- 74 Bennet - Brackett wedding
- 75 Lamb - Duplesses passport photo
- 76 Norman Mouats children
- 77 Cruikshank + Peterson children
- 78 Reynolds - Deacon wedding 78
- 79 Howard children
- 80 1962 Sports day
- 81 Yellowlees property
- 82 Family groups Mc Cann
- 83 Bob, Don, Boat yard
- 84 Atkins Mr and Mrs, Gwen Ruckle
- 85 Laurie Mouat
- 86 Finnson children
- 87 Jansch children
- 88 Desiree Taylor as a babay
- 89 Duplessis baby christening, Jack Satts(?) family
- 90 O'Day Mariner, Marshal accident on Stewart Road
- 91 Operetta 1961 at highschool
- 92 Harbour house interior, exterior, old ferry photos
- 93 Anacortes Harbour, Sidney
- 94 Old School, Olafsons house in Victoria, scenes from the ferry
- 95 Ganges, Panorama, Diane
- 96 Welder - Aur House 1961
- 97 Tagalong, Brenda Diane, Mount Maxwell
- 98 Don Thomson and Boat, Qualicum, Uncle Tom in Puffin
- 99 Warren Hastings house exterior, Diane and Brenda
- 100 Quinton Fork and Sheath, Mrs Bate, Mr and Mrs Faure passports
- 101 Marguerite Gear and Gladys Patterson
- 102 Speech Contest
- 103 Don, Tillicum, Gwen Clarke
- 104 Mark Allard
- 105 Roberta Akerman
- 106 Nelson child
- 107 A.T. Ryan copies
- 108 Mt. Maxwell old barn from Fulford Valley
- 109 S.S. Lund’s House
- 110 Moreton family and house, seagull from ferry
- 111 Barbara Sharp and children
- 112 Warburton - Cruikshank wedding
- 113 Tillicum, Kayak, Ferry
- 114 Marshall, Diane, Brenda, Salmon catch, Ganges
- 115 B - Jill wedding
- 116 Diane, our house
- 117 Allan - Williams Birthday Party, Mitchell Springford, Crofton
- 118 Awards at Ganges Highschool
- 119 Alexander child Theresa
- 120 Copy negatives
- 121 School play, Beth Hill
- 122 Betty and Lorne’s wedding and Trousseau tea
- 123 Lake Edna, Brenda, Diane horseback riding
- 124 Dad in uniform, Diane, Brenda, Don’s Birthday party
- 125 Bob, Brenda, Mom, Diane, Married STS personnel
- 126 Brenda and Delia, clouds from aircraft
- 127 RCAF survival course 291, June W.O. Gates, wheelbarrow
- 128 Bush camp Jarvis Lake, Snares, Beaver dam, Scenery
- 129 Brenda, Diane, Kayak, Elk Lake, Lorne and Betty
- 130 Burton children
- 131 Dr. Newberrey family
- 132 Brenda getting Brownie Badge, Brownies, Mrs Olafson, Brown Owl
- 133 Jim Gourlayo wedding, totem poles, Anoline Boats
- 134 Bob in Football outfit, Won in Cadet uniform, Bush camp
- 135 Lorne Taylor
- 136 Brenda, Mouten children
- 137 Bunny groups
- 138 Artsie sun photos, Bob and his friends (Ed), Brenda at Simpson ...?
- 139 Bob’s Birthday Party (Edmenton)
- 140 Great Bear Lake
- 141 Diane 1960, Diane and Brenda 1959
- 142 Brenda’s Birthday party, picnic at Elk Lake, Brenda colouring
- 143 Children’s 300, picnic
- 144 Don’s Chess game, Ballet
- 145 Diane, Ron Hatch, Auction Sale
- 146 Bob’s Paddle Boat with sail, Horseback riding at Witherspoons
- 147 Don’s trip to Coast with Cadets, Totem poles
- 148 Track day, Spruce Avenue, Terry and Don
- 149 Spruce Avenue
- 150 Resolute April 1960
- 151 Resolute
- 152 Resolute, dog team, igloo construction
- 153 ?, Alex and Jacuzzi, Survival Resolute
- 154 Resolute sign, Igloo ghost town
- 155 Banff Army Camp Panorama
- 156 Animals at St. Georgs Zoo Calgary 1573
- 157 Banff, Chair Lift
- 158 Jarvis Lake
- 159 Para rescue training
- 160 Diane Passing test for Collectors Badge
- 161 Fire at old store building in Edmonton
- 162 Bush camp Jaws lake
- 163 Winter, Bush
- 164 Cambridge Bay
- 165 Cambridge Bay Ice fishing
- 166 Cambridge Bay, Self, Doc Newberry, Parka test, Panorama from Town
- 167 Dog Team, Suzie fishing, igloos
- 168 Don, Diane, Brenda, Mom
- 169 Cambridge bay, Dog team, staff, Suzie, Jamie Bond and daughter, Peter Pemiktak, Dog team
- 170 Seal Hunt, Dr. Lawson
- 171 First trip to Resolute
- 172 Great Bear Lake Fishing, Eskimos
- 173 Diane, Betty, Gloria Clark, Dad and Diane Great salmon catch
- 174 Grand Coulle ride horseback, Diane and Brenda
- 175 Heather Brown and Terrier
- 176 School concert, Brenda, Diane
- 177 Al Omingo Animal Farm (Edmonton)
- 178 Dad Diving, Voodoos, Diane and Brenda
- 179 Deep Bay
- 180 Old family, Grammy Rous, Grandpa and Annie Chapman
- 181 Old copies
- 182 London visit
- 183 Bishop Wilson House
- 184 Bishop Wilson House
- 185 Houses: Thorburn, Clark, Vesuvius
- 186 Saturna barbecue, Ganges kids
- 187 Old barns, Lees hill house, Negro boys fishing, Blue Gabbs(?), Sea Breeze Cabins, Bradley baby (Yvonne)
- 188 Lynenm, Cate, SSC House, Hildred, Crofton grandchildren
- 189 Grandpa and Elsies visit
- 190 Boyd’s visit, fishing trip
- 191 Dad’s old homes in Vancouver
- 192 Olson Strawberry farm, Boy on ferry, Welteans(?) boy, Saturna barbeque
- 193 Connick visit
- 194 Hyoka, Thunderbird Park
- 195 Olsen house, Kirk’s, Mount Maxwell
- 196 Mr Evans Puppies, Diane camping
- 197 John Sturdy passport
- 198 Mr. Wells passport, Bessa, Hawkin’s Boat
- 199 Holly
- 200 John Sturdy, hospital, Sargent house, Geraldine Irwin Aug 1962
- 201 Yvonne Bradley, Geraldine Irwin
- 202 Yvonne Bradley, Geraldine Irwin
- 203
- 204 Brackett baby, Geraldine, Mr Finey, Mrs Carrol, Indian dances
- 205 Indian dances, Canoe races
- 206 JoAnne Villadsen
- 207 Villadsen baby, Crofton house, Fernwood house, Yellowlees lot, Heather Y.
- 208 Yellowlees, Donna Perini, Janet Lawrence
- 209 Mrs Stone (Daughter Mrs Shove)
- 210 Mrs Stone, Family groups
- 211 Morrison 4 generations group
- 212 Brenda’s film, Janice, Brenda, Betty, Bob, Dad
- 213 Old Barn near Solimar, Miss Shove and grandchild, Brenda, Don
- 214 Old Barn near Solimar, Miss Shove and grandchild, Brenda, Don
- 215 Crofton daughter and baby (hospital)
- 216 Wilson house, Finney house, US Boat
- 217 Air Photos: Beddis PT., Solimar, Isabella Pt., Fulford Valley
- 218 Air Photos: Ganges, Our Place, Wellbury, Fernwood, St. Mary’s Lake
- 219 Air Photos: North End St Mary Lake, Southey Pt., Fernwood, Walkers Hook, Long Harbour, Scott Point
- 220 Air Photos: Fawcett Island, North Saltspring, Ganges 1962
- 221 Air Photos: Porlier Pass, North Galiano
- 222 Air Photos: Active, Porlier, Gabriola, Mudge Passes
- 223 Air Photos: Gabriola Pass
- 224 Air Photos: Mudge and False Narrows
- 225 Air Photos
- 226 Air Photos: Porlier and Galiano Pass
- 227 Miss Dorothy Reid
- 228 Miss Dorothy Reid
- 229 Mrs Nelson’s grandchildren
- 230 Copy negatives for WF Reil, Two plant close-ups
- 231 Bruce Murikami, Ganges (air), North end
- 232 Don, Bruce and friends
- 233 Villadsen Passports
- 234 Desiree Taylor
- 235 Fire Hall, Lorne with 9 1/2 lb coho
- 236 John Cate, George, Brackett Baby
- 237 Bob’s Camera: Lorne, Bet, Desiree
- 238 Lepso Passport
- 239 Vantilburg, Children
- 240 Vantilburg Children
- 241 Wilson’s African Violets, copy negatives
- 242 Betty and Lorne on MS Vancouver, freighter, Haida house
- 243 Twa - Marcotte wedding (bride, bride and father)
- 244 T - M wedding (at altar, register, aisle, church door, wedding cake)
- 245 T - M wedding (legion hall, toast to bride, bride and groom, cake cutting, bridesmaids)
- 246 T - M wedding (bride and groom, bride and groom with presents, wedding party)
- 247 T - M wedding (altar, register, Legion, head table)
- 248 Swimming Pool at Scott Pt. Marina
- 249 Brenda Diane Mother storm damage
- 250 Yvonne Bradley, Geraldine Irwin
- 251 Yvonne Bradley w/ mother, Geraldine Irwin w/ mother
- 252 Nomographs, crabs, barnacles
- 253 Gurton - East wedding, bottle drive, Bradley house
- 254 G - E wedding
- 255 G - E wedding
- 256 G- E wedding
- 257 Bradley house, Alec’s meat market
- 258 Van Burskirk
- 259 Van Burskirk
- 260 Erick Finnsson
- 261 Starfish collection diving
- 262 Mrs Thompson Vesuvius
- 263 Copy negatives, Thompson, Ryan, Grannie, Mother
- 264 Seward Passport
- 265 Hildred Children
- 266 Hildren Children
- 267 Opening School Board
- 268 Armstice Day Parade 1962
- 269 Olsons boat DAF
- 270 Copies Loosmore
- 271 Horel family group
- 272 Horel baby and little girl
- 273 Horel boy and oldest girl
- 274 Horel girl and family group
- 275 Horel and Jidy, Harkema passport, Copy mum portrait
- 276 Pringle christening
- 277 Pringle christening and baby close-ups
- 278 Pringle family groups
- 279 Kelly
- 280 Harold Hoffman
- 281 Kelly family
- 282 Stevens family
- 283 Seward
- 284 Scott Point Marina, Diving
- 285 Bruce Patterson
- 286 Patterson
- 287 Patterson
- 288 Copy negatives
- 289 Winter - Groups and single of boy
- 290 Pallot and Winter groups
- 291 Pallot
- 292 Horel
- 293 Horel
- 294 Brackett
- 295 Elk’s Santa
- 296 Dokupan Test
- 297 Dokupan Test
- 298 Karluk visit, Davy Filion
- 299 Davy Filion
- 300 Spoiled
- 301 Spoiled
- 302 Mac Moats, cleaning, Dog
- 303 Mac Moats, Kirks
- 304 Miss Scotts House 305 BA plant, F and S productions
- 305 Passport photos Des Crofton Mr Kirk
- 306 Pender and Galiano schools, Miner Bay
- 307 Kaye Children Serenna and
- 308 Sandra and
- 309 Real Estate - Cartwright, Warburton
- 310 Linda Inglin
- 311 Passport Dipples, Woodpile and cleaning
- 312 Passport Mrs Rose, Linda Inglin
- 313 Real Estate, Bishop Wilsons seward
- 314 Real Estate Cottage at Fulford, next Alexanders
- 315 Blais family group
- 316 Betty and Earles kids
- 317 Passport photos, Hill family
- 318 Passport Mr and Mrs Acland and Loosemore Parents
- 319 MacIntyre - Minter wedding 319
- 320 MI - M wedding 1963
- 321 MI - M wedding
- 322 MI - M wedding
- 323 Passport Eddna McLeod
- 324 Test Role Sidney RCMP, Galiano Shopland’s house, Mayne Teacherage
- 325 Pancake Race
- 326 Real Estate Fernwoord to Southey Pt - 327 Real Estate Clam Shell Beach, Lakinuks Lodge - 328 Real Estate, Lakinuks Lodge and Watson Lot
- 327 Real Estate Clam Shell Beach, Lakinuks Lodge
- 328 Real Estate, Lakinuks Lodge and Watson Lot
- 329 50 mile hike, Patty Wilson
- 330 W. M. Mouat 50th anniversary and Legion Hall first addition
- 331 Casey Jarman 5 months
- 332 Mes and Casey Jarman, Alec Butcher
- 333 Saturna School, Boat Pass
- 334 Alec’s Store
- 335 Legion, Pouring foundation
- 336 Passport, Mr Gill...? Bittancourt Rd
- 337 Mahon Hall exit for school board, Cleaning SSL House
- 338 Vesuvius Marina, Mannings Boxer, Heinekeys niece and cows
- 339 Lorne Earle with Sandra and Scott S.
- 340 Lorne Earle Sandra and Scott
- 341 Luttrell Baby
- 342 Luttrell Baby 342??
- 343 Legion Hall, Harbour House, LCB entrance, Swarts Album 343??
- 344 Copies Real estate, Boathouse
- 345 Real Estate Nitch, Taylor Boathouse
- 346 Diving Wellbury Pt. 1963
- 347 Diving and Jaffy
- 348 Des Copeland 100th birthday celebration Saturna
- 349 100th birthday
- 350 100th birthday
- 351 Legion Hall, 100th birthday
- 352 Jones passport photos
- 353 Baker family Mrs. Lynda, Bruce
- 354 Allan Layard Baby
- 355 Spoiled
- 356 Dr. White Residence (Scott Rd.)
- 357 School Play "Hansel and Gretel"
- 358 Schoolo play, Rockery construction, Saturna
- 359 House - "Lisa" Harkema
- 360 House - "Sonnet" Harkema
- 361 Layard Baby (allen) and Long Scenie Harkema’s
- 362 Launching Queen of the Islands
- 363 Pirate boat, Bob at UBC, Totem Village
- 364 Aleta, Don’s Star boat, on day of sale
- 365 Lynn, Terry, Alec and Tony
- 366 Holly Lynen, Library Building (before), Tony, Cindy, Alec
- 367 John and Carol
- 368 John and Carol
- 369 May Parade - floats, sea ??s, May queen
- 370 May Parade - costumes, presentations, horse and cart
- 371 Nanaimo High School
- 372 Nanaimo Auditorium
- 373 Saanich High School
- 374 Motor Boats
- 375 Motor Boats
- 376 Motor Boats, Capital City
- 377 Motor Boats
- 378 Mottor Boats
- 379 Motor Boats
- 380 Motor Boats
- 381 Motor Boats, Old golfers
- 382 Inglin Copies, Lassmore copyh, flowers
- 383 Hildred horse, fish boat "Cruiser"
- 384 Harbour house, Old Ganges shots
- 385 Neil Nelson
- 386 House by Cruikshank
- 387 Motor boats and Cruikshank house
- 388 Fashion show, Grades 8 9 and 10
- 389 Fashion show
- 390 Fashion show
- 391 Dean, La Fortune, Yvonne Bradley
- 392 Dean and Yvonne (pairs and singles)
- 393 Wedding Elsie Price
- 394 Wedding Elsie Price
- 395 Opening new part of Legion Hall
- 396 Stewart passport, Bradley - Laferture kids
- 397 Stewart Passport spares, Price wedding
- 398 Chuck Horel
- 399 Saturna School kids
- 400 Saturna School kids (singles)
- 401 Saturna School kids (singles)
- 402 Copies - HH menu, Old lady
- 403 Passport Mrs Roddis, Fulford
- 404 Graduation - Coke party singles
- 405 Graduation singles and group
- 406 Graduation, coke Party, singles
- 407 Graduation
- 408 Graduation Ceremonies
- 409 Saturna Lamb Barbecue
- 410 Inaguration Queen of the Islands 1963
- 411 Inaguration Queen of the Islands
- 412 Passport Susan Graham, Tony, McLurb
- 413 Cruikshank House on hill, Harbourfill, Pyrettes, Newman house
- 414 Britton 50th wedding anniv.
- 415 Britton anniv.
- 416 Cruikshank House
- 417 Britton anniv.
- 418 Jack Laurie, Dredging, Melody D(?)
- 419 Hawkins grandchildren
- 420 Austin Wilson shots, Hawkins house
- 421 Hawkins Ian, Lakeridge Groups
- 422 Charlie Mellish and Pirate girl
- 423 Dean Lafortune
- 424 McKee Baby
- 425 Pirates on Taku
- 426 Pirates on Taku
- 427 Taku, Hardy House
- 428 Hawkins house and Boat Harbour
- 429 Pirate Days, Ganges, Branbant Boat
- 430 Pirate Days, Fulford, Sheep Shearing, Hardy’s
- 431 Pirate Days, Fulford, Dogs, Barbecue, Baby
- 432 Pirate Days, Welbury Bay
- 433 Diana and Charles Stone and Group
- 434 Group
- 435 Art Young, Stone Baby and Diana, Progress
- 436 Copy of Al Gear
- 437 Gear - Lee Wedding
- 438 G - L Wedding
- 439 G - L Wedding
- 440 G - L Wedding
- 441 G - L Wedding
- 442 G - L Wedding, Norman Mouat children
- 443 Norman Mouat Family groups
- 444 Queen of the Islands Gearbox close-ups
- 445 Aitken dog, Harbour progress, baby
- 446 Queen of the Island Gears
- 447 Blais baby, Peaches
- 448 Elizabeth
- 449 Campbell Carrol’s Daughter and grandson passport
- 450 Copy negatives, Morrison Brackett
- 451 Mr ..... unreadable
- 452 Passport ...unreadable... Vesuvius, Peach picking, Diane and Brenda
- 453 Hedger - White wedding
- 454 H - W wedding Sptember 14, 1963
- 455 H - W wedding
- 456 H - W wedding
- 457 H - W wedding
- 458 Hardie House, Fishing Trip
- 459 Scottie, Vesuvius
- 460 Legion "Gavel" meeting at Duncan
- 461 Mellish store window, Brenda party
- 462 Lisa Mollison
- 463 Lisa Mollison and Driftwood Staff
- 464 Driftwood Staff
- 465 Driftwood Staff (NO GOOD.)
- 466 Drifftwood Staff
- 467 Villadsen Passports
- 468 Jeanie Reid
- 469 Jeanie Reid
- 470 Jennifer Bradley, Susan, Log Cabin Fire
- 471 Reid family groups
- 472 Armistice Ceremonies, Ganges, Reid children
- 473 Armistice Ceremnoies, Ganges
- 474 Raspberrys (November), slide of SSI song
- 475 Passport Photos, Sathermo
- 476 Dr. Lockehart and Color Party, Debby and Brenda Aquilon
- 477 Debb and Brenda Aquilon spoiled
- 478 Legion "Klondike Night"
- 479 Debbie (older) and Brenda Aquilon
- 480 Debbie and Brenda Aquilion and Harrisons
- 481 Billy and Margo Harrison (Lynen Houses)
- 482 Mrs VanTilberg Flood and window
- 483 Sathermo 25th Anniversary
- 484 Sathermo Anniverary
- 485 Ryan copy sathermo Ann, New Store
- 486 Sathermo Anniersary and Bus Shelter
- 487 Patrick Barber ( Mrs L.E.) Xmas Card Pictures
- 488 Copies TinType at Ryan, BourneMouth and Reynolds
- 489 Haigh
- 490 Greenough Baby
- 491 Copies Boudin, Reynolds, Hope Bay,Pender
- 492 Passports Mr and Mrs Hardy, Shellston move
- 493 Villadsen Jo-Anne and Joe
- 494 Heineky Shane and Marshall
- 495 Heineky Shane and Marshall . . 1963 Dec
- 496 Hazenboom family. . . 1964 Jan
- 497 Hazenboom children, Heel house
- 498 House, Rockery, Woodshed
- 499 Mrs Dickens Passport, Const. McIntyre
- 500 Const. McIntrye
- 501 Copies Crofton, Loosmore, Nelson
- 502 Boats DAF, Airflow, Cruiser
- 503 Ben Dodds (Inglin) Portrait
- 504 Andersen Passports, Jaffy, M...unreadable
- 505 Legion 2nd Yukon night
- 506 Cedar Beach Resort
- 507 Trethewey residence, Cedar Beach, Bullock estate
- 508 Clara and Bob
- 509 Rainfords from boat
- 510 Clara and Bob
- 511 Clara and Bob
- 512 Rainford Residence
- 513 Trethewey residence, Cedar Beach camp
- 514 Cedar beach totem pole
- 515 Passports Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, Madeline Reynolds baby girl
- 516 Flint and Steel Illustrations
- 517 Passport and Citizenship Dickens
- 518 Passport Parsons (Doug and 2 sons)
- 519 Luddington - Wendy (10)
- 520 Passport Mrs Olson, Beaver point
- 521 Lacey Children
- 522 Lacey children
- 523 Lacey children
- 524 Lions Show "Here we are again"
- 525 Lions show, mom with Peevee, Taffy
- 526 Reid Greenhouse, Passport
- 527 Ships Inn, School, McMaNus, Fire Hall, Pharmacy
- 528 Ident Photos Bc Telus
- 529 Ident Photos Bc Telus
- 530 Ident Photo, North-Tel, Mill’s house
- 531 Passports Durneck, Peterson and Newman
- 532 Test Roll Horel Copy
- 533 Copy Mamiyaflex Manual
- 534 Howard Horel’s Boys Geoge and Nim
- 535 Horel children (pairs and singles)
- 536 Harry Nicholls, Dave Winter, Frank Bonner, Penny Galbraith
- 537 Kellys, Horse Tail, Taffy
- 538 Cindy, Alec, Tony, Judy
- 539 Bc Tel Ident Photo, Brenda, rockery(?)
- 540 Copy Jenkins, Southey point views
- 541 Mrs Winter, Harkema boy, Hawkins house, SM lake, chickens, coast shots, Jo-Anne Villadsen
- 542 Newnham’s silver, Scott Pt., Miss
- 543 Winter’s daughter, beach, Scott Pt., Miss
- 544 Shore pictures at Vesuvius
- 545 May Day Parade, Mr Crawford
- 546 May Day Parade
- 547 Real Estate - Hughes
- 548 Passports Harvey, Air Photos Ganges, Walker Hook
- 549 Air shots Ganges, Cent. Park fill, new Harbour 1964
- 550 Passport Heinekey and ?, Carlin baby
- 551 Carlin baby
- 552 Children’s Play "Sleeping beauty" Fulford
- 553 Children’s Play "Sleeping Beauty" Luddington
- 554 Luddington girl
- 555 Lutherell baby
- 556 Jim Campbell
- 557 Masonic group
- 558 Masonic group
- 559 Air Photos, Cottage Beaver, Doris and Yvonne, House Lee’s Hill
- 560 Chappell residence
- 561 Miss Crawford
- 562 Masons, Reid and Parsons
- 563 Desiree and Vincent
- 564 Desiree and Vincent
- 565 Saturna school, children
- 566 Saturna school children and Mr Story(?) and Mrs Hindmarsh
- 567 Saturna school children
- 568 Vincent, Diving at Welbury (no fish)
- 569 Saturna School Children, Hindmarsh group
- 570 Saturna and Mayne School Children
- 571 Mayne Island School Children
- 572 Masons McManns, Francis, ...undreadable
- 573 Picture Copies - Alexander, Williams
- 574 Graduation Photos - Judy Luddington
- 575 Passport Weston, ?? shots
- 576 Ches Reynolds, bus at long Harbour, police shots
- 577 Colin Booth passport, Rollie and Dot
- 578 Gursche citizenship, Carl Johnson’s girl, House
- 579 Police photos Sholes - Jones collision
- 580 Police photos Sholes - Jones collision
- 581 Lakeridge Wagon Camp Groups
- 582 Roberts Passports, Reynolds - Thomas Wedding
- 583 Reynolds - Thomas Wedding
- 584 R - T Wedding
- 585 R - T Wedding
- 586 R - T Wedding
- 587 Passport Scott Alexander and Wife and Kid Shots
- 588 Passports Jack, Mrs Jill and Judy Scoot, Big Log
- 589 Passport, Mrs Lepsoe
- 590 Murikami family groups
- 591 Lowes, Lakeridge wagon camp, orchard
- 592 Passport and Ident Joan Stevens
- 593 Parker children
- 594 Parker Susan and family, Pat
- 595 Passport Russell Thorburn Copies, Cruikshank snaps
- 596 Lorne Earle
- 597 Copy - Cruikshank snapshots
- 598 Julie and Brenda and copy of old ...?
- 599 Copies Wood, McCullough - Passport Dave Jackson
- 600 Les Wagg - Lavinia Allard wedding
- 601 Wagg - Allard Wedding
- 602 W - A Wedding
- 603 W - A wedding
- 604 Copy neg. Armstrong, Passport Geigrich
- 605 Hague - Mochuk Wedding
- 606 H - M Wedding
- 607 H - M wedding
- 608 H - M wedding, Geigrich passport, Misc
- 609 IODE 50th Anniversary
- 610 IODE 50th Anniversay
- 611 Lacey Passports, Ian and ??
- 612 Nancy Taylor
- 613 Mrs. Taylor
- 614 Passports Mr and Mrs Shantz
- 615 Newman family groups
- 616 Brigden - Alexander wedding
- 617 B - A Wedding
- 618 B - A wedding
- 619 B - A wedding
- 620 B - A wedding
- 621 B - A wedding
- 622 Mrs Dodds daughter Loretta
- 623 Mrs Wood’s little girl (negro)
- 624 Nancy Proctor, 1269 Filmer Rd. Victoria
- 625 Mrs. And Nancy Proctor, 3 of Kathryn Ackerman
- 626 Katherine Ackerman
- 627 Sturdy’s house, ?? unreadable
- 628 Les Barbers boy Pat on motorboat at Ganges Boat
- 629 Armistice Day Parade
- 630 Armistice Day Parade
- 631 Armistice Day Parade
- 632 Betty, Vincent and Desiree and Brenda
- 633 Wilf Taylor’s Daughter
- 634 Desiree and Vincent
- 635 John Stepaniuk - passport Wilf Taylor’s daughter
- 636 Debbie Cruikshank
- 637 Betty, Diane and Vincent (feeding)
- 638 Sea Scouts
- 639 Sea Scouts, Hen House
- 640 Pringle children (singles)
- 641 Pringle children (groups)
- 642 Mr and Mrs Nelson (trailer, past s..?)
- 643 Gavin, Ian and ??, Kyle
- 644 Kyle children
- 645 Hague - Mochuk Wedding Lost Rol...?
- 646 Hildred Visa, Passport Photos
- 647 Elizabeth and Rhonda Lee
- 648 Elizabeth and Rhonda Lee
- 649 Copies Harrison
- 650 Ernie, Brenda, Gail
- 651 Judy Jackson, Passport and Kirk marriage ....?
- 652 Siguirson children (singles)
- 653 Siguirson children (singles and groups) . . 1964
- 654 Brackett family
- 655 Huxtable boy
- 656 Hughes children, Lisa and forme(?)
- 657 Copy - Sturdy Visa photo, Mary Taylor
- 658 Woodley children
- 659 Woodley family group, flash shots of...?
- 660 Allan Coombes
- 661 Brendas test roll in her Agfa Ventura
- 662 Construction site new public building (raining) . . 1965
- 663 Copy Quesnel photo, bridge fill and stump
- 664 Kathy Stack
- 665 Mr and Mrs K. Villadsen and JoAnne and Son
- 666 Progress pics, new building, copies for Mitchell
- 667 Yukon night skit, Des Crofton, pickup truck
- 668 Real Estate Dr. Bradley Res., Passports Taylor
- 669 Passport Photos Taylor and Silvander, Progress
- 670 Construction site, Bridge
- 671 Passport Mary Heindmarch
- 672 Diane’s roll
- 673 Construction site and Brenda’s shots
- 674 Passport Robin Harrison, Ident. Mary Harrison, Bridge progress
- 675 Bowling Lanes, Don
- 676 Real Estate - Hawke Subdivision, St. Mary Lake, Watsons
- 677 Brenda’s photos, Cat. Bridge.
- 678 Brenda’s photos tractor, hike
- 679 Brendas photos cat cleaning, hike, Butterflies
- 680 Copies Cunningham (old ssi) and Mitchell
- 681 Passports Dupuis, Devine, Wells
- 682 Crossed off
- 683 Church (St. Marks) Windows, Hohn Slindy
- 684 Construction Site, 2 progress shots
- 685 Mrs Hepburn
- 686 100 Hills development views
- 687 Flemming Villadsen and Brenda
- 688 Real Estate 100 hills with water truck, Ganges farm, WM Mouat’s hill
- 689 Test Roll, Nitch, house in Rourke subdivision
- 690 Passports Mrs Bennet and Miss Mollet (portraits)
- 691 Passport (spoiled), Terry Malleton(?)
- 692 Copies - Shove and Wolfe, Milner’s staff
- 693 Copies - Shove, Loyd Walters and Sturdy
- 694 Brenda’s pictures - Guides
- 695 Passport Whitmore, Goose, cheque, gardening(?)
- 696 Portraits Linda Inglin
- 697 Brenda’s photos test roll
- 698 Brendas photos test roll
- 699 Construction site and Georgeson’s driftwood
- 700 Construction site and our upper garden ??
- 701 Crossed off
- 702 Marg Lee
- 703 Passport Hardie, Shots of Bob, Clara, Diane and Brenda, Fulford Ferry dock
- 704 Ian Foubister - Lois Hedger Wedding
- 705 F - H wedding
- 706 F - H wedding
- 707 F - H wedding
- 708 F - H wedding
- 709 F - H wedding
- 710 Spencer ??, Beth Reid
- 711 Ferry captain Hudson
- 712 Olympic Wrestling Eliminations UBC
- 713 Brenda’s photos
- 714 Test roll
- 715 Donahye, SSC staff, Cat young’s garage, house
- 716 Construction site
- 717 Guides at Deacon’s
- 718 Luddington house
- 719 Test shots Torchy Anderson’s
- 720 Crossed off
- 721 Passports Johnson and Hawksworth
- 722 Portrait Coleen Walker
- 723 Passport Hawkesworth
- 724 Loiselle Granddaugther Karen
- 725 Mollet Anna, Bob, Jerry H & S
- 726 Mollet Ted, Terry (gown), Grannie and Jerry (Terry?)
- 727 Graduation groups
- 728 Graduation couples and men
- 729 Miss Jane Harrison
- 730 O'Donnell children
- 731 O'Donnell children
- 732 O'Donnell baby and Brenda, Silvia Atkins and Rollie
- 733 Passport and Ident. Photos Pat Wolfe-Milner
- 734 Passport and Ident Photos Donna Hollings
- 735 Portrait Dick Bate
- 736 Brenda’s roll, summer camp cusheon cove
- 737 Test roll
- 738 Government building, progress for june
- 739 WAC Bennet and Mrs W. Hastings, Stoop, Government buildings
- 740 Passports Bate and Huxtable
- 741 Beth Reid’s Bridal Gown poses
- 742 Golf Fours (346 years)
- 743 Brenda’s film
- 744 Brenda’s film
- 745 Reid - Ahrens Wedding
- 746 R - A wedding
- 747 R - A wedding
- 748 R - A wedding
- 749 R - A wedding
- 750 Susan Graham passports
- 751 Government building
- 752 Susan Graham
- 753 Butt - Fraser wedding, Huxtable diploma, Judy and Group
- 754 Cunningham - Netterfield wedding
- 755 B - F wedding
- 756 C - N wedding
- 757 Archdeacon Holmes 50th wedding anniv.
- 758 Passport Mr and Mrs Parsons
- 759 Passport Mr Sutton, Oil painting Bill Eagles
- 760 Passport Richard Murikami, Garden Rollie
- 761 Harkema horses
- 762 Harkema horses, Frank Valdez' dog
- 763 Frank Valdez' dog "Moochie"
- 764 Sampson baby
- 765 Brenda’s photos
- 766 Pallot boy
- 767 Penelope Trelford - Harry Bially Wedding
- 768 Trelford - Bially wedding
- 769 T - B wedding
- 770 T - B wedding
- 771 T - B wedding
- 772 Nicholson house, Copy of old train photo
- 773 Mr. and Mrs. Empey Passports
- 774 Irwin children Geraldine and ?
- 775 Valdez House, Public building, "Before" pioneer villiage
- 776 Richard Wells, Gas Stations, Public building
- 777 Opening of new public building
- 778 Allard - Akerman Wedding
- 779 A - A wedding
- 780 A - A wedding
- 781 A - A wedding
- 782 A - A wedding
- 783 A - A wedding (crossed out)
- 784 A - A wedding
- 785 Passport Mr and Mrs Groff
- 786 Copy photos, Lorne’s train, Wedding, cliff’s boat
- 787 Brenda’s roll
- 788 Passport Crawford, Progress shots, Close up of chicken
- 789 Passports Jarman
- 790 Armistice Ceremonies, Mrs Youn g
- 791 Stacey family groups
- 792 Stacey family singles
- 793 Stacey Portraits
- 794 Stacey family groups, Roos, Linda
- 795 Stanton copies, progress shots
- 796 Boat trip, Government building, Visit to Edmonton
- 797 Edmonton visit kids etc
- 798 Copies: Mitchell and Morrison, Lakeridge gate photo
- 799 Sattermo Apartment Interiors
- 800 Sattermo apartments exteriors, Brenda
- 801 Layards Michele and Allen
- 802 Layards M and A
- 803 M. East - East Camp, Brenda at a party
- 804 Snow scenes at Ganges and home
- 805 "George S Pearson: Ferry, Passport
- 806 GSP Ferry, snow scenes, Passports Walter Maily
- 807 Passports Mrs Hoffman
- 808 Harman - Beech wedding
- 809 H - B wedding
- 810 H - B wedding
- 811 H - B wedding
- 812 H - B wedding
- 813 H - B wedding
- 814 Vancouver visit
- 815 Passport Evans family
- 816 Passport Evans family
- 817 Passports Portlock, portrait
- 818 Portrait Hart Bradley
- 819 Copies Lowe, Jordan and Bate
- 820 Diamond Anniversary Mr and Mrs Speed
- 821 Portrait Hart Bradley with badge
- 822 Blais Family
- 823 David Mude
- 824 David Maude
- 825 Road Signs
- 826 Mrs Young, unreadable...
- 827 Evans - Golden Wedding, Nora splitting shakes
- 828 Evans - Golden Wedding
- 829 Jansch Portrait and passport, Walters passport
- 830 Pringle copy, SeaBreeze, Hach’s, joe Bate, front bank
- 831 "Labours of Love" School melodrama
- 832 Passport Mackey, Taylor’s Horses
- 833 Taylor’s Horses
- 834 Passport Photos Mr and Mrs Barnes
- 835 Mt Bruce view, Luth plowing and hypocaust(?), Dog, Lawn
- 836 Passports Cairns and Scott Clarke
- 837 School Inspection, Seeding, Mayne Queen, Pioneer Villiage
- 838 Portrait Norm Mouat, party
- 839 WM Mouat Passport, Queen of Prince Rupert
- 840 Roger and Andrew Luttrell
- 841 R and A Luttrell
- 842 Mrs WM Mouat and Dog, Trixie Thorburn passport
- 843 Pat Atkins portraits
- 844 Susan Harcus, Mr and Mrs Harcus
- 845 Legion Parade, Unveiling Plaque
- 846 Legion Parade
- 847 Legion Parade, Lucas Passport
- 848 Legion Parade and School Opening
- 849 School Opening ceremonies
- 850 School Opening Ceremonies
- 851 Duke copies, Eng. Ident photos
- 852 Jansch passports
- 853
- 854 Ballingall Islets, Crested cormorant
- 855 ? - Graham Wedding (at bradleys)
- 856 Graham Wedding
- 857
- 858
- 859 Wedding
- 860 Wedding, Jeffery’s home (Vesuvius), Bates
- 861 Passports Manning, Pioneer Village
- 862 Graduation '66, new auditorium
- 863 Coke party, our place, grads of '66
- 864 Coke party, grads of '66
- 865 Grad '66
- 866 Coke party, copy old cenotaph, house shots
- 867 Kitchen - Stevenson
- 868 Aitken dogs, Alan Stepanuik, Mellish(?)
- 869 Passport Murikami, copies Bradley
- 870
- 871 Hawkins Twin grandchildren Jane and Maureen
- 872 Jane and Maureen Hawkins
- 874 Passport Miss Elizabeth Stacey, Hawkins grandchildren
- 875 Queen of Vesuvius and crew, Duhig copy, Bates, ...unreadable
- 876 Passport Mrs Hedgecock
- 877 Cruise Hatch and I to Gabriola, Diane, Girls, Beaver
- 878 Cruise to Gabriola
- 879 Passports Akerman, Copy Atkins, Lee Baby
- 880 Cruise, Ackerman PP, Stevens View
- 881 Gurney - Trigg wedding
- 882 G - T wedding
- 883 G - T wedding
- 884 G - T wedding
- 885 G - T wedding
- 886 G - T wedding
- 887 G - T wedding, Thomson’s, Qualicum, Totem pole
- 888 Passport Harrison, Beddis Road
- 889 Thorburn and Beddis wood progress
- 890 Weston portraits
- 891 Passport Miss Lee and Marie Venn
- 892 Passport Horel, Portrait Ron Hatch, Boyde McB. With Coho
- 893 Chappel passport
- 894 Duplex Opp., Catholic Church, Don, Cent Caravan, caport
- 895 Remembrance day Ganges
- 896 Remembrance day
- 897 Queen of Islands
- 898 Anderson Family
- 899 Anderson Family (Larry, Mrs, Linda, Terry)
- 900 Bob Lawson and Family (singles)
- 901 Bob Lawson and family
- 902 Duncan children
- 903 Andersons, Linda
- 904 Copies, new car port, chick
- 905 Boat on fire
- 906 Miss Barbara McWhirter
- 907 Fletcher Bennet and wife, Passports, Brenda
- 908 Clarkson baby David and Debbie
- 909 Miss Barbara Baines (mother quesnel)
- 910 Mis Barbara Baines
- 911 Campbell - Patterson Wedding
- 912 C - P Wedding
- 913 C - P wedding
- 914 C - P wedding
- 915 C - P wedding
- 916 Mellish store window, Allister ?? portrait, Diane
- 917 King Granddaugther "Katherine" and groups
- 918 King Granddaughter and groups
- 919 Andrews boy "Rick"
- 920 Andrews boy Rick and baby
- 921 Citizenship Ike Bennet and Fletcher
- 922 Stevenson - Levy wedding
- 923 Stevenson - Levy wedding
- 924 Mrs Luth Passport, Jim Morris Id
- 925 Brenda, lighting tests
- 926 Janet Haigh Passport and Ident, Wolfe Milner
- 927
- 928 Graham Lee (camera jam)
- 929 Graham Lee
- 930 60th Wedding Anniversary Mc Dermott
- 931 Nelson’s Boat "Tagalong", Bate’s house
- 932 Fire Practice, Rainbow Road
- 933 Briane Mitchell, George Eng Ident. Photos
- 934 Mr and Mrs Kropinski passports
- 935 Macdonald - Roberts Wedding
- 936 M - R wedding
- 937 M - R wedding
- 938 M - R wedding
- 939 M - R wedding
- 940 Ed Gould, copies bracket, lamb, Layenby (?)
- 941 Passport Youds, Room Stuart Holmes
- 942 Loiselle children
- 943 Donna Ralph ID photo, Boats
- 944 Test Roll [Air photos]
- 945 Air Photos (ganges, Hospital area, subdivision)
- 946 Air photos (solimar, fulford, beddis point)
- 947 Air Photos (beddis road (our place), fruitvale)
- 948 Air photos (school, fruitvale, scott rd., welbury pt.)
- 949 Air photos (Isabella pt., solimar, brown’s, kergins)
- 950 Air photos (Vesuvius, duck bay, sunset drive)
- 951 Air photos (portlocks, Geoff’s subdivision, school, ganges)
- 952 Air photos (fulford, fulford ganges rd.)
- 953 Passports Doug and Mrs Dane
- 954 White and Motion Passports
- 955 Motion Passports
- 956 White family groups
- 957 Hollman passports
- 958 Mrs Sweards passport, Knowle’s Valdolyn
- 959 Crosby Passport and Portraits
- 960 Test Roll Brenda
- 961 Haywood - Timbers wedding
- 962 H - T wedding
- 963 H - T wedding
- 964 H - T wedding
- 965 Brenda’s H - T wedding, Self
- 966 H - T wedding
- 967 H - T Wedding
- 968 Maddix - Harcus wedding
- 969 M - H wedding
- 970 M - H wedding
- 971 M - H veil fitting, old ganges pic, bracket copy, legion presentation
- 972 M - H wedding
- 973 M - H wedding
- 974 Low’s used furniture shop
- 975 Sampson children
- 976 Mr and Mrs Timbers
- 977 Sampson children
- 978 Sharon Stevens
- 979 Centennial park, ---
- 980 Vancouver fountain, Betty Riddel and Laura Rozzanmo
- 981 Laura Rozzamo and Betty Riddel
- 982 Adrian Wolfe-Milner
- 983 Mrs E. Kayes burro and cart
- 984 Vincent and Desiree
- 985 Scott Simpson (7 mo)
- 986 Hoegh Marlin Aground, Active pass
- 987 Hoegh Marlin Aground
- 988 Mrs Halls baby Trevor
- 989 Ernie Watson and Family
- 990 Copies Cypeck, Pender Queen, Mrs Brown Totems, letter
- 991 Convocation, Clara, U of A
- 992 Convocation, U of A, Clara and Mum
- 993 Convocation U of A, Bob and Clara, just Bob
- 994 Mrs Gord Crosbies mother
- 995 Passport Audrey Miller, Copies Evans and Inglin
- 996 Pioneer Villiage landscaping, Sathermo
- 997 D Ryan Passport photos
- 998 Passports Mr and Mrs Mason
- 999 Pioneer Villiage opening, Diving meet
- 1000 Fathom Phantoms Skin Diving Contest
- 1001 Bank Photo and Passport Mrs Westgacse(?)
- 1002 Mr ?, Ernie Hughes Tremanan(?)
- 1003 Graduating Class 67 and Graduates
- 1004 Graduates
- 1005 Graduates
- 1006 Graduates
- 1007 Graduates
- 1008 Graduation Ceremonies
- 1009 Luth family
- 1010 Graduates, Luth copies
- 1011 Graduation ceremonies
- 1012 Marcotte family reunion
- 1013 Barry Marcotte - Mary Ratzlaff wedding
- 1014 M - R wedding
- 1015 Rheinhold passport, Lina Gels
- 1016 Alacrity Fish Derby, French’s group
- 1017 Mr and Mrs French, family runion, Horel
- 1018 Luttrell babies
- 1019 Luttrell babies
- 1020 Babies1 1967
- 1021 Babies
- 1022 Stanley Park, Mrs Buckley passport, Maryse and Brenda
- 1023 St Denis 40th Anniversary
- 1024 Mr and Mrs Steneck passports, Island, Saturna
- 1025 Cherri Horel
- 1026 Maryse Gauthier, Cherri Horel, Stenek passport
- 1027 Air photos (southey pointm south ...unreadable)
- 1028 Air Photos (fulford, Weston lake, acland is.)
- 1029 Air photos (fulford, hot dog stand, Isabella point)
- 1030 Wood - Traffie accident scene
- 1031 Air photos (beddis pt, cusheon lake)
- 1032 Air photos (govt building, subdivison, walkers hook rd)
- 1033 Air photos (holmes, roland rd, hamburger stand)
- 1034 Air photos (hospital, pioneer villiage, school, basin, hatches)
- 1035 Air photos
- 1036 Air photos (prevost and acland islands)
- 1037 Air photos (southey point)
- 1038 Air photos (air strip, Vesuvius, rainbow beach)
- 1039 Air photos (Duncan strip, Duncan, Vesuvius, Rainbow beach)
- 1040 Passports Deburge
- 1041 Trethewey 50th anniversary (for Mrs Myers)
- 1042 Passports Hatch and Buckley
- 1043 Frazer house and girls
- 1044 Stone children (shove’s)
- 1045 Stone children - groups
- 1046 Air photos (Annette pt., mouats marina, caldwells, Jim Spencers)
- 1047 Air photos (Heinekey’s booth canal, Vesuvius, outlet area, hatch’s, airport site)
- 1048 Air photos (jim spencers farm, kennedys, lot for ..?, southey pt, sunset drive)
- 1049 Air photos (friele’s, southey pt, bishop’s, sunset drive)
- 1050 Air photos (fulford valley, swanson’s, lot neon, bulman rd, emsley’s, byron’s)
- 1051 Air photos Annette point
- 1052 Air photos (Vesuvius to friele’s)
- 1053 Les Wagg’s daughter Maria
- 1054 Maria Wagg
- 1055 Presentation of Golf Cup Mrs Frattiger - Mrs Stacey
- 1056 Passports Williams and Linda Inglin, W, Maitley’s house
- 1057 Walter Maitley’s house, Copies of old etching for stones
- 1058 Copies WM Mouat Mrs Mac Dermot, At Ryan
- 1059 Passport Taylor, Copies Lettering, Ed Gould
- 1060 WM Moats golf trio
- 1061 Mr Jack Smith (fulford) portraits
- 1062 Glass slipper shots
- 1063 Haigh Passports, Mr Stevenson, Living room renovation
- 1064 Copy Eng, Gould, Passport Mrs Hatch and Mrs Hook
- 1065 Talman - Townley wedding
- 1066 T - T wedding
- 1067 T - T wedding
- 1068 T - T wedding
- 1069 T - T wedding, reynolds boys
- 1070 T - T wedding, reynolds boys
- 1071 Dwain and Danny Reynolds
- 1072 Sweard family (outdoors)
- 1073 Knoblauch family and passports
- 1074 Ed Gould passport, portrait, copy Mrs Wm Mouat
- 1075 Portraits Mr Wrightson Sr
- 1076 ? - Bailey wedding
- 1077 ? - B wedding
- 1078 Maurice Atkins passport, Bailey wedding cake
- 1079 Passport Rixon, Copies Sykes dagger
- 1080 Copies WM Mouat, G Shove, Rogers son
- 1081 Passport, Gerald Keeping children
- 1082 Keeping children
- 1083 Langdon family
- 1084 Valcourt Santa Claus, Bayasrnival (?)
- 1085 Bayasrnival Play
- 1086 Yvonne, Kathy and Leanne Bradley
- 1087 Yvonne, Kathy and Leanne Bradley
- 1088 Copies Ross, Huxtable, Hatch and Harkema, Kaye Girls
- 1089 Kaye girls (Joyce, Pearl, Brenda)
- 1090 Kaye grils
- 1091 Harkema copy
- 1092 Copy, Mrs Quinton passport
- 1093 Albert Kaye and Family
- 1094 Laurie Hedger’s family
- 1095 Laurie, Lynn, Tony and Jackie
- 1096 Hedger family, Tony and Jackie
- 1097 Hedgers Laurie and Lynn
- 1098 Melody Dyer, Don Sharp, Elaine Hatch, Xmas
- 1099 Miss Mikkelborough passport 1968
- 1100 Brenda portraits
- 1101 Ernie Hugh’s trimaran, Brenda at debate
- 1102 Copies Gould, Dupuis and Hedger
- 1103 Passports French and Sampson
- 1104 Howard children
- 1105 Passports L Mac Donnell
- 1106 Rozzanno, Real estate - Bishop, Hewett
- 1107 Passport - Mrs Hart Bradley and sister
- 1108 Passport Harrison, Nigel Mcgee
- 1109 Passport Mrs Hippisley, Boat Show, School groups
- 1110 Larry Cruikshanks Debbie and Kara
- 1111 Passport W Leyton, Mr and Mrs Loxton, Don Thompson copies
- 1112 Passports Norm Twam Mr and Mrs Loxton
- 1113 View from new subdivision above WM Mouat’s
- 1114 Passport Alan Gear
- 1115 Passport Clinehens
- 1116 Lee - Voegeli wedding
- 1117 L - V wedding
- 1118 L - V wedding
- 1119 L - V Wedding
- 1120 Copies Eng and Pallot
- 1121 John and Frances Hill (pairs)
- 1122 Lamb passports (spoiled)
- 1123 John and Frances Hill (singles)
- 1124 L - V wedding, Pallot girl
- 1125 Walkathon
- 1126 Andrews Children
- 1127 Lamb passports
- 1128 Pallot retakes, Worthington copy, Brenda
- 1129 Stevens - Frank and Mrs - for Chris Stevens
- 1130 Jones - Golden wedding, Pallot kids
- 1131 Mrs Byron - children
- 1132 Inglin
- 1133 Barbara Newman, Bowling teams, Byron
- 1134 Passport Mr Stafford
- 1135 Passport Mrs and Linda Silsby, Copy, dock
- 1136 Swiftsure start
- 1137 Swifsture pre start
- 1138 Football team with trophies for Akerman
- 1139 1968 graduates (Terence Mactavish, Gilber Marcotte, Carol Bennet, Jean Croft, Georgina Mc Coll, Gail Lowe)
- 1140 grads (Fergie Foulis, Rich scotton, cheri Horel, Kathy howard, ginny horel, steve Alexander, paddy wickens, gail lowe)
- 1141 grads (laura rozzanno, sally swanson, pat slingsby, Audrey scarf, john roland, ken house, Doreen moulton)
- 1142 grads (grand marcotte, Janice Gerard, puala waterfall, tom butler-cole, mouery akerman)
- 1143 grads (Beverly atkins, ken house, Jamie stevens, earl rogers, lynn Carlson, Yvette blais, don bates)
- 1144 grads (lynn connor, Linda gin, ted bowmen, dennis howard, ken kyler)
- 1145 grads (Marilee sawyer, Nigel magee, jack Langdon, mary alice cosby, pat stewart, Rhonda byron)
- 1146 grads
- 1147 grad groups, copies
- 1148 Jim Mollison, kids and trucks, grad shots
- 1149 Austin - Lee Wedding
- 1150 A - L wedding
- 1151 A - L wedding
- 1152 A - L wedding
- 1153 Ingles - Twa wedding
- 1154 I - T wedding
- 1155 I - T wedding
- 1156 I - T wedding
- 1157 Passport photos Mc Niven and Mrs De West
- 1158 Penny Bially’s daughter Pearl
- 1159 Bially girl
- 1160 Lee - Mollet wedding
- 1161 L - M wedding
- 1162 Brenda L - M wedding
- 1163 Brenda L - M wedding
- 1164 Brenda L - M wedding
- 1165 Brenda L - M wedding
- 1166 Begg - Harrison wedding
- 1167 B - H wedding
- 1168 B - H wedding
- 1169 B - H wedding
- 1170 B - H wedding
- 1171 B - H wedding
- 1172 Fletcher 50th (golden wedding anniversary)
- 1173 B - H groups, Fletcher anniversary
- 1174 Copies old Caldwell pictures (Brenda’s article)
- 1175 Rogers child passport, Galiano trip, house shots
- 1176 Don’s guests
- 1177 Copies of Holloman pictures
- 1178 Arts and Crafts by Ed Gould
- 1179 Passport Photos and Mouat copies
- 1180 Stone children
- 1181 Stone children, passport Kirsti Satempo and John Grai...
- 1182 Thomas children (nee Reynolds)
- 1183 Pallot
- 1184 Stepanuik property
- 1185 Coombes - ? Wedding
- 1186 C - ? wedding
- 1187 C wedding
- 1188 Bruce
- 1189 Copies Centennial Park
- 1190 Sea scout sail around saltspring
- 1191 Greasy pig contest, centennial park committee
- 1192 Marcotte - McColl wedding
- 1193 M - M wedding
- 1194 M - M wedding
- 1195 M - M wedding
- 1196 M - M wedding
- 1197 Rev. Holmes copy, Ignition Econoline, Cement work
- 1198 Rev. Holmes copy, cement progress shots, Taffy
- 1199 "Tryste" Ernies tumaran(?)
- 1200 Parade
- 1201 Parade, Armstice day
- 1202 Cenotaph ceremonies
- 1203 March off - Armstice parade
- 1204 Bank of Montreal Ganges
- 1205 Gale children, Des Crofton Passport
- 1206 Gale children
- 1207 Prest children
- 1208 Marsh children
- 1209 Portraits Marsh children
- 1210 Portraits Linda Wood and Marg McSwain
- 1211 Portraits Linda and Marg
- 1212 Kyle children
- 1213 Harkema children, Mrs H
- 1214 Kyle family
- 1215 Bangert family
- 1216 Ryke children
- 1217 Ryle children
- 1218 Harkema’s burning of old home, Mr Hawkins
- 1219 Harkema house burning
- 1220 Hayward baby
- 1221 Kelly Ryland
- 1222 Passport Photos Gord and Linda Simpson, Stone news copy
- 1223 Worthington copy, Eng and Don Sharp passports
- 1224 Joan McLean, Mrs Stevens and baby
- 1225 Mrs Hanson and three boys
- 1226 D.S. Simpson two boys 1969
- 1227 Copies Watmough and Hedger
- 1228 Passport photos Tom Butler-Cole, Mrs Edward
- 1229 Watmough and Hedger copies, Pat and Mrs Earle
- 1230 Pat and Mrs Earle passports
- 1231 Cliff Hatch portrait, Mrs Miller Oassport
- 1232 Passport Mr and Mrs Wilson
- 1233 Passport Brenda and Bob Timbers, Ryan copies
- 1234 Passport Sue Tallman and Boyde McBusney
- 1235 Mrs Schwagely portraits
- 1236 Christmas at home, Passports Murikami, Snow scene with VW
- 1237 Jackson baby
- 1238 Passports Murikami and Harry Newman
- 1239 Jackson baby
- 1240 Passports Newman, Stewart house
- 1241 Passport Mrs Neish and Loiselle
- 1242 Passport Ross family
- 1243 Haighs on Tryste
- 1244 Passports McLeod, Copies Dupuis, Richards
- 1245 Boat buying search
- 1246 Rooke children and mother
- 1247 Hughes residence
- 1248 Mae Mouat Residence, Rooke groups
- 1249 Real estate Hughes
- 1250 Real estate Moat and Hughes
- 1251 Passports Gerow
- 1252 Passports Jones Sr
- 1253 Passports Shoplands
- 1254 Ernie Haigh’s "Tryste"
- 1255 Torchy Anderson and Pupo(?)
- 1256 Carol Moulton - Gary Allnutt wedding
- 1257 M - A wedding
- 1258 M - A wedding
- 1259 M - A wedding
- 1260 M - W wedding
- 1261 Econoline starter, copy Hedger and G Mouat, Desiree and Vincent
- 1262 Betty, Lorne, Vincent
- 1263 Desiree, Lorne, Betty, Taffy
- 1264 Passports Jake and Mrs Barker
- 1265 Passports Beth, Ray and Francie Hill, Shawn Heywood
- 1266 Orr - Howard wedding, Ganges view from mt.
- 1267 O - H wedding
- 1268 O - H wedding
- 1269 O - H wedding
- 1270 Geoff Howland, St Mary Lake subdiv from Water tank
- 1271 Passport photos Mrs Quesnel, Sharon and Mrs...
- 1272 Passport Photos Mrs Fennel, Westerly... unreadable
- 1273 Copies Luton paintings, Passports Mr and Mrs Seymour
- 1274 Seymour passport extras, Geoff Howlands subdv. From tank
- 1275 Air photos (ganges, vertical ..? and oakleys, kayecroft, canada rd. subdiv)
- 1276 Air photos (howlands subdiv., st mary lake, jesse bond’s, sunset drive about peter’s place) Swansons pond
- 1277 Air photos (mereside farm, lees hill, horel property)
- 1278 Air photos (scotton, middelberg, anglin, Vesuvius, duck bay, portlock)
- 1279 Air photos (sam hugh’s place, horel property, mereside farm, howlands subdiv., tripp rd.)
- 1280 Penny Bially’s girl
- 1281 Penny Bially daughter
- 1282 Test Air photos
- 1283 Stacey passport, Retrun flight to Cassidy, walker hook picnic
- 1284 Passport photos Stacey’s and Layards
- 1285 Passports
- 1286 Portraits Mr and Mrs Saunders
- 1287 Mike Stacey, Mrs Loosemore in legion Aux uniform
- 1288 Peiler Passport, Mrs Loosemore copy
- 1289 Humphries - Rein wedding
- 1290 H - R wedding
- 1291 H - R wedding
- 1292 COLOR Humphries - Keir wedding
- 1293 COLOR H - K wedding
- 1294 Passports Kirkpatricks
- 1295 Paintings from Galleon Manor, Lutons
- 1296 COLOR H - K wedding
- 1297 Schwagch Passports, Ht line SSI, Kuper site
- 1298 Grad photos Brenda, Bob Timbers, B. Fian...?, Laurie Mouat
- 1299 Grad photos (groups)
- 1300 Grad photos
- 1301 Grad photos
- 1302 Grad photos
- 1303 Grad ceremonies, Paul Presidente and son, church
- 1304 Passport Mr and Mrs Merston and Heather Wilson
- 1305 Twa - Holmes Wedding
- 1306 T - H wedding
- 1307 T - H wedding
- 1308 COLOR Presidente wedding
- 1309 Presidente wedding
- 1310 P wedding, Brenda and Skookum
- 1311 P wedding
- 1312 T - H wedding
- 1313 Passport Egedde and Jackson, Copies Mrs Grant
- 1314 July cruise (boat shots, sointula?)
- 1315 July cruise (silva bay)
- 1316 July cruise (minstrel island)
- 1317 July cruise (bull harbour)
- 1318 July cruise (stuart island)
- 1319 July cruise (okisollo, minstrel island)
- 1320 Brenda and Bobs wedding
- 1321 Brenda and Bobs wedding
- 1322 Newman - Cameron wedding
- 1323 N - C wedding
- 1324 N - C wedding
- 1325 Durand passport, Maclean baby
- 1326 Passports Worthington
- 1327 Maclean children
- 1328 Hall passports boy and girl
- 1329 COLOR Bob and Brenda, Newman wedding
- 1330 Passport photos Mr J.E. Bennett
- 1331 Passports Bert and Mrs Timbers, Mr and Mrs Hardy
- 1332 JR Wilson Passport
- 1333 Passport Aut Hudson
- 1334 Barr wedding
- 1335 Barr wedding
- 1336 Barr wedding
- 1337 Passport Nibsch(?), Bob with 28# ling cod
- 1338 Crossed off
- 1339 Crossed off
- 1340 Crossed off
- 1341 Passport photos Mrs Harthy, baby shots Maclean
- 1342 Passports Mr and Mrs Housfield
- 1343 Crossed off
- 1344 Passport and Identity card Mr Fennell, Brenda
- 1345 Passport Mrs Nestman, Pictures Mr. Bittancourt
- 1346 COLOR Barr - Humphries wedding
- 1347 Crossed off
- 1348 Passport Mr and Mrs Trufitt(?)
- 1349 Passport Mr an d Mrs Kitchener
- 1350 Ident and Passport Janice Mcmallary and Linda Moore
- 1351 COLOR Bob Timbers, Nora, Don Sharp, Gord Newman, Pallot Girl
- 1352 Passport and Family Group - Jim Spencer, Mrs and Mike
- 1353 Passports Fletcher and Mrs Bennett and sons
- 1354 Passports Dennis and Mrs Deacon
- 1355 Passports Mailey boys
- 1356 Passports Cara Nestman
- 1357 Pottery and Painting Penny Bially, Mrs Crosby
- 1358 Passports Mr and Mrs Watson
- 1359 Portraits Linda Napper and Ron Hatch
- 1360 Portrait David Cates
- 1361 Portraits - family groups - Ray and Mrs Simard
- 1362 Armstice Parade March on
- 1363 Armstice parade
- 1364 Armstice parade
- 1365 Passport Mr and Mrs Pike
- 1366 Family and portraits, O'Donnell children
- 1367 Child portraits, O'Donnel family
- 1368 Family group Webster
- 1369 Brown and Quesnel children
- 1370 Passport Dennis Beach, Brown children
- 1371 Passports Mr and Mrs Steen and Pic of Loma
- 1372 Mrs Lee, Shannon and Grahamn
- 1373 Mrs Roger Hughes 4 children
- 1374 Mrs Roger Hughes 4 children
- 1375 Test roll, Don Irwins family groups
- 1376 Mr and Mrs Don Irwin and 3 children Leona, Geraldine and Ken(?)
- 1377 Saturna
- 1378 Saturna
- 1379 Saturna
- 1380 Saturna
- 1381 Saturna
- 1382 Saturna
- 1383 Saturna
- 1384 Saturna
- 1385 Mrs Bakers 3 child wards
- 1386 Mrs Dods and 2 daughters
- 1387 Panker passport, Baker wards
- 1388 Ramsay and Mrs R. Passports
- 1389 Jackson daughter
- 1390 Thompson children (two)
- 1391 Crossed off
- 1392 Passport Mrs Alice Hannett(?)
- 1393 COLOR Bob and Brenda leaving, Ron Hatch, Websters, self
- 1394 Tim and Darlene O'Donnell
- 1395 Meyer and Family
- 1396 Passports Mr and Mrs Glascock, Harkema Copy, Wayne Taylor, Legion presentations
- 1397 Passports Glascock and Nickerson
- 1398 Passport Nickerson and Bradens
- 1399 Test roll, Nora
- 1400 Marilee and ?? Sawyer, ?? Byron
- 1401 ?? Sawyer, ?? Byron
- 1402 Marilee Sawyer
- 1403 Passport Mr Thompson
- 1404 North Pender: Mr Wasdens 4 children
- 1405 North Pender: CM Traunweiser’s daughter
- 1406 North Pender: Mr R Bellmare’s 3 daughters
- 1407 North Pender: Mrs Miltons daughters
- 1408 North Pender: Bellemore girl guest, Nestman kids
- 1409 Nestman children
- 1410 Ernie Booth and his sons
- 1411 Diane
- 1412 Diane
- 1413 Harkema children groups
- 1414 Ken and Karen Ralph, Don
- 1415
- 1416 Roger and Valerie and Allison (baby) Mac Donnell passport
- 1417 Passport Ashen, Brenner, Eddie Jang and family
- 1418 Eddie Jang, Mrs Jang and baby
- 1419 Girard - Akerman wedding
- 1420 G - A wedding
- 1421 G - A wedding
- 1422
- 1423 Passport Mrs Barber
- 1424 Passports Mr Y Omoto and Miss Vanderschee
- 1425 Icard Photos Mrs Harrison and Linda Anderson
- 1426 COLOR G - A wedding
- 1427 Passports Mr and Mrs Clayton
- 1428 Passports Mrs Glean and Mrs Bantel
- 1429 G - A wedding
- 1430 Passports Bob and Mrs Marshall
- 1431 Passports Mr and Mrs Duncan, Mr and Mrs Bedocs
- 1432 Laurie and Isabel Mouat Passport
- 1433 Passport Stan Magdy
- 1434 Magistrate Noakes retirement photos
- 1435 Chas Horel’s family
- 1436 Horel family passport photos
- 1437 Passport photos Mr Jeffery
- 1438 Chas Horel’s family
- 1439 Passport Layard, Mrs Hasty and daughter
- 1440 Hasty family
- 1441 Swan, Copies
- 1442 Drama Club - Kay Booth, Mrs Pharis(?), Cunningham
- 1443 Drama Club
- 1444 Drama club, Sylvander passport
- 1445 Miss Reeves Portraits
- 1446 Miller - Bale wedding
- 1447 M - B wedding
- 1448 M - B weding
- 1449 M - B wedding
- 1450 M - B wedding
- 1451 Amanda, Fiona and Toby Seward Passport photos
- 1452 Croft - Anderson wedding
- 1453 C - A wedding
- 1454 C - A wedding
- 1455 Beech - Scotton wedding
- 1456 B - S wedding
- 1457 B - S wedding
- 1458 B - S wedding
- 1459 B - S wedding
- 1460 Passport photos Mrs Dawson, Mrs Minchin
- 1461 Passport photos Mr Minchin, Mrs Springford
- 1462 Passport Photos Mr Irwin, Portraits Mrs Watson
- 1463 Passport Mrs Watson, Can. Imp. Bank Commerce exterior
- 1464 Can Imp Bank of Commerce interiors
- 1465 COLOR Croft - Anderson wedding
- 1466 Evans copies, Sharon Stevens and Mrs Franser passports
- 1467 Fraser family passports
- 1468 Sonsy - Harley Teal’s Paintings
- 1469 Harley Teal, Don Oakley, Bob Olsen
- 1470 Crystal Bially (Penny’s daughter)
- 1471 Accident Site at Nickerson’s
- 1472 Accident site
- 1473 Accident Site
- 1474 Kitchen - Toutant wedding
- 1475 K - T wedding
- 1476 K - T wedding
- 1477 K - T wedding
- 1478 Knowles copy, Mrs Joan Knoblauch passports
- 1479 Mr Ford Portraits
- 1480 Cinderella Play, SSI Elementary
- 1481 Cinderella play
- 1482 Passport Mrs Marsh’s daughter, Gerdie Allister, bobs canoe
- 1483 Passport Villadsen son, Mrs Guthrie
- 1484 Hospital Board, copy
- 1485 Atkins - McLachlan wedding
- 1486 A - McL wedding
- 1487 A - McL wedding
- 1488 A - McL wedding
- 1489 Kaye - Hampden wedding
- 1490 K - H wedding
- 1491 A - McL wedding, Miles - O'Connor wedding
- 1492 Miles - O'Connor wedding
- 1493 M - O wedding
- 1494 M - O wedding
- 1495 Sonsy, A - McL
- 1496 Passports Mrs Woody and son, Diane and Jose
- 1497 Lee - Farrow wedding
- 1498 L - F wedding
- 1499 L - F wedding
- 1500 Cudmore subdiv views, Blood clinic, Desiree
- 1501 Lee - Farrow Wedding, Views from Howland subdivison
- 1502 Lee - Farrow Wedding, Mayfennan Passport, Houland subdvision
- 1503 Passport Photos - Muldau (American girls)
- 1504 Jod & Jerry (children of David Chase, Vesuvius)
- 1505 Geigerich Passport Photos
- 1506 Jorgalson Child portraits (3 weeks old)
- 1507 French - Casperson Wedding (church)
- 1508 French - Casperson Wedding (reception, cake)
- 1509 French - Casperson Wedding (bride, groups, toasts, also mother and baby)
- 1510 French - Casperson Wedding (cake cutting, bride, bridal parties)
- 1511 French - Casperson Wedding (groups)
- 1512 Miss Marr Passport, WM Mouat and Bill Patterson
- 1513 Mr Luton, Art objects, Chinese Grove Plaques
- 1514 Mr Luton, Art Objects, Jade Bowl, Jade Horse
- 1515 Mr Luton, Art objects, Paintings and bronzes
- 1516 Fred Ried’s 80th birthday party (at Jim Reids)
- 1517 Bruce Johnson, Albert Fennell, Kathy Baker Passports
- 1518 Rheinhold, Bruce Johnson, Kathy Baker Passports, Reid Party
- 1519 Test Roll: Miranda, Lois 8 Bill Mckay
- 1520 May Queen and Attendants
- 1521 Ron and Ms Knight passports
- 1522 Mr Shank passport, swiftsure start
- 1523 Scott Patrick haywood (two weeks) and puppies
- 1524 Wilf and Renata Bangert Passports, 8 puppies
- 1525 Barnett - Bouch Wedding (saturna - receiving line, groups, cake)
- 1526 Barnett - Bouch Wedding (church, bride, weiling)
- 1527 Barnett - Bouch Wedding (head table, cake cutting)
- 1528 Barnett - Bouch Wedding (cake, church, confettie)
- 1529 Graduation (at Horel’s), Going away, B-B wedding
- 1530 Graduation
- 1531 Graduation
- 1532 Graduation
- 1533 Graduation
- 1534 Graduation
- 1535 Graduation
- 1536 Graduation
- 1537 Graduation
- 1538 Mrs Wilf Taylor’s house (same with Marilee)
- 1539 Mrs Taylor’s house
- 1540 Test Roll - Miranda OK
- 1541 Hatch - Napper Wedding (church)
- 1542 Hatch - Napper wedding (groups)
- 1543 Mrs. And Marilee Taylor Passports
- 1544 Hatch - Napper wedding (groups, cake, cake cutting)
- 1545 Hatch - Napper wedding and May Queen groups
- 1546 Willis and Fraser Passports
- 1547 Stewart and Hollings Passports
- 1548 Maria and Theresa Wagg, couples
- 1549 Maria and Theresa Wagg, singles
- 1550 Villadsen Passport, Reynolds copy
- 1551 Windsor Utlee at his Castle
- 1552 Nigel Magee - Pat Stewart Wedding (church)
- 1553 Magee - Stewart wedding (groups, cake, toasts)
- 1554 Magee - Stewart Wedding (reception, cake cutting)
- 1555 Magee - Stewart Wedding (groups)
- 1556 Mr. and Mrs. Earle
- 1557 Mr. and Mrs Earl, Haywood groups, Bob and Brenda
- 1558 Haywood and Jimbus(?) groups
- 1559 Murakami groups
- 1560 Murakami groups
- 1561 Bennet and Swanson Passports
- 1562 Swanson Passports, Sunset Drive
- 1563 Mr. and Mrs Toynbee Passports, Copies - Benton
- 1564 Beech - Langdon wedding (church, stairs, group)
- 1565 Beech - Langdon wedding (toasts, cake cutting)
- 1566 Beech - Langdon wedding (receiving line, cake cutting)
- 1567 Beech - Langdon wedding (bride and father, church)
- 1568 Ivan Mouat’s family reunion (Harbour House)
- 1569 Pallot children
- 1570 Marcotte - Kitchen wedding, eng photo copy
- 1571 Marcotte - Kitchen wedding (church)
- 1572 Marcotte - Kitchen wedding (cake cutting, bride and groom, groups)
- 1573 Marcotte - Kitchen wedding (reception)
- 1574 Marcotte - Kitchen (reception), Sylvester - Holliday wedding (church)
- 1575 Sylvester - Halliday wedding (church, groups)
- 1576 Sylvester - Halliday wedding (groups, reception)
- 1577 Petapiece Passports
- 1578 Glen Timbers Passport, Swans
- 1579 Telegraph Harbour, GYC ...? (unreadable)
- 1580 Passports - Mr, Mrs and daughters Dour
- 1581 Portrait Buyz Brown
- 1582 Inglin Copy, Quesnel-Barns wedding (bride and groom, group, reception)
- 1583 Quesnel - Barnes wedding (reception, dance, cake cutting)
- 1584 COLOR Quesnel-Barns Wedding
- 1585 COLOR Quesnel-Barns Wedding
- 1586 COLOR Quesnel-Barns Wedding (reception, cake)
- 1587 COLOR Quesnel-Barns Wedding
- 1588 Mrs Swanson Passport
- 1589 Mr and Mrs Grant Portraits
- 1590 Mr and Ms Grant Passports
- 1591 Harkema Passport
- 1592 Carlsons, Dave Marr Passports
- 1593 Rand Bullis, Diane Passports
- 1594 Maclean Family
- 1595 Allard children
- 1596 Windsor family
- 1597 Family Portraits Mrs P Carter, Port Washington
- 1598 Family portraits WR Wasden, Port Washington
- 1599 Portraits Mrs. Donna Moore, Port Washington
- 1600 Passports Mr. and Mrs. Butler-Cole
- 1601 Portraits Aucterlonie children
- 1602 Portraits W. Hilts
- 1603 Portraits Mrs Milton
- 1604 Portraits Bellemare
- 1605 Portraits Mattson
- 1606 Portraits Craven Children
- 1607 Post-wedding pictures, Shane and Vicky Heinekey
- 1608 Portraits Craven children
- 1609 Shane and Vick Heinekey postwedding
- 1610 Luscombe (Napper) children
- 1611 Luscombe children
- 1612 Finnbar Macmillom Passport
- 1613 Mr and Mrs Grant passports
- 1614 Gatley Deadly Dick fishing lures
- 1615 Gately lures - white background
- 1616 North Pender Island children
- 1617 North pender island children
- 1618 North pender island children
- 1619 Copy Mrs Yellowlees, Swanson, Gatley lure
- 1620 Cruikshank Children
- 1621 Portraits John Bennett
- 1622 Jean copies, Villadsen passport
- 1623 Mr Oudshoorn portraits
- 1624 Schubart family passports
- 1625 Schubart family passports and Silvander passports
- 1626 ?
- 1627 ?
- 1628 Mike Spencer - Lou Roland Wedding (bride and groom, church, cake)
- 1629 Spencer-Roland wedding (church, bridal party, bride and groom)
- 1630 Spencer - Roland wedding (reception)
- 1631 Rob Mollison passport, Spencer - Roland (bride and groom)
- 1632 Shelly-Ann Sharp passport
- 1633 Shelly-Ann Sharp
- 1634 Passports Mrs Kolb and Earle
- 1635 Portraits Diane and Jose
- 1636 Portraits Clara with baby, Shelly-Ann [Mobrae]
- 1637 Portraits Clara and Don Sharp
- 1638 Portraits Bob Sharp, Jose and Diane
- 1639 Portraits Crystal and April Bially
- 1640 Portraits Crystal and April Bially
- 1641 Peterson baby, Passport pics, Winter snow
- 1642 Copy negatives, Mr McLennan
- 1643 Langdon - Scotton wedding (church, cake, groups)
- 1644 Langdon - Scotton Wedding (toasts, group, cakecutting)
- 1645 Langdon - Scotton Wedding (going away, throwing garter, cake cutting)
- 1646 Langdon - Scotton Wedding (church, groups, bride and groom)
- 1647 Scotton - Langdon Wedding (cake cutting, head table, receving line)
- 1648 Test Roll, Passports Mrs Robinson
- 1649 Lissa Jackson
- 1650 Stephben Wing Pasport, Bedoc’s Surprise party
- 1651 Bedoc’s surprise party
- 1652 COLOR Harrison-Gilber wedding (groups)
- 1653 Gulf Service Station for Phil Knowles
- 1654 Duck "Jemima" For Lassie Dodds
- 1655 Passports E Petersen, Mrs Petersen, Mr Swanson
- 1656 Passports Mr and Mrs Peterson, Mr Buitenwesf
- 1657 Gulf Service Station
- 1658 Passports Miss Russel 8 WM Mouat
- 1659 Passports Laceys and Brian Sober
- 1660 Passports Wichman
- 1661 Passports Fletcher and Hanford
- 1662 Passports Mr and Mrs Hartwig
- 1663 Passport and Portrait Mrs. Parsons
- 1664 Russel - Thorburn Wedding (church)
- 1665 Russel - Thorburn Wedding (reception)
- 1666 Test pictures, Russel - Thorburn Wedding
- 1667 Test Roll, shelly Ann, Jaffy, Gail and Scott
- 1668 Passports Bert Barber, Jose and Diane
- 1669 COLOR Thorburn wedding, Bedoc’s Party
- 1670 Rick Saunders in uniform
- 1671 Shelly-Ann, Rick Saunders, Louis Yellowlees
- 1672 Air Photos Heinekey, Kennedy, Scotton, Harrison
- 1673 Air Photos Mobrae, Simpsons - 1636??
- 1674 Air Photos, Passports Mrs Carter
- 1675 COLOR Air Photos
- 1676 Passport Photos Mrs Carter and boy and girl
- 1677 Air Photos Ganges Harbour, 100 hills lower, Mobrae
- 1678 Legion 40th Anniversary Presentations
- 1679 Leigion 40th Anniversary Presentations (cake cutting)
- 1680 Passport Hawksworth, Boat pictures
- 1681 Saltspring Insurance Staff
- 1682 Saltspring Insurance Staff
- 1683 Passport Mrs. Byron and Leids (?) - correction Mrs Brian
- 1684 Play
- 1685 Mollison - Moulton wedding
- 1686 COLOR Welbury Pt. Marina, Ganges
- 1687 Mollison - Moulton wedding, Deloro subdivision
- 1688 SSI staff,, Mr Killick, one shot new store
- 1689 Air photos (helicopter) Toynbee, Pioneer Village ...(more but unreadable)
- 1690 Air photos (helicopter)
- 1691 Air photos (helicopter) Simpsons
- 1692 Air Photos (helicopter) Simpson estate
- 1693 Simpson Gang
- 1694 Passports Morlands Sharland, Boats at S.S. School
- 1695 Passports Mr. and Mrs Chatt, SSI montage
- 1696 Strutt - Boudin Wedding (church)
- 1697 Strutt - Boudin Wedding (Harbour house)
- 1698 Strutt - Boudin wedding, LaFleur Passports, Gothic Arch Cottage
- 1699 Marr Children
- 1700 Spencer Marr’s family
- 1701 Passports, Mr Poole, Pamina
- 1702 Candy Stripers, Harold Hoffman passport
- 1703 David Marr, Newman copy
- 1704 Dogwood tree, Misses Guiney and Rozzamo
- 1705 Passports Bangert and Hickman, Gust. Parachuting, Sailing instructions
- 1706 Copies: Boat for Ssi, Old inn at Ganges, Lawries boat "clarion"
- 1707 Portraits Cliff Hatch and Low Summers
- 1708 Copies: Ambrotype, Jintype 8 1932 Ganges and swan and new shake...
- 1709 Passport Gil Humphries, 1932 Ganges, Nora at work, Jaffry
- 1710 Slingsby - VanderWarden Wedding (church)
- 1711 Slingsby - VanderWarden Wedding (cake, groups, bride and groom)
- 1712 Slingsby - VanderWarden Wedding (reception)
- 1713 Slingsby - Vander Warden Wedding [Boat scenes]
- 1714 Linda, Anderson Portraits
- 1715 Passports Laura and Jack Harvey, Quesnel copy
- 1716 Passports Anderson, Foal at Luth’s, House roof job
- 1717 Slingsby - VanderWarden Wedding
- 1718 Passport - Mr and Mrs Foster
- 1719 COLOR - Dogwodd tree, Gavin Reynolds Lot, Donora view
- 1720 Passports Mr Stan Mollet, Swan, House front
- 1721 Fennell birthday party, Doug Wilson’s house
- 1722 Passports Mr and Mrs Phillips and Mrs Horsdahl
- 1723 Cunningham - Brooten(?) Wedding (church, groups)
- 1724 C-B wedding (church, groups)
- 1725 C-B wedding (reception, cake)
- 1726 C-B wedding (reception, going away)
- 1727 C-B Wedding (girfts, threshold, going away)
- 1728 Empey passport, Timbers boat, house, swan, (Ib ... ??)
- 1729 Graduation (singles), New dock building, Swiftsure
- 1730 Graduation (couples)
- 1731 Graduation (couples)
- 1732 Graduation (singles)
- 1733 Graduation (couples) copy of G... Mouat card
- 1734 CROSSED OUT - negatives sold
- 1735 Esselmont - Sutton Wedding (groups, cake, cake cutting)
- 1736 Esselmont - Sutton Wedding (church, cake), Dian and Jose, cedar
- 1737 Esselmon - Sutton Wedding, Peter Booth passport
- 1738 WM Mouat family shots, passport, Boat, Lauriel Clarion
- 1739 COLOR Cunnigham wedding
- 1740 COLOR Hourston Glasscraft for Mr. Greenslande
- 1741 Copies - J B Stewart wedding, Ident. Sharon Stevens
- 1742 Thompson children (boy, girl and baby)
- 1743 Thomson children (groups, baby)
- 1744 Dr. Jarman Passport, Ben’s store opening
- 1745 Des Crofton - Dorothea Hook wedding (church)
- 1746 Des Crofton - Dorothea Wedding
- 1747 Passport Brian Stevens, Copies Mrs. Stanton
- 1748 Elaine Hatch - Nick Portnick Wedding (ceremony)
- 1749 Hatch - Portnick wedding (reception)
- 1750 Hatch - Portnick wedding (groups)
- 1751 COLOR Hatch wedding, WM Mouat Group, Des Crofton Wedding
- 1752 Trip to Drury Inlet
- 1753 Trip to Drury inlet
- 1754 Passport Photos Karl Satenmo
- 1755 Passport, Diane and Shelly dog
- 1756 Neil Jackson, baby sitting
- 1757 Diana Beech, baby sitting
- 1758 Air Photos - Cape Keppel, Musgrave
- 1759 Air Photos - Cape Keppel, Musgrave, Fulford Valley
- 1760 Copy Trethewey Schooner, Shelly-Ann
- 1761 Passport, Shelly-Ann
- 1762 Mrs Brown Portraits
- 1763 Bruce Baker Ident. Pictures
- 1764 Passports
- 1765 Tetlow - Tampf wedding beaver point
- 1766 Tetlow - Tampf wedding
- 1767 Passport Brian Horel, Sabots, Copy demace for Corbett
- 1768 Passports Frank, Mrs Valerie Richards
- 1769 Marcottes baby girl and boy, Mrs Valerie Richards
- 1770 Marcotte girl and boy
- 1771 Passport Miss Evans, Copies AT Ryan
- 1772 Passports - Mrs Darley, Mr and Mrs Walton Smith
- 1773 Passports Mr and Mrs Murikami and Larry Empey, Diane and Dogs
- 1774 Judy Thomson
- 1775 Passport Mrs and Dr McCaffery
- 1776 Passport Mrs Thomson, Copies - SSL, Scholarship Nickerson
- 1777 Passports Mr Marcotte, Mr and Mrs Davidson
- 1778 Passports Mrs Davidson, Mr and Mrs Tara
- 1779 COLOR Baden’s brat, Central Isle
- 1780 Passports, new roof
- 1781 Topping baby
- 1782 Passports - Johnson, Cliffs Spec home before carpets
- 1783 Cliffs Spec house after, Steve Nelson, Boat yard
- 1784 Cliffs Spec House, (crossed out - Moulton Earwaker Wedding)
- 1785 Bob Moulton - Sandy Earwaker Wedding (church)
- 1786 Moulton - Earwaker Wedding (groups, cake, toasts)
- 1787 Moulton - Earwaker (reception)
- 1788 Moulton - Earwaker (reception)
- 1789 Moulton - Earwaker
- 1790
- 1791 Knoblauch House, Ben’s bike Prize
- 1792 Jullian French - ?? Wedding (aisle, outside church, trio kids)
- 1793 French - ?? Wedding (reception, groups, bride and groom)
- 1794 French -?? Wedding (cake cutting, signing)
- 1795 French - ?? Wedding (groups, stepanuiks, bridesmaids)
- 1796 Don Luke and Mrs Luke
- 1797 Copies - Dupuis and Parsey
- 1798 Passports Mrs Dyer, Jony Rayner, Copies Mrs Humpkries
- 1799 Mr Taylors Grandaughter Shana
- 1800 Louis Yellowlees and Shookum with Pack, Passports
- 1801 (crossed off) Don and Vicky Luke, Hamer - Kitchen groups
- 1802 (crossed off) Hamer - Kitchen wedding (guests), Skookum with pack
- 1803 (crossed off) COLOR Kitchen wedding, Taylor granddaughters, Painting, Earwaker wedding
- 1804 Passport Debbie Webster, Copy Baby Brigden, Skookum
- 1805 Lee Family Groups, white ceiling
- 1806 Marquis Passports, Albert Temmel’s Mural, Susan Cunningham Passport
- 1807 Armstice Day
- 1808 Armstice day, Shelly, Skookum
- 1809 Gordon Hanford and Family
- 1810 Eddy Jang and Family
- 1811 Simon Jang and Jang groups
- 1812 April and Crystal Bially
- 1813 April and Crystal Bially, Temmel’s mural
- 1814 Holmes copies (from color)
- 1815 McWhirter Children
- 1816 McWhirter Children
- 1817 McWhirter children, Manny Jarman
- 1818 Portrait Manny Jarman, Copy - Mrs Arnold
- 1819 Passports Thomes boys, Mr and Mrs Hardie
- 1820 Gord Handford and family
- 1821 Tripin Pamina, Mrs Morrow, Jorgalson duplex, Quesnel Brown children
- 1822 Jean Brown and Penny Quesnel children quartets
- 1823 Jean Brown and Penny Quesnel Children pairs
- 1824 Laurie and Lynn Hedger and kids
- 1825 Hedger family singles, Mrs Brown, Glenn Timbers
- 1826 Mrs Morrow, Albert Temmels mural
- 1827 Passports Mr and Mrs Artiss, Mrs Kennedy
- 1828 Graham and Shannon Lee
- 1829 Graham and Shannon Lee
- 1830 Hawkins copies, Young Jefferies facial scan
- 1831 Joanne Moulton
- 1832 Friel - Thiele Wedding and Joanne Moulton
- 1833 Friel - Thiele Wedding
- 1834 COLOR F-T Wedding
- 1835 COLOR F-T Wedding
- 1836 COLOR F-T Wedding
- 1837 Gillian Smith - Biel Bystadt Wedding Reception
- 1838 Smith - Bystadt wedding reception
- 1839 McClean’s water and septic tanks, Passport Steve Alefander
- 1840 Passports Mr and Mrs Kropinski
- 1841 Passports Mr and Mrs Empey
- 1842 Passports Mr and Mrs Schwagely and Empey
- 1843 Portrait DR Watt and Mrs Watt
- 1844 Passports Jyerman, Anderson and Horrocks
- 1845 Passports Jyerman, Anderson, Horrocks and copies... (unreadable)
- 1846 Passports Simpsons and Mrs Cunningham
- 1847 Passports Blackler and Sandra LaFortune, Rec Center
- 1848 Mr and Mrs Stuart-Holmes, Mrs
- 1849 Portraits Lisa Jackson
- 1850 Portraits Lisa and ?? Jackson
- 1851 Family Portraits K. Villadsen and wife and kids
- 1852 Passports Simpson, Cooper, Shelly-Ann, Villadsne
- 1853 COLOR Family groups K Villadsen
- 1854 Paul Presidente, Candy Striper presentation classes
- 1855 Passports Mrs Stanton and Mrs Jary, Skookum
- 1856 Stranding of Seiner "Sea Master" near Chocolate Island
- 1857 Storm Damage - Geigerich, Noahs, Busowood, trees
- 1858 Holland House blown down, May passports
- 1859 Passports Mayo and Sutherland, Nestman clinic, Harbour House
- 1860 Don Gilson - Debbie Lewis Wedding, Car driving Course, Ryan Copy
- 1861 Gilson - Lewis Wedding
- 1862 Passports Davidson, Atkins and Jang
- 1863 Passports Wolfe and Milners
- 1864 Mrs Leah Jone’s children Theresa and David
- 1865 Passports Mrs Hamilton, Mrs Jeffries and son
- 1866 Logging Truck, Gulf Service Stn.
- 1867 Gilson - Lewis Wedding
- 1868 Gilson - Lewis Wedding
- 1869 Passport JoAnne Hartwig, Copies Johnson and Harkema
- 1870 Delong passports, Skookum, Jaffry, JoAnne Hartwig
- 1871 Rick Kitchen - Pamela Webster Wedding
- 1872 K - W Wedding
- 1873 K - W Wedding
- 1874 K - W Wedding
- 1875 (crossed out: Sylvander Passport)
- 1876 Copies for Pat Lee
- 1877 Pat Earl - Mitchell wedding (church, bride and groom)
- 1878 Earl - Mitchell Wedding, Shelly
- 1879 E - M wedding (reception, cake, couples)
- 1880 E - M wedding (groups, cakecutting), Walkathon Gavin Reynolds 1880
- 1881 SSISC visit to Elk Lake Regatta
- 1882 Villadsen Passport, Brenton copies
- 1883 Earl - Mitchell wedding
- 1884 Lens Test, Passport Pat Wright
- 1885 Passports Dr and Miss Norma Hoyle
- 1886 Passports Mrs and June Mitchell
- 1887 Dick Tombe’s resort Cottage Resort
- 1888 Mrs Alexander Passport, Library rear, Self
- 1889 Passports Mr and Mrs Warren Hastings
- 1890 Diane and Jose’s Wedding (reception, cake cutting)
- 1891 Diane and Jose’s wedding (groups and cake)
- 1892 Wedding guests Francois, Marie - Claire, Cindy, Aunt Nell, Bill and Barb
- 1893 Wedding guests Les and Helen, Francois and Marie Claire, Don, Gail, Don and Muriel, Self, Jose and Diane going away
- 1894 COLOR Diane and Jose’s wedding (church)
- 1895 COLOR Harkema Portraits
- 1896 Dale Empey - ?, Car in harbour, Dr. Bird, Income tax receipt
- 1897 SS Elementary School play "sleeping beauty"
- 1898 Sleeping Beauty
- 1899 May Queens, School Cleanup group, Patterson Bay, Scenery, Bob Timbers
- 1900 Elementary school: Soccer, Basketball, grasshockey teams, ballet groups
- 1901 Industrial Arts and Fashion Show
- 1902 Passport Roma Sturdy, Eementary school teams, ballet groups
- 1903 Passport - Craigie Hood, Hood child and Mrs Hood
- 1904 Knowels girl on "Cammy", Wreched Renault, Nurses accident
- 1905 Condor Inn Murals, Knowles girl on Cammy
- 1906 Litter Cleanup squad, Legion certificates
- 1907 Test of antique 35 mm Nagel Pupille
- 1908 Chuck Horel’s place, paving his new subdivision access
- 1909 Passport Mrs Legg, Horel’s house, Sailing
- 1910 Hospital, Playground
- 1911 Chuck Horel’s place
- 1912 Passport Winguist, Copies Morris and Lepso, Flowers
- 1913 Slingsby’s wreck, regatta, Hospital opening
- 1914 Regatta, Horses, Parade
- 1915 Major Dought’s band, Lairoe Hedger’s skid, Passports
- 1916 Hospital Opening, Isherwood, Max Holmes, Regatta
- 1917 Ganges Pharmacy, Parade floats
- 1918 International Canoe, Nonsuch visit to Victoria
- 1919 Passport Photos Etty Smith
- 1920 Passport Photos Penney
- 1921 Swifsture start
- 1922 Swisftsure, Nonsuch, Oriole
- 1923 Nonsuch, Passports, O'Connells
- 1924 Icard - Lofasky and Mason
- 1925 Passport Anderson Copy, Davidson Grad Photos
- 1926 Grad Photos
- 1927 Grad Photos
- 1928 Grad Photos
- 1929 Grad Photos
- 1930 Grad Photos
- 1931 Grad Photos
- 1932 Grad Photos
- 1933 Swans, Fire Department, Dow Passport, Stacey Copy
- 1934 Stacey copies, Doug Anderson profile, Fire Dept.
- 1935 Passports, Stacey copy
- 1936 Passports
- 1937 Buchanan babies, Blackett girls passports
- 1938 Humphries - Cudmore wedding
- 1939 H - C wedding
- 1940 H - C wedding, Grad Photos, groups
- 1941 Passport Barbra Legg, House and flowers
- 1942 Passport Wilf Bangert, Family shots Valcort
- 1943 May baby
- 1944 Lissa and Neil Jackson
- 1945 Neil Jackson - shots around house
- 1946 Humphries Wedding, Trip shots long house pamina, catamaran, 27 lob salmon, may boy, valcort family
- 1947 Mrs A Brown’s grandchildren
- 1948 Walter Luth’s filly, Timbers log cabin
- 1949 Passports Walter Mailey, Des and Dorothy Crofton
- 1950 Passports - Laurie and Lynn and children and mother
- 1951 Copies Old SSI, Pat Lee, Crofton family
- 1952 Miss Debbie Topping
- 1953 Carpet store, Trory portraits
- 1954 Bennett - Niffen wedding
- 1955 Passport and ?, Scarff and Bedoc
- 1956 Beech - O'Connor wedding
- 1957 Fish derby, careless booming, boats in bay
- 1958 Beech - O'Connor wedding, Coal Harbour, Don and Saw, Passports Scarff and Bedoc
- 1959 Bennet Niffer one shot
- 1960 B - O'C wedding, Self
- 1961 B - O'C wedding, Nelson Marine move, Mary-alda
- 1962 Bennet - Niffen Wedding (church)
- 1963 B - N Wedding (bride and groom, bride)
- 1964 B - N Wedding (reception)
- 1965 B - O'C wedding
- 1966 Copies - Lee, Hedger, Bially
- 1967 Wine Arts shop, Bob and Brenda’s house
- 1968 Passports Mr. and Mrs Empey, Shoppe, hulk at Crofton
- 1969 Passports Cliff and El Hateh, Miss Heather Hyatt
- 1970 Regional Planning Board, Bakery nook, swans
- 1971 Passports Mr and Mrs Cosby and Miss Popowich
- 1972 Lee Kolosoff - Marcelle Marcotte Wedding
- 1973 K - M Wedding
- 1974 Karen Popowich Passport, Shelly in Halloween costume
- 1975 K - M Wedding
- 1976 Citizenship pictures, Mrs Hayward, Miss McSweeny, Bob and Clara
- 1977 Codd family
- 1978 Mrs Hayward
- 1979 Mrs Hayward, Gold family
- 1980 Armistice Day Parade
- 1981 Bially children Crystal and April
- 1982 Bially and Thomson children
- 1983 Thomson children
- 1984 Pinckin children
- 1985 Gilbert-Marcotte child
- 1986 Neish children Robert Alex and Morven
- 1987 Neish children
- 1988 Harbour House fire, ruins
- 1989 Passport Miss Jackson, Mrs. L. Quesnel’s baby, Jordan House
- 1990 Copies: Cavens, Mrs Crofton, Humphries, Air Force
- 1991 Doreen Neish
- 1992 Thomson children
- 1993 Haywood family
- 1994 Mr. and Mrs. Dale Codd and Baby
- 1995 Family group-4
- 1996 Wayne Smith and youngest of above 4
- 1997 Larry Quesnel baby
- 1998 Barnes Passports, Mall, Thrift Shop break in, Dr. Bird copy
- 1999 Miss Karen Walsh, Music Store, Thrift store
- 2000 Pinchin children, Jones children, Floral Bouquet
- 2001 Ryles children, swan
- 2002 Immature swan
- 2003 Immature Trumpeter swan
- 2004 Swan, Shelley, McGuigans
- 2005 Karen Walsh, Ryles children
- 2006 Norm Mouat family
- 2007 Kevin Lucton - Signatures on painting
- 2008 Welston(?) Passports, Brenda and ?
- 2009 Luton pictures
- 2010 Passports Mrs Fraser and Louise Hickman
- 2011 Janya Timbers and Brenda Mouat
- 2012 Negatives given to Mrs. Jones
- 2013 Gyves and Stanton copies
- 2014 Jose, Diane, Swan
- 2015 Jose and Diane no handkerchief
- 2016 Swan
- 2017 Provincial Building, Court House fire
- 2018 Karen Mollison
- 2019 Mr and Mrs A Hedger
- 2020 Mr and Mrs A Hedger
- 2021 Tanya Timbers 11 days old
- 2022 Citizenship and passport Spencer Marr and Family
- 2023 Pluracoat lens test - Desiree, Mrs Humphries passport, swans
- 2024 Copies for Lorne Taylor, Chester Reynolds pictures, Girl close-ups
- 2025 Chester, Mrs Reynolds and sons 2025
- 2026 Ceshter Reynolds family group 2026
- 2027 Knoblauch property landslide from Harbour, Swans feeding, dog
- 2028
- 2029 Hartwig family groups
- 2030 Hartwig single portraits
- 2031 Hartwig groups, Konblauch landslide
- 2032 Hartwig singles, F and S workshop
- 2033 Akerman baby 1973
- 2034 Bassek passports
- 2035 Brian and Sue Cunningham’s baby christening
- 2036 Christening reception
- 2037 Christining reception, Cunningham babies
- 2038 Passport Mrs Bantel, Cunninham baby in Christening clothes
- 2039 Littlest Angel, Mr Gear Passport
- 2040 Passport Mr and Mrs Miles Acheson and Kathy Baker
- 2041 Sue Cunningham’s baby, Tanya Timbers
- 2042 Ron Spencer - Sue Byron wedding (church), Holland passport
- 2043 Spencer - Byron wedding (reception)
- 2044 John and Mary Inglin Passports, Spencer- Byron wedding
- 2045 Passports Walker
- 2046 Bobo’s maps for thesis, Shelly and Skookum
- 2047 Stuart Andrew’s first pictures
- 2048 Passports Simson, Sheri, Ryles, Guy Facca, Linda W?
- 2049 Passport and Ident Pat Archer, Linda
- 2050 COLOR Portraits Julia Cunningham
- 2051 Copy negatives Mrs Bird
- 2052 Copy negatives WM Mouat and Mrs Bird
- 2053 Spencer - Byron Wedding
- 2054 S - B wedding, Shelly and Andrew Sharp
- 2055 Ernie and Kaye Booth passport
- 2056 Passport Miss Starr Richards and Mrs Brundage
- 2057 Passport Jeanette Larson, Copy Eileen Neish, Legion Presentation Bert Drysdale
- 2058 Test roll
- 2059 COLOR Mrs Allen Cunninham’s daughter Tanya, Shelly Sharp, Stewart Children
- 2060 Lissa Jackson
- 2061 Passport Photos Mr and Mrs Murikami, Mr and Mrs John Mc Manus
- 2062 Passport Photos Phil and Valery Knowles, Cathy ...(unreadable)
- 2063 Shelly on ferry, McGees excavation, Kay daughter, ducks
- 2064 Tom and Mrs Weston, Tom Portlock
- 2065 Passport
- 2066 Passports Keigh Winters, Dave Sykes, Karen, Ken and Gail
- 2067 Andy Stevens passport, Shelly, Brenton copy, First trial of slave unit
- 2068 Pat Lee’s family, singles of children
- 2069 Lee Family, baby and groups
- 2070 Sandy’s pups, Bob Bidwell, Trumpeter, Deverall - Longueay wedding
- 2071 Deverall - Longueay wedding
- 2072 Shrove Tuesday Pancake races
- 2073 Miss Deacon ident pics, Wright passport
- 2074 Miss Deacon, Swans, Shelly
- 2075 Mr and Mrs Sage passports
- 2076 Trelford copies (taken)
- 2077 Passports Mr W Deacon, Swan closeup
- 2078 COLOR Longueay - Deverall wedding
- 2079 COLOR Longueay - Deverall wedding
- 2080 COLOR Longueay - Deverall wedding
- 2081 Passports Hazenboom Lamb and John Davidson
- 2082 Shelley and Skookum
- 2083 Gurney passports
- 2084 Bob, Brenda and Tanya
- 2085 Passports Kelly and Hedgecock
- 2086 Passport Mrs Stafford, Grass fire Ganges
- 2087 Copy negatives, Patterson
- 2088 Passport Stafford
- 2089 Test of new flash unit
- 2090 Copy negatives, Patterson and Bowden
- 2091 Dupuis passport, Daffodil Tea, peach tree in bloom
- 2092 Gillian passport, Power house fire, North end road
- 2093 Allen Trelford’s children
- 2094 Allen Trelford’s children
- 2095 Robert’s Passport, shots of Sonsy on grid
- 2096 Scotton passport, Miss Ritchie passport
- 2097 Passports Archbodd and Alepander(?)
- 2098 Passports Mr and Mrs Archbold, Shelly and Ken Ralph
- 2099 Negatives sold
- 2100 Spoiled kid shots
- 2101 Negatives taken
- 2102 Negatives taken
- 2103 COLOR - Leslie Quesnel and Karen Buckley’s children
- 2104 African wood carvings - Mr. Luton’s
- 2105 Alan Jefferey and Linda Slingsby wedding (church, cake)
- 2106 J - S wedding (garter, going away, bridesmaid)
- 2107 J - S wedding
- 2108 J - S wedding (reception)
- 2109 J - S wedding (bride and groom, groups)
- 2110 COLOR J - S wedding
- 2111 Photos of Achilles dinghy, Steve Nelson and Shane Heinekey
- 2112 Sara and Simon Jang
- 2113 Bantel family
- 2114 Newman copy (given to miss newman), Peter Bantel, Mrs Newman
- 2115 Lot for Lorne and Betty, Jang children
- 2116 Howland children
- 2117 Howland children and Mrs Howland
- 2118 Moat’s staircase, Mouat and Nichol Real Estate, Mary-alda, Bantel
- 2119 Passport Photo, Margaret Ramsay, Fiona Lyon, Mrs Searle
- 2120 Passport southand, Moat store, Shelly 1973
- 2121 Wood - Rahn wedding
- 2122 Satesmo groups sabots
- 2123 Negatives taken (Toynbee - Bell Wedding)
- 2124 Negatives taken (T - B Wedding)
- 2125 Shelley and Andrew
- 2126 Shelly
- 2127 Christensen - Croft wedding
- 2128 Christensen - Croft wedding (receiving line, toasts), Byron accident
- 2129 COLOR Christensen - Croft Wedding
- 2130 C - C wedding (head table, cake cutting)
- 2131 Ben and Mrs Greenwagh Passports, Brenda and Tanya
- 2132 Bank Ident pictures - John Newton, Passport, Cdara and Andrew
- 2133 Copies old Saltspring, Shelly
- 2134 Copies old Saltspring, Shelly
- 2135 Test Roll, Gus and Mary Router, Shelley
- 2136 Passport and Portraits VG Hughes and Scott Stepanuik
- 2137 Horse show Baker’s farm
- 2138 Horse show Bakers farm
- 2139 Johns girl injury
- 2140 Negatives taken (Toynbee - Bell wedding)
- 2141 Negatives taken (Toynbee - Bell wedding)
- 2142 Negatives taken (Toynbee - Bell wedding)
- 2143 Clara, Bob, Shelly, Andrew, Saturna groups
- 2144 Copy negs. Lawson and Morre’s and Watmough, old church, Lions
- 2145 Copy negs Lawson, Wood, Lions
- 2146 Copy negs old SSI, Passport Buitenwerf
- 2147 Cowichan Sailing Assn. Regatta
- 2148 Shelly and Skookum, relford baby, Clara, Brenda Bob and children, Sailboats home and Swan
- 2149 Swan, Valcourt Santa, Diane and Jose
- 2150 Passports, Dave and Vi Pauls, Lee copy
- 2151 Passport Photos
- 2152 Taken
- 2153 Taken
- 2154 Passports
- 2155 Taken