Salt Spring Island Archives

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Burkitt Family

Shirley Farm

Some of the pedigree Jersey cows on the Shirley Farm in the early 20’s. Theo and Jean Burkitt purchased their farm on what is now called Tripp Road in 1920 and called it Shirley Farm because of the Shirley poppies in the fields. The house was formerly the original Mouat family home.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001001

Shirley Farm

Shirley Farm looking East.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001002

Shirley Farm

St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island, B.C. looking at Broadwell Mountain from Lakeshore Fishing Camp (later called Shady Willow Resort).

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001003

Shirley Farm

The farm from the roof of the house looking West

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: mid 1940Õs

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001004

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt in field of stooked hay.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: mid 1940s

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 15 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001005

Shirley Farm

St. Mary’s Lake looking East from Burkitt’s fishing camp. Lucie Burkitt sitting in boat.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1943

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy of somewhat blurred original

Accession number: 2004001006

Shirley Farm

At Lakeshore Fishing Camp.

Lucie Burkitt, Mrs. Andeerson (Vancouver) and her daughter Margaret.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1944

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001007

Shirley Farm

Jean Burkitt with Geoffrey and Lucie about 1927 with Tilly, the Fox Terrior.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1927

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 15 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001008

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt on her 22nd birthday.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 15 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001009

Shirley Farm

August 1930 at Port Washington, North Pender Island, B.C.

Theo and Jean Burkitt and Geoffrey, Dilly Clague and her mother and sister Beth.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001010

Shirley Farm

Cherry picking time at Shirley Farm, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. The barn is in the background on the right.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001011

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt and her friend Rosemary Loosemore with a nice catch of mouth black bass from St. Mary’s Lake about 1947.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1947

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 15 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001012

Shirley Farm

The Anglican Church fete at Ganges, B.C. in the early 1930’s. Behind the table on right is Irene Palmer. Notice Gordon standing in the corner.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001013

Shirley Farm

An island picnic in the early 1920’s. Man on the right is Sydney Hoole.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: ca. 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001014

Shirley Farm

Pigs on Shirley Farm

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001015

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001016

Shirley Farm

Geoffrey Burkitt admiring his dad’s tractor

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001017

Shirley Farm

Goats on Shirley Farm next to baby stroller.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001018

Shirley Farm

Theo and Jean Burkitt with son, Geoffrey and daughter Lucie.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 15 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001019

The Burkitt Family

l to r; Bert and Ellen Simmonds, their grandaughter Lucie Burkitt and Lucie’s parents, Jean and William Theodore Burkitt. This picture was taken in Butchart’s gardens

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1935

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001020

Salt Spring Island Fall Fair

First and Second Prize for Wool Comforters, September 1934

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: September 1934

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001021

Salt Spring Island Fall Fair

Display by Ellen Simmonds, Lucie Burkitt’s grandmother. Fall Fair, September 10 - 15, 1934.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001022

Salt Spring Island Fall Fair

Lucie Burkitt’s grandmother, Ellen Simmonds (standing) with a group of women spinning to encourage more Salt Spring people to process the Island’s sheep wool, to create beautiful and useful things and keep the money on the Island. This is part of the “Festival of the Fleece” display in connection with the Salt Spring Island Fall Fair.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001023

Shirley Farm

The barn at Shirley Farm built about 1890 or earlier. Lucie Burkitt’s Border Collie, Trixie. The snow would be considered a 'light fall' photo taken in the 1945-46 winter.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1945-46

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001024

Shirley Farm

Spring blossoms at Shirley Farm, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. The original Mouat home built in 1888 from lumber rafted down from Nanaimo, moved over to the lake from Vesuvius.

From 1920 - 1948 the home of Theo and Jean Burkitt.

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001025

Shirley Farm

Hay making in July on the farm. The second alfalfa cutting about 1944. Lucie Birkitt on top of load.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1944

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001026

Shirley Farm

Haying time at Shirley Farm, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001027

Shirley Farm

Birkitt house, originally the Mouat house.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001028

Ganges, Salt Spring Island

Right side of photo, the government wharf at Ganges, about 1932.

RiOn right, Jean Burkitt with her mother Ellen Simmonds from Victoria, her grandchildren, Lucie and Geoffrey Burkitt.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1932

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001029

Port Washington, North Pender Island

Theo Burkitt in Mr. Howland’s boat at Port Washington, North Pender Island, B.C. 1930. Col. Macgregor Mackintosh, MP loaned the family the motor so they could have a holiday.

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001030

Shirley Farm

Shirley Farm, a crop of oats in the 'stock', six or eight sheaves propped together in the 1940’s

Collection: Burkitt

Location: Stuart file

Date: 1940s

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10 x 15 cm

Extent and Physical Description: copy

Accession number: 2004001031

Shirley Farm

The “boathouse” cottage at Lakeshore Fishing Camp - St. Mary’s Lake, mid 1940’s.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1940s

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 12.5 x 10 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001040

Shirley Farm

Small-mouth black bass caught in St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island, B.C. Photograph taken at Lakeshore Fishing Camp started by the Burkitt family. (Fishers’ unknown.)

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 194_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.5 x 11 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001041

Shirley Farm

A retired machinist from Michigan State U.S.A. and his wife at St. Mary’s Lake. They came up every summer for the fine black bass fishing.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 194_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 9.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001042

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt with Ruth and Keith Vidler at St. Mary’s Lake about 1946. The Vidlers came to the Burkitt’s fishing camp every summer, they were from California State, U.S.A.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1946_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 9.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001043

Shirley Farm

Haying time at Shirley Farm, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 194_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.3 x 8.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001044

Shirley Farm

Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island. The Burkitt’s called the two little islands “Tweedle-de and Tweedle-dum.”

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.8 x 11.4 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001045

Shirley Farm

Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island, looking West with Parminter Point in the centre

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001046

Shirley Farm

“The Crazy Fisherman”
Bass from St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island in the early 1930’s.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.3 x 6.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001047

Shirley Farm

September 1922, Nancy Inglis holding baby Brian (about 10 months old) and Jean Burkitt holding her son, 5 month old Geoffrey, at Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1922

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10.9 x 6.7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001048

Shirley Farm

Christening party at Vesuvius. Jean Burkitt, centre, holding baby Geoffrey and someone holding baby Brian Inglis. Theo Burkitt, second from right. Nancy Inglis on Jean’s left.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1922

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.5 x 11 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001049

Burkitt, Stuart

Wedding picture of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Crampton Stuart. Lucie Burkitt is the daughter of Jean and Theo Burkitt, formerly from Salt Spring Island and now residing at Saseenos, Vancouver Island. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. A.G.R. Stuart of North Salt Spring Island. The couple will make their home at 1635 Chandler Avenue, Victoria, B.C.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: December 2nd 1950

Responsibility: newspaper clipping

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 200 cm x 110 cm

Extent and Physical Description: newspaper clipping scanned.

Accession number: 2004001050

Fulford Harbour Farm

A post card of a Farm in Fulford Harbour, Salt Spring Island. “An old orchard blooms at Salt Spring Island’s Fulford Harbour. One of the first Gulf Islands to be settled. Salt Spring’s historic farmsteads are a major part of the island’s character.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 9.7 x 14.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001051

Shirley Farm

Geoffrey Theodore Burkitt aged 2 1/2 years.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1924

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11 x 6.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001052

Shirley Farm

Jean Cheetham as a young woman. She married Theo Burkitt.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1920

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 12.5 x 6 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001053

Shirley Farm

Jean Burkitt with baby Geoffrey in summer 1922.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1922

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 108 x 7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001054

Shirley Farm

l-r; Jean Burkitt, (Mary Jane) with her mother in-law Louise Burkitt (neé Flett) holding Geoffrey Theodore Burkitt in his christening gown. His father William Theodore Adlard Burkitt. Picture taken at Shirley Farm, Salt Spring Island 1922. Geoffrey was baptized at St. Mark’s Anglican Church.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1922

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 10.5 x 6.7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001055

Shirley Farm

Photo taken in 1923 of Burkitts’ and Mrs. Harvey. The original Mouat farm house on Tripp Road, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. It was built by the Mouat family from lumber rafted from Nanaimo (where there was a saw mill) to Vesuvius, in the late 1880’s. The lumber was hauled by ox team to the lake for building this home. On the ground floor there was a living room with large fireplace, a small room also with a fireplace, a bedroom with fireplace, a central hall and stairs to four bedrooms upstairs. In the lean-to at the back (away from the lake view) was a large kitchen with wood stove, a pantry with a wooden sink and a space for a future bathroom. The 4 1/2 foot round tin hip bath was set up by the kitchen stove for Saturday night baths for all.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1923

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 5.1 x 7.4 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001056

Burgoyne Bay

Burgoyne Bay, Salt Spring Island, B.C. Theo and Jean Burkitt with Lucie, about 1931. This was a favourite place to go for a Sunday picnic in their 1927 Chevrolet car.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1931

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.2 x 6.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001057

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt, winter 1926 in the wicker baby carriage, St. Mary’s Lake in distance.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1926

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11 x 6.7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001058

Shirley Farm

Front garden at Shirley Farm in the 1930’s. Jean Burkitt loved to create colour and beauty wherever she lived.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 193_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.4 x 6.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001059

Shirley Farm

The Burkitt family about 1927. Theo, Lucie aged 2, Jean and Geoffrey aged 5 at their home on St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1927

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.5 x 7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001060

Mrs. Palmer

Mrs. Palmer, Bill Palmer’s mother, after she retired from being Mr. Bullock’s housekeeper.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.4 x 6.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001061

Salt Spring Island Golf Course

The golf course at Central.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: postcard

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.7 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001062

Tent Island Picnic

l-r; “Pops” Cunningham, Jean Burkitt with her son Geoffrey behind and Bill Davey behind him. Maude Cunningham, Theo Burkitt and Guy Cunningham. Lucie Burkitt in front, about 1932.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1932

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.3 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001063

Shirley Farm

l-r; back row. Ronnie Hoole, Ormand Springford, Geoffrey Burkitt, Toddy Inglis, Dennis Inglis and Brian Inglis.
l-r, front row. Heather Hoole, Lucie Burkitt. It was Geoffrey’s 8th birthday, April 21, 1930. The ground is covered with cherry blossoms nipped off by the birds.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1930

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.8 x 11.3 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001064

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt, winter 1926, under kitchen window, St. Mary’s Lake in distance.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1926

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.7 x 11 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001065

Shirley Farm

Lakeshore Fishing Camp on St. Mary’s Lake in the 1930’s. Mr. Suddaby and his sons from Victoria.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 193_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.9 x 11.7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001066

Shirley Farm

Jean and Theo (William A.T. ) Burkitt just before their 24th wedding anniversary. They were married October 6, 1920.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1944

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.7 x 4.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001067

Ganges Harbour

Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island. Mouat’s Store complex and Government wharf in centre right. Estimated to be taken in late 1930’s or early 40’s.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 193_

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.8 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001068

Ganges Harbour

Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island. The Princess Mary, the C.P.R. boat departing (in centre of picture). Probably taken early 1930’s.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1930?

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.6 x 13.6 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001069

Ganges Harbour

Close up of previous picture

Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island. The Princess Mary, the C.P.R. boat departing (in centre of picture). Probably taken early 1930’s.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1930?

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.6 x 13.6 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001069a

Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island

Vesuvius Bay looking down Sansum Narrows.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1945

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.6 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001070

Ganges Harbour, Salt Spring Island

l to r; Ganges, B.C., Government wharf and freight shed, Mouat’s feed shed. Mouat Bros. Store, Ganges Inn in background. Near the top of the small boat dock was Miss Manson’s cottage.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.5 x 13.7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001071

Salt Spring Island, Aerial View

On right, Trincomali Channel, left of that, Long Harbour, Welbury Bay, Ganges Harbour. Vancouver Island in the background.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.7 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001072

Salt Spring Island, Aerial View

Ganges Harbour, Ganges. St. Mary’s Lake to the left. Vancouver Island in the background

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: post card

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.6 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001073

Lucie (Burkitt) Stuart

l - r; Heather Hives (nee Hoole) her father Sidney Hoole and mother Girlie and life long friend Lucie Stuart (nee Burkitt). They grew up on St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1965

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.7 x 12.3 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001074

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt on the float at Lakeshore Fishing Camp, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1942

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 14.3 x 8.3 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001075

Lucie Burkitt

Lucie Burkitt at Southey Point (Joan Hayword’s place) about 1948

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1948

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.3 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001076

Shirley Farm

Lucie and Theo Burkitt on St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island, taken about 1943.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1943

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001077

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt and a friend in rowboats from Lakeshore Fishing Camp, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. About 1943.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1943

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.8 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001078

Shirley Farm

Close up from previous picture

Lucie Burkitt and a friend in rowboats from Lakeshore Fishing Camp, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. About 1943.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1943

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.8 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001079a

Shirley Farm

Close up from previous picture

Lucie Burkitt and a friend in rowboats from Lakeshore Fishing Camp, St. Mary’s Lake, Salt Spring Island. About 1943.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1943

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 6.8 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001079b

Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island

Vesuvius Bay, Salt Spring Island. Probably taken in the early 1940’s. Looking south down Sansum Narrows. Vesuvius beach was where Theo Burkitt landed his farm animals to drive them by road up to his farm at St. Mary’s Lake in August of 1920. (Pigs walk slow!)

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1940

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 8.7 x 13.8 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001079

Shirley Farm

Lucie Burkitt and friend and their catch of bass from St. Mary’s Lake, about 1937.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: ca 1937

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.4 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001080

Vesuvius Bay

Front; Lucie Burkitt aged 6 with friends at Vesuvius Bay on Salt Spring Island. Jean Burkitt on right, behind Lucie is Peggy Smith.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1931

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 7 x 11.5 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001081

Shirley Farm

Geoffrey Theodore Burkitt aged 17, summer 1939 in his militia uniform of the 16th Batallion Canadian Scottish Regiment. He was under age so instead of going overseas with the regiment he joined the Canadian Coast Guard Lighthouse Service and was assistant lightkeeper at Lennard Island at Tofino, B.C.

Collection: Stuart

Location: Lucie Stuart, Victoria, B.C.

Date: 1939

Responsibility: private snapshot

Source: Lucie Stuart

Dimension: 11.5 x 7 cm

Extent and Physical Description: scanned

Accession number: 2004001082